forty eight.

slumber party

Karate today was pretty easy. Johnny was in charge and decided to only call up two people at a time to spar. After Sonny did some sparring with Robby, Johnny called up Sam and Tory.

Sonny hopped off the sparring deck and stood beside Johnny to watched the girls fight. She frowned as Sam and Tory sent weak punches to each other and mainly just circled each other.

"This is hard to watch..." Sonny muttered, crossing her arms over chest. She turned around and walked away from the fight and towards Devon, Miguel, and Robby, who were also watching the girls.

"Your girlfriends are broken." Devon said and Sonny nodded in agreement, her eyes not leaving Sam and Tory. 'What did you two do to them?" Sonny whispered, finally turning to glare at Miguel and Robby.

"We didn't do anything. They're just friends now." Robby said. Sonny looked back to the fight and immediately shook her head. "I actually can't look at this." She muttered, turning and walking away towards Hawk, Chris, Nate, and Kenny.

"All right, tomorrow's the big day, boys. Finally gonna find out which country's hosting the Sekai Takai." Hawk said as Sonny joined the circle. He smiled at Sonny, side stepping to give her some space to stand next to him.

"I've always wanted to go to Japan." Sonny breathed out, a small smile on her face as everyone in the group nodded excitedly at her guess, thinking it would be awesome to go there.

"Germany would be cool. My dad's getting stationed there next month." Kenny said and Hawk smiled. "Sick." He breathed out as Chris hit Sonny's arm, getting her attention.

"My money's on Taiwan. Gonna get my Din Tai Fung on." Chris said, doing a little happy dance that made Nate and Sonny squint at Chris.

"There's a Din Tai Fung in Glendale." Nate said and Chris's eyes widened.

"Word?" He asked, both Nate and Sonny nodding their heads. Chris looked down at the ground, trying to think about where the Din Tai Fung is when Johnny yelled from across the backyard.

"Lee! Call your dad! Tell him you're having people over tonight!" Johnny yelled before he looked to Sonny.


Sonny grimaced, shaking her head as she looked up to Hawk, who started to laugh. "Oh, hate the new nickname." She muttered, turning back to Johnny.

"Pack your bags! You girls are having a sleepover." Johnny said and Sonny looked to Devon to find the girl already looking at her, a big smile on her face. Devon let out an excited squeal, running towards Sonny and pulling her into a hug.


After karate, Sonny headed home and packed a bag for the sleepover. An hour before she was supposed to be at Devon's, Sam called her, asking if she could come to her place to help her pack.

Once Sonny was done helping Sam, the two girls ubered to the home and got there at the same time as Tory. AS they walked towards each other and down the driveway, Tory showed off her karate gear she packed.

"Anyone know if Devon has a home dojo?" She asked, making Sonny and Sam chuckle.

"No idea. But I am wearing waterproof shoes in case Johnny throws us in a creek or quicksand." Sam said and Tory raised her eyebrows, a small smile growing on her face. "Isn't that over exaggerating a bit?" She asked.

Sonny snickered, making both Sam and Tory turn to her. "Sensei Lawrence once set rabid dogs on Cobra Kai. That man does not care about the law." Sonny said, making them laugh as she rang Devon's doorbell.

In seconds, the door swung open to a very smiley Devon. "You made it! We're in the basement." She said, grabbing Sonny's hand and pulling her to where Sonny assumed was the basement. Sonny looked back to Tory and Sam with a confused look.

"We?" Sonny mouthed to the girls, both of them just shrugging.

When they got to the basement, the three older girls stopped on the stairs when they saw Johnny, his hands raised to show off the room. "Welcome to Miyagi-Do After Dark." He yelled and Sam frowned, holding her bag a little tighter.

"Don't call it that." She said and Johnny frowned, pursing his lips as he thought of a new name.

"Miyagi-Do Nights?"

Sonny immediately shook her head. "No."

"Dark Night?" Johnny asked as Tory looked around the basement, quickly noticing the food, games, and sleeping bags. She turned back to Johnny and squinted. "Wait. Is this a slumber party?"

