
core four

Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai had ten minutes to stretch, rest, get water, do anything they needed to do before their final fight. Robby noticed how glum his team looked and with five minutes left, he called them all into the locker room, claiming he had something to say.

Sonny sat next to Sam, her legs outstretched onto the bench Eli was sitting on in front of her. She had her head resting on Sam's shoulder as she waited for someone to speak and after 30 grueling seconds, Robby was that someone.

"Come on, guys. We've beat Cobra Kai before. We can do it again." Robby chuckled out nervously.

From beside him, Miguel smiled and nodded his head. "One more time. Let's send our captains into the finals." He muttered and Sonny's eyebrows furrowed at his words.

One more time.

This would be Miyagi-Do's last fight as a team. She let out a small breath, lifting her head off of Sam's shoulder to shake it. "One last time. No matter what happens, this is the last time we'll fight as a team." Sonny said, her voice wavering at the revelation.

The more she started to think about it, the more emotional she got. Sonny quickly dropped her head when she felt tears pool up in her eyes and from the other end of the bench she sat on, Miguel did the same, Sonny's words suddenly hitting him like a truck.

"Damn, I guess. I've never thought about it like that. After everything we've been though this... This is it." Miguel breathed out, sniffling at the end up his sentence.

Robby leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees so he could see both Miguel, who was right beside him, and Sonny on the other side of Sam. "So? How do we wanna go out?"

When Demetri looked to Sonny, the girl was looking down at her feet, hoping that if any tears fell, they'd easily slip out of her eyes. His chest tightened and his mouth felt dry when he spoke up.


Sonny felt her heart sink and her stomach churn at his words. It took her a few seconds, but her head raised slowly until her eyes locked with Demetri.

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Demetri suddenly lost whatever words he was ready to say. His mouth opened and closed as he stared at Sonny, finally deciding to just let his thoughts loose.

"Sonny, I didn't mean what I said." Demetri said and Sonny bit her lip when she started to feel it tremble. Demetri's words stuttered for just a moment noticing this, but he kept going. "I was just so scared that MIT wouldn't want me, I tried to create reasons as to why I'd be the best choice."

Everyone looked down at Demetri's words, suddenly feeling like this conversation should've just been the two of them.

Demetri gnawed on his lip, as his eyes moved around the room before they settled back down on Sonny again.

He suddenly pushed himself off of the bench he was sitting on and took slow steps toward Sonny. "You're one of the smartest people I know and of course I think you're good enough. I don't want us to fight like this. I hate it."

Once he was standing a mere foot in front of Sonny on the bench, Demetri took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Sonny." Demetri breathed out and it was as if that was all Sonny needed to hear before she finally broke.

"Metri..." Sonny muttered, shooting off the bench she was sitting on, her body crashed into Demetri's for a hug.

The impact made Demetri stumble back a step but he wrapped his arms around Sonny's shoulders to keep her grounded. Sonny's arms snaked around Demetri's waist, hiding her head into his gi.

"I'm so sorry." Demetri muttered, rubbing up and down Sonny's back. When Sonny squeezed Demetri a little tighter, his eyes closing as if to soak up the moment.

When they did finally pull away, Demetri slowly turned his head away from Sonny, his eyes glued on the boy across from him.

"Eli?" He called out.

Eli lifted his head, Eli looking back and forth between Demetri and Sonny as tears started to prickle in his eyes.

When his eyes met Sonny's again, she gave Eli a small smile and nodded her head, silently telling him it was okay.

And then, Eli shot off the bench and ran toward Demetri. "Dude. I'm really sorry."

Demetri met Eli in the middle for a hug and Sonny smiled at the sight.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Eli said into Demetri's shoulder and when they pulled away, the taller boy nodded his head reassuringly. "I know you didn't. I was just scared of losing you after I fought with Sonny. I'm gonna miss you so much, man." Demetri whispered.

Eli felt a weight lift off his shoulders at Demetri's words. He took a shaky breath as he stared up into Demetri's eyes. "Yeah, but I'm always gonna be here there for you." Eli said quietly.

His eyes moved to Sonny and somehow, his eyes started to water even more. but he wouldn't let himself cry. "Both of you." He whispered so his voice wouldn't crack.

Sonny tried her hardest to blink away her tears, but she couldn't stop her lip from quivering. She let out a small breath that sounded like a sob to her team and she quickly turned it into a laugh as she stepped closer to Demetri and Eli.

"You better come and visit." She said through her cry-like chuckle, punching Eli on the arm playfully.

Eli scoffed, grabbing Sonny's shoulder and pulling her into his side for a hug. "Yeah, you guys too." He muttered as Sonny crashed into his ribs. He grabbed Demetri, more gentle than he did with Sonny, and pulled him in to join the hug.

