
☼ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ☾

After the first day, school went how it usually was for Sonny. Moon didn't talk to her after their interactions on the first day and Sonny continued on in Math class in the back of the class alone. Miguel had joined the three at lunch daily, which Sonny was really happy about.

Sonny walked into Math class, heading straight for her empty table and taking a seat in her normal spot. As she leaned down to grab her notebook from her backpack on the ground, she felt someone sit next to her. She sat back up and turned to see who sat beside her. There next to her sat none other than Moon who was watching the teacher explain the lesson until she felt Sonny's eyes on her and turned to face the girl. "Hi Sonny."

"Hey Moon." Sonny slowly spoke, too afraid to blink incase Moon would vanish from beside her. She quickly cleared her throat, not wanting to embarrass herself. "Whatcha doing?"

Moon laughed at the question. "Um... the math assignment...?" She answered, the words coming out as a question. Sonny smiled, shaking her head. "No. I meant, why are you sitting next to me?"

Moon turned to face the girl completely and smiled. "The past few days, I noticed you sit all alone back here. Figured you could use some company. I can move back to my old seat of you wan-" "No!" Sonny said a little loud, catching the attention of a few other kids. Sonny shifted in her seat, clearing her throat as she shut her eyes in embarrassment. "You can... You can stay here."

Moon smiled at Sonny, nodding her head. "Okay. Good."

The creaky sound of the classroom door opening caught every student's attention. The entire class went silent as they watched to see who walked in and why.

A very uncomfortable Demetri walked into the door and Sonny sighed, bringing a hand up to her face. "Oh dear God." Demetri stared at the sea of students with wide eyes before looking to the teacher. "Mr. Uh... Mr. Smith wanted me to give this to you." He stumbled over his words, handing Sonnys math teacher a yellow folder when Demetri's eyes fell on his friend, sending her a small smile before he saw who was sitting next to her.

His jaw dropped as he watched the two sitting next to each other and Sonny glared at him, raising her brows as if to say 'get out'. Demetri raised his hand in surrender, making way out of the room but not before bringing his index and middle finger to his eyes before pointing them at Sonny in an 'I'm watching you' motion.

The whole class turned around to look at Sonny. Absolutely hating all the eyes on her, Sonny kept her eyes on her desk, and waited for everyone to look away.

Moon looked at Sonny with a small frown. "What's wrong?" She quietly asked, noticing how uncomfortable Sonny still was.

Sonny looked up at Moon and readjusted herself in her seat. "I just.. don't like all the eyes on me." Sonny slowly answered. Moon raised her eyebrows at the question, a small smile taking over her face realizing that's what's been bothering Sonny.

"Is that it?" Moon asked in a sincere tone, not trying to embarrass the girl more. Sonny didn't answer for a moment before nodding her head. Moon sighed, scooching her chair closer to Sonny's. "You shouldn't be embarrassed, you know? You're friend was trying to talk to you. Cracking jokes. I can always hear him making funny comments at your guys table."

Sonny froze. If Moons heard Demetri's jokes, who's to say she hasn't heard our conversations about her and her friend group or Sonnys crush on Moon. Sonny slowly turned to Moon, her mouth opening and closing in shock. "You can hear our conversations?" Moon looked at the girl with furrowed brows. "Yeah. I mean, our tables are like right next to each other."

Sonny grew more and more awkward as she looked anywhere but Moon's eyes. "Have you uh... have you heard a lot of our conversations?" Moons browned furrowed at the question and shook her head. "Nothing specific. No. Why?" Sonny sighed, facing ahead. "No reason. I just might murder Demetri." Sonny whispered the last sentence, Moon only hearing it in a mumbled voice, making her turn back to Sonny. "What was that?"

Sonny whipped her head to Moon, shaking her head. "Nothing." Sonny gave Moon a big smile that Moon returned, making Sonnys stomach flip.

It was quiet for a few seconds as Moon spoke up, keeping her eyes on the front of the class. "Plus, you should be get used to all the eyes on you. You're really pretty." Sonny felt her cheeks burn as her heart pounded against her chest. "You think I'm pretty?" Sonny quietly asked and Moon gave her a big smile, nodding her head. "Of course I do." Sonny stared at Moon for a few seconds, a small smile plastered against her face as the butterflies came back in her stomach.


