thirty five.
☼old faces☾
"Ladies and Gentlemen, you've been waiting a long time, but we're finally here. Dojos from all across the Valley have been training for a year for their shot at glory. You ready to meet 'em?" Sonny heard Daryl's voice echoed throughout the gym. She was standing in the hallway just outside the main room where the All Valley would take place.
She was doing a few breathing exercises with Sam to try and control her nerves. She didn't want to get injured and have to forfeit like last All Valley. "You're gonna do great." Sam said, grabbing onto Sonny's hands and squeezing them. Sonny smiled, squeezing Sam's hands back.
Daryl chuckled at the audience's cheers. "All right. This sensei and dojo need no introduction. He took the All Valley by storm in 1984 and '85 and quickly became one of the greatest underdogs in the history of the sport. Last year, this dojo came out of nowhere and made it to the finals. They've got some new fighters, and they're ready to show the world that they're the best around. Give it up for Miyagi-Do Karate, led by two-time All Valley champion Daniel LaRusso!"
"Okay kids, let's go." Daniel said and one by one, all the Miyagi-Dos ran into the main room. The audience's cheers blurred in Sonny's ears from how loud they were. She laughed, feeling her cheeks tinge pink at all the attention on her team as they lined up. Sonny looked around the audience and found Jess, Brandon and Moon all sitting together in the second row cheering for her.
"This next dojo took last year's title. But they're under new management and have last year's runner-up. He may be wearing a new gi, but one thing's for sure, Robby Keene and his team are ready to strike! Hailing from Reseda, defending champions and still the most badass name for a dojo, here comes Cobra Kai!" Daryl yelled and after a few seconds, Kreese and Silver walked out from the hallway, their studentsbehind them.
The two senseis chose the spot directly across the stage from Miyagi-Do, both of them raising their chins highly to look powerful against Miyagi-Do.
Sonny gulped as she looked over all the Cobra Kai's. She saw Piper standing with them and felt a small pit in her stomach. She and Moon had told Johnny about Piper, how did Cobra Kai steal her from Johnny? As Sonny continued to look down the row of Cobra Kai's her heart sank when she landed on Robby.
She suddenly felt a wave of guilt hit her, regretting never trying to hang out with him once he was out of juvie. They were really close last year when they were both in Miyagi-Do, seeing him now made her heart hurt a little.
"And finally... this dojo is making their All Valley debut, though you'll recognize a few familiar faces. Every year, a new dojo rises up the ranks. Does this newcomer have what it takes to win it all? Please welcome Eagle Fang Karate, led by Sensei Johnny Lawrence and defending champion Miguel Diaz!"
Sonny smiled at Eagle Fang running out, watching parts of her old team run to their spots as the audience cheered.
When they got into their spots right next to Miyagi-Do, Sonny and Miguel's eyes met and the two gave each other big smiles. "Good luck!" Sonny mouthed to the boy, sending him two over-exaggerated thumbs up.
Miguel laughed, his head falling to the ground before he looked back up at Sonny, copying her actions.
"At the end of the day, only one of these dojos can be crowned Grand Champion." Daryl yelled and the crowd roared. Daryl smiled at the applause, laughing slightly. "Welcome to the 51st annual All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament!"
"Miyagi-Do's, bring it in!" Daniel yelled and the kids turned away from Daryl and to Daniel. Daniel smiled at all of his students. "Some of you have been here before and for some of you, it's your first karate tournament. I still remember my first All Valley, where I stood here proudly with my sensei. Where I faced down the bullies of Cobra Kai. Now getting here hasn't been easy. There've been some bumps in the road, to put it mildly."
"You can say that again." Sonny muttered, earning an elbow to the ribs from Demetri. Sonny groaned, bending down a little bit as Daniel glared at the two, giving them a parental "watch it" look. When both teens composed themselves, Daniel turned back to the other students to continue with words of wisdom.
"Remember what's at stake. If Cobra Kai wins, our dojo closes for good." Daniel said and Sonny's face faltered, all her worries multiplying as she clenched her jaw.
"No pressure." Sonny sarcastically muttered, looking down at the ground. Daniel laughed at Sonny's words, giving her a reassuring smile. "Now, let's get out there... and show Cobra Kai what we're made of. Are you ready?"
"Yes, Sensei!"
First up was the skills competition and Sonny, much to her dismay, was the first one up, doing tricks like crazy flips, kicks, and cartwheels ending her performance with an ariel.
After the rest of the kids went up, it was announced that Cobra Kai won the skills portion of the tournament.
"And just like that, Miyagi-Do has been snake bit as Cobra Kai takes the lead, with our qualifier rounds up next. " Daryl announced as Robby bowed to the audience before slowly walking off stage. Sonny groaned at the teams loss, turning to Daniel as the rest of Miyagi-Do started to huddle up.
