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"You just want chips?" Jess asked as she was about to get out of the car to head into the grocery store. Sonny nodded before sitting up a little straighter in her seat. "And some iced tea?"

Jess nodded, hopping out of the car and walking into the store, leaving Sonny alone. She had her window rolled down when she smelt weed coming from the car two spots away from her. Sonny coughed, rolling up her window a bit, turning her head to see who was smoking and immediately began to panic. "Shit!" Sonny screamed, unbuckling her seat belt and sliding down her seat so Moon and Yasmine wouldn't see her.

After a few seconds of quiet and the smell started to fade away, and Lynn, the local homeless lady passed, in between Moon and Sonny's car, her eyes on Moon's car more instead of Sonny's.

Lynn knocked on Moon's car window over and over again for money and Sonny could hear the faint screams of Moon and Yasmine from the car. Sonny rolled her eyes, a smile starting to grow on her face as she rolled down her window.

"Hey, Lynn!"

The woman turned away from Moon's car and towards Sonny, smiling once she knew who it was. "Sonny! How you doing?"

Sonny smiled at the woman, seeing Moon and Yasmine watching the scene out of the corner of her eyes. "Good. How about you?" She asked and Lynn smirked leaning down towards the window. "You know my spot at the strip mall?" The woman whispered and Sonny nodded her head, an amused smile growing on her face.

"There's a new renter. Hot blondie I keep messing with." Lynn shrugged, making Sonny laugh. She quickly reached into her pocket and handed the woman 20 bucks. "Go buy him something pretty." Sonny joked and Lynn nodded, a big laugh escaping her throat. "Hell yeah! Thanks, kid." Sonny nodded her head as a goodbye as the woman walked away.

"Hey! Don't leave the door open! You're gonna get us killed!" Sonny heard Yasmine yell. Sonny turned back to the red car to see why Yasmine was yelling. She watched as Sam jumped out of Moons car, leaving the two girls alone with the car door wide open.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Moon quickly hop out of her car, running to the door Sam left open, shutting it quickly. She looked around as if someone was going to jump out and scare her and once she realized no one was around, she walked towards Sonnys car, resting her elbows on her open window.

"Heya!" Moon cheered, resting her head on her arms. Sonny smiled at Moon, turning her body to face the girl completely. "Hey." Sonny sang back, her voice shakier than Moon's out of nervousness.

But still, Moon smiled brightly, tilting her head to the side. "What are you doing here?" She asked and Sonny pursed her lips, turning her head to the super market door. "I came with my sister. We needed to pick up a few things."

Moon nodded, wanting to talk with Sonny more, but before she could ask another question, Yasmine leaned over her seat to honk on Moon's horn, making Moon and Sonny jump.

"Uh... Moon? We gotta go!" Yasmine yelled and Moon sighed turning back to face Sonny. She grabbed her hand that was resting on the windowsill, making Sonny tense up a little before relaxing.

"Hey look, I know you have those guy friends of yours, but do you wanna sit with us tomorrow? I promise Yasmine will be nice." Moon pleaded and Sonny looked down, biting her lip as she thought of an answer.

As soon as she looked up into Moon's eyes, she sighed, struggling to say no. "Yeah, sure."

Moons smile went twice as big as it was before. She quickly leaned her head into Sonnys car, placing a quick kiss on the girls cheek before running back to her car and driving away.

Sonny stared at the spot Moon once stood, her jaw slightly dropped as she felt her cheeks burn with blush. She was so shocked, she didn't even notice Jess come back to the car and start driving away until she spoke up.

"Why do you look like a tomato?"


The next day during lunch, Sonny walked in with Eli as usual after her math class. She didn't even have time to turn to the boys to tell them she had been invited to sit with Moon before her name was heard from across the room.

All four froze at the yell and slowly, they turned to the popular table. Moon had a big smile on her face as she waved Sonny over.

Sonny awkwardly turned back to the boys, all three of them smirking at her.

"Are you gonna go or..." Eli said after watching his best friend stay standing still. Sonny turned her head to him. "Am I?" Demetri rolled his eyes, grabbing onto her shoulders and spinning her around to face the popular table before pushing her in that direction. Sonny stumbled a bit at his harsh push but quickly regained her posture and walked towards the table.

Moon quickly pulled out the chair next to her, patting the seat to let Sonny sit down and as she did, Yasmine looked up from her phone and leaned towards the two. "Sonny." She greeted dryly. Sonny scooted her chair a little closer to Moon, worried what the blonde would do after what Sonny did to her at the dance.

"We should be civil." Yasmine spoke with a sigh, looking up from her phone. Sonny's eyebrows shoot up in surprise as Yasmine continued. "If you're going to be Moon's friends, we should probably not hate each other. So, what do you say?"

Sonny was frozen for a moment, not knowing what to do. Does she just say okay? Do they hug? Sonny's mind blanked.

So instead, Sonny stuck her hand out for Yasmine to shake.

Yasmine looked back and forth between Sonny and her stretched out hand before sighing, shaking Sonny's hand. "Yeah... this will be interesting." Yasmine mumbled, holding back a giggle at how odd Sonny was.

"Hey guys. You know that billboard with the big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler screamed, making Sonny look away from Yasmine and across the cafeteria where Kyler stood with an angry Samantha LaRusso in front of him.

"Hey, Kyler!"

