thirty six.
As the medic checked on Miguel, Demetri and Robby fought for a spot in the finals. Robby won three-two. Next was the final fight to decide who in the girls division was going to the finals, and the fight would be between Sonny and Sam.
Sonny and Sam slowly walked towards Daniel; the man had an excited look in his face as he rubbed his hands together. "You two got this. Just remember everything I've taught you guys. Either way, Miyagi-Do is making it to finals." He said.
Sam smiled and headed to the mat. Sonny hesitated and gulped. She started to fidget with the bracelet around her wrist as she grew the courage to look Daniel in the eyes. Once she did, she sighed when Daniel's face dropped, noticing her nervous look.
"Respectfully Sensei, I wanted to let you know in advance that I will be using moves I learned from Sensei Lawrence in this fight." Sonny said and Daniel's face paled as he squinted. "Excuse me?" He asked and Sonny immediately started to shake her head. Daniel's jaw slowly started to drop. Sonny didn't notice the action and continued to speak.
"Anyone with eyes can see that Cobra Kai knows Miyagi-Do's moves. Robby probably taught them. And if I want to win, I have to make sure I use every move I know. Normally, I am the worst when it comes to people pleasing, but I didn't get to go that far in last years competition." Sonny's words stopped when she ran out of air.
Demetri put a hand on her shoulder, looking down at her with wide eyes. "Breathe woman. Breathe." He said. Sonny closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"You've got this." He reassured and Sonny looked away from Daniel and up to Demetri. She smiled and nodded her head. Without looking at her sensei, Sonny hopped onto the mat and walked towards her spot.
"Up next, competing from the same dojo, give it up for Sonny Thompson and Sam LaRusso!" Daryl screamed and Sam turned to Sonny, sticking her arm out for Sonny to shake.
"May the best fighter win." Sam spoke, making Sonny smile, shaking Sam's hand as she nodded. "May the best fighter win." Sonny replied with a smirk.
The two girls hopped onto the mat and walked to the center of the stage, Sam having her back to Miyagi-Do while Sonny stood across from her, her back to Cobra Kai.
The referee looked back and forth between Sonny and Sam before bringing his hand down. "Fight!" He screamed before running back.
Sonny ran towards Sam, instantly kicking her in the stomach. Sam stumbled back, her eyes wide. "Point! Thompson!" The referee yelled and Sam looked up at Sonny, her brows raised. "All you've got?"
Sonny smirked, nodding her head. "All you've got."
The two girls got back into their positions and the referee looked between the two before throwing his hand down. "Fight!" He screamed and this time, Sam ran towards Sonny, throwing punch after punch to her. As Sonny was blocking her punches, Sam grabbed Sonny's wrist pulling it towards her and behind, making Sonny stumble forward. Once Sonny passed Sam, the LaRusso girl turned around and kicked Sonny in the stomach. "Point! LaRusso!"
Sonny huffed, readjusting her gi as she smirked at Sam. The two of them walked back to center and into positions. "Fight!" The referee yelled and Sonny made the first move of going towards Sam. The two went back and forth throwing punches and kicks at each other. After about a minute of it, Sonny groaned, getting down on the floor and sweeping Sam's feet.
When Sam's back hit the floor, Sonny shot up and kicked Sam in the stomach. "Point! Thompson!" The referee yelled as Sonny huffed some of the hair that fell out of one of her braids out of her face, sticking her arm out to help Sam up.
Sam grabbed her hand and sighed as Sonny pulled her up. The two quietly went back to their spots as the referee walked up to them.
"Fight!" He screamed and Sam ran towards Sonny. Sam yelled as she went to punch Sonny. Sonny saw Sam's punch coming as soon as the brunette ran to her. She grabbed Sam's fist before it could hit her chest. Just as she was about to strike Sam in the gut and get her final point, she felt her own stomach lurch in pain.
"Point! LaRusso!" The referee yelled and Sam smiled. They were at a tie. Final point wins. Sonny took slow strides towards center stage and once she got there, she got into position, digging the balls of her feet into the foam on the mat.