"I can't believe Cobra Kai beat us in skills." Sam groaned and Sonny nodded in agreement with her as she turned to Sam. "I thought we had that in the bag." Sonny spoke softly. Eli looked down in defeat as he shrugged. "It's my fault. I couldn't break the last board. Sorry." Eli said and Daniel instantly shook his head, pointing at Eli. "Okay. Forget that, okay? You all did great. We're on their heels. This is far from over." Daniel said and Eli smiled.
"Ladies and gentlemen..." A man that was not Daryl spoke into the mic. Everyone's conversations slowly drowned out as they turned to the short bald man standing on stage with an awkward smile. "The male and female division qualifiers are about to begin. And with them, we enter a new era!" The man yelled and the crowd erupted in cheers.
The man chuckled at all the cheering, his hand going to his stomach as he leaned back almost cartoon-like before he continued. "That's why we need a very special guest to kick things off. Let's give a big All Valley welcome to multi-Grammy-award winning, international superstar, Carrie Underwood!"
Sonny's jaw fell, shocked yet confused by the man's words, but when Carrie Underwood herself walked onto stage, it only confused her more. "What?" Eli whispered as Demetri watched the singer with an amused smile, a small laugh escaping his lips.
Sonny looked up at Eli beside her, shaking her head. "I... don't like country." She whispered
"Hello, All Valley!" Carrie cheered and the audience, and even some of the competitors, screamed for her. Carrie smiled as she looked around the building before she turned back ahead of her. "I am so honored to be here. I didn't see a lot of karate growing up in Oklahoma, but you guys know I love to compete, just like these wonderful young men and young women."
Sonny and Eli, still confused as to why Carrie Underwood was there, just laughed, their hands going to their mouths to stifle them as Carrie continued. "One thing I have learned is that everyone gets their shot, their chance in the spotlight. Everyone gets their moment." She spoke into the mic before looking back and forth to all the students around her, a small smile on her face. "This one's yours."
After a while, the competition was down to just the quarterfinalists. On the girls side was Sonny, Sam, Devon, Tory, Piper and three girls from other teams. And on the boys side was Eli, Kyler, Demetri, Miguel, Robby, Kenny and two other boys.
Sonny noticed that one of the boys left in the quarterfinals was the same boy that injured her at last years All Valley; the reason she couldn't compete anymore. After watching the fights closely, she learned that the boys name was Anthony Lewis. Sonny hated seeing him across the stage from her with his team. The boy didn't seem to recognize Sonny, barely even giving her a glance.
She shook her head and stretched out her legs to get rid of the tenseness she felt in her knees, specifically the knee that the boy had dislocated.
Eli and Demetri turned to the girls with confused looks. She wasn't fighting for another could rounds, so they were confused as to why she was getting so nervous right now.
"What's wrong with you? You don't have to fight yet." Demetri asked. Sonny's eyes flickered back and forth between Demetri and Eli, and Anthony Lewis across the stage before she turned to fully face her friends.
"That's the guy that dislocated my knee at last All Valley." Sonny said and immediately, both Demetri and Eli whipped their heads to where Sonny was looking. Eli groaned, shaking his head once he started to recognize Anthony. "I knew that kid looked familiar. Are any of us fighting him?"
Demetri looked at the sign with everyone's names and who would be playing who. His shoulders slumped when he realized he'd be fighting Anthony. "I am." Demetri muttered disappointedly just as Daryl started to announce his and Anthony's battle.
"Next up in the quarterfinals, it's Anthony Lewis of Topanga Karate versus Demetri Alexopoulus of Miyagi-Do."
Demetri looked at his friends with a nervous look. "Hey, don't let him dislocate your knee." Eli joked, earning an instant elbow to the ribs from Sonny. As Eli groaned, Sonny looked up at Demetri, giving him a reassuring smile. "Kick his ass."
Demetri's nerves calmed a bit. With that, Demetri jumped onto the stage, slowly walking towards Anthony and the ref. After they both bowed at the ref and each other, they got into position.
As soon add the fight started, Anthony ran towards Demetri, kicking him as many times as he could but Demetri kept blocking them. While he was blocking the boys kicks, Demetri noticed the boy wasn't guarding the upper half of his body at all.
Still blocking the boys kicks, Demetri jumped back a couple of steps and kicked his own foot out, hitting Anthony right in the chest.
"Point! Alexopoulus!" The ref yelled as Demetri backed up from Anthony, going back to his spot. Anthony glared at Demetri, his nostrils glaring in anger as the two of them got into position.
Demetri looked at the boy like he was crazy. He had to admit, he was a little terrified of this dude just by that glare and the fact that he injured Sonny the year prior.
