sixty one.
Sonny wanted to sleep in today. Tomorrow was the Tournament of Champions and she'd have to be up early to prep and train, so she figured today could be her day to get as much sleep as possible.
That didn't happen though.
Because at six in the morning, Johnny banged on her and Eli's hotel room door, screaming at them to wake up and head down to the lobby.
Sonny groaned and waited for either Eli to make a move and open the door for their sensei or for Johnny to just leave, but neither men moved; Eli stayed snoring in his bed a few feet away from her and Johnny continued to pound on the door.
She begrudgingly sat up and dragged her feet across the floor until she reached the door. Sonny was met with an already dressed for the day Johnny.
He raised his eyebrows expectantly at Sonny, scoffing under his breath. "What? Are you deaf? I've been knocking for like five minutes."
Sonny rubbed her eyes, hoping to get some sleep out of them. "I was hoping you were just overreacting. You do that sometimes." She muttered, too tired and drowsy to stop her own words from spilling out of her.
Johnny glared at Sonny, annoyed that he had to grab Sonny and Eli while Daniel woke up Sam and Devon.
"Whatever. Just wake up Hawk and head downstairs. There's an emergency announcement." Johnny explained. Sonny looked back into her hotel room, watching a still sleeping Eli before she turned back to Johnny.
"It's gonna take at least twenty minutes for Hawk to do his hair." Sonny said and almost instantly, Johnny shook his head.
"So? Make him wear a hat. I don't have time for this." Johnny shrugged out, grumbling like a child who didn't get what he wanted.
Before Sonny could respond, Johnny was walking away and heading for the elevator. Sonny stayed in her doorway to watch her sensei leave. Johnny pressed the button to the elevator and turned around to face Sonny, his hand raised to point at her.
"I better see you two downstairs in five minutes." He warned just as the elevators doors opened for him.
Sonny nodded her head and gave Johnny a tired, but still genuine smile as he stepped inside. "Yes, sensei." She called out, and Johnny nodded his head just as the doors closed.
Once Johnny was gone, Sonny closed the hotel door and walked back into the room. She made way toward Eli's bed, grabbing two handfuls of his blankets and the foot of his bed before ripping them off of him. Eli groaned, curling into a ball to get warmer now that his blanket was gone.
"We've gotta go downstairs. Get dressed." Sonny said loudly to fully wake Eli up. Eli groaned again, sitting up groggily. "What happened?" He complained as he rubbed his eyes.
"Gunther cashed an emergency meeting. We have to be in the lobby in five." Sonny said Eli eyes widened and he jumped out of the bed as if it were on fire.
"Five? I can't get dressed and do my hair in five minutes!" Eli yelled and Sonny's mind went back to her sensei's words not even five minutes ago.
Sonny smirked, walking toward her already open luggage. She reached in and pulled out a beanie she had just bought in the gift shop a few days prior. It was a red and blue beanie at
with "BARCELONA" written in big font.
"Wear this." Sonny said, tossing the beanie to Eli.
Eli looked down at the beanie for a few seconds before he looked back up to Sonny, a shocked but annoyed look on his face. "You're kidding." He spat and Sing just smiled, shrugging her shoulders.
"Sensei's orders." She hummed, going back down to her luggage to grab clothes and walk toward the bathroom.
Eli watched as Sonny moved, waiting for her to smile at him and tell him he was joking, but she didn't. Instead, Sonny walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Eli scuffed under his breath, aggressively putting on the beanie to hide his dyed hair. "Can't believe this..."
Sonny and Eli made it into the lobby with one minute to spare.
Johnny timed them.
When the two of them got to the lobby though, Gunther hadn't even showed up yet. As they waited, all the teams talked amongst themselves. While Sonny talked to Eli, who was still very mad about having to wear a beanie. Sonny noticed Eli glaring at something behind her and her words slowly died out as she held back a nervous laugh. "What is it?"
Eli turned back to Sonny for a split second, his glare disappearing before he turned back to whatever he was glaring at only now, Hawk was squinting.
