fifty two.

what the hell

Sonny bounced on her feet and shook her hands to try and relieve her nerves. Today was the day Sonny fights for the captain spot and she was close to nauseous just waiting.

Eli, Chris, Nate, and even Mitch had all been trying to calm Sonny down, but nothing was working. Sonny licked her lips nervously, draining out Eli's encouraging words as her eyes glued on Johnny standing on the sparring deck.

She watched as his eyes moved abck and forth between her and Sam before he spoke. "Since Nichols isn't here yet, Thompson and LaRusso will fight. Whoever wins, fights Nichols for the captain spot. That good?" Johnny asked and when both girls nodded, Johnny pursed his lips and nodded back.

"Great. Thompson, LaRusso, get up here." He said, raising his hands and gesturing the girls onto the sparring deck.

Sonny felt Chris behind her rub her shoulders reassuringly, but it was only for a couple seconds before Sonny started to walk away and towards the deck.

When the two made it onto the deck, they exchanged a smile, and Sam gave Sonny a single nod. "May the best girl win." She hummed and Sonny chuckled, nodding back to the girl. "Can't wait to win then." Sonny joked, making Sam snicker.

Johnny nodded at both, then called, "Begin!"

Sonny knew Sam. She's been training with her for almost two years and even though Sam had been liking Eagle Fang's teachings, she would always stick with Miyagi-Do first. So, Sonny struck first.

Sonny lunged forward, raising her arm to punch Sam, but she dodged it. While Sam focused above, trying to block Sonny's jab, Sonny raised her leg and kicked Sam's side.

"Point, Thompson!" Johnny called as Sonny stepped away from Sam, back to her spot of the deck.

Sam held onto her side and looked up at Sonny. She gave the girl a small nod, silently telling her "good job" which made Sonny fight a smile. When the next round started, Sam struck first, attempting to kick Sonny but she blocked it. Immediately, Sam spun in the other direction, snapping her leg out again in a spinning back kick that hit Sonny's midsection.

"Point, LaRusso!" Johnny yelled, and Sonny huffed. They each took a steadying breath, Sonny shaking her hands nervously.

"Ready?" Johnny asked as looked back and forth between the two girls before throwing his hand down. "Fight!"

Sonny ran towards Sam, throwing punch after punch. Her fists got faster and faster every time Sam blocked a hit.

She gritted her teeth and licked her lips before one of her fists finally got passed Sam's hits. "Point, Thompson!" Johnny yelled. Sonny tried to catch her breath, her heart pounding as she got back into position. It was 2-1, and Sonny only needed one more point. Sam clenched her fists, mentally blocking out the spectators, even Johnny, until it was just her and Sonny on the mat.

"Ready? Fight!"

Sam didn't hold back. She darted forward, making Sonny step back a couple steps as she started to block all of the punches being sent her way. While she was focused on Sam's fists, Sonny didn't expect Sam to spin suddenly, kicking her leg out, and sweeping Sonny's legs out from under her.

Sonny hit the ground with a groan and too focused on the pain in her back, she didn't stop Sam from running at her and punching her in the stomach.

"Point, LaRusso! Next point wins!" Johnny announced.

Once Sonny was standing again, a collective breath was held as the two friends stared each other down. Johnny raised his hand. "Ready? Fight!"

The dojo was silent as the two fought. Every now and then, one of them would almost hit the other before they somehow blocked it or maneuvered away from it.

Sam spun around, raising her leg to kick Sonny, but the Thompson girl caught her leg and threw it out of the way. While Sam tried to catch her footing, Sonny tried to kick Sam, but she leaned out of the way just in time.

Sam stumbled backwards, blocking another kick Sonny tried to hit her with. Sonny then tried to throw a punch, but Sam blocked it with her forearm, pushing Sonny's arm away and keeping her own chest completely open.

Not wanting to waste a second, Sonny raised her free arm and struck Sam in the stomach.

"Point! Winner!"

A mixture of cheers and applause erupted as Sonny and Sam dropped their stances, both panting and flushed. Despite her loss, Sam pulled Sonny into a quick hug. "Nice job, Captain," She whispered, and Sonny grinned, a little breathless, her hands shaking from the intensity of the match as she reached up to hug her back. "Thanks, Sam."

Johnny walked up to the two girls and they pulled away from their hug. Johnny smiled down at the two girls and rubbed their shoulders. "Good fighting, you two." He said before he looked back up to the other students. "Let's get Miguel and Robby up here now!"