Sam ran for Sonny again, sending punch after punch her way. Sonny blocked all of them and even pushed Sam back hard enough to make her stumble back.
Sonny went to kick Sam's side, but the LaRusso girl caught Sonny's leg. Sam was about to pull Sonny's leg in hopes it would knock her to the ground but when she did, Sonny jumped, lifting her other leg up to Sam's stomach, hitting her right in the gut.
The two girls fell to the ground, Sonny falling beside Sam. "Winner! Thompson!" The ref screamed and Sonny's eyes widened, shocked that move actually worked. She stood quickly stood up and the ref grabbed her hand and lifted it in victory.
When the referee dropped her hand, Sonny looked down at Sam, holding her hand out to help Sam up. When the LaRusso girl was standing, she immediately pulled Sonny into a hug as Daryl laughed, walking to center stage. "Sonny Thompson is going to finals!"
Sam squeezed Sonny's hand, pulling her towards the Miyagi-Dos. The group erupted in screams and cheers, Demetri, Eli, and Chris all pulling Sonny into a hug that made the girl groan, but laugh and hug back nonetheless.
"I haven't won yet." She said and Eli scoffed, wrapping a lazy and playful arm her.
"Either way, you're going to the finals." Eli sighed as she turned to look at her. "Underdogs." Eli said, using his hand that wasn't around Sonny to hold up a fist. Sonny smiled, returning the fist bump. "Underdogs."
Sonny didn't realize how long she was watching the doors until the audience started to countdown from 10.
"Well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight." Daryl announced once the clock hit zero and Sonny looked up at Eli who stood on stage, sucking in a deep breath.
Daryl smiled, lifting up one finger and pointing at Eli. "Which means that the winner by default is Eli Moskowitz, who advances to the final where he will face Robby Keene." Daryl yelled, turning around and pointing at Robby in Cobra Kai.
The audience roared for the finalists, making Daryl smirk. "Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is finally over. It's finals time! Since Cobra Kai scored the most points, they only need to win one match to be crowned Grand Champion. But if Miyagi-Do wins both matches, the title is theirs! Ooh, high drama! Up first, the boys' fight! Good luck to all of our fighters! Let's go!" He yelled and the crowd cheered again.
Eli sighed, rubbing his hands together as Daniel walked over. "This is my chance to get back at Robby for what he did to me." Eli said, nodding as if it would stick in his brain more, but Daniel instantly shook his head.
"This fight is not about him. The biggest battle is always the one within. Concentrate, defense, focus, power. You find your balance, and those points will come. All right?" He said and Eli nodded.
"Competitors." The referee called out, wanting Eli and Robby center stage. Eli turned around and walked towards his spot. Once he and Robby were there, they bowed to the referee, then each other before getting into position.
"Ready and fight!" The referee yelled and Sonny trilled her lips, her and Demetri lined up to watch the fight.
Neither moved for a few seconds, both of them just hopping on their feet until Robby went to kick Eli in the stomach, but Eli blocked it with his hand. Eli went to return the kick but Robby grabbed his ankle, throwing it to the ground.
Robby ran at Eli, trying to throw as many punches to the face his way, but Eli blocked them. Robby caught on to Eli's tactic and when Eli was distracted blocking a punch to his face, Robby used his other hand to punch Eli in the stomach.
Demetri groaned as Sonny let out a small huff, bringing her thumb up to her mouth to bite her nail in stress. Robby jumped in excitement, clapping his hands together. "Let's go, baby!" He screamed and Eli quickly shook his head, turning to the referee and making a "T" shape with his hands.
"Time out." He said and Sonny straightened up. Her eyes flickered to Robby and from behind him, she saw Silver laughing, raising his hands in the air. Sonny gulped, turning and walking towards Eli as he headed for Daniel.
Once Eli was at the edge of the stage he sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "He knows all my moves. He trained at Miyagi-Do way longer than me." Eli said, his voice sounding almost hopeless as he looked back at Robby.