"What is this guys problem? He's been mad-dogging me since Kenny showed up." He scoffed under his breath. Sonny's eyebrows furrowed and she turned around to see who Eli was talking about.
And then, Sonny's eyes locked with Axel across the room. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest as he gave Eli a nasty glare. But as soon as Sonny looked over to him, Axel glanced away and his face relaxed as if he hadn't just been been staring.
"Oh, God." Sonny grumbled, rolling her eyes.
Hawk turned back to Sonny, his confused look now pointed at her instead of Axels angry eyes. "What?" He asked as Sonny sighed, starting to walk toward Axel.
"I might have an idea what this is about." Sonny muttered as she walked away. Eli just stared at his best friend go, more confused than he was before until he remembered Sonny telling him how her night went leaving the tapas bar. An Iron Dragon tried to kiss her.
Immediately, Eli was chasing Sonny, pointing at Axel without a care in the world. "Wait, is that the guy from the beach?" Eli whisper yelled just as Sonny reached Axel.
"Hey, Axel." Sonny said, a tired smile onto her face as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Axel's angry demeanor completely washed away when Sonny walked toward him. His arms dropped from his chest and they nervously pushed into his pockets. "Hi, Sonny." He stumbled out, a nervous smile growing on his face as his cheeks started to tinge pink.
From behind Sonny, Eli stared at Axel, shocked by his lack of game—even if he had good game, Eli would probably give him the same look considering the girl he was crushing on was a lesbian.
Sonny smiled again, an uncomfortable hum coming out as her lips twisted upward. She licked her lips before she tilted her head at the taller boy in front of her.
"Can you please not shoot imaginary lasers into Eli's head?" Sonny asked and instantly, Axels face dropped. His eyes moved to the ground for a second before he looked up, past Sonny and to Eli.
"He your boyfriend?" Axel asked, nodding his head to the boy standing just a few feet away from Sonny. He made sure he was loud enough for Eli to hear, which made Eli scoff, slightly offended by how disgusted Axel sounded.
"What?" Sonny blurted before her entire face scrunched and she frantically shook her head. "Ew! No, I'm not dating Eli!" Sonny cringed and from behind her, Eli whipped his head to Sonny, his face scrunched and his eyebrows furrowed in shock.
"Ew?" He asked, offended by Sonny's words and Sonny just rolled her eyes. She spun back around to face Eli and waved her hand around. "Shut up!" Sonny whispered yelled before she turned back to Axel.
Sonny crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. "I have a girlfriend back home." Sonny clarified. She watched as Axels face started to fall, but she continued.
"And even if I was dating Eli, that doesn't mean you should glare at him. You don't know him and you don't know me." Sonny said, her shoulders raising defensively as she shook her head.
Axel opened his mouth to apologize. He took a step forward and—
"My apologies for summoning you all like this. But under the circumstances, it was necessary." Gunther's voice echoed throughout the hotel lobby, cutting Axel off just as he was about to speak.
Sonny turned and walked away, leaving Axel alone to head toward her team. Once she reached the other Miyagi-Dos, Sonny put her attention back on Gunther.
"The Sekai Taikai has a long and honorable tradition: we fight hard and we fight fair." Gunther sighed, his head dropping. "That's why I am saddened to announce that one of the dojos here has tarnished that tradition by cheating."
Sonny's eyebrows shot up and her lips parted in shock. "Woah..." She muttered to herself, but Robby, who was standing next to her, looked to her with the same shocked expression.
Gunther then turned to his left—toward Udar Tigra. "Sensei Ivanov, four of your students have tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. You are hereby eliminated." He yelled and Sonny's eyes widened. People around her started to whisper and murmur to each other. Sonny watched as each member of Udar Tigra reddened in anger.
The person who looked the angriest was Sensei Ivanov. He took a big step toward Gunther, his lips curled in anger.
"What the hell are you talking about? Bullshit! Why don't you come over here and remove me yourself?" He screamed, getting right in Gunther's face.
Sonny thought Gunther would've backed down—she would've, at least. Sensei Ivanov was scary.
But instead, Gunther took a step closer to the man, bringing them even closer.
