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"So, what are we doing for Halloween?" Sonny asked Demetri and Eli as Miguel was still in line for his lunch, resting her elbows on the table and her head in her hands. She saw Eli open his mouth, answering the question but she could barely hear him over the loud chatter of the kids in the cafeteria, only making out one word. Plastics.

Sonny raised her brows at his answer, taking a sip of her chocolate milk as the sound of microphone feedback rang through the air. "May I have your attention?" Counselor Blatt announced, making the room quiet and turn to her.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Counselor Blatt announced to the students. Sonny sighed, looking down at the feeling of all the students eyes on her table.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Eli bring his hand up to his lip. Just before he could cover his scar, Sonny grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand down away from the scar. "Ignore them, E. Your scar is awesome." Sonny whispered, making Eli sadly smile. "Thanks, Sonny." He whispered and she returned the smile.

"You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel suggested and Sonny's eyebrows furrowed. "Karate?" Sonny asked. She didn't really believe Miguel would be the type to do karate. Miguel smiled, nodding his head as Demetri scoffed. "Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass."

Sonny rolled her eyes at her friends sarcasm as Miguel sighed. "I'm serious, Demetri. Alright? My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I could get you three discounts." Demetri scrunched his face, shaking his head. "As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control that getting hit in the face." Sonny noticed Eli's face dropped and lightly elbowed him, making him turn to her.

She raised her brows at Eli, sending him a small smile as if to say "do what you want" making him smile at her. The two were always able to read each other, being best friends since the age of five had its perks and that was one of them.

"Oh, and one last thing. While we're all looking forwards to the Halloween dance, our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example... 'sexy nurse', maybe try 'gender-neutral hospital employee'." Counselor Blatt cheered and Sonny snorted from trying to hold back her laugh. Her had flew to her mouth, laughing at her own snort. As she laughed, her head turned slightly to see the popular table, her eyes falling on Moon who was laughing with Yasmine.

Moon turned to face Sonny's table, smiling when she found Sonny already looking at her.


Sonny walked into the high school gym in her Halloween costume. She was dressed up as Regina George when her shirt was cut. The white T-shirt with holes where the nipples should be and a purple tank top underneath. As she looked around the room for Demetri and Eli, her eyes passed over Yasmine, Sam and Moon dressed as Laker girls. Sonny couldn't help but blush at how pretty Moon looked before going back to look for her friends.

As soon as her eyes landed on Demetri and Eli dressed as a necromancer and a doctor, Sonny immediately grew uncomfortable, crossing her arms over her chest to cover the holes on her shirt.

"What are you wearing?" Demetri gasped as he saw Sonny and even though she couldn't see it, she knew Eli's jaw dropped out her outfit. "I thought we were going as the plastics!" Sonny cried out, confusing Demetri more as he furrowed his brows. "Why the hell would we dress up as the plastics?"

"Eli said we were." Sonny said, pointing to her friend who instantly started shaking his head no. "I said plastic surgeon not the plastics!" Eli whispered and Sonny nodded. "Yeah, I got that now."

"Hey guys." A voice appeared behind Sonny and she turned around, her arms still crossed over her chest and smiled and Miguel who went to stand beside her. Demetri smiled at Miguel, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, Skeleton. Classic." Miguel nodded. "Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume." Sonny sighed, leaning against Eli. "Oh, here we go."

"Sorcerer? Please. I'm a necromancer." Demetri said as if it was obvious but Miguel just grew more confused. "What?" "Didn't you see the amulet?" Miguel nodded, still not completely understanding the conversation and turned to Eli. "So, are you a regular doctor or-" "Plastic surgeon. I fix lips." Eli interrupt and Sonny let out a playful huff. "Didn't forget the 'surgeon' part this time." Eli turned Sonny, giving her a 'really' look and Sonny raised her eyebrows, shrugging.