Sonny's eyes widened as an idea popped into her head, she looked up at Eli and smiled. "And you were in Cobra Kai longer than him." She said, making Eli and Daniel whip their heads to her, their brows furrowed— Eli's in confusion and Daniel's in a slight betrayal.
Sonny smiled, keeping her eyes on just Hawk as nodded her head and she continued. "Put him on defense." Once he started understanding what Sonny was saying, the edges of Eli's lips turned upwards into a slight smile and he turned around to the referee and Robby.
Sonny immediately noticed a new set of confidence in Eli as he walked towards the center of the stage. When he and Robby met in the middle, Eli brought his hands into a fighting position, Robby doing the same a few seconds after.
This time, Eli made the first move sending a kick towards Robby's stomach. Robby blocked the kick and seconds after, Eli was sending punches towards his face. From her spot, Sonny could see Robby's eyes widen as he tried to block every punch.
Eli kicked his leg out, hoping to sweep Robby's feet but Robby jumped over them, backing away from Eli.
At the same time, the two boys ran at each other, jumped and raised their legs to kick the other. Eli's foot hit Robby's stomach first, knocking Robby to the ground on his back, Eli falling on his side a few seconds after.
Sonny jumped in excitement, clapping her hands as she cheered. "Point, Miyagi-Do!" The referee announced as Eli and Robby got back into their positions.
"Fight!" The referee yelled and Eli ran towards Robby, jumping and spinning in the air, trying to kick Robby in the chest. Robby grabbed Eli's leg and pulled it, sending Eli straight to the floor. Sonny winced, her hand going to her mouth as she bit her nails.
Eli quickly got off the ground before Robby could punch him. As soon as he was standing, Robby was sending another punch his way. Eli blocked it just as Robby sent two more kicks towards him. Eli blocked everything, taking closer steps towards Robby to try and punch him in the face.
Eli abruptly stopped punching, spinning around and kicking Robby. The two fell to the ground and the referee raised his hands, shaking his head. "No point. Blocked. Continue."
Robby ran for Eli. He went to kick Eli in the chest, but Eli side stepped away, letting Robby pass him. Once Robby was behind Eli, Robby grabbed Eli's forearms and jumped backwards, sending them both to the ground.
Sonny's jaw dropped as Demetri gasped from how hard the two hit the ground. "This is getting very intense." Demetri said, turning to Sonny while Eli and Robby pushed away from each other, shooting off the ground.
Eli ran for Robby, throwing punches left and right to him until they were right up against each other. Eli went to kick Robby's stomach but Robby pushed him back. As Eli stumbled back, Robby raised his leg and kicked him.
Sonny's eyes widened, a small gasp leaving her lips as she turned to the ref, the man raising his hands in the air as he shook his head. "No point. Continue." He yelled and Sonny shut her eyes, sighing.
When Sonny opened her eyes, she saw Eli going to kick Robby in the gut, but Robby jumped back, the tie of his gi unraveling after getting looser and looser throughout the fight.
Eli grabbed the open seam of Robby's gi, going to pull on it but Robby pulled back, making Eli ram into Robby's chest. Robby grabbed onto Eli's shoulders from behind and quickly, Eli grabbed Robby from over his head and bent down, throwing Robby over his shoulders and onto the ground in front of him.
Just as Eli was about to throw his punch at Robby to earn another point, the buzzer for their timer set off and everyone froze.
Sonny turned to the jumbotron with wide eyes, watching the blinking "00:00" before turning back to Eli and Robby, Daryl walking up to them.
"Unbelievable!" Daryl yelled as the crowd screamed. "These two amazing competitors have reached their three minute time limit in a 1-1 tie! Their championship match will be decided, for the first time since 1985, by sudden-death overtime!" Daryl yelled and Sonny's head turned back to the stage, her eyes widened even more than they were before.
After Eli looked over the audience, he turned back to Robby. He bowed and Robby bowed back, making Sonny blow a small, stressed bit out air out of her mouth as she rubbed her hands together.
"Go to your sensei's." The referee said and Eli nodded, turning around and walking towards the Miyagi-Do group. As Eli walked over, a wide smile grew on Daniel's face. "That was incredible."