"Sensei Ivanov!" Gunther screamed and Sonny's eyes shot open wide at his scream. "Consider yourself fortunate that your dojo wasn't banned forever. Continue this behavior, and that could be arranged easily!" Gunther warned and after a staring battle between the two, Sensei Ivanov finally backed away.
As the sensei moved back to his team, Gunther turned to the rest of the dojos, his happy demeanor back as if nothing had happened.
"Replacing Udar Tigra will be the dojo with the next highest point total." Gunther explained and Sonny immediately turned around to look at Devon behind her.
Just like Sonny expected, Devon's eyes were looking up at the ceiling, doing the math in her head to try and figure out which team had the next highest points. Then, Devon froze, color draining from her face.
She looked to Sonny, her eyes wide. "That means..."
"Cobra Kai!" Gunther announced, raising his hand to gesture to the dojo standing directly across from him.
Sonny took in a sharp breath of air and pushed her shoulders back as she and the rest of her team turned to face Cobra Kai. She watched as all of the boys started to cheer amongst themselves, but Tory kept her eyes on Gunther.
For a second, her eyes flickered to Miyagi-Do, and she locked eyes with Sonny. From behind her, Sonny could hear Johnny scoff and mutter a small "of course" under his breath.
"And on a more positive note, we'll now announce the draws for out semifinals." Gunther announced, making Cobra Kai stop their celebrating and Tory finally pull her eyes away from Sonny.
Sonny kept her eyes on Tory for a few seconds longer though. She felt a pit form in her stomach and she hated it. Just when she finally becomes friends with Tory, she loses her to Cobra Kai.
"In our girls bracket, the first semifinal will be Maria Alvarez versus Zara Malik. And the second match, that will pit Tory Nichols against Sonny Thompson."
Sonny's head snapped back to face Gunther, her once high and pushed back shoulders deflating at his words. Sonny licked her lips when the churning feeling in her gut only worsened.
"In our boys bracket, our first semifinal match will be Diego Aguilar versus Kwon Jae-Sung and our second semifinal match will pit Axel Kovacevic against Robby Keene. Good luck to all our semifinalists and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the venue." Gunther continued and Sonny huffed again, this time over the fact that Robby would now have to fight Axel.
Demetri huffed, making Sonny turn around to face her team as the other students and senseis left the area, splitting back up to their hotel rooms or training area.
"Axel the invincible and another battle against Tory, great." Demetri grumbled under his breath. Daniel sighed at Demetri words and pulled the students to the stairwell.
He, Johnny, and Chozen gestured for the students to sit on the steps in front of them. Sonny took a seat on one of the lower steps Robby sitting next to her.
"Screw this horseshit, man! How many times do we have to kill that son of a bitch until he stays dead?" Johnny yelled, pacing in front of the stairs.
"Kreese is like cockroach, but he is not one fighting on mat." Chozen said and Daniel immediately nodded his head in agreement.
"Sensei Chozen is right. We have the rest of the day to tune up for tomorrow." Daniel said, a reassuring smile on his face as he turned to look at Sonny and Robby.
Sonny took a deep breath, her shoulders shaking nervously. Sam, who was sitting on the step directly behind Sonny, noticed and carefully brought her hands up to Sonny's shoulders, rubbing them reassuringly.
Sonny quickly looked back at Sam, sending her a small smile that Sam returned. As Sam continued to rub Sonny's shoulders, Sonny turned back to Daniel, nervously running her hands down her thighs and raising her eyebrows. "So what's the plan?"
Johnny took a step toward the students before Daniel could speak.
"Knock Kreese's head off his neck for starters." He spat, nodding his head to Sonny.
Sonny's eyebrows somehow raised even more and her lips parted. She would've appreciated a real answer, not one fueled by anger.
"Senseis need time to discuss." Chozen interrupted, his eyes on Sonny and Robby. "Go get changed and meet me at gym."
Sonny and Robby nodded, starting to stand up. "Yes, Sensei." The two of them muttered as the rest of their team started to stand up from behind them and walk back to their rooms.