Miguel turned to Sonny with furrowed brows. "And I don't know what you're dressed as." Sonny sighed, letting her arms fall so Miguel could see the main part of her costume. Miguel laughed, nodding his head. "Ah, Regina George." Sonny nodding her head, letting out a sarcastic hum. "Yes... Someone with taste in movies." Sonny sassed, giving Demetri a look that he immediately rolled his eyes to.

Sonny was absolutely obsessed with Mean Girls and luckily, Eli would always watch it with her, the movie actually becoming a guilty pleasure of his but anytime she'd try to get Demetri to watch it, he'd always add in his two cents, claiming that no one actually makes out with hotdogs or writes their own burn books.

Miguel sighed, shaking his head. "Nah. My mom made me watch it." Sonny's smile faltered before it grew again. "Well then, I'm gonna go and get some punch." She sassed before walking over to the snack bar.

She quickly got her punch and turned back to her friends when she heard Demetri groan. Sonny watched Demetri flail his arms around dramatically while he explained to Miguel what a necromancer was. She laughed at his antics before feeling arms wrap around her shoulders from behind, pulling her into a hug.

"I love your costume!" The voice behind her cheered. It was Moon. Sonny smiled at Moon's voice, spinning around and pulling Moon into a real hug. "Thanks. I really like yours too." Sonny responded quietly.

Moon smiled, pulling at the bottom of her Laker shirt before looking back up at Sonny with a small smile, her cheeks going a little red but Sonny didn't notice from the strobe lights. "Thanks. I would've asked you to do the group costumes with us but I know you don't really know Sam and Yasmine that well."

Sonny shook her head, let out an airy laugh that got rid of some nerves. "It's okay. Not a big fan of basketball anyway." Moon laughed at Sonny's words before Yasmine called her over from the other side of the room. Moon looked back and forth between Yasmine and Sonny before grabbing Sonny's hand, interlacing their fingers and walking towards Yasmine and Sam. "Um... Where are we going?" Sonny quietly asked. She knew the answer but was hoping she was wrong.

"I'm gonna introduce you to Yasmine and Sam. Don't worry. They'll love you." Moon reassured just as they got to the pair. Sam looked up at the sound of people walking over and smiled at Sonny, the Thompson girl returning the gesture with a more awkward and tight lipped smile. Yasmine though, had not looked up from her phone. Moon cleared her throat and put on a big smile. "Yasmine, Sam, this is my friend Sonny."

Sam nodded her head at the girl, smiling again. "Hi, Sonny." Sonnys smile grew a bit more genuine at Sam's smile and nodded her head as well. Before Sam became popular, her and Sonny were always lab partners because Eli and Demetri weren't in that class with Sonny and Aisha wasn't in that class with Sam. "Hi." Sonny quickly squeaked, her voice cracking towards the end of her greeting from Yasmine finally looking up at Sonny, a slight glare in her eyes.

Sonny felt herself shrink as Yasmine examined her. "What'd you say your name was?" Yasmine asked as if she was trying to figure something out. Sonny cleared her throat, finally meeting the blondes eyes. "Uh... Sonny Thompson." Yasmine made a small 'o' shape with her mouth, her brain finally clicking on how she knew Sonny. "Thompson! You're the one with the dead parents, right?"

Sonny, Moon and Sam froze at her words. No one expected that to come out of her mouth. Moon started scolding Yasmine as Sonny bit her lip, swallowing the lump forming in her throat and nodding. "Yep. That's me." Sonny answered in a monotone voice, and Yasmine smiled, not seeing anything wrong with what she had said.

"You're rich right?" Yasmine asked with the nice smile, catching Sonny off guard but Yasmine already knew the answer and didn't even give Sonny time to open her mouth before asking her next question. "Do you still hang out with those losers?" Sonny shut her mouth at the question, growing protective over Eli, Demetri and now Miguel and before her mind could think about what she was saying, her mouth started talking. "Yeah. And I see you're still a bitch."