Eli smiled, a small and out of breath laugh leaving his lips as he looked over his team before turning back to Daniel. "Any advice on the last point?"
Daniel turned to Sonny across the huddle from him. Sonny smiled, nodding her head, making Daniel sigh, turning back to Eli. "Give him all you got."
Eli's smile widened, quickly bowing at Daniel. "Competitors, come back." The referee announced, stopping Daniel from bowing back to Eli.
When Eli turned around and started walking back towards the center of the stage, Robby stopped walking and ripped off the top part of his gi. Demetris eyes widened, leaning down towards Sonny, his mouth agape. "What is happening?" He asked and Sonny squinted at Robby, shaking her head. "I have no idea." She muttered back.
Eli turned to the referee, the man looking just as confused as him and he shrugged. Eli turned back to Robby, watching him throw his gi to Tory in the sidelines. Eli wasted no time untying his gi and Demetri's eyes widened again, elbowing Sonny with an amused smile. "Oh look, he's doing it too."
Sonny let out a loud laugh as Eli took his gi off. "Men." She scoffed out ad Demetri brought two fingers to his mouth and whistled. Eli turned around to face his friends, throwing his gi to Demetri.
"Next point wins. Good luck, gentlemen." The referee said, looking between the two one last time before bringing his arm down in between them, yelling a "fight!"
Robby made the first move. He jumped up and raised his foot, aiming for Eli's face but Eli jumped back, Robby barely missing his face.
As soon as he landed, Robby went to kick Eli again, his foot landed just above Eli's knee and he pushed himself up, doing a backflip. Eli started to fall from the pressure in his knee. When his back hit the ground, he rolled. He put his hands behind his head and when he felt his palms touch the ground he pushed up, shooting off the ground and landing back in his fighting stance.
Eli ran towards Robby, who was still kneeled after landing his flip. Eli jumped on Robby, wrapping one leg around and over Robby's shoulder as the other went under Robby's arm. As he started to fall, Robby twisted Eli around so he would land on top of Eli.
Robby raised his hand to punch Eli in the stomach and Sonny gasped, covering her eyes and hiding her face in Demetri's arm. "I can't watch." She mumbled.
"No point!"
Sonny opened her eyes and moved her head out from Demetri's shoulder and noticed Eli had a slight limp as he ran towards Robby. He spun around, raising his leg to kick Robby but the Keene boy grabbed his leg. Eli wrapped his arm around Robby's shoulders and jumped back, both of them falling to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground, Eli raised his leg and slammed it down on Robby's chest.
Sonny's jaw dropped, a happy laugh leaving her lips as she and Demetri screamed. "Point! Winner!" The referee yelled. Sonny and the rest of Miyagi-Do ran straight to Eli. Eli turned to his team, screaming with them as he opened his arms out for them.
Sonny and Demetri were the first to make it to Eli's arms. Immediately, Hawk pulled his best friends into a hug. Sonny cringed at Hawks sweaty, shirtless body, but didn't leave his grasp since she was now surrounded by Miyagi-Do's hugging her and continued the hug anyway, wanting to celebrate him.
"Your boys champion, Eli Moskowitz!" Daryl yelled, walking towards the group hug with the trophy in hand. Eli pulled away from everyone around him, walking towards Daryl and taking the trophy.
Eli looked down at the trophy, his eyes glistening as he looked over it before a smile cracked his lips. He turned towards the audience and raised the trophy in the air, screaming in victory.
"You ready?"
Sonny turned her head at the sound of Eli's voice. When her stressed eyes met his worried eyes, she nodded, turning back to face the stage. "Yep. Like you said, underdogs." She said. Sonny cracked her neck as her eyes fell on Kreese across the mat from her. She glared, holding back the urge to bite her lip in anger at the sight of the man. "Plus, I've gotta show Kreese I'm not defective anymore."
"What better way to cap off this exciting exhibition of karate than with a final match for the ages?" Daryl said to the audience, his host laughing echoing throughout the arena. He pressed his hand to his chest before using it to gesture to Cobra Kai. "Representing Cobra Kai, the Queen Cobra herself, Tory Nichols! Coached by her senseis John Kreese and Terry Silver."