As soon as Sonny felt Eli and Demetri's arms around her, she couldn't stop the pain that had been building up in her chest.

She finally let herself cry, her shoulders shaking against the two boys arms.

Devon laughed out her own cry watching Sonny, tears immediately starting to pool up in her eyes watching Sonny cry. She rolled her eyes as she quickly wiped away her tears. "Okay, that's enough. There's no crying in karate." Devon yelled out and Sonny's frowned deepened.

"I'm sorry." Sonny said, her words muffled by Demetri's shoulder.

Miguel chuckled under his breath at Sonny's words. He pushed himself off the bench and walked toward the three.

"Come in here!" Miguel yelled, jumping into the group hug. Sonny groaned at Miguel's weight and power in his hug, but slowly started to laugh. She looked up to Miguel, who had a smile so big, it spread across his entire face. "Core four. Just like it started." He said happily and Sonny's face chuckled, shaking her head.

"God, that sounds so stupid." She muttered, but since she was hugging Miguel, he heard her and immediately turned to look down at her, his smile never faltering.

"You love me." Miguel teased and Sonny laughed, rolling her eyes as she remembered Miguel's first day of school with his braces, and Demetri's horrible comments.

Miguel's smile softened as he looked between Demetri and Eli. "You guys are always gonna be my brothers." He said happily before his eyes moved to Sonny. "And sister." Miguel added.

"We're a family. All of us." Sam said as she looked around her team.

Robby watched his team around him with a small smile for a few seconds before he stood up from the bench and walked toward the small huddle. "Who are we?" He asked, making the team turn to face their male captain.

Sonny smiled at what Robby was planning as she and the rest of her team answer. "Miyagi-Do."

Robby turned to Sonny and grabbed her elbow, pulling her to stand beside him. The two captains watched as Devon, and Kenny started to stand too.

"Who are we?" Robby asked, his voice a little loud to hype up the team.


With a smile, Sonny laughed a little at everyone starting to get more pumped up. "Who are we?" She and Robby yelled together and her team cheered around their captains.


In a blink of an eye, Sonny was pulled into a hug by Demetri and Eli, both of them screaming in her ears. Sonny laughed, readjusting so she could properly hug the two boys.

"You know, we did have one real doozy of an inspirational speech planned but it looks like you guys beat us to it.." Daniel said from the doorway of the locker room.

Slowly, the teams celebrating started to cue out and they turned to their senseis.

Soony smiled at the men, pushing her shoulders back. "Our senseis taught us well." She hummed, making Johnny and Daniel smile.

Johnny clapped his hands, moving to look at his other students. "Enough of this kumbaya crap. It's time to get out there and kick some Cobra Kai ass!"

"Yeah!" The teens cheered, following their senseis out of the locker room.


"Remember, trust, tag, teamwork." Daniel said, and the team nodded their heads. He looked around the eight students, an eyebrow raised.

"Who's in first?" Daniel asked and one by one, every teen turned to Robby.

Sonny took a spot in the circle next to Yoon and another Cobra Kai boy she didn't know the name of. She watched as Kwon made his way toward the center of the circle, but just before he could step inside, Tory shoved Kwon out of the way and stepped forward.

Sonny gulped at how angry Tory looked. She could see her and Robby whisper words to each other and Robby's entire face fall and pale just as the fight started.

Tory ran at Robby, throwing every punch and kick she could at him. She kicked Robby's forearm, knocking him to the floor, but not earning a point since it was a block.

He landed right at Sam's feet. Robby barely missed a kick from Tory when he tagged Sam in.

As soon as Sam stepped into the center, Tory threw her leg out to kick the girl, but Sam grabbed Tory's leg and threw her to the ground.

Tory landed right at Kwon's feet and with her arm unintentionally stretched out. Kwon tagged himself in and took slow strides toward Sam, making the girl take small steps back.

Out of nowhere, Kwon bolted toward Sam, letting out a battle cry and he jumped into the air, both of his legs rising as he started to spin. Sam was able to dodge the first kick, but she didn't have time to block the second before she was kicked in the head.

"Point!" The referee yelled as Sam collapsed right in front of Sonny.

"Sam!" Sonny yelled, her hand out for Sam to tag her in right behind her.

Sam looked back and as soon as she saw Sonny, Sam reached forward and tagged Sonny in.

Once Sonny was tagged in, she ran at Kwon and threw two punches back to back. Kwon blocked both of Sonny's punches and tried to kick her in the stomach, but Sonny jumped back, barely missing it.

Sonny spun around and raised her leg to kick Kwon in the face, but the boy ducked and ran, Sonny's foot missing him by inches.