When the next round started, Anthony ran towards Demetri. Demetri's eyes widened as he took a step to the side, sticking his arm out and knocking Anthony to the ground. When Anthony hit the floor, Demetri was shocked that his plan worked and he quickly knelt down, punching him in the gut.
"Point!" The ref yelled and Demetri chuckle. Anthony got off the ground, practically red in anger as got back into position. The ref looked between the two boys, his eyes looking at Anthony as if he were crazy before he brought his hand down, screaming "Fight!" before running backwards to get away from the fight.
Anthony let out loud a yell as he ran towards Demetri and Demetri waited until Anthony was close enough to him before jumping in the air, kicking his leg up and hitting Anthony in the gut.
When Anthony hit the floor, Demetri's eyes widened, a big smile taking over his face. The referee walked towards him, grabbing his wrist and raising it in the air. "Winner!"
Anthony Lewis was red in anger, looking like he was ready to pounce on Demetri. Demetri noticed and quickly got out of the referee's grip and ran towards his team just before Anthony could attack him.
He ran to Daniel first, letting his sensei congratulate him. Just as Sonny was about to walk up to Demetri, she noticed Kyler and a couple other Cobra Kai's walking over. Kyler smirked as he looked at Eli. "Your little friend's lucky he didn't have to face Cobra Kai. Can't say the same for you though, Lip." Kyler taunted, pointing at his own lip to reference Eli's scar. Eli went to touch his lip and Kyler snickered, walking away.
Sonny clenched her jaw in anger at the boy trying to get into Eli's head. She turned to Eli, and noticed Kyler's words had gotten into Eli's head. Immediately, Sonny started shaking her head. "Ignore him. He's just a stupid bully." Sonny tried to reassure and Eli gulped, making Sonny sigh, her eyebrows furrowing. "You know that's not who you are, right?"
Eli couldn't look at Sonny, his eyes going straight to the floor as he shook his head. "I don't know who I am these days." He said, shaking his head and Sonny frowned. "You're not defined by your haircut, you know." She said and Eli slowly looked up at her and she smiled, shaking her head.
"I mean, sure I helped..." Sonny shook her head as she laughed. "Hawk become a thing..." She said, making Eli laugh. Once his laughter died down, Sonny gave him a small smile and shrugged her shoulders. "But it doesn't make you you."
Eli's smile became more confident and he nodded. Sonny smiled at her work, lightly punching his shoulder. "So go out there and kick Kyler's ass. For the old Eli." She said and he nodded, before heading to Daniel.
"Next up in the quarterfinals, it's Kyler Park of Cobra Kai versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do." Daryl announced and the crowd cheered. Sonny slowly walked to the edge of the stage, standing in between Sam and Demetri as Daniel turned to Eli with raised brows. "Everything good?"
Eli nodded, his eyes on Daniel before he turned to the stage, watching Kyler crack his neck. "Never better. I know who I am now." He said and Daniel smiled, nodding his head. "And who's that?" He asked and Eli looked away from Kyler, turning back to Daniel with a cocky smirk. "The guy who's gonna win this fucking thing."
With that, Eli jumped onto the stage and walked towards Kyler.
The fight barely lasted one minute and that is not an understatement. Eli won 3-0 and if you asked Sonny, she wouldn't have even called it a fight.
But Sonny cheered for Eli's win anyway, of course. Demetri was beside her, shaking her shoulder crazily. When the referee dropped Eli's hand, he turned towards his team, a big smile on his face as he lifted his arms up and ran towards them.
Eli let out a loud laugh as he jumped from the stage and onto Sonny and Demetri, the two teens barely being able to hold him up, but they were all laughing and none of them cared.
Before Sonny knew it, it was the semi-finals. Left of the girls were Sonny, Sam, Piper and Tory and the boys were Miguel, Eli, Demetri, and Robby.
"And now, our first semifinal match will be Sonny Thompson of Miyagi-Do Karate versus Piper Elswith of Cobra Kai." Daryl announced from the sidelines and Sonny laughed, gently hitting Demetri and Eli's backs. "Okay, okay. Let go of me. I've gotta fight." Sonny laughed out.
Eli and Demetri quickly let go of her, both of them muttering a "good luck". Sonny smiled at the boys as she hopped onto the stage, Piper doing the same on the other side. Sonny smiled at Piper and the girl immediately gave one back. The two weren't the closest of friends, but Piper was a friend of Moons, so she was going to be nice and smile.
Neither of them were going to go easy on the other. It was like a silent agreement.
After they both bowed to the ref and each other, they got into their positions. The ref looked back and forth between the two girls and threw his hand down. "Fight!" Piper ran towards Sonny, sending as many punches as she could her way, but Sonny blocked every single one. Sonny raised her leg to kick Piper in the chest, but Piper blocked it.