The audience cheered for Tory and Cobra Kai. Daryl waited until the applause started to die down before he introduced Sonny. "Now, she didn't get much of a chance last tournament, but she sure as hell is making up for it this time. Representing Miyagi-Do Karate, Sonny Thompson!" Daryl yelled.
Sonny looked into the audience for her sister, Moon and Brandon. The three of them were practically bouncing out of their seats cheering for her. Moon brought her hand to her lips and blew a kiss to Sonny. Sonny blushed and smiled at her girlfriend, turning back to Daryl.
"Coached by two-time All Valley champion Daniel LaRusso, who I've just been informed will be joined by Sensei Johnny Lawrence."
Sonny's brows furrowed at Daryl's words and she could hear Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang start to whisper around her. She turned to Demetri beside her to see if knew what Daryl was talking about as Daniel ran on stage, and up to Daryl, whispering something in his ear.
After a couple of seconds, Daryl's mouth fell into an "o" shape and he smiled. "I stand corrected. Fellow two-time All Valley champion, Sensei Johnny Lawrence! Let's go!" He screamed and the audience roared with applause as Daniel and Johnny walked towards Sonny.
Sonny smiled at the two men standing that the edge of the stage for her. "Sensei..." She breathed out, happy that Johnny was there for her. She thought of last year; how Johnny helped her out of her funk and got her to compete.
Johnny rolled his eyes and held back a smile, not wanting to get sentimental. "Alright, Sunshine. Ready to kick some ass?" He asked and Sonny smiled at her old Cobra Kai nickname. She pushed her shoulders back and raised her chin higher to seem stronger. "Yes, Sensei."
"Whether it's defense or offense, Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang. I want you to be you." Daniel says and even though Sonny had just pushed her shoulders back, they immediately fell at Daniel's words. She smiled at the two men in front of her. Sure, she met them because of karate, but in her eyes, Johnny and Daniel were her father figures.
She didn't think much about when she leaned forward and grabbed the two men's shoulders, pulling them into a hug. Both were shocked, but Johnny hugged back first, remembering that Sonny is a hugger and sensing that she'd probably try to hug them.
Sonny didn't wait for Daniel to hug her back when she pulled away completely and smiled at the men. "Thank you. Really." She said and Daniel smiled."Go kick some Cobra Kai ass." He said and Sonny smiled, her shoulder straightening up again as she nodded.
Sonny turned around and walked towards the center of the stage where the referee and Tory were already waiting for her. "Ladies, good luck. Face this way. Bow." The referee instructed and the two girls bowed. They then turned to each other, bowed, and then got into their positions.
The referee looked back and forth between the two girls before throwing his hand down and stepping back. "Ready? And fight!"
The girls burst into action. Tory launched a swift roundhouse kick, aiming for Sonny's midsection, but Sonny swiftly dodged it, pivoting on her heel to counter with a lightning-fast jab to Tory's side, but Tory deflected it, responding with a flurry of punches.
Sonny defended herself, blocking Tory's strikes. She seized an opening, sweeping Tory's legs out from under her that send the Nichols girl to the ground. But Tory quickly recovered, flipping back onto her feet.
Their movements intensified, a blur of kicks and punches filling the air. The audience was silent, everyone on the edges of their seats.
As the fight progressed, Sonny started to catch on to Tory's strategy. She was keeping her hits from the chest, down. Sonny adapted to the moves and waited for the perfect moment.
One by one, Sonny blocked Tory's punches. She made sure to take a step back with every block and once she had the move, Sonny jumped and spun around, kick Tory in the face with a flying tornado kick.
Tory staggered, momentarily dazed by the impact, and the sensei stepped in, signaling the end of the match.
"Point!" The referee screamed as Sonny stood victorious, her chest heaving with exertion but a triumphant smile on her face. "Thompson. Score, one-zero."
Sonny took a deep breath, not letting herself be too proud of her win until later into the fight. She walked to her spot on the mat as Tory composed herself and did the same.