After training with Chozen for about an hour, Daniel and Johnny came into the training room with Miguel to steal Sonny and Robby for more "intense" training.
When they were finally done, Sonny tiredly walked into her hotel room and saw Demetri and Eli was sitting on Eli's bed, watching Ghostbusters on the hotel TV.
Sonny bit back a smile and licked her teeth when the two boys looked up at her and Eli's face started to flush.
"Hey." Was all Sonny was able to get out. Knowing if she said anything else, she might laugh or squeal in excitement for Eli.
Demetri smiled at Sonny, sitting up straighter on the bed. "Hey! How was training?" He asked and Sonny groaned, making a beeline to her luggageon her side of the room.
"Long. I'm so sore. I'm gonna hop in the shower and probably head off to bed." Sonny breathed out tiredly as she crouched down in front of her suitcase and looked for some pajamas to change into.
"Okay— and hey, you don't mind if I stay here for the night, do you?" Demetri asked and Sonny, who had her back to Demetri and Eli, froze as a smile spread across her face.
Eli didn't have to see Sonny to know that Sonny was smirking. He watched the back of her head nervously and Sonny took a deep breath before she quickly nodded.
"Yeah, sure! I don't mind." Sonny said as she stood up. "Just don't take my bed. I need my beauty sleep for this fight tomorrow." Sonny said, looking at the boys as she walked toward the bathroom
Demetri laughed as Eli glared at Sonny. "Oh, trust me. I was planning on sleeping with Eli. You kick in your sleep." Demetri said and Sonny licked her teeth to stop herself from laughing at not only Demetri's words, but now Eli's face that was as red as a tomato.
"Okay. I'll be right out!" Sonny said as she walked into the bathroom and as soon as she closed the door behind her, Sonny threw her head back and laughed.
The Tournament of Champions was finally here. Sonny's hands shook by her side as she stood next to Robby and Miguel.
She didn't eat breakfast that morning, too nervous to eat. That may have been a bad idea considering now, her stomach was grumbling, but she didn't care; it was too late.
"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for—the Sekai Taikai Tournament of Champions!" The announcer's voice echoed around the arena. Sonny's heart pounded as the audience roared around her. There were so many people in the arena, Sonny could feel their cheering in her chest.
She couldn't looked around the room. It would only make her more nervous.
"Welcome, competitors, to the semifinal round of the Sekai Taikai!" Gunther yelled, making Sonny's eyes move to him.
The man basked in the crowds cheering—it reminded Sonny of the announcer at the All Valley, Daryl. After a few seconds, the audience quieted and Gunther continued. "Each dojo will retain the points they've accumulated thus far. Each match will consist of three two-minute rounds with unlimited scoring and no stoppages. One point for a hit, ten for a knockdown, and a knockout is worth twenty points!"
Sonny nodded to herself, noting all the ways to earn points inside her head.
"It's still anyone's tournament to win because, at this stage, no deficit is too large to overcome." Gunther said and Sonny looked to the scoreboard. Miyagi-Do was in third place, a good twenty points behind Furia de Pantera and Iron Dragons.
She turned back to Gunther just as he smiled looking at the teams in front of him. "Best of luck to you all, and may the best dojo win."
"Ladies and gentlemen, competitors and senseis, please welcome to the mat our first semifinalists. From Furia de Pantera, Diego Aguilar and from Cobra Kai, Kwon Jae-Sung!" Echoed over the loud speakers. Sonny watched as the two boys stepped onto the mat. They bowed to the referee and then to each other, and then the fight started.
Immediately, Kwon got a handful of points. For every one hit Diego tried to make, Kwon actually scored a point. Before Sonny knew it, Kwon already gained seven points.
And then, Kwon jumped and spun in the air. He almost moved in slow motion in Sonny's eyes as he Kwon's foot made contact with Diego's face and the boy collapsed to the ground.
"The winner by knockout earning an impressive 27 points for Cobra Kai, along with the first spot in our boys final, is Kwon Jae-Sung!"
