twenty nine.


Sonny stood proudly beside Hawk and Demetri, watching Daniel and Johnny as they stood in front of their two dojos, now merged together as one.

"Many of us used to be enemies. But rivalries... Don't need to last forever." Daniel said, Johnny nodding in agreement before the LaRusso man continued.

"The All Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat-" "By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves!" Johnny yelled, Sonny jumping at his screams, not expecting it.

Hawk chuckled at Sonny's reaction, leaning towards her ear slightly with a small smirk as he kept his eyes on the senseis. "Forgot how much he yells?" Hawk asked and Sonny huffed, remembering all the times Johnny had yelled while she was in Cobra Kai, making her nod. "Yep."

"Eagles do not respond. They swoop down and take whatever they want. And that's what we're gonna do. Take back the Valley." Johnny yelled and Daniel shook his head, holding his hands out as he looked around at all the students worriedly. "Take it back in a measured and organized approach."

"We bite first!" Johnny yelled and Sonny pulled her lips into a line to hold back her snickers at the two mens very different beliefs.

Already getting tired of Johnny, Daniel sighed. "Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises." He said before he turned to Sonny, Demetri and Hawk on the leveled platform, gesturing for them to get off.

Sonny and Hawk instantly jumped off that platform as Demetri slowly walked off it, not wanting to get injured.

Sonny watched as Daniel took a deep breath before smiling at all his students. "And just breathe and follow me." He said before opening out his arms to start normal Mouagi-Do routine stretches, Demetri and Sonny following as Hawk waited for Johnnys instructions.

"Fighting positions!" Johnny yelled. Sonny flinched at the sudden noise before shaking it off, continuing to follow Daniels breathing exercises.

"Right leg back." Johnny yelled as Sonny took a deep breath.

"Front kick ready. Hi-yah!"

Ont the other side of the rows from Sonny, Nate went flying forward, falling face first in the grass. Mitch, who was standing behind the small boy, looked at him with wide eyes before quickly speeding over to him, trying to help him up. "Shit dude. I'm sorry."

Sonny sighed, turning to Demetri who was already giving her a fearful look. All she knew was that today was going to be a hard days.


After the back and forth of having the students from the dance dojos fight each other, Sonny grew tired, she had so far fought three times; going against Sam, Chris and Nate, winning the fights with Nate and Sam and losing against Chris.

Now, Daniel had Sam and Demetri fight and as much as she loved Demetri, she was glad she wasn't fighting him right now. The boy tended to never be the one to throw the first punch and would stand abnormally far back from his opponent, leaving the match to take forever.

That's what was happening now, Sam and Demetri had been circling each other for over 5 minutes, making Johnny groan from beside Sonny.

"One of you do something. What the hell is this?" Johnny yelled before looking to Sonny who was watching Sam and Demetri. Feeling eyes on her, Sonny turned to look up at Johnny, scrunching her nose as she shook her head. "That's not really how this works. One of us has to be provoked."

Johnny looked at Sonny with wide eyes, shocked by her words before turning back to Demetri and Sam, throwing his water bottle at Demetri. Sonny's hand flew to her mouth, holding back a laugh as Hawk, who was on the other side of her, let his out.

"Provoked yet?" Johnny asked, raising his brows sarcastically at Demetri before turning back to Sonny, scoffing as he gestured to Demetri and Sam. "Can't believe you left us for this." He muttered and Sonny squinted a glare at the man.

"Well, in case you forgot, I didn't choose to leave. I was kicked out." Sonny snapped at the man as Daniel hollered for all the students to go to the meditation room. Johnny stared at Sonny in shock as she walked passed him and to the room where all the students plus Daniel crowded, waiting for Johnny to come in and have more students of his fight.

When Johnny called up Hawk and Mitch, Sonny stuck her hand out, her and Hawk doing their handshake as he walked into the middle of the room, sending an intimidating smirk Mitch's way.

Hawk and Mitch got in their fighting stance as Johnny raised his arm before bringing it back down. "Fight!"

Hawk immediately ran at Mitch to attack, grabbing his shoulders so he'd have the advantage to knee the boy. Mitch landed a punch on Hawk, making him let go. Hawk went to kick Mitch but right before his foot could meet the boy's face, Mitch ducked and Hawks foot landed right in one of the room's paper screens.