When school was over, Sonny waited by her locker for Demetri and Eli. Every Friday, Sonnys sister, Jess would pick them up and take them to their house where they would watch whatever movies they had agreed to watch that week. This week was Harry Potter. "Are we ready to head to the Wizarding World, Miss Thompson." Sonny heard someone from behind her with a terrible British accent. She smiled at Eli and Demetri coming up to her and shook her head. "Not with that accent."

Demetri sighed as Eli laughed, moving to stand next to Sonny and she linked and Eli's arms and pointed her other elbow to Demetri, waiting for him to link their arms. Demetri looked back and forth between the two before sighing, linking arms with Sonny and she skipped out of the school and towards her sisters car.

Sonny hopped into the passenger seat, sending her older sister a smile as Eli got in the seat behind Sonny and Demetri behind Jess.

As soon as Demetri was fully in the car, he leaned forward, grabbing onto the back of Jess' chair so she could see him. "Jess? Have you talked to your sister recently?"

Jess gave Demetri a confused glance before laughing. "Uh... I live with her so yeah." Demetri shook his head, ignoring the glares Sonny was giving him. "No I mean like really talk to her. See how school was? Who she talks to? Who she sits next to in Math class?" Sonny spun around, whacking his shoulder, making him fall back into his seat as Jess turned to look at her little sister with raised brows.

"Who do you sit next to in Math class?" Jess asked with a small smirk but Sonny didn't answer and Demetri tilted his head to side, sending Sonny an evil grin. "Go on, Sonny." Sonny again didn't answer and Jess let out an annoyed sigh. "That's it. This is taking to long. Eli?" Jess asked, turning around in her seat to face the boy who hadn't talked yet. Eli looked up with wide eyes, looking back and forth between the two sisters.

"Moon..." Eli muttered and Jess heard, letting out an excited gasp. Sonny turned around in her seat to face Eli and he gave her a sad look. "I'm sorry! She scares me!" Jess smirked at his words, pointing a finger at Eli. "That's why you're my favorite." Demetri's jaw dropped at her words as Sonny laughed. Jess turned back around to face Sonny. "So... You sit next to Moon?"

Considering Eli, Jess and Demetri and now Miguel were the only people Sonny really talked to, they all knew about her crush on Moon. Sonny remembered the day she started having her crush on Moon. She was walking down the hall when Moon accidentally bumped into her, making Sonny drop all of her things. Moon helped her pick up all of her stuff and as soon as Sonny saw the girls smile, she instantly fell for her.

Sonny didn't meet anyone's eyes, keeping her eye on the road. "I'll have you know, today Moon decided to sit next to me because I'm apparently too lonely in that class." Sonny admitted and Jess smiled, rubbing her sisters knee. "This is good!"

"But if Eli doesn't sit in between me and Demetri during the movies, I'm killing Demetri." Sonny spoke in a blunt tone, catching Demetri off guard as his hands flew into the air in defense. Jess started driving as Sonny spun around in her seat to face her talkative friend.

"What the hell was that in my math class today?" Sonny scolded, copying the 'Im watching you' motion he had given her. Once Demetri realized what she was talking about, he calmed down a little, shrugging his shoulders. "I was simply making sure you knew what you were doing. Moon is a popular girl and I was looking out for you."

Sonny squinted at Demetri, watching him for a few seconds. "That was nice of you. You're a good friend I guess." Sonny mumbled, looking back ahead as Demetri's jaw dropped.

"You guess?!? Sonny, I'm your best friend!" Demetri screamed.

Sonny laughed, looking at Demetri through the rear view mirror. "I was kidding." She muttered through her laughter and Demetri playfully glared at her.

Sonny instantly returned the glare as Eli shifted in his seat awkwardly. "Can we make popcorn when we get to your house?" He asked, wanting to change the topic.

Jess smiled, nodding her head. "I'll make you guys popcorn when we get home." Eli went to open his mouth but Sonny already knew what he was gonna say. "And there'll be extra salt and butter." Eli smiled, nodding his head and sill leaning back into the seat.

eli and her are the definition of 🥺
while her and demetri fight like an old married couple

so i just wanna know...
do y'all want Sonny in a dojo? and if so which one?

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