Once both girls were ready, the referee stepped back to give them room. "Ready? And fight!"
Sonny immersed raised her leg to kick Tory, but the blonde jumped out of the way to stand by Sonny's side. Her abdomen was unguarded and quickly, Tory punched Sonny in the stomach.
Sonny groaned, falling out of her kick, but catching herself so she didn't stumble.
"Point, Nichols! Score, one-one."
Sonny looked up at Tory's reddened face. Both teams were riding on winning this competition. She took a deep breath to control her nerves as she walked back to her spot and got into her fighting stance. The referee looked back and forth between the girls. "Ready? Fight!"
Tory charged forward, unleashing a string of rapid punches aimed at Sonny's torso. Sonny blocked them, countering with a series of high, spinning kicks, targeting Tory's head and chest.
Tory somehow blocked all of Sonny's strikes and continued her punches, her hits coming in quick motions. Sonny used her forearm and elbow to block Tory's fists, using the free moments she had to launch her own kicks.
In a pivotal moment, Tory seized the moment. While Sonny raised her foot to kick Tory, Tory grabbed the girls leg and trapped her. Quickly, Tory punched Sonny in the chest and threw her leg to the side.
Sonny staggered backward, trying to regain her footing, but ultimately fell to the mat. She ground at the surge of pain the spread throughout her back. Her eyes shut to take the pain and after a couple seconds, she opened her eyes to Tory standing above her.
The referee stepped in, signaling the end of the match as Tory stood victorious, breathing heavily. "Point! Two-one, Nichols." He screamed as Sonny punched the mat beneath her. "Damn it!" She groaned, starting to get up. The referee signaled for the girls to go to their senseis and Sonny immediately headed towards the two men at the edge of the mat waiting for her.
"I'm attacking but it's not working. What style should I use?" She asked, looking back and forth between Daniel and Johnny. Daniel smiled, turning to Johnny before turning back to Sonny. "Yours. Trust your instincts. Use everything you've learned from me and Sensei Lawrence. All of it."
"LaRusso's right." Johnny said and Sonny's eyebrows raised, an amused smile growing against her lips at the blond man's words. Johnny rolled his eyes and playfully shrugged his shoulders. "Every now and then."
Sonny laughed as Johnny brought his hand up to rub her arm encouragingly. "Go kick ass, Thompson." He said and Sonny's childish smile turned into a determined one. She nodded her head before she bowed to her senseis and ran back to the center of the mat, Tory doing the same from Cobra Kai's side.
"Ready?" The referee asked as the girls got into their fighting stances. When neither of them moved, the referee threw his hand down and backed up, yelling "Fight!"
The match kicked off with Tory aggressively launching a flurry of rapid punches at Sonny. Sonny maneuvered, swiftly dodging the strikes while countering with a series of kicks. Tory's punches almost found their way to Sonny's gut, but Sonny managed a quick block with her forearm, preventing Tory from scoring.
"No point. Blocked!" The referee announced, the fight continuing.
Sonny huffed a stressed breath of air, pushing back some hair that had fallen out of her braids while jumping up and catching Tory in a moment of surprise, kicking her in the stomach. Tory stumbled back and Sonny smiled, proud of herself for earning another point.
"No point. Out of bounds!" The referee yelled and Sonny's smile was wiped clean from her face. She turned to the referee with a look of shock.
"What?" She yelled and behind her, her senseis and team started to yell at the referee as well.
"Come on, Ref! She went out after she got hit!" Johnny screamed as Demetri booed and Hawk yelled curse words at the man.
Sonny's frustration was evident, but she remained composed, channeling her emotions into the fight. As the audience booed at the referee's call, Sonny pressed on, pushing herself to calm down and not freak out.
The fight continued with Sonny using her kicks as her strategically— it was her strongest move anyway, keeping Tory at bay while attempting to score her own points. In a daring move, Tory slid on the ground, going under Sonny's legs and sliding across the mat to the other side of the girl.