Sonny's jaw slacked as she watched Furia de Pantera swarm around Diego on the floor. "No way..." Sonny muttered to herself, watching as Kwon smirked at what he had done. His eyes moved toward Miyagi-Do, specifically Robby and he smirk only grew.
He walked back toward his team as Maria and Zara were called up for their fight. Sonny turned to Robby next to her and noticed the way his eyes stayed glued on Kwon and his jaw clenched.
"You okay?" Sonny asked as Zara and Maria's fight started.
Robby snapped out of his thoughts, turning to face Sonny. He didn't answer for a second, and his hesitation and shallow breathing answer the question for Sonny,
She smiled at Robby, playfully jabbing his shoulder with her own. "Hey, you've got this. You found your fight and you're ready now. That's what's important." Sonny reassured and Robby's head dropped.
A corner of Sonny's lip frowned and her head tilted. "You're a good fighter, Robby." Sonny whispered, her voice firm so Robby would believe her.
Slowly, Robby raised his head to look back to Sonny and she smiled again and this time, Robby actually relaxed watching her.
"You fought in the All Valley with a dislocated shoulder, you got in fights with guys twice your size in juvie—you are so strong, Robby. Physically and mentally." Sonny reassured, and Robby just stared at her, not saying a word.
"This fight..." Sonny looked across the mat to Kwon. Even if Robby would be fighting Axel first, Sonny knew Robby was more focused on the idea of fighting Kwon.
Sonny shook her head and turned back to Robby. "This fight has nothing on you."
Robby watched Sonny for a moment, making sure that: 1) she finished talking, and 2) she wouldn't suddenly laugh in his face and say she was just joking.
But Robby knew Sonny wouldn't have done the second option, When Sonny didn't move, Robby visibly relaxed, his shoulders dropping and the furrow in his brows slowly disappearing. He smiled at Sonny, nodding his head to silently tell her "thank you."
"And Zara Malik moves onto the girls finals with a dominant shutout!"
Sonny turned back to the stage as Zara blew a kiss to the audience and Maria laid on the floor in pain beside her.
"Up next, our second boys' semifinals, Axel Kovacevic of Iron Dragons versus Robby Keene of Miyagi-Do."
Sonny and her sensei's immediately all turned to face Robby. Sonny sent him and small smile and held her hand out for him to do a small handshake
"You've got this." Sonny said as Robby looked down at Sonny's ready hand. He snickered to himself, remembering the year and a half prior when he, Sonny, Sam and Demetri all came up with a Miyagi-Do handshake.
Robby did the handshake with Sonny, his eyes staying on hers as he smiled. "Thanks." He whispered through his smile as their handshake ended.
Robby turned to face his senseis, Sonny turning to look at the men as well since she'd be up there fighting soon too.
"This is everything we've been working for. You've earned it. Breathe, focus, stay centered. Give him everything you've got." Daniel said as Chozen quickly leaned forward to butt in. He had a big smirk on his face as he raised his fist.
"And then you give him more." Chozen added, making Robby and Sonny chuckle.
Johnny pulled Robby into a hug, muttering a few words to only him that made the boy smile and with that, Robby gave his team one last look before he walked onto the mat.
Robby and Axel met in the middle, bowed to each other, and then the referee before the fight started. Robby made the first move, running at Axel, but the taller boy blocked every move Robby sent his way.
Robby went to punch the boy in the chest, but Axel grabbed his arm and pulled, hoping to knock him to the floor.
Robby jumped, using the momentum of Axel's pull to do a one-handed cartwheel, immediately getting out of the boys reach.
As Robby and Axel continued to fight, Daniel sighed from beside Sonny. "His defense is on point. Robby can't get through." He breathed out and Sonny nervously licked her lips, crossing her arms over her chest to give her mind somewhere to focus breathing.
"Axel!" Sensei Wolf screamed from the sidelines. Once Axel was looking at him, the man yelled something Sonny couldn't understand and suddenly, Axel's face hardened.
He turned back to Robby and continued fighting, this time playing offense.
Although Robby was holding his own and not giving Axel the opening for a point, every attack Robby blocked made Sonny cringe in pain as if every hit that Robby was getting on his forearms, Sonny could feel.
