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After getting "completely and utterly humilitated" (Demetri's words, not Sonny's), Demetri made the decision to quit karate. On the walk to biology, Demetri decided to tell Miguel, Sonny, who was walking with them since her Math class was a few doors down, having already known on the way home.

"Yeah, but you can't quit." Miguel begged and Demetri scoffed, his eyes rolling. "I got yelled at, got my ass kicked and then gave him my money. you know who lives like that? Hookers." 

Sonny rolled her eyes, biting back a smile at Demetri's words, but Miguel was still eager to get Demetri back into karate. "Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like I do."

Demetri tilted his head, pointing at Miguel. "See that? That's hooker talk. Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have you and Eli's making Sonny stay in to get the feel of the classes so I'll have three bodyguards on my side." Demetri gestured off to the side, making Miguel and Sonny turn to see what he was looking at and saw Kyler walking over but as soon as he saw Miguel, he walked away.

Sonny smirked, fist bumping Miguel as Demetri smiled. "See? No one's gonna mess with you." Demetri cheered as he patted Miguel's shoulder, unlinked his arm from Sonny's and walked into his class, leaving Sonny with Miguel. 

Slowly, Miguel turned to face Sonny, his eyebrows raised. "So you'll come back?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

She sighed looking down at her shoes as she chewed on her lip. "Sadly. Eli wants to stay and I promised that I'll go if he does. Honestly, I feel like if your Sensei wasn't so aggressive and insensitive, I'd like being there. I don't really like violence but I could use what he teaches for self defense, you know?" Miguel nodded and the bell rang. Sonny smiled and started walking backwards to her class. "Well, I gotta go."

"Bye." Miguel sang and Sonny waved, mumbling a bye to Miguel and walking to Math class.


After school that day, Sonny, Eli and Miguel headed to the dojo. A lot of people seemed to have the same thought as Demetri because over half the class was gone.

When Johnny walked in from his office, his jaw dropped at the amount of kids in the room. "Where is everyone? Crater-face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" Johnny yelled and Miguel sighed. "They quit, Sensei."

Johnny looked at Miguel in shock. "You serious?" Miguel nodded, making Johnny sigh. "Well good. That was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys. You're in it to win it, right? You can be home playing your iComputers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead you're here, doing pushups, learning how to fight."

Johnny looked around the room before his eyes landed on Eli. Instantly, Johnny started to smile and he quickly pointed at the boy. "Lip! Look! Even Lip's tougher than those guys. He's no quitter. And so is Little Miss Sunshine's here too." Johnny cheered, pointing to Sonny right next to Eli.

"Could you please not call me that?" Eli spoke up. Johnny looked taken aback at Eli. "Excuse me, what?" Johnny asked, taking a step closer to him. "I said, could you please not call me that." Eli spoke a little louder and Sonny looked at him in shock a proud smile slowly growing on her face at Eli defending himself.

"Um, I'll warm them up, Sensei." Miguel tried to intervene, but Johnny put a hand out, stopping him. "No, Lip has something he wants to say. Sorry, speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed up too? Are you one of those challenged kids?"

Sonny's face dropped and her jaw clenched at the mans words. Eli uncomfortably looked around the room befor ehe looked back to the floor. "Um... the doctor said I could be on the spectrum."

"I don't know what that is but get off it pronto. All right? If you don't want me to call you 'Lip', then don't have a weird lip. Can't you get surgery for that?" Johnny shot at him.

"I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery." Eli explained and Johnny cringed. "You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because of this is the after photo, that sucks, man. You should sue." "Hey!" Sonny snapped, going to walk in front of Eli but Miguel ran over, wrapping his arms sounds Sonny's waist and pulling her back. "You don't wanna do this..." Miguel muttered to the girl as Johnny kept his eyes on Eli.

"Can we please change the topic?" Eli quietly asked, not meeting Johnny's eyes. "You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me. You wanna be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, you got to flip the script. Ok? Get a face tattoo or gauge your eye out and we'll call you 'patch' all right? No, don't do that one. You'll still look like a freak."

