thirty two.
☼the fight of a lifetime☾
After Kreese and the unknown man stopped by Miyagi-Do, Daniel cancelled practice and sent everyone home. Hawk went home with Sonny, saying he needed help with something.
When they got to Sonny's house, Hawk didn't even let Sonny put her bag down before he grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards her bathroom.
When they were inside, Eli let go of her wrist, putting the bag that was in his other hand on the table as he pulled out purple hair dye. Sonny immediately started to smile, nodding her head.
She turned to Hawk and saw him giving her the same look, nodding his head back at her.
"Did you find anything on that Silver guy?" Sonny asked Demetri and they walked into school the next morning, Hawk on the other side of Sonny. Demetri sighed at the question, pulling his Ipad out of his backpack as he shook his head. "Not much. All I know is that he's a Vietnam Vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs, but still turned out pretty rich."
Sonny's brows furrowed, looking up at Demetri. "That's it?" She asked and Demetri nodded, shrugging. "Like I said, not much dirt other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the 80s." Demetri said as he read the ipad and Hawk snickered, shaking his head before turning to look at Demetri from over Sonny. "Jeez, sounds like a Renaissance man. How'd you even find out his name?"
Demetri pursed his lips, pulling his backpack around to out his ipad back inside as he shrugged. "I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC." He said as Yasmine and Moon walked towards the three, Yasmine smirking at Demetri as Moon happily ran to Sonny, wrapping her arms around Sonny's waist.
"I love it when you talk nerdy." Yasmine muttered and Demetri snickered, smirking back at Yasmine. "You are both the first and my favorite person to say that." He said before Yasmine wrapped her arms around Demetri, throwing herself into a kiss.
Sonny gasped, looking away as she turned to Moon and Eli. "I'm uncomfortable. Are you guys uncomfortable?" Sonny asked, making Hawk and Moon laugh. Hearing Hawk laugh, Moon turned her head to look at him and her eyes instantly widened at his purple hair. "Oh my Gosh! You got a new hue!" She yelled, making Eli's eyes widen, not expecting her to react so loudly.
"Purple's the color of the crown chakra, you know?" Moon said. Hawk, not knowing what that meant, turned to Sonny. Sonny's eyes widened, shrugging as she shook her head. Noticing Eli and Sonny silently talking, Moon turned to look at Sonny and laughed at her Sonny's reaction. Moon turned back to Hawk and tilted her head.
"It symbolizes enlightenment." Moon explained and Hawk made an 'o' shape with his mouth, nodding his head.
The bell rang and Moon groaned, turning to Sonny as she grabbed her hands. Sonny looked up from the school bell to Moon, smiling when she saw the wide eyed, excited expression on Moons face.
"I know you have karate tonight, but remember, we have cheerleading next week for our first competition." Moon said and Sonny nodded, squeezing Moons hands in reassurance. "Already talked to Daniel and Johnny. I'm all good as long as I practice with someone." Sonny said and Eli, overhearing the conversation, wrapped an arm around Sonny's shoulders. "Demetri and I already said we'd keep her up to date." Hawk said, making Moon smile wider, nodding.
"Great! Okay! See you at lunch." Moon said, pulling Sonny into a quick kiss. When they pulled away, Moon, Sonny and Eli all turned to Yasmine and Demetri who were still saying their goodbyes.
"Save me a seat at lunch?" Yasmine asked, looking up at Demetri with big, doll-like eyes and Demetri fell into a smile, nodding his head. "Yeah." He muttered dreamily. Yasmine smiled, grabbing the collar of Demetris shirt, pulling him into a kiss.
When they pulled away, Yasmine smirked, her arms traveling lower down his body. "Specifically this one." Yasmine snarled, grabbing Demetri's butt.
Sonny gasps, her hand flying to her mouth as she turned to Eli, putting her forehead against his arm. When Moon and Yasmine were gone, Hawk looked between Demetri and Sonny, laughing as he shook his head. "All right, no offense but I have no idea how you two pulled that off."