Robby raised his forearm to block a punch from Axel, but the boy only grabbed Robby's arm and twisted it. Robby winced in pain, but before he could react to the move too much, Axel used his free hand to punch Robby in the stomach.
"Shit. His offense is even better." Johnny cursed under his breath just as Axel punched Robby in the face, blood spitting out of his mouth.
Sonny's heart dropped and she nervously started to chew on her lip. She tried to think of anything that could help Robby and for some reason, Sonny's mind went back to her very first All Valley. She remembered watching the boy struggle to fight Miguel until he really focused on defense. Then, Robby was able to score a couple points against Miguel.
So, Sonny took a small step forward. "Defense, Robby!" She yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth.
As Robby got up, his eyes locked with Sonny's and the girl nodded. Robby wiped the blood from his mouth as back straighten and his entire demeanor change. When Axel came running at him, Robby blocked every single strike.
Robby went to block Axel's punches aimed at his head, but the taller boy twisted Robby's arms, locking him in place. Axel muttered something to Robby before he tossed him backward, making Robby stumble back into the Cobra Kai's.
Kwon and Yoon each grabbed one of Robby's arms. Kwon looked around the arena, a smirk slowly growing on his face as he jabbed his elbow into Robby's ribs.
Robby screamed in pain, trying to curl into himself, but Kwon and Yoon had a tight grip on him.
As soon as Robby screamed, Miguel was running toward him. "Robby!" He screamed and Axel turned toward Miyagi-Do when Miguel yelled. When Axel saw Miguel on the mat, Axel shoved him back, knocking Miguel to the floor.
"Hey!" Sonny yelled, going to run up to Axel, but Daniel's arms wrapped around her, holding Sonny back from jumping into the fight.
"Stop this! Get ahold of yourselves! Everyone off the mat now! Or this tournament–" Gunther's words were cut short by a loud boom. Sonny turned to see what stopped Gunther and saw him unconscious, Sensei Ivanov standing above him.
All hell broke loose after that. Everyone around her started to swarm each other.
Sonny didn't know when, but at some point, Daniel had let go of her as everyone joined in on the fight.
She didn't know when, but her senseis, Devon, and Kenny all ran into the fight, leaving Sonny alone onthe edge of the mat with Demetri and Eli.
Sonny turned to her right to face the boys just as they turned to her. "What the fuck is happening?" She screamed over all of the yells and ruckus echoing around her.
Before Demetri or Eli could answer, both of their eyes widened. Demetri pointed just behind Sonny while Eli came running toward her.
"Look out!" Eli yelled and Sonny ducked just as a Udar Tigra threw a punch toward her head.
While Sonny was still bent down, Eli pressed his hand to her back and jumped, kicking the boy in the face.
Eli attacking the boy—even though he started it by going after Sonny—made six other Udar Tigra members turn to Eli, Sonny, and Demetri.
Sonny slowly stood back up, watching the other team with wide, nervous eyes.
"Shit." She muttered under her breath just as the Udar Tigra's ran toward the three.
"Run!" Eli screamed, spinning around and grabbing Sonny's shoulders to pull her with him. The two of them ran to Demetri and Sonny grabbed onto him just like Eli had done with her.
Eli led Sonny and Demetri onto the stage, the six other teens hot on their tail.
Sonny, Demetri, and Eli scattered from each other, so they didn't get too outnumbered. Demetri glared at the opposing team in front of him. "Come on, you roided-out bitch!" He yelled, gesturing for them to run at them.
"Don't instigate!" Sonny yelled, barely throwing her head back to look at Demetri as one of the boys ran at her. Sonny kicked the boy in the knee before he could make any move.
He stumbled but quickly caught himself and lunged at Sonny. She ducked under his first fist, and she tried to twist to avoid a second punch, but she got clipped on the cheek. Sonny instantly felt a burning pain and leaned toward the direction of where her head turned, groaning in pain.
She brought her hand up to her cheek as the taste of metal slowly started to seep into her mouth. As soon as she touched her cheek, Sonny felt a hot pain course through her. She was definitely going to bruise.