Sonny groaned, getting aggravated that she couldn't get a hit on Piper when suddenly, she was kicked on her side. "Point!" The ref yelled as Sonny shut her eyes in annoyance, shaking her head slightly.
Sonny and Piper got back into their positions and Piper smiled at her. "Robby said Miyagi-Do was for defense only." There was an obnoxious smile on Piper's face that caught Sonny off guard. She didn't understand where Piper's sudden cockiness came from.
"And without your defense, you have nothing." Piper said, her smile hinting a bit of a smirk. Sonny gave the girl a confused look, but Piper just continued to give her the cocky smirk. Sonny tilted her head at the girl, almost in a challenging manner. Piper didn't noticed Sonny's action and giggled. When she turned around to walk back to her side of the mat, Sonny clenched her jaw.
She got into fighting positions, waiting for the referees all clear. When the ref yelled "Fight!" and the next round started, Sonny ran at Piper. Piper nervously blocked every punch and kick Sonny sent her before Sonny swept Piper's legs. The girl fell on her back almost instantly. Sonny got down on one knee beside Piper and punched her in the chest.
"Point! Thompson!"
Sonny stood up with ease, looking down at Piper. "I know we're friends, but maybe next time, do try to taunt one of the first girls to join Cobra Kai."
Sonny walked back to her side of the mat and got into her fighting stance as Piper slowly got up. It took Piper a couple seconds to finally reach Sonny and the ref. When the round started, Sonny ran towards Piper. Piper went to throw a punch to Sonny, but Sonny caught her fist and punched her in the stomach.
"Point! Thompson!" The referee yelled, lifting his hand on Sonny's side. Piper visibly gulped, readjusting her gi. Sonny took a deep breath to control her nerves and when the referee yelled "Fight!" Piper didn't even have time to take a step forward before Sonny punched her in the chest, sending her backwards.
"Winner!" The referee screamed as he walked towards Sonny, lifting her arm in the air. Sonny felt a wave of happiness and anxieties fill her stomach at the thought of being so close to the finals. She looked behind her at the board of the matches and noticed she had to fight one more time for a spot in the finals.
Sonny turned to Piper and gave her a sweet smile. "Good game." She told the girl and Piper's tense shoulders eased, giving a small nod back to Sonny.
As Sonny walked back to her team, Daryl started to announce the night fight. "Next up, we have Miguel Diaz of Eagle Fang versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do." Daryl cheered into the mic, the crowd screaming.
Sonny jumped off the mat and stood next to Demetri as Daniel raised his eyebrows at Eli. "All right. Don't forget to breathe out there. How you feeling?" He asked and Eli huffed, shaking his hands slightly to warm himself up. "I'm okay. Not exactly thrilled to be fighting my friend."
Demetri gave him a small smile, nodding his head to the stage. "You got this." He said and Eli smiled looking between Demetri and Sonny. Sonny gave Eli a big smile back. "You know, if you lose, I will be cheering for Miguel." She said and Eli laughed, his nerves easing slightly.
Eli nodded before jumping onto the stage. When Eli and Miguel meet in the center, they share a few words before doing their handshake and getting into position. When the ref gave the all clear for the fight to start, Miguel ran towards Eli, sending him as many punches as he could. Eli blocked all of Miguel's punches and even tried to get a few kicks in himself but Miguel blocked those too.
At the same time, the two boys jumped into the air, kicking each other but both blocked and they fell to the ground. "No point, that's a block. Continue!" The ref yelled. Miguel and Eli quickly got back up, getting back into position.
"Let's go, Diaz!" Johnny screamed again. Miguel turned to his sensei, nodding. Miguel turned back to Eli and jumps in the air to kick Eli in the face.
Just as he was about to complete the move, he lost his balance, falling to the ground in pain. Miguel let out a loud scream and Sonny felt a chill go down her spine, the air leaving her lungs.
"Miguel." Sonny whispered, frozen in shock as Johnny jumped onto the mat, running towards Miguel. Sonny watched as Johnny kneeled down beside Eli, the both of them watching Miguel with wide eyes. Miguel had his mouth clamped shut in pain since he hit the floor, not wanting to yell before he couldn't hold it back anymore.
i know there wasn't much of her fighting.... i.... do not like writing fight scenes (i say that as if i dont have two other cobra kai fics) BUT WHEN SHE DOES FIGHT SHE EATSSSS
ugh i love sonny and her boys so much
she would do anything for all three of them(dem, miggy, and eli ofc)
yes i put oc a*thony lewis from iron fists in this fic. i hate him and i decided to put a face to the kid that injured sonny in the all valley
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