"What do you think? Shit-head One and Shit-head Two?" Hawk asked as him, Aisha and Bert watched Chris and Mitch. "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Ass-hat." Aisha said, making Hawk and Bert laugh as Sonny got up to them.
"Well, I'm Chr-" "Did I say you can speak?" Hawk yelled, interrupting Chris. Sonny scoffed, whacking his arm. "Dude!" Sonny scolded, but Hawk just shrugged as if he had done nothing wrong.
Miguel walked up from behind the two new students and patted Chris' back. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you." He reassured as he dapped Chris up. Chris and Mitch both relaxed at Miguel's words before he spoke again.
"Besides, everyone knows your names are Ass-face and Douchebag."
Chris's face fell, his eyes following Miguel as walked over to Sonny, Aisha, Hawk, and Bert. Chris stared at Sonny with a dropped jaw. Sonny just shrugged while Miguel wrapped an arm around her shoulders, careful not to put too much weight on her since she was still on crutches.
The loud jingle of the bell hanging over the dojo doors echoed throughout the room. All eyes turned and watched a man no one had seen before walked in. "Who's that?" Sonny asked quietly, leaning toward Miguel so he could hear her.
She looked up at him and watched as he stared at the man with a scrunched face. "I don't know..." He breathed out, removing his arm from around Sonny to walk towards the man.
Sonny looked back at Chris and Mitch and smiled at the two, turning to Chris. "So, if I call you douchebag am I fired?" Chris laughed at her question, not taking her seriously until he realized she wasn't laughing with him, making his smile drop. "Wait. What?"
Before Sonny could answer, Johnny walked in. "Fall in!" Johnny screamed and Sonny quickly started limping to her spot on the stacked mats, passing the random man. She sent him a small smile, thinking he'd return it but his eyes fell on her knee and he grimaced, making Sonny slump but continue to her spot.
"Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here. Mr. Diaz, warm them up." Johnny announced before stepping back beside Mr. Kreese as Miguel walked up front.
"Fighting positions! Front kick." Miguel yelled and the whole class kicked as Sonny watched, her good knee pulled up to her chest as her injured one stayed on the ground.
"Forward strike!"
"Side dab!" The whole class dabs and Sonny laughs until she's sees the look on her Sensei's face and her smile quickly drops.
"What the hell was that?" Johnny screamed. Miguel slowly started shaking his head, a small, but nervous laugh leaving his lips. "We're just messing around. We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley."
"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk added. Johnny's eyebrows raised, almost testing the boy and Sonny immediately slumped in her spot, biting her nail as she watched the scene.
"Oh, yeah, really, huh? So you know everything. There's nothing left to learn, huh?" Johnny asked, his voice low and angry. No one seemed to catch onto the man's anger though because Aisha giggled, making Johnny and Sonny's heads whip to the girl.
"What's so funny, Ms. Robinson?" Johnny asked, getting up in the girls face as she continued to laugh. "I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand."
"Try me."
Aisha smirked. "It's a snake-doo."
Johnny's eyebrows furrowed as the whole class minus Sonny started laughing. He looked around, almost hurt that he wasn't apart of the inside joke before he leaned toward Aisha again. "What's a 'snake-doo'?" Johnny asked.
The whole class laughed, lifting their arms up and hissing like a snake at him. Johnny's face reddened and his jaw clenched so tight, Sonny was shocked his teeth didn't shatter.
"Quiet!" He screamed, silencing the class instantly.
"5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show or you show up late, and you're off the team and that counts you Ms. Thompson! Class dismissed."
Sonny was always able to wake up early if she knew she needed to. She woke up at 4:30 the next day, ready to head to the destination Johnny told them about the day prior. She quickly got dressed and ready and by the time Sonny was ready to leave, it was 4:45. She walked into her sisters room for a ride to find the bed empty.
Panic filled Sonny as she ran to the kitchen, tripping over her feet and the crutches on the way over. She found a bright yellow sticky note on her fridge.
'left for an early shift at work! see you in a few hours.'
Sonny's eyes went wide as she quickly readjusted the crutches under her arms before bolting out the door, hoping she'd make it to karate in time.