Eli looked around the room, his eyes tearing up before grabbing Sonnys hand, ripping her out of Miguel's grip and pulling her out of the room. He ran to Jess' car she had let Sonny use, hopping into the passenger seat and immediately started wiping his eyes.

Sonny climbed into the drivers seat, pulling Eli into a hug as soon as she could. "Does Jess still have some hair dye?" Eli mumbled into Sonny jacket, making her pull away at look into his red, puffy eyes. "Uh... Yeah. Why?"

Eli sniffled for a second before looking up at Sonny. "I wanna flip the script."


"Jess! You home?" Sonny called as her and Eli walked into her house. After a few seconds, Jess popped up from the hallway that led to her room and smiled at the two. "Hey, what's up?"

"We still have hair dye, right?" Sonny asked and Jess instantly nodded. "What colors do you have?" Eli blurted, making Jess raise her brows at him. "You wanna dye your hair?" Eli nodded and Jess smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, we do have dye but only blue." Jess huffed, showing off a strand of her blue highlighted hair and Eli immediately shrugged. "I'm okay with blue. I like blue." Jess smiled, nodding her head before walking toward the bathroom. "Well, come on then!"

Sonny and Eli trailed after Jess to the bathroom and when they got there, Jess had already finished completing her set up. 

"How did you do that so fast?" Sonny said in shock, walking over to sit on the edge of the tub as Eli walked towards the toilet seat to sit. "Well, I was gonna dye my hair before you two came home. Oh- And I also found some black. I was thinking, dye the roots black and then blue tips" Jess hummed as she moved Eli's hair around.

Eli nodded, the smile big on his face. "I like that."


"I'm saying this as your best friend, but I really didn't think the hair was gonna turn out good." Sonny mumbled as she watched Eli run a hand through his now blue hair. Eli's smile dropped as he turned to face Sonny. "Then why did you let me do it?!"

Sonny instantly raised her arms in surrender. "I was doing that whole 'trust the process' shit and look! It worked out well in the end!" Sonny cheered, walking up beside Eli, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and messing up his hair.

Eli sighed, looking in the mirror as he ran a hand through his hair again. "You really think so?" Sonny smiled, hitting his shoulder lightly with hers. "Hell yeah. Now come on, We need a photo!" Sonny cheered as she grabbed his arm, pulling him back towards her living room where her laptop was lying on the couch.

She quickly hopped on the couch, opening her computer as Eli sat beside her. She opened up Photobooth and pulled out her phone. "Come on. Smile!" Sonny sang as she quickly posed, while Eli was in the middle of turning to face the camera. Sonny smiled, looking down at her phone to see the picture and instantly laughing. "This is a masterpiece." She laughed out, showing Eli the photo and he immediately started laughing.


When they got to the dojo, Eli ran over to Sonny side of the car, linking his arm with hers and dragging her to the dojo. "You ready for this?" Sonny asked quietly and Eli nodded, smirking at the doors of Cobra Kai before turning back to Sonny and nodding. "Hell yeah."

Sonny smiled and opened to door to the dojo and the two walked in. Miguel turned his head to see who walked in, instantly smiling at Sonny before realizing who she was with. "Eli? What... what happened?"

"I'm flipping the script." Eli said, keeping his eyes on Johnny who looked at Eli in shock. "Wait. You're the kid with the lip? Nice cut, bro!" Johnny cheered before he quickly turned back to his other students, pointing to Eli. "You see that? Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass."

Johnny turned back to Eli. "Hawk. Little Miss Sunshine. Fall in."

Hawk smirked, he and Sonny taking off their shoes before standing next to Miguel, Sonny in between the two.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?" Johnny asked Hawk.

"No, Sensei." 

Johnny nodded, walking in front of Sonny. "Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?" 

Sonny kept her eyes locked on her reflection, shaking her head. "No, Sensei." 

Johnny walked over to Miguel. "Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?" 

"No, Sensei."

Johnny turned to face the front, standing in front of the space between Miguel and Sonny. "Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?"

"Yes, Sensei!"



there wasn't any Moony moments in this chapter but I promise there will be a lot in the next chapter...🕺

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