Sonny spun around to face Tory as she stood back up. Tory lunged forward, throwing an aggressive kick towards Sonny lower half. Sonny's eyes widened. Without much thought on if it was a good idea or not, Sonny jumped up and backflipped away, dodging Tory's attack.
The crowd roared in astonishment, absolutely amazed by Sonny's move.
Sonny landed the backflip effortlessly in position that could replicate a spider-man pose. As she stood back up, Tory stood in front of the girl absolutely stunned. Sonny took Tory's moment of staring to her advantage and started a spinning hook kick, kicking Tory in the side.
Tory fell to the floor as the referee ran towards the center of the mat. "Point! Thompson!"
The audience erupts into cheers. Sonny, though visibly frustrated earlier, let out a sigh of relief and extended a hand to Tory in a show of sportsmanship. Tory looked back and forth between Sonny's face and her hand before pushing herself up on her own.
Sonny's face faltered slightly, but she cleared her throat and walked towards her side of the mat. As the crowd cheered, Sonny and Tory got into positions and the referee looked between the two girls. "Score's two to two. Next point wins. Ready? Fight!"
Sonny raised her foot, going to kick Tory in the stomach, but Tory grabbed her ankle and pushed it away. Tory yelled as she went to punch Sonny but Sonny raised her leg, blocking it.
Sonny kicked her raised foot out and knocked Tory to the ground. Just as she was about to punch the girl in the stomach to win the fight, Tory rolled away. When Tory propped herself up in a crawling position, Sonny jumped towards her, wrapping her leg and arm around her, flipping them over so Jules would be pinning Tory to the ground.
Sonny raised her leg and in the midst of slamming it down against Tory, the Nichols girl tried to break free from Sonny's grip, her elbow hit Sonny right in the eye.
Sonny yelped in pain, letting go of Tory. The referee raised his hands. "Warning. Injury to the face. Go to your sensei's." The referee yelled, pointing at the Senseis on either side of the stage.
Johnny scoffed from the sidelines. "Warning? Should be a point deduction!" Johnny yelled as Tory started to get up, her eyes softening when she saw Sonny's eye and the skin around it already starting to pinken. "I didn't mean to. No, it was an accident." Tory whispered to Sonny.
Sonny looked up at Tory, clenching her jaw to relive some of the pain. Tory hesitated reaching her arm out to help Sonny up. Part of her wanted to, but the other knew her senseis and team were watching her. Instead, Tory walked away, leaving Sonny on the ground.
Sonny pushed herself off of the ground and walked towards Johnny and Daniel.
"You okay?" Johnny asked and Sonny nodded. "Gonna have to squint for a bit, but I'm fine. Elbow to the face never hurt anyone." She said as an attempt to lighten the mood.
"You okay to fight?" Daniel asked and Sonny sighed, nodding her head. Johnny smiled at the response. "Then go kick ass." He said, Daniel nodding in agreement beside him. Sonny looked between the two and smiled. She turned around and started walking back to center stage, the audience cheering.
Tory turned from her senseis, meeting Sonny in the middle. "Ready?" The referee asked but Sonny was too busy trying to focus her eye; squinting, shutting them completely, blinking a lot, knowing if she fell out of it, she could lose focus and lose. She squinted that eye as she got into her fighting stance.
Tory yelled as she ran towards Sonny. She sent her punches left and right, but Sonny kept her eyes trained on Tory's hands, blocking all of them as she kept her hands up.
Tory suddenly got onto the ground and Sonny, thinking Tory was gonna try to sweep her legs, jumped up. Tory didn't try to sweep her legs. Instead, Tory's foot was higher, kicking Sonny in the chest.
Sonny fell out of her jump, collapsing to the ground and landing on her shoulder, the wind knocked out of her. She wheezed for air as a burning feeling ran up and down her arm.
Tory could just barely hear Sonny's struggle to breathe over the cheers around the arena. Her smile for winning turned into a frown as the referee walked towards her, raising her hand in the air. "Winner!"
Sonny sat up, her chest heaving as she struggled to inhale. She clutched her ribs, wincing with each labored breath, trying to regain her composure. The world seemed hazy as she blinked back tears, her vision blurry from the shock.