Sonny pursed her lips, leaning a little closer to Tory. "Well, we did have to pack for overnight." She muttered and Johnny nodded. 

Devon ran over, holding a basket filled with different nail polishes. "I've never had a slumber party before. I didn't know what color nail polish you guys like so... I just got them all." Devon said, jumping in excitement.

"Since you two are friends now, we can have a girls' night." Johnny said and Sonny raised her eyebrows, holding back laughing. "With you?" She asked, a small chuckle coming out at the end.

Johnny smiled, throwing his arms out by his side. "I'm a girl dad! I brought cookies and tampons and everything."

Sonny cringed, looking away from the man, but he didn't notice and instead motioned for the girls to come into the room completely. "Come on. Grab a sleeping bag. But the Mr. T one's mine." He said, pointing a warning finger at the girls so they wouldn't take his sleeping bag.

Sonny sighed and turned to face Sam and Tory beside her. "I think it's better if we don't ask questions." She whispered, walking down the rest of the stairs and towards the pile of sleeping bags to choose from.


After using the face masks and having a couple pillow fights—that Sonny won from all the practice she had with her sleepovers with Demetri and Eli— Devon pulled out a Ouija board and they started to ask questions, their one rule being no questions about the Sekai Takai.

Devon was the first to ask a question. She was practically shaking in excitement. Her eyes were closed as she tried to think of a question, everyone's hands already on the piece, ready for it to move. "Will someone in this room lose a friend in the next month?"

Sonny side eyed the younger girl next to her, not expecting Devon to ask that. "That was dark, Dev..." She muttered. Devon turned to her and shrugged as the piece started to move.


Sonny bit her lip nervously at the piece, not liking that answer. Johnny hissed under his breath, shaking his head slightly. "Eh, sucks for you guys." He grumbled before he looked around the table. "Anyone want to go?"

"I'll go." Tory said and Johnny nodded. They all looked down at the piece, waiting for Tory's question.

"Will Mitch ever win the All Valley?" Tory asked and Johnny turned to the girl across the table with a scrunched face. "Who the hell's Mitch?" He asked, making all four girls squint at him.

"...Penis breath." Sonny said in an obvious tone and Johnny's eyes widened. He pushed the piece to "no", shaking his head crazily. "Nope."

"Okay, okay. My turn." He said once they moved the piece back to the center.

"Does Tory want Sam to fall down a flight of stairs, breaking every single bone in her little body?" Johnny asked.

Sonny's eyes widened as she looked to Tory beside her. "What?" She whispered under her breath while Tory looked at Johnny with a confused expression. Johnny turned to her, shrugging innocently.

"Well, let's see what it says." He muttered. Johnny tried to push the piece to "yes" but all of the girls resisted. Johnny cursed under his breath and used his second hand to push the piece. He let out a fake wince when the piece landed on "yes" and he looked up to Sam, shaking his head.

"There it is. That's ugly." He said, ignoring everyone's glares. He instead, gave them a big smile. "Does anyone want to go? No? Alright, I'll ask another."

Sonny glared at Johnny as he looked back and forth between Sam and Tory, she didn't know what he was doing but she didn't like it. "If Sam could describe Tory in one word, what would it be?" Johnny asked and immediately he started to move the piece.

B... I... T...

Before the word could finish, all the girls let go of the piece and Tory and Sam scoffed at the man and walked away from the table.

Johnny watched them go with a dropped jaw, his hands out by his side defensively. "What? It could've said bitchin!" He yelled after them.

Sonny squinted at Johnny. She put her elbows on the table and leaned towards him. "What are you doing?" She asked and Johnny defensively raised his shoulders and shook his head. "Nothing!"


After the Ouija board incident, the pizza they all delivered arrived. The girls ate, completely ignoring Johnny and after dinner, Sam, Tory, and Sonny were sprawled out on Devon's couch, Sonny resting her head on Sam's shoulder as she texted Moon updates on how the sleepover was going.

Suddenly, Sam's phone started to ring and both Sonny and Tory looked to see who called her.