"Their muscles are gonna ache, sure, but if you wanna make them tough, you gotta give them something to be afraid of. No one is afraid of a little cement." Kreese said to Johnny. "They will be."
"Sensei!" Sonny yelled out of breath, running into the parking lot, making Mr. Kreese, Johnny and a few students turn to her. Sonny leaned against her left crutch, still trying to catch her breath as she faced her Sensei.
"I'm so sorry... I'm late. I woke up on time, I promise. But... But my sister left for an early at work and I can't drive yet... so I had to run which I also can't do... because of the knee. And I live in Encino and running with crutches from Encino to Reseda is a but of a sturggle, you know? But I promise it won't happen again." Sonny said, her words jumbled together and breathy.
Johnny went to nod his head, allowing her excuse but Kreese put an arm out in front of him, turning to Sonny. "Now now Ms..." "Thompson." Sonny told Mr. Kreese and he smiled, nodding.
"Ms. Thompson... Sensei Lawrence said yesterday that if you show up late you're off the team so I'm sad to say that-" "Ms. Thompson had a good reason to why she is late. Her knee is injured and she didn't have a ride." Johnny quickly interrupted the man and Kreese shook his head, clicking his tongue.
"But she's not even useful here. She's defective." Kreese said, gesturing to Sonny's knee. Sonny's eyes went wide at the mans words as he looked back up into her eyes, clasping his hands together. "Now, I'm sorry, Ms. Thompson but you are out of Cobra Kai."
Sonny opened and closed her mouth in shock, turning to Johnny. "Sensei, am I off the team?" Johnny looked down before turning to face Kreese. Johnny sighed, not meeting Sonny's eyes as he dragged a hand down his face. "Sorry Thompson. I said don't be late and I meant it. You're out."
Sonny felt like she had been kicked in the stomach, she took in one shaky breath before turning to walk away. "I didn't wanna be on this stupid team anyway." Johnny slumped at her words but Sonny couldn't see it, already limping back out of the parking lot.
She heard two pairs of footsteps run up to her, but she ignored them until Miguel and Hawk stopped right in front of her, blocking her from leaving the lot. "Woah, woah. Sonny, where are you going?" Hawk asked and Sonny let out a dry laugh.
"I'm off the team." She scoffed out and Hawk's eyes almost popped out of his head as Miguel's mouth opened and closed.
"Sensei kicked me off the team because I was late." Sonny explained. She felt the same pit in her stomach from just seconds ago and she cleared her throat, turning to walk passed them. "It's fine."
Sonny didn't want to go home after getting kicked out of Cobra Kai.
She found herself at a window she'd normally knock on at night for surprise sleepovers except now, instead of her knocking at 6pm to sneak in, it was 6am.
After a few seconds, the window finally opened. Demetri let out a groan as Sonny pushed her crutches into the window before gently pushing herself inside, being careful of her leg.
Demetri, now fully awake, looked at Sonny in shock. "Sonny! What the hell are you doing here at-" He cut himself off, spinning around to look at the clock on his nightstand, his jaw dropping at the time. "6am!? Why are you here?"
Sonny let out a sigh, flopping down onto his bed and he slowly laid down beside her. "I was kicked out of Cobra Kai." She muttered.
Demetri moved into a criss cross position, Sonny doing the same, kicking out her bad leg since she can't bend her knee. "What? Why?" Demetri asked as Sonny played with the little anklet around her ankle, biting her lip sadly.
"I was late to a class and I guess with Sensei's friend or whatever was a big deal. He called me defective because of my leg." Sonny chuckled out the last part. Demetri's eyes widened, looking down at Sonny's injured knee before looking back up at her.
"Sensei Lawrence?" He asked and Sonny shook her head. "No, his friend." She let out a awkward laugh as Demetri moved around so he was beside Sonny. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and slightly pulled her into him. "You okay?"
Sonny sighed, leaning her head on Demetri's shoulder. "I guess."
Demetri slumped, knowing that meant she was upset. He looked around the room, trying to think of something to make her feel better when an idea popped into his head. "Do you want me to play some One Direction?"
but we're like a few episodes away from the mall scene and i'm not ready for hawk to go bad☝️🤧
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