Demetri's trilled his lips, laughing. "Neither do I. I guess I was just myself and that somehow worked." Demetri said and Sonny nodded in agreement, sighing. "13 year old me would be sobbing right now."
When the three turned down the hallway, they were met with Miguel and Sam. Sonny sent them both a smile but neither of them returned it, worrying her.
"Yo, you guys won't believe this." Miguel said, stopping Demetri, Sonny and Eli from heading to class. Sonny's brows furrowed in worry as Miguel sighed. "Sensei got drunk and went on a twitter rant." Miguel said and Sonny pulled her lips together, nodding as she looked up at Eli and Demetri, nodding her head.
"I believe that." She said and Demetri nodded. "Ditto. I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet." Demetri said and Miguel sighed, handing him his phone that was open to Johnnys twitter account.
Sonny looked over Demetri's shoulder to read the tweets as Hawk did the same from over Sonny's shoulder.
"IT'S ON: LAWRENCE-LARUSSO REMATCH!! hashbrown dead meat"
"It's time for the Valley to see what karate is all about!"
"Tomorrow night. Eagles reign supreme!"
Demetri laughed as he scrolled through the tweets, looking up at Miguel with an amused grin. Miguel sighed, shaking his head worriedly. "Looks like him and Sensei LaRusso are gonna have a rematch."
"Wait. So they're really gonna fight." Hawk asked, looking up from the phone, his eyes wide like a kid on Christmas. Sonny sighed, shaking her head. "I'd pay to see that." She muttered before she gasped, turning to Hawk beside her with wide eyes. "We should sell tickets." She said and Eli's eyes widened, nodding his head excitedly as Demetri's brows furrowed in confusion, looking back up at Miguel.
"Who does he even think he's tweeting to? You are his only follower." Demetri said and Sonny snickered, looking over Demetri's shoulder to read Johnny's twitter account as she pulled out her phone from her pocket and opened twitter. "I don't know, but I'm gonna follow him."
"So this is real? Sensei and Sensei are gonna throw down?" Hawk asked, a big grin on his face. The whole group nodded, making Hawk laugh, nodding his head excitedly. "That's awesome." He whispered again as the bell rang.
One by one, the group started to separate until it was just Hawk and Sonny. As they started to walk down the hall to their class, Sonny turned to look up at Hawk with a big smile. "Okay, so I'm thinking, 20 bucks a piece."
Eli perked up, turning his head and raising his brows at Sonny. "50/50 split?" He asked and Sonny nodded, making Elu stick his hand out for Sonny to shake. "Deal." He said a/!Sonny nodded, shaking his hand. "Deal."
"He's here. He's here!" Mitch yelled as Johnny walked into the backyard of Miyagi-Do. Sonny's eyes widened at Mitch's yells, quickly stuffing the money she got from all the students coming into the backyard so Johnny wouldn't see. Sonny didn't know where Eli was but she figured she still sell tickets and give him partial when he showed up.
"Anything you want to say to the camera, Sensei Lawrence?" Chris asked but Johnny ignored him. Chris and Mitch's jaws dropped at Johnny. The two looked around for someone to put their camera on and Sonny, noticing them, turned to the camera and gave them a big smile and two thumbs up before turning back to the stage.
She watched as Miguel and Sam walked onto stage beside the senseis, flags in their hands. "Face us." Sam instructed. The two men turned to Miguel and Sam, bowing.
"Face each other." Miguel spoke and they turned to each other, bowing again before getting in their fighting positions. Sam and Miguel locked eyes for a second before nodding, fanning their flags down, Sam yelling a "Fight!"
Johnny wasted no time running towards Daniel, sending him kick after kick. Daniel blocked every kick Johnny sent him until Johnny sent a kick towards his head. Daniel blocked it and while the man was distracted, Johnny punched him in the gut.
"Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled, raising the flag in the air. Daniel turned to her with wide eyes, tilting his head. "Sensei Lawrence strikes first!" Chris yelled and Mitch laughed, moving so he was in front of the camera. "True to the motto painted on his former dojo wall, and covered into his very being."
"Score 1-0. Lawrence." Miguel yelled and the two men got into fighting positions.
"Ready?" Sam asked and when the men nodded, her and Miguel drew their flags down, Miguel screaming a loud "Fight!"
This time, Daniel started towards Johnny. Johnny backed backed away from Daniel as he sent him a punch. Johnny dodged the punch and just as he was about to raise his leg to kick him, Daniel kicked him in the stomach, sending him back a couple steps.
Miguel rose his hand with the flag in the air. "Point, LaRusso!" He yelled.
Sam and Miguel walked to stand beside their sensei's again as they both raised their flags. "Score is 1-1. Ready?" When the two men nodded, Sam and Miguel swung the flags down, Sam yelling, "Fight!"
This round, Johnny's techniques were much more aggressive as he sent punch after kick to Daniel. Daniels eyes were wide the whole time, blocking everything Johnny sent him. Johnny went to kick Daniel in the head again but Daniel grabbed his leg, kicking him in the stomach.
"Hell yeah! 2-1. Larusso takes the lead!" Chris screamed and Sonny nodded, watching in amusement. "All he has to do is score one more point and Larusso is the winner." Sonny said and Johnny turned to her, glaring slightly.
"Score is 2-1 LaRusso." Miguel said as the men got back into their fighting position. "Ready?" Miguel said and Sam nodded. "Fight!"
Johnny went to punch Daniel but Daniel grabbed his wrist. With his other hand, Daniel raised his hand, hitting Johnny in his inner elbow. Johnny grunted in pain as Daniel hit him a few inches away from his armpit.
Sonny watched in shock as Johnnys arm dropped, as if he couldn't feel it anymore. Johnny looked down at his arm in shock before looking up at Daniel. "What the hell, man?" He whispered but Daniel just shrugged.
Johnny glared at Daniel, running towards him. Quickly, he wrapped himself around Daniel before bringing them both to the ground. As they lied on the floor, Johnny raised his foot, bringing it back down at kicking Daniel in the stomach.
"Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled before continuing. "Score is 2-2." She said and Miguel nodded, looking between Johnny and Daniel. "Next point wins."
"Ready." Sam said, her words slow to give the men time to get into fighting positions. Miguel looked back and forth between them before bringing down his flag. "Fight!"
Johnny ran towards Daniel going to kick him but Daniel side stepped away, turning around to Johnny and grabbing his arm and spinning around, sending him to the floor. Just as Daniel was about to kick Johnny in the stomach, finishing the fight, Johnny rolled away and stood back up.
Daniel went to punch Johnny but Johnny blocked it, grabbing Daniels arm and throwing him into one of the piles of the sparring deck. Johnny went to kick Daniel in the head but Daniel ducked, moving around to kick Johnny. At the same time, the two men sent slim kicks to each other's faces, both of them falling to the floor.
Sonny winced at the men, her fist going to her mouth as a low "ohhh" of pain left her lips. "Point Lawrence!" Sam yelled, throwing her flag in the air as Miguel did the same. "Point LaRusso!"
At the same time, their faces scrunched in confusion, both of them turning to each other. "Are you sure?" Sam asked and Miguel's brows rose. "Are you sure?"
"Check the replay." Johnny groaned as he got up. Miguel and Sam ran towards the edge of the sparring deck as Chris turned the phone to them, replaying the fight.
They watched the phone as Johnny and Daniel kicked each other at the same time before falling to the ground.
"Go to another angle." Johnny said and Sonny looked back at Johnny, shaking her head. "There is no other angle." She said, making Johnny look down at her angrily. "Didn't you guys have another phone?"
Sonny gave the man an "are you kidding me?" look, shaking her head. "No, why would we have another phone?" She asked as Demetri turned back to the phone from beside her but his eyes caught a figure walking towards them, his brows furrowed. "Eli?"