Sonny turned back to the boy fighting her and let out a battle cry as she jumped toward him, throwing a roundhouse kick at him and kicking him across the face. As he started to hunch over, Sonny, with her leg from her last kick still raised, kicked her foot out again and kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the floor.
Sonny looked down at the boy and tightened the ponytail in her hair. Out of breath, she looked around the stage to see how Demetri and Eli were doing with their battles. They each were down to just fighting one person and they both seemed to be winning.
But Sonny was so focused on checking on Demetri and Eli, she didn't even notice another boy had stepped onto the stage behind her and had his eyes set on her like a predator ready to pounce on its meal.
The boys steps were loud as he ran toward her, and Sonny turned around. Before she could even start to get into her fighting position, someone let out a loud battle cry from her right and the boy coming at Sonny was suddenly knocked to the floor by a blur of yellow.
Sonny stared down at the boy on the ground before she finally lifted her head to see who helped her. She smiled at Maria standing in front of her, three other Furia de Pantera running over to help Demetri and Eli.
When Sonny and Maria locked eyes, Sonny smiled, slightly out of breath. "Thanks." Sonny panted and Maria smiled back, nodding her head.
"I've gotta help my girl out" She said, trying to catch her breath just like Sonny.
The two girls looked around the rest of the stage just as Hawk and Diego both knocked out the boys they were fighting by head butting them.
Demetri punched the boy he was fighting in the face and when he hit the ground, Demetri looked up to Sonny and Maria.
"Hola." Maria sang sweetly, waving to Demetri flirtatiously.
Demetri let out a small breath, smiling at Maria before Sonny glared from beside her. Demetri's face fell and he quickly focused away from Maria, turning to face Sonny completely.
"You guys okay?" He asked as he, Diego, and Eli walked over to Sonny and Maria.
The two girls nodded and Sonny opened her mouth to verbally reassure Demetri but just as the words started to leave her lips, she was cut off by a loud, deafening scream.
The arena fell silent and Sonny felt a chill go down her spine at how quiet the room became. You could hear a pin drop.
Sonny turned around, looking into the crowd to see what happened. She watched as everyone started to circle the center of the mat, Daniel at the front of the crowd.
"What... What happened?" Sonny whispered as Demetri and Eli came to stand on either side of her.
Slowly, the three of them started to walk off the stage and toward the crowd of people. With every step she took, Sonny felt her stomach sink further and further.
When they reached the back of the crowd, Sonny pushed herself in front of Demetri and Eli and pushed her way through the bodies. As soon as Sonny started to walk through the crowd, Demetri jumped forward, grabbing Sonny's hand in front of him and Eli's beside him so they could follow her.
Sonny pushed her way all the way until she was standing side by side with Tory and Robby. Demetri and Eli came up on the other side of Sonny just as she felt all of the air leave her lungs.
In front of her, Kwon was sprawled out on the floor with blood pooling around him. He was lying on his stomach, his head turned away from the people circling him, but Sonny felt bile rise in her throat when she noticed he didn't move.
Daniel shakily knelt down next to him, his hand trembling as he whispered the boy's name.
Sonny had to clamp her mouth shut to keep down whatever may come back up. She could smell the faint scent of metal and it made her feel even more queasy.
When Daniel reached for Kwon's shoulder and he gently turned him onto his back, Sonny had to turn away when Kwon lifelessly rolled with Daniel's pull, a knife sticking out of his chest.
Sonny hit her face into Demetri's shoulder beside her and shut her eyes tight, but the image of Kwon's dead body couldn't leave her mind.
"Cut the feed!"
— and with that, space girls part two is complete!!
if you guys didn't get notified, please check out the last chapter of space girls! wattpad was glitching these past couple of weeks and wasn't notifying people when stories were updated and last chapter has a lot less readers than normal and it was (in my opinion) a pretty big chapter and i want to make sure everyone checks it out!!
ill see you guys in a week🫡AND THEN SPACE GIRLS IS DONE FOR GOOD💔
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