Sonny gasped, her hand going to her mouth before she started to laugh, hiding her face in Demetri's shoulder so Daniel wouldn't yell at her as Hawk struggled to unfree his foot. "Shit!"

"You see, this is why we don't spar in here." Daniel said. Johnny stared at the broken screen before taking another swig of his Coors and sighing as he walked out of the room. "All right. Class dismissed." He yelled and Daniel scoffed, walking out in the other direction.

When Daniel was completely gone, Sonny finally removed her face from Demetri's shoulder, laughing as she walked towards Hawk with an amused look. "Nice going. You're already the teachers pet.

Hawk sighed, looking back at what he had broken before turning back to Sonny and Demetri. "He won't get too mad, right?"

Sonny sighed, walking towards the boy and wrapping a lazy arm around him and Demetri as she led them out of the room and towards the driveway. "He'll be fine. A little whiny about it but nothing too bad."


After Demetri, who had gotten a car for Christmas, drove Sonny home. The girl headed straight up to her room, showering and changing into new clothes so she wouldn't be covered in sweat from the tiring day.

When she was dressed and out of the shower, she walked into her room, tying her hair up into a ponytail when her laptop started to ring from her desk.

Sonny walked towards her desk, seeing who was calling her and smiling at Moons contact popping up. Sonny grabbed her laptop, disconnecting it from the charger as she walked towards her bed, lying down on her stomach as she answered the call.

"Hey!" Sonny heard as soon as she answered the call. Her eyes went wide as she laughed, not expecting Moon to be so excited as soon as she opened the call. "Hi!" Sonny laughed out.

"How was the first day?" Moon asked, her camera shaking as she moved to sit in her bed. Sonny sighed, her brows furrowing as she gave Moon a confused look. "Weird. Kinda."

"Weird? Why?" Moon asked and Sonny sighed, trilling her lips. "I think it's because I haven't been around Sensei Lawrence in a while. If you talked to me a year ago, I would be saying he's who I considered a father figure in some type of way. He helped me compete in the All Valley last year and even gave me advice to get with you." Sonny rambled and Moons brows shot up at Sonny's last sentence, smirking. "Really?"

Sonny gave Moon a playful "really?" look at the girl just laughed at, shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Continue." Moon said, gesturing towards the screen as if to tell Sonny to keep going.

Sony sighed, dropping her head into the pillow in front of her before craning her neck so she could see Moon on the computer screen. "I don't know. I guess since now Daniels my father figure now, it's like—" "Stepdad meets your real dad?" Moon finishes Sonny's sentence.

Sonny snickered a laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "I've never gone through that. But that's exactly what it feels like." She had and Moon frowned before giving her girlfriend a big smile. "Just... give it some time. Everything will fall into place and it'll be easier."

"I'm trusting you on that." Sonny spoke, lifting her head off her pillow as she tried to keep a serious face on but she kept cracking small smiles.

Moon tried to hold back a smile as well before her face quickly went stone cold as she started Sonny. "No but seriously, I need you to win. Or at least beat Demetri." Moon said and Sonny's brows furrowed.

"What? Why?"

Moons lips pursed as she slowly started to look of camera. Sonny watched as Moons hand reached towards her computer before she hit the mute button and spoke.

Sonny tilted her head, tapping her laptop playfully, knowing Moon could hear the tapping noise. The girl turned back to the screen and Sonny smiled. "I think you muted yourself." She whispered.

Moon acted clueless, tilting her head before clicking her computer again. Her jaw sarcastically dropped when her mic turned back on. "Oh my God! Look at that!" Moon yelled, a joking tone in her voice that made Sonny laugh.

When the laughter started to die down, Moon rose a single brow at Sonny, leaning closer to her laptop. "Okay, Here's the plan." Moon whispered as if they were undercover. Sonny nodded, leaning closer to her laptop as Moon continued.

"I'm going to tell you why you need to beat Demetri in the All Valley and then I'm gonna hang up before you yell at me." Moon whispered and Sonny laughed, looking at Moon with furrowed brows. "What? What do you mea—" "Yasmine and I netted on you two!" Moon yelled before she hung up, her picture leaving Sonny's screen.

Sonny's jaw dropped, one single laugh passing through before she shook her head and closed her laptop.



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