"Sonny!" Moon scolded and Sonny turned to the girl, innocently shrugging. "What? I'm not gonna let her walk all over me." Yasmine let out a little hum. "Guess the loser will always be a loser."

Sonny slowly turned to Yasmine, an evil smirk on her face. "I think the wrong one of us dressed as Regina George tonight." Sonny went to walk passed Yasmine, purposely bumping shoulders with the blonde so her red punch spilled all over her Laker Girl costume. Sonny didn't look back at the sound of Yasmine's screech, instead, she was smirking as she walked towards the center of the dance floor.


Sonny waiting by the edge of the gym for Miguel, Demetri, and Eli to come back to the bathroom. She had gotten a text from Eli about 5 minutes ago telling her that they left and would be right back.

She felt her phone vibrate from her back pocket and quickly pulled it out incase it was one of the boys but instead, it was much much worse.

She felt her heart break for Aisha Robinson. Yasmine's post had the whole room already laughing at her. 'THE BUFFET TABLE IS UNDER ATTACK!!!!' was the caption of the video Yasmine took of Aisha as a pig snout was plastered on her face. Sonny had never talked to the girl before but from knowing how Eli felt to be bullied, she knew Aisha was definitely not okay.

Sonny turned to the snack bar where she had last seen Aisha and saw her running out of the room. Sonny ran after her and after a few twists and turns down the hall, she had lost the girl. Sonny stopped in a random hallway, leaning herself up against the row of lockers as she tried to catch her breath. "Damn, I gotta exercise more." She whispered to herself under her breath but if anyone was around her to hear it, it would've just sounded like tired breathing from how tired she had gotten.

Soft footsteps could be heard from down the hall but Sonny kept her eyes closed, trying to catch her breath. She felt a hand touch her shoulder, making her jump in shock but relaxing once she saw Moon. "Hi." Sonny whispered, not meeting Moon's eyes as she rested her head against the lockers, still standing.

Moon sighed, leaning against the lockers beside Sonny. "I didn't know she was gonna do that."

Sonny didn't meet Moon's eyes. Instead, Sonny was watching the lockers across the hallway. "Which part? Calling out my dead parents or making fun of Aisha?" Sonny snarked under her breath. Moon looked down at her hands and sighed. "I'm sorry about what Yasmine said about your parents. She's blunt like that sometimes and doesn't realize what she's saying might hurt other." Sonny let out a huff looking down the hall opposite of Moon before she felt a hand grab hers.

Sonny looked down at her hand to see Moons purple nail polished hand interlocked with Sonny's blue ones. She smiled at them before she looked back up at Moon.

"I really am sorry." Moon whispered. Sonny nodded her head, not really in her head at the moment to hear Moons words.

Before she could give any sort of response, two pounding footsteps and the sounds of people out of breath bounced through the walls of the hallway and Eli and Demetri turned down the hall Moon and Sonny were in, running away from the boys bathroom as fast as possible.

The two were running so fast, Sonny was surprised neither of them slipped over their own feet. "Sonny, we gotta go!" Demetri screamed as if he was being chased by a monster. Sonny scrunched her face in confusion as they got closer and closer to her but their steps didn't slow.

"Wh-" "No time to explain! Just run!" Demetri screamed as Eli grabbed her hand, pulling her along on his run. Sonny tripped over her feet but caught herself so she didn't fall and bring Eli down with her. Sonny looked back at Moon and gave her a wow my wave. "Uh.. I gotta go. I call you!" Moon smiled and nodded, walking back towards the gym and Sonny looked back ahead where her and the boys were now almost outside of the school. "Where's Miguel?" Sonny asked out of breath as they ran out of the school and they finally stopped, the three unathletic tend trying to catch their breaths.

"We had to leave him behind." Demetri muttered in between breaths and Sonnys brows furrowed. "Leave him behind? What? Were there murders or something after you three?" Sonny sarcastically asked and Eli nodded. "Close enough."

-sonnys halloween costume


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