

"We've restarted this movie two times, Moon. You keep getting distracted." Sonny laughed out, rewinding Clueless again as Moon braided Sonny's hair, a dreamy smile on her face as she quietly hummed.

Moon ignored Sonny's comment and quickly tied off the second braid, shifting in her spot so she was right in front of Sonny, pulling the braids in front of the girls shoulders and smiling. "I like the two braids. You should wear them more often." Moon muttered and Sonny blushed, looking down at her hands before Moon went back to her spot beside Sonny, the two watching the movie.

When the movie finally finished and the credits started rolling, Sonny felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She quickly shifted her weight, pulling out her phone to see who texted and saw Eli's name pop up.

Will you go to miguel's dojo with demetri and me?

Sonny squinted at the text, not believing he'd want to do karate. Before Sonny could even think of an answer to reply with, Eli text again.

please?? for me???

Sonny sighed at the text.


Eli sent back a small smiley face and Sonny threw her phone behind her on the bed before lying down completely, bringing her hand up to her face to rub her eyes. Moon turned around at Sonny before lying down beside her. "What's wrong?" She asked softly, her voice calming Sonny's nerves a little.

Sonny dropped her hand, making it fall right beside Moons, who slowly grabbed it. Sonny turned her head to face Moon, their faces a few inches apart but Sonny tried not to show a reaction. "I'm going to karate tomorrow." Sonny said in a fake enthusiastic voice. 

Moons face scrunched. "Why?" She asked and Sonny sighed, staring up at the posters she stuck to her ceiling.

"The boys are joining. They want me to go." Sonny mumbled, tightening her grip around Moons hand. Moon felt butterflies flutter in stomach but shook them off, scooting closer to Sonny. "Do you want to go?"

Moon felt Sonny shake her head. "Not really. But it could be good for me, you know. I could use what I learn for self defense." She mumbled and Moon hummed. "Well, if you think that it'd be good for self defense, I think you should do it."

Sonny groaned, making Moon laugh. "Fine, I'll go." She groaned and Moon made a proud noise, leaning over Sonny to grab the remote from the other side of her and turning off the TV. 

"Good because we should go to bed. It's 3am." Moon mumbled, making Sonny lift her head up in shock. "It's 3am?!" Sonny whisper yelled and Moon laughed, silently shushing her.

Sonny sighed, getting off the bed, taking a blanket and pillow and placing them on the ground, confusing Moon and making her sit up."What are you doing?" Sonny looked back and forth between Moon and the makeshift bed she made. "I was... I was gonna let you take the bed."

Moon rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly. Come on." Moon sang, patting the spot next to her. Sonny put her pillow and blanket back on the bed and crawled into the spot next to Moon and almost instantly falling asleep.


The next morning, Moon left Sonny's and Eli's mom picked up Demetri and Eli to go to Cobra Kai, which Sonny thought was an... interesting name for a dojo.

"Why did we let you talk us into this? This goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason." Demetri groaned to Eli. 

"Let's just give it a chance. You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass." Eli mumbled and Sonny sighed, stuffing her hands on her back pockets.

"Quiet!" Johnny screamed, shutting up every person in the dojo.

"Face front." He demanded. The three friends faced Johnny, Sonny in between Eli and Demetri, watching as the man walked through the crowd of students.

Johnny walked up to Demetri he pointed at his shirt. "Nice shirt." Demetri smiled at the compliment. "Thanks." "I'm joking. It sucks." The man muttered back and Sonny snickered, not expecting that response from the man. 

Johnny turned to Sonny, letting out an annoyed huff. "Great. Another girl... What's your name?"

"Sonny." She instantly answered, a small, proud smile on her face as the mans eyebrows raised. "Like the sun? 'Hey it's sunny out.' Like that?" He asked almost as if it was unbelievable. Sonny nodded her head and Johnny sighed. "Damn. Your parents must've been high or something when they had you." Sonnys smile fell in an instant, turning to look at the ground as the man walked away. She felt something pull her bracelet before letting go like a rubber band and Sonny immediately smiled down at Eli's fingers playing with her bracelet to try and make her feel better.

Sonny looked back up at Eli, sending him a smile that he instantly returned. "When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers. I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a hat with his tits popping out. But, in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So maybe there's some hope for you. But first, I need to see where you're at. So everybody fall in!" Johnny screamed.

Aisha and Miguel started to 'fall in' while everyone else stood around in confusion. "He wants us to fall?" Sonny asked Eli as she leaned closer to him. Eli turned to Sonny, innocently shrugging.

"That means line up!" Johnny yelled and all the teens nodded their heads, standing behind Aisha and Miguel in lines. "No, not... not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines."

"You mean like... rows?" Demetri asked from behind Sonny who rolled her eyes, bringing her hand up to her face. "This is gonna be a long day."


Johnny was walking around the class as everyone did jab-punches when he suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, Lip."

Everyone froze at the name, Sonny slowly turning to face the man. Johnny nodded at Eli who was looking around at the kids surrounding him, seeing if anyone else could've gotten that nickname instead of him. "Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?"

Sonny looked at the man in disgust as Demetri stepped forward. "Excuse me, uh... Mr. Lawrence-" "Sensei Lawrence!" Aisha interjected. Sonny raised her brows as Demetri rolled his eyes. "Ok... You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance."

"Oh, is that so? So, I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?" Johnny asked and Sonny just stared at the man in shock. 

"Well, yeah." She butted in, making Johnny turn to her. "Well, Little Miss Sunshine, maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do." Johnny turned back to Eli and raised his eyebrows. "You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?"

"By calling the police?" Demetri asked. "Dude, knock it off." Miguel whispered to him and Sonny whipped her head to him. "What? You think we're just gonna let him say this shit?" Sonny snapped at Miguel, making him look away as Demetri joined in. "He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. We're paying him. He works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us." Demetri told the room.

"You two done?" The man asked, walking up to Demetri.

"Hit me." Johnny demanded Demetri and Sonny stepped back, pulling Eli away from the scene slightly with her. "Go ahead, hit me. Strike me right here." Johnny repeated, pointing at his face. Demetri got in his fighting stance and threw a punch but Johnny blocked it. "Harder."

Demetri sighed, throwing a harder punch but that one was blocked too. "Is that all you got, princess?" Johnny sassed, obviously trying to piss Demetri off.

Demetri threw another punch and Johnny blocked it again but this time, he flipped Demetri onto his back. Sonny gasped, jumping back in shock.

Johnny turned away from Demetri, looking over at all of the students before looking at Sonny. "Let that be a lesson to all of you." Sonny watched the man closely, swallowing the lump in her throat and turning to Eli who had a worried look.

-Next chapter is the last one with bby eli🥺






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