Sonny's eyes widened when she saw Robby's contact name. She readjusted in her spot, no longer leaning on Sam and instead sitting up straight as Tory glared at Sam. "Why is Robby calling you?" She asked and Sam quickly shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably just a butt dial." Sam sputtered out, immediately declining the call. Seconds later, Tory's phone beeps, but since Sonny wasn't sitting next to her, she didn't look up from her own phone.

But Sam did. She saw the confused look on Tory's face and curiosity got the best of her. "What is it?" She asked, intriguing Sonny.

"It's a text from Miguel." Tory muttered and Sonny leaned a little closer to Sam so she was also closer to Tory. "What does it say?" Sonny asked and Tory brought her phone a closer to her face, almost as if she was reading it wrong.

"Hola, Mamcita. How about you drop the zero and get with the hero?"

Sonny didn't know why, but the little voice in her head screamed for her to look at Johnny. She turned around and saw him holding a phone that wasn't his. As soon as Johnny realized Sonny was looking at him, he hid the phone behind his back and looked away from her.

Sonny turned back to Sam and Tory. "He's been acting weird all night, right?" She whispered, not wanting him or Devon to hear. Sam and Tory both looked at Johnny before turning back to Sonny. "Totally." Tory answered while Sam nodded.

Without another word, the three of them stood up and walked towards Johnny and Devon. As soon as he saw the girls coming towards him, he smiled. "Hey, hey! What's going on?"

"What's behind your back?" Tory asked. Johnny's eyebrows furrowed and shook his head. "My hands. Nothing. Just my hands." He said and Sonny rolled her eyes. Sam pulled out her phone and started to call Miguel. After a couple seconds, a ringing could be heard from behind Johnny.

The man let out a nervous laugh, leaning towards Devon but keeping his eyes on the three girls in front of him. "Lee, your phone is ringing."

Then, Tory pulled out her phone and started to call Robby. Johnny forced a smile onto his face. "Oh, wow, multiple lines. I didn't know you were such a social butterfly."

Sam and Tory hung up their calls and glared at Johnny. "You're catfishing us." Tory snapped and he just squinted at her. "I don't know what that is, but catfish is gross."

"You've been messing with us all night. Now you're trying to get us to start fighting." Sam said and Devon frowned, taking a step closer to the girls. "We just wanted to help you get your edge back so things can go back to the way they used to be. It's something up with specifically you two because Tory and Sonny spar just fine." Devon said, gesturing to Tory and Sam.

Tory raised her eyebrows sarcastically and pointed to Sam next to her. "You think things were better when we hated each other's guts?" She asked.

"No. Maybe just south of that, like a really strong dislike." Johnny said, making Sam roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"I thought you were Miyagi-Do now." Sam muttered disappointedly and Johnny's eyebrows and shoulders raised in defense. "I am Miyagi-Do! Look, we're inside with pillows, chocolates, and air conditioning." He yelled, pointing to everything he brought up.

Sam just shook her head, turning back down to her phone. "I'm calling an Uber." She muttered and Tory nodded.


Sonny watched as Devon frowned, she started to walk towards Tory and Sam, hoping to stop them but they turned around and walked out of her basement. "Wait, guys!"

Once they were out of the house, Johnny groaned. "I can't believe that didn't work." He cursed under his breath. Sonny watched him with a small frown before she took a step towards him and Devon.

"Look, I understand wanting them to have their edge back but there are different ways of doing it." Sonny said, making Johnny look from the ground to her.

"This..." Sonny said, gesturing to the whole basement. "Could've ended really badly. We can't lose anyone before the Sekai Takai and we shouldn't have them fight if they're good now." Sonny said and after a couple seconds, Johnny sighed.

He looked to Devon and nodded his head sadly. "Sunshine's right. Let's go apologize." He muttered. Sonny smiled, proud that she was actually able to knock some sense into Johnny.

The three of them walked out of the basement and towards the front door. As soon as Johnny opened the door, the three froze, watching as Sam and Tory argued on the sidewalk.

"You attacked me at school!"

"You attacked me at prom!"

"It's happening." Johnny muttered excitedly, but Sonny ignored him, staring at Sam and Tory.

