

"Dem, I don't know if this is a good idea... I mean... if you didn't like Sensei Lawrence, I don't think you're going to like this dude." Sonny said, sitting in Demetri's car in front of Cobra Kai.

Demetri sighed, putting a hand up. "Relax Sonny. I got this." He quickly popped his collar, hopping out of the car. Sonny watched Demetri walk into the dojo and sighed, falling back into her seat.

After a few minutes of scrolling through her phone, she heard the drivers door open. "How'd it g- Oh my God!" Sonny screamed as Demetri's bleeding nose. "What happened?"

Demetri sighed, getting in his seat. "He punched me." Sonny eyes went wide. "Sensei Lawrence?" Demetri shook his head, looking down at his lap. "No, the other one." Sonny sighed, opening her door. "Get out of the car. I'm driving you to a hospital.


The next day, Sonny was supposed to hang out with Hawk, but after she and Demetri left the hospital to treat his broken nose, Hawk called Demetri a pussy and honestly, Sonny was pissed at him. 

She was gonna just stay at home since Moon and Demetri were both busy, but when she found out Jess was heading to the country club, Sonny was quick to tag along.

Sonny had spent the past hour sunbathing by the pool with her sister when the sun just got too hot and she was getting too sweaty. Sonny cringed and to top it all off, her stomach grumbled. She slowly got up from her spot on the chair beside Jess and shook her head. "I'm gonna go get something from the snack bar."

Sonny kept her head down as she walked. Anytime she and Jess went to the country club they go pity stares because everyone knew about her parents death. It was just tiring, so she learned to just ignore them or at least not look at them. 

As she got closer and closer to the snack bar, she heard a familiar voice.

"It's our summer vacation, we're at the beach, and we're fighting about karate?" Sam laughed out and Sonny lifted her head, her eyes landing on Sam and Aisha at the snack table. 

Aisha laughed at Sam's words, shaking her head.. "When we should be fighting about boys." She hummed as Sam's eyes moved down to the table. "Or who's gonna get the last piece of pretzel bread." Sam giggled out and Aisha immediately perked up. "Oh, no. That's mine."

Just before Aisha could grab the bread, Sonny took it, placing it on her plate with an evil smirk. Aisha smiled at Sonny, pulling her into a hug. Sonny hugged back, sending Sam a smile from over Aishas shoulder that the LaRusso girl returned.

Suddenly, a blondegirl Sonny had never seen before ran up to them with a big smile. "Hey. Look what I got?" The girl cheered, opening her tote bag to show off a bottle of vodka. 

Sonny froze, clenching her jaw as Aisha let out an airy laugh. "Where did you get that?" She asked and the blonde chuckled, throwing her bag back over her shoulder. "I swiped it from the bar." She whispered, her smile wide. When she noticed Aisha, Sonny, and Sam look at her nervously, she scoffed.  "Oh, relax. All the adults are getting wasted, no one's gonna notice if we have a little fun."

Sonny looked away, trying to act casual but it was a little hard to. Sam noticed how uncomfortable Sonny was and glared at the girl she and Sonny didn't recognize. "You should put that back, you could get into big trouble."

The girl chuckled, looking at Sam with a raised eyebrow. "And you are?" She asked and Aisha perked up, looking between the three girls. 

"Oh. Sam, this is Tory, Tory, Sam." Aisha quickly introduced the two girls and Tory nodded. "Oh. The Sam." Tory hummed.

She finally turned to Sonny and nodded her head. "What about you?" She asked and Sonny swallowed the lump in her throat, keeping her eyes on the girl and not the alcohol in her hand. "Sonny."

Tory smiled. "Sonny. I've heard about you too. Seems like your knees better."

Sonny relaxed a bit, giving Tory a genuine smile. Tory smiled back before noticing Sam was still glaring. "Come on, like anyone's gonna miss one bottle of vodka. I could swipe half the silverware in this place before anyone would notice."

"You shouldn't steal anything." Sam said, shaking her head, making Tory chuckle. "What are you, a nun?" Tory looked to Aisha. "Come on, are we gonna drink or not?"

Aisha bit her lip, deciding on if she should or not before nodding her head. "Okay, one drink." Tory smiled before turning to Sonny. "What about you, Sonny? Wanna come?"

Sonny immediately shook her head no, catching Tory off guard since the girl looked almost terrified. Aisha cleared her throat. "Sonny isn't a huge fan of underaged drinking..." Aisha whispered to Tory, hoping she might catch the hint but she didn't, scoffing. "Boring! Whatever, lets go." She said, pulling Aisha away from Sonny and Sam.

Sam sighed, turning to Sonny. "Don't get upset. She doesn't know-" "I know." Sonny quickly said, nodding her head. She didn't expect Tory to know what happened to her dad but considering Aisha even tried to give a hint and she didn't catch anything and still had something to say about it made a little pang hit Sonnys heart.


"You said you still wanna do karate, right?" Demetri asked as he drove Sonny to an unknown place the next day. Sonny sighed, nodding her head as she stared out the window. "Yeah, but Kreese doesn't want me in Cobra Kai which is stupid he gets to decide but whatever."

She turned around to face Demetri, her eyebrows furrowed. "Wait. Why are you asking me this?" She asked as Demetri finally parked.

"Because I found another karate place." "Dojo." Sonny quickly corrected and Demetri rolled his eyes, getting out of the car. "Whatever."

The two walked up to a house Sonny didn't recognize. She was in absolute awe at the beauty of it, she didn't even notice Demetri at the front door. Sonny looked around, her eyes falling on the gate that led to the back yard. She walked over to Demetri, linking her arm with his before pulling him through the little walkway until they got to the back where Daniel LaRusso, Sam LaRusso and Robby Keene stood.

"Excuse me?" Sonny called out, making the three all turn to her and Demetri. "Uh, we didn't know if the gate was the front or if we were supposed to ring the doorbell." Sonny said as Demetri looked around the place. "Is that a koi pond? How much does it cost to maintain that?"

"May I help you?" Mr. LaRusso asked and Sonny quickly elbowed Demetri, turning to face the man with a big smile.

Demetri nodded, as he shifted the weight on his feet. "Uh... Yeah. I wanna learn karate." Daniel smiled, turning to Sonny who nodded. "I already know some but I can always get better, right?"

Daniel smiled at the two, opening his arms out wide. "You have come to the right place."


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