Kwon used the spare few seconds of Sonny trying to land her spin without falling to run toward one of his teammates and tag them in.

But Sonny noticed and kicked her leg out, tripping Kwon. He stumbled, not falling to the ground and Sonny brought her leg around again. While Kwon was still trying to catch his footing, she kicked him in the stomach.

"Point! Miyagi-Do 1-1!"

While Sonny looked around the circle to see if any of her team wanted to be tagged in, Kwon tagged Yoon in.

Sonny didn't notice until she saw a body running at her, but when she saw Yoon making way toward her, Sonny ran at him, not letting him make the first move.

She aimed to kick in the side, stomach, and head, but the boy blocked all three. Yoon aimed to punch her, but Sonny saw it coming. She got down to the ground and slid on her knees right under his arm.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, Sonny got off the ground and ran toward Yoon while his back was still turned.

Yoon turned around and his eyes widened at Sonny running at him. He ducked under her kick and as soon as he was standing back up again, Sonny was throwing punches at him.

Yoon raised his arms, blocking all of Sonny's hits with his forearms and Sonny groaned. How on Earth was he blocking everything?

"Sonny, tag me in!" She heard someone yell behind her. Sonny looked back and didn't waste a second slapping Demetri's hand.

"Duck!" Demetri yelled and not wanting to question it and also knowing she didn't have time to question it, Sonny immediately crouched down.

Demetri jumped over Sonny, his leg stretched out to kick Yoon.

But he didn't land any points, Yoon still having stamina to block hits without even breaking a sweat.

Demetri tagged Eli in and Sonny realized they could just tire Yoon out, and not let him tag anyone in.

Eli ran toward Yoon, jumping into the air and raising his fist to punch the boy in the face. Instead of normally blocking it, Yoon reached out for his arms and tugged him to the side.

His footing stumbled for a second, but Eli quickly recovered and blocked a handful of Yoon's punches before sending a couple of his own.

Hawks fists were fast, and everyone could see the frantic look in Yoon's eyes as he blocked all of them. Suddenly, Yoon started to subtly move toward his team to switch out, but Sonny saw it.

"Hawk! Tag me in!" Sonny screamed, watching as Yoon ran toward the Cobra Kai beside her to switch places.

As soon as Eli saw Sonny, he bolted toward her.

He made it to Sonny before Yoon made it to his teammate. As soon as Sonny was in, she kicked Yoon's hand away from the other Cobra Kai.

Yoon stumbled back and Sonny jumped to try and squeeze a kick in. His eyes widened and he raised his hands at the last second, blocking it.

Sonny groaned, annoyed that Yoon continued to block everything. But then, she noticed Yoon backing up, his eyes moving behind him to Kwon every few seconds.

He was getting tired.

Sonny sent two more kicks and three more punches toward the boy, making sure she moved around enough where Yoon wouldn't be able to continue to head toward Kwon.

"He's slowing down! Don't let him tag out!" Eli yelled and Sonny's eyes barely from her fight. "Um... I'm trying!" She yelled before tagging Demetri in on her right out of no where.

Yoon was completely thrown by the switch, not expecting Sonny to leave the fight. His moved stuttered as Demetri ran toward Yoon, his jaw clenched as he aimed to kick him in the chest, but at the last second, Yoon raised his arms, his forearms blocking the hit.

He switched from going high and going low, and Sonny was finally starting to see Yoon get tired out.

"Demetri!" Sonny yelled from Demetri's right.

Demetri ran toward Sonny, tagging her in again. When Sonny came running at him, Yoon was out of breath and struggling to keep up with the girl.

"We got him! He's out of gas!" Eli yelled as Sonny ran forward and jumped into the air. She kicked her leg out, striking Yoon across the face and finally getting a point on him.

"Point! Miyagi-Do, 2-1!" The referee yelled as Yoon and Sonny both crashed to the floor.

From all of her cheerleading, Sonny landed a little more gracefully than Yoon did. She hit the floor in a spiderman-like pose as Yoon fell completely on his back.

"You gonna let someone who's not in trio in?" Sonny heard a voice ask directly behind her. She turned her head and saw Miguel with his hand stretched out to her and a big smile on his face. Without missing a beat, Sonny tagged Miguel in while Kwon tagged Yoon since the boy had fallen right at his feet.

The two boys circled each other, Kwon smirking as he held his arms out. "Okay, let's go, number two." He taunted and Miguel's jaw clenched. He immediately got into his fighting stance, making Kwon let out a yell before he ran toward Miguel.

The two boys went back and forth. Miguel blocking Kwon's kicks, Kwon blocking Miguel's.

Miguel spun in hopes to do a flying tornado kick, but Kwon knelt to the ground and kicked Miguel's legs out from under him.