"I tried to make things right and you attacked me again!" Tory yelled and Johnny leaned closer to Devon and Sonny. "Here we go..." He sang and Sonny elbowed him, making him groan.

"The first time we ever met, you accused me of stealing your mom's wallet. And even after you learned that it wasn't me you never apologized. I was already the new kid with no friends and then as soon as I connected with someone, you had to come in and ruin that." Tory yelled and almost instantly Sam slumped.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Sam admitted, her voice breaking. Johnny groaned and rolled his eyes, dropping his head into one of his hands. "Oh, come on!"

Sonny couldn't really hear Sam and Tory's after that since they were talking so quietly but when they hugged, Sonny smiled.

But Johnny practically winced, shaking his head frantically. "No! Could this night get any worse?" He whisper yelled and Sonny rolled her eyes, looking up to Johnny and smiling. "Oh, come on. Have a heart. That was sweet."


"So that sleepover was a disaster?" Demetri asked the next day at karate. Sonny had just given him a completely run down of the night as they stretched. He noticed the fatigue in her words and the bags under her eyes and took that as it ended badly.

But Sonny didn't think the sleepover couldn't have been any better. In fact, the reason she was so tired was because the four of them stayed up all night gossiping and watching movies, which really pissed Sensei off.

Sonny looked past Demetri and to Sam and Tory. They were actually fighting on the sparring deck. Sonny smiled and looked back to Demetri. "Not a total disaster."

"Hey, everybody. Gather around! The announcement just came out." Hawk yelled, running towards the sparring deck. As everyone started to crowd around Hawk, who was holding an iPad with a video from the Sekai Takai sponsors, Hawk looked up at his team with an excited smile. "All right. Who's ready to find out where we're going for the Sekai Taikai?"

"Congratulations on your admission to the Sekai Takai. We're excited to finally announce the host for this year's competition. Martial Arts has always had a rich history in the East. And the Sekai Taki has held many tournaments throughout Asia."

Chris cheered to himself, wrapping each of his arms around the Red brothers. "Soup dumplings, baby." He sang and Sonny shook her head, looking up at the boy. "It's gotta be Japan."

"But in recent years, European teams have shaken up the competitive landscape, bringing a whole new style to the event."

"I'm feeling Germany." Sonny heard Kenny muttered, but her eyes stayed glued on the video. She had her hand gripping Demetri's forearm to hold herself back from jumping in excitement.

"Within that region, there's one nation that has continued to stand tall amongst the pack for its growth and dominance in both junior and senior competitions. It gives me great pleasure to announce this years Sekai Taikai will be held in Barcelona, Spain."

The whole team cheered and Sonny let out a small yell, pulling Demetri into a hug. The boy had a big smile on his face as he hugged her back.

"Oh my God!" She yelled and when she pulled away from the hug, she looked to Eli, who had a big smile on his face. "Sick!"

"As you prepare for your journey, we'll also present the rules of registration. We intend to test your dojo's quality, not quantity, and each dojo must select seven fighters to compete."

In seconds, everyone's faces fell. Sonny let go of Demetri and looked around to see everyone's faces, thinking maybe she misheard the man. "Wait, what?" She whispered as Miguel, who stood on the other side of her, shook his head.

"Seven?" He asked, making Sonny look at him. The two of them turned back to the iPad, their faces fallen.

"These seven fighters will participate in team events, with one boy and one girl serving as captains to enter into individual competitions, which will be televised around the world. We wish a hearty bona sort to all the competitors, and we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona."

The video ended and slowly, Eli turned off the iPad and put it behind him. Sonny looked up at Demetri, the two locking eyes but absolutely speechless.

"What exactly does that mean?" Robby asked and Miguel stunned, slowly turned to him.

"It means we don't all get to go."

—this episode is SO FUNNY😭😭i need to know how to invite johnny to my sleepovers

next chapter is going to be💔💔so i apologize in advance (MOONY IS SAFE!! i told you guys there was gonna be angst this season and everyone was worried something happens to moon and sonny but im here to say the gfs are and will be happy and healthy🫶)

but... there was a small little easter egg for the upcoming angst in this chapter😏

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