Sonny's head snapped at the mention of Eli, turning to where Demetri was looking. Her brows furrowed at Eli coming towards them with his hood up considering Sonny and Demetri are the only people he ever has his hair down for.
When Eli got closer to the group and Sonny heard him sniffle, her heart stopped and she quickly pushed passed the other students before taking slow steps towards Eli.
"Shit, Eli. What happened?" Demetri asked, walking up from behind Sonny.
Eli slowly looked up at Sonny and Demetri, his hand shaking towards his hood before he pulled his it down. Sonny's heart dropped at Eli's mohawk gone, only two little patches of purple left on his head.
Eli sniffled as he looked at Sonny for a few seconds before turning to Demetri. "They jumped me." Eli spoke up, trying to muster up as much courage as he could to speak.
"Cobra Kai?" Sonny asked softly, her brows furrowed in sadness for how sad and scared her best friend looked. Eli nodded, tears still filled in his eyes.
Johnny scoffed, walking up from the back of the crowd. "Kreese and Silver did this. They need to pay." Johnny grumbled, making Daniel dry laugh. "Jesus, Johnny please. I don't think it's good to go to Cobra Kai." Daniel said and Johnny turned to him, his face reddening in anger. "Look what they did!" He yelled. pointing at Eli.
"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer? Why am I not surprised?" Daniel yelled, an annoyed laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head.
Johnny looked at Daniel as if he were crazy. "You still think your way is the only way." He said with a laugh. Daniels brows furrowed, only making Johnnys smile wider as he walked towards him. "You were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank. If they kicked ass like I taught them, this never would've happened."
Daniel clenched his jaw in anger. He looked back at the students before turning back to Johnny. "If they fight every time you kids are provoked, where does that lead? Back to the hospital? Or to jail? Just 'cause you spent time in both–" "Enough, Dad!" Sam yelled, not being able to stand the two fighting anymore.
Daniel did a double take at Sam defying against him, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights. "What?" He whispered and Sam turned to Johnny, smiling. "Johnny's right. It doesn't matter how many times we stand up to Cobra Kai, if we don't strike first, they're gonna keep striking."
Sonny looked back and forth between the LaRussos and Eli before walking towards Daniel and Sam, standing shoulder to shoulder with Sam.
"I hate to butt in but she's right, Mr. LaRusso." Sonny said and Daniel eyes grew wider, shocked that not only Sam but was too Sonny. Sonny gulped at the look in the man's face, she turned to Sam and she gave her a reassuring nod, making Sonny turn back to Daniel.
"Cobra Kai keeps finding ways to go after us when we just walk away. We have to strike first. I mean look at what they did!" Sonny said, looking at Eli but not pointing at him, knowing he was already feeling embarrassed. Daniel clenched his jaw as Sonny shook her head, shrugging. "Who knows what they'll do next."
Daniel looked at the two girls in shock and betrayal. His head slowly turned to Johnny, his eyes squinted and his lips curled in anger as he scoffed. "And you were worried about my influence on your kids?" He snapped before pointing at the rest of the students behind him. "Is this what you want Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?"
Johnny glared back at Daniel, shaking his head. "You don't have to worry about that anymore. Because we're done." He said and Sonny's eyes widened.
Daniel smiled, opening his hands out. "Works for me." He said and Johnny scoffed, shaking his head before turning to the crowd of students behind Daniel. "Eagle Fangs, let's go!" Johnny yelled, turning and walking out of the yard.
One by one, the Eagle Fang students started to walk out of the yard until only Eli was left.
Eli looked up from the ground again, his eyes scanning Sonny and Demetri's faces, checking to see if either of them would be upset for him leaving with Eagle Fang.
When he saw both of them with sad but accepted looks on their faces, he gave them one shaky and partially fake smile before turning and walking away after the rest of Eagle Fang.
As Eli left, Demetri walked towards Sonny, wrapping his arm and resting his head on her shoulders, both of them watching their friend leave.
—sonny and eli >
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