Miguel caught himself on his knees, both of the boys on the floor now. Kwon started to throw as many punches as he could and when Miguel raised his hands to block them, Kwon grabbed Miguel's arm and twisted it. Miguel yelled in pain and having the opening, Kwon punched him in the stomach.

"Point! Cobra Kai, 2-2! Next point wins!"

Miguel fell back at the impact of the punch and before Kwon could come at him again and get Cobra Kai their last point, Miguel tagged Robby in.

Sonny let out a small breath from the other end of the circle, her hands rubbing up and down the side of her gi. "Come on..." She muttered to herself as Kwon ran at Robby.

He went to throw a kick, but Robby raised his own leg, blocking it. When he pushed Kwon back, the Cobra Kai boy chuckled. "It's about time. Let's see what you've got."

Robby ran at Kwon, sending a kick toward his head, but Kwon blocked. On and on, Robby played offense, not even giving Kwon time to hit him with his own moves. Robby went to kick Kwon's head, but the hit got blocked by Kwon's hand. The power of the kick made Kwon stumble and he laughed.

He moved to offense, aiming to kick Robby's face. Robby leaned back, barely dodging it, but Kwon kept attacking.

When Kwon tried to punch him, Robby grabbed his fist and twisted to the side, throwing Kwon onto his back. As Kwon rolled onto his stomach, Robby grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back until Kwon was upright.

Kwon knocked Robby's hand away from him and pushed forward, trying to shove Robby off. Instead, Robby grabbed Kwon's shoulders and flipped him over, sending him crashing onto his back again.

Robby got back on his feet, turning just in time to see Kwon already standing. They circled each other, Kwon's face red in anger before he charged, throwing a series of kicks, but Robby didn't block them—he stepped back, moving out of reach.

Robby backed up right into Tory's arms, and just as Kwon's kick was about to land a kick on Robby's face, Tory pushed Robby out of the way.

Robby stumbled but he caught himself as fast as he could and sent a kick to Kwon's forearm, knocking him to the ground. Kwon slapped the floor in frustration, screaming. He jumped back to his feet, shaking in anger.

Both fighters ran at each other, jumping into the air at the same time, their legs raised in hopes they kick the other in the face.

And Robby's kick struck first and Kwon hit the ground hard.

The referee stepped forward, his hand raised and pointed toward Robby.

"Point! Miyagi-Do wins!"

Sonny stood frozen for a moment, letting the weight of the referees words settle in. "Oh my God." She whispered under her breath before she let out a loud laugh, looking around the circle to her team. "Oh my God!"

"With the win, Miyagi-Do advances to the tournament of champions!"

Sonny and the rest of Miyagi-Do ran into the center to celebrate. Her eyes went to Robby first–her co captain. Robby looked to her at the same time, grinning ear to ear.

"We're gonna be on TV!" Sonny cheered as she ran toward Robby, crashing into his arms from a hug.

"We did it!" Robby yelled, his voice muffled from his laughter.

Robby was suddenly tugged away by Miguel, who shouted something before pulling him into a hug. Jules barely had time to process Robby getting dragged away before Sam appeared in front of her.

Without a word, Sam–in a fit of giggles–pulled Sonny into a hug and lifted her off the ground. Sonny let out a yelp, holding onto Sam tighter and when Sam put her down, the two girls stayed close together, their smiles huge.

"We did it!" Sam cheered, shaking Sonny's shoulders wildly. Sonny laughed, the aching from the fight finally starting to hit her. All she wanted to do now was lay in bed and call Moon.

As her laughter died down, Sonny noticed the Cobra Kai's slowly walk by out of the corner of her eyes.

Sonny turned her head to watch the team and she frowned when her eyes found Tory at the end of the line.

Feeling eyes on her, Tory stopped walking with her team and looked up to see who was watching her. Her eyes widened just a bit when she saw Sonny and Sam standing in front of her.

Sonny fought her mind on what to do. When her mom died, Sonny didn't want to talk to anybody. She completely shut the world out, but she didn't know if Tory wanted the same.

So Sonny stayed put in her spot beside Sam and gave Tory a small, but sad smile. "I wish you could be celebrating with us." She said.

Tory's face softened at Sonny's words. It was barely noticeable, but Sonny could see it. Tory looked back and forth between Sonny and Sam for a few moments before turning her head and walking after Cobra Kai almost as if she was hypnotized.

Sonny's eyes stayed on Tory as she walked away and Miguel walked up to her and Sam when he noticed who they were talking to. He took a small step toward them with a frown, his own eyes on Tory. "She'll come around." He whispered to Sam and Sonny.


two more chapters and then we're on to part 3 (i will finish this book by then🫡) AND THEN WE WILL GET MORE MOONY


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