When the referee dropped Tory's hand, Tory ran towards her, her eyes wide and filled with concern. "Sonny, are you okay?" Tory asked, kneeling down to Sonny's height. Sonny looked up at Tory. Her mouth opened and closed, confused as to why she was asking about her while still trying to catch her breath.
Before Sonny could open her mouth, Kyler, Kenny and the rest of Cobra Kai ran towards Tory, pulling her away from Sonny and into a group hug.
Sonny watched as Cobra Kai cheered just mere two feet away from her. Despite the dizziness and the ache, Sonny refused to seem weak. She carefully pushed herself off the ground and started to stand up.
Her steps wavered and she almost instantly felt a hand touch her back to steady her. Sonny turned her head and smiled at Eli standing beside her, his arm snaked around her to help her walk back to Miyagi-Do.
"Give it up for your new female champion, Tory Nichols!" Daryl yelled and Sonny looked back at the cheering team sadly, watching as Daryl handed Tory her trophy.
As she got back to Miyagi-Do, Johnny frowned at the sad look on Sonny's face and patted her back as Eli helped her down off the stage rubbing. "You did great out there." He reassured as Daryl continued to scream. "And the winner of the Grand Champion trophy and still the baddest dojo in the Valley, Cobra Kai!"
After a while, the arena started to empty. Sonny waited at the edge of the bleachers where the audience sat for Jess, Moon, and Brandon.
Brandon was the first one to make it to Sonny and smiled. "Can't do one of these things without getting injured, can you?" Brandon asked, wrapping his arm around Sonny's shoulders to pull her into a side hug. Sonny rolled her eyes, letting out a sarcastic laugh as she looked up at her sister boyfriend. "At least you're not the medic this time."
Brandon playfully scoffed, pushing Sonny out of his arms, making Sonny laugh. She turned her head and smiled at her sister waiting for a hug. Jess hissed at the sight of Sonny's eye already starting to turn pink to purple, the black eye quickly forming.
Jess grabbed the edge of Sonny's jaw to have her look up so she could really look at Sonny's eye. "We're gonna have to ice this once we get home." She whispered before she pulled Sonny into a hug. "You didn't really good, Sonny."
Sonny smiled in her sister's embrace, tightening her grip around her for a few seconds before loosening a bit. Jess fully pulled away and gently touched Sonny's black eye. Sonny held back a wince, smiling up at her sister.
When Jess let go, she stepped to the side to stand beside Brandon. Sonny looked ahead of her and immediately let a happy laugh at Moon standing in front of her, holding a bouquet of flowers.
Moon immediately pulled Sonny into a hug, an excited squeal leaving her lips as she hugged her girlfriend. "You did so amazing, Sonny." Moon whispered into Sonny's ear. Before Sonny could reply, Moon pulled away and handed her the flowers.
"I wore all of crystals to give you the best energy today. It might not have been enough for you to win, but you made it to finals. I'm proud of you either way." Moon said as Sonny took the bouquet of yellow roses and baby breaths and smiled down at them. She looked back up at Moon and her smile doubled in size.
"I love you." Sonny muttered through her smile. She leaned up and kissed Moon. When she pulled away, Moon smiled. She put her hand up to Sonny's cheek and Sonny leaned herself further into Moons hand. Moon leaned back in to kiss Sonny again. When she pulled away, she kept her hand on Sonny's cheek. "I love you too." She muttered back.
Moon moved around to stand beside Sonny and grabbed her free hand. She looked to Sonny and smiled widely. "Now, let's go. Jess said the four of us could do a movie night." She said, leading Sonny out of the arena, Jess and Brandon following behind them.
Sonny let out an excited gasp, looking up at Moon with wide eyes. "Can I choose the movie?" Sonny asked and Moon laughed, nodding her head. "Of course, my love."
—guys this chapter was so long😭😭 i'm so sorry
guys please🙏 we WILL get more moon scenes this season I PROMISE IM COMING UP WITH STUFF. since the writers just don't want moon in the show that much😒😒
i love this fic so much and i love sonny's relationship with demetri and hawk
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