Sonny paled at Miguel's scream. She slowly started to slide down her seat as Miguel started to stomp toward Kyler and Sam.

She turned to Demetri and Eli who were still in the lunch line. When her eyes locked with their, she mouthed, "what is he doing?" but both of them only shrugged.

"Why don't you just shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Miguel yelled and Sonny brought a hand up to her face, peaking to watch the scene unfold through her fingers.

"You want another beat down 'Rhea? I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." Kyler said pushing Miguel and Sonny pulled her knees up to the seat she was sitting in, stuffing her face in her knees but peaking a little to see what was happening. "It's not lame ass karate." Miguel said, blocking Kyler's punch and holding him down. "Its Cobra Kai."

Miguel punched Kyler in the face and Sonny yelped in shock, bringing her feet back on the ground. One by one, Miguel took down every single one of the boys, ending up on the lunch table. Sonny didn't even process how fast the fight ended before Counselor Blatt came and took Miguel. Sonny slowly stood up from her seat, mumbling a small "be right back" to Moon and Yasmine as she walked towards Eli and Demetri. "What... the hell... was that?" Sonny asked slowly, looking back and forth between the boys that had the same look as her. "Karate." Eli mumbled.


"Sonny, as much as I appreciate our friendship, if I hear One Direction in the car one more time, we will have to get a friend divorce." Demetri said as he, Sonny and Eli walked towards Jess' car as Sonny hummed 18 by One Direction.

At Demetri's words, Sonny unlinked her arm from Demetri's and stopped walking, making Eli stop with her since their arms were still linked.

"I wouldn't wanna get a friend divorce if I were you." Sonny said as Eli started gently tapping her shoulder to get her attention, but she kept her eyes on Demetri who raised his eyebrows at Sonny's comment.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" Demetri asked.

Sonny smirked, scrunching her nose. "Because you love me too much. Plus, if we did get a friend divorce, I'd get Eli so you'd have no one to play games, watch movies or read comic books with." She hummed, turning and walking towards her sisters car but keeping her eyes on her white adidas all stars but instead of the normal black stripes on the sides, they were pink, purple and blue. A design Eli suggested she did when she said she didn't like the plain black and white.

Even after Sonny realized she was lesbian, Sonny decided to keep the stripes the bi flag. When she brought it up to Eli about changing it, he was pretty persistent on her keeping it bi, claiming it was too difficult to paint last time and if she had to do the lesbian flag, it'd be even worse since there were more colors.

Demetri ran up to Eli and Sonny, slowly linking his arm with hers, making her smile more knowing that he knew she was only joking. "And why exactly would you get Eli?"

"Because he loves me more." Sonny sang, making Demetri's jaw drop and turn to his quiet friend who was making sure to look anywhere but him. "Eli, that's not true, right? You love us both equally..." Demetri said as Eli played with the bracelet on Sonny wrist. "I would not like to answer that question." He mumbled, making Sonny laugh in victory, pulling the boys into her sides more. "Don't worry, Metri. We're never getting a friend divorce. You're stuck with me." Demetri smiled at her words as Sonny turned to face Eli. "You both are stuck with me."

Once the conversation ended, Sonny realized Eli was still tapping her, making the girl turn to face him. "What's up?" Eli kept his eyes in the direction Jess' car was parked and used the hand that wasn't linked with Sonnys to point at it. "Moons talking to Jess."

Sonny turned to face her sister's car and when she saw Moon by the driver side window talking with Jess, Sonny sped up her pace, dragging the boys with her.

"Uh... hi! What's happening?" Sonny greeted, making Moon laugh. "Well, I just met Moon here. Turns out, she was supposed to be sleeping over at Yasmines tonight but she ditched her before she could get a ride so she'll be sleeping over at our place instead." Jess told her little sister, a smirk growing on her face.

Sonnys brows rose in shock, a small smile on her face as she turned to Moon. "Oh! Um..." Sonny stumbled over her words as Moon looked back and forth between the sisters. "If it's okay with you two."

Before Sonny could even answer, Jess butted in. "Of course it's okay with us. Now, all of you, hop in, let's go."

"Wait so since Moon's Sonnys friend, she has to sit in the back with her, right?" Demetri asked, leaning his head into the drivers window to talk to Jess who just nodded. "I call shotgun!" Demetri screamed, running to the passenger seat. He and Sonny made a deal when the three started getting rides with Jess. Whoever is in the passengers seat gets to control the music and Sonny, being obsessed with only her songs, made it a priority of hers to get to the car before Demetri which she almost always did.

Sonny rolled her eyes, hopping into the the back seat to sit beside Eli, Moon coming in right after her to sit behind Jess.

As the ride continued with Demetri's music playing through the speakers, Sonny noticed Demetri looking down at his phone, slightly stressed as he held his thumb over the screen almost as if he was waiting for the right moment to press it.

As soon as the song ended, Sonny recognized the One Direction song playing on the speakers, making Sonny jump and turn to face Demetri but he had already pressed skip. Sonny leaned forward towards Demetri, reaching for his phone but Demetri pushed her back to her seat, making her bump into Moon. "You little shit! You have One Direction!" Sonny playfully screamed at Demetri. She felt Moon's hand fall into hers, making her stomach flutter as Demetri vigorously shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about."


Sonny and Lynn being friends is EVERYTHING

not me making Yasmine kinda tolerable before the party at the canyons😫🤚

Also Sonny and Demetri's bickering🤌-

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