The students applauded for the two girls that finished their fight and the two boys who were about to start theirs as the girls hopped off of the sparring deck.

Sonny stood in the front row, next to Devon as she watched the two boys bow to Daniel, who was now reffing, before bowing to each other.

"Fighting positions!" Daniel yelled when Sonny suddenly felt someone stand beside her. She turned to see who stood beside her and was a little shocked to see Demetri there.

Sonny felt a knot like feeling form in her chest and she cleared her throat, hoping to get rid of it. "Oh, hey." She muttered, turning back to the fight so she wouldn't have to look at Demetri.

But Demetri kept his eyes on Sonny, trying his hardest to smile and get her to look at him. "Hey. Have you seen Tory?" He asked and Sonny's brows furrowed. Her eyes left the fight, looking around the dojo.

"I... have no clue." Sonny muttered. This was a huge competeion for the captain spot, there was no way Tory would miss this.

"Point, Diaz!" Daniel screamed, making Sonny and Demetri whip their heads back to the fight.

"One point, Diaz. Zero points, Keene. Ready? Fight!" Daniel yelled but neither of them moved for a second, both of them waiting for the other to pounce.

Suddenly, Robby spun around and raised his leg to kick Miguel in the face but Miguel leaned back just before he could get hit. Robby went for another kick, but Miguel blocked it. Robby stumbled back and Miguel went to punch Robby's chest and as he blocked it, Miguel kicked him in the face, knocking Robby to the ground.

"Point, Diaz! Two points." Daniel yelled as Robby laid on the floor for a second. Sonny raised on her toes to try and get a better look at Robby, wanting to make sure he was okay. As he slowly started to get up, Daniel spoke again. "One more point and he wins."

Robby huffed, trying to concentrate on the fight. He let out a tired breath and brushed his hair out of his face. Sonny watched as Robby's whole demeanor lightened and he relaxed looking at something behind her. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Tory walking up to her.

As Tory got closer, Sonny noticed Tory's red and puffy eyes. When Tory stood right beside Sonny, her eyes glued on the fight, Sonny stared at Tory.

"Ready? Fight!" Daniel yelled as Sonny was hesitant to touch the girls shoulder. Sonny's hand twitched by her side before she decided to not touch the girl. "Hey, Tory. You ready?" She asked, not knowing if asking her if she was okay was rude.

Tory didn't turned to Sonny nor did she smile. There was an emotionless expression on her face as she watched the fight. She nodded after a couple seconds. "Yeah. Ready to win." Tory said, her voice emotionless just like her expression. Sonny eyes widened slightly, not able to tell if the girl was threatening her or only doing some playful banter.

Sonny let out a nervous laugh and as she looked at Tory, Sonny's eyes landed on Sam behind the two of them. Sonny turned to face Sam completely and the two girls had a silent conversation with their eyes. Sonny's eyes got a little bigger, looking to Tory for a second before turning back to Sam, silently asking "did you hear that?"

Sam's eyes were just as big as Sonny's, looking back and forth between the two girls before raising her shoulders cluelessly.

"Point, Keene. Two to one." Daniel yelled. Sonny turned back to the fight and decided to try and pay as much attention to the rest of the fight as she could; this was now the second time Sonny go distracted and missed a win.

When Daniel yelled, "Fight!" Miguel jumped up, throwing his leg out just as Robby ducked, dodging Miguel's kick. When he landed, Miguel ran at Robby. Miguel ended up backing Robby up to the end of the sparring deck and when he tried to throw another punch at Robby, Robby pushed Miguel back, giving himself some more space and time.

Robby threw multiple punches at Miguel, and every single one got blocked until Robby jumped and spun around, landing a kick right on Miguel's face.

"Point, Keene! All right. Two to two. Next point wins."

"Who do you think's gonna win?" Demetri asked, leaning down to Sonny's ear so he could whisper. Even though Sonny didn't want to talk to Demetri, she answered, so absorbed in the fight, she didn't even think about it.

"I have no clue." She muttered as the two boys went back and forth. When the two of them fell to the floor, Sonny gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. Robby lifted his leg up and went to slam it down on Miguel's chest, but Miguel grabbed his ankle and rolled away from Robby.

They got up at the same time, kneeling with one hand on the ground as they stared at each other. Miguel ran at Robby and started to throw another handful of punches Robby's way. Miguel threw his leg up onto Robby's shoulder and Robby threw Miguel's leg off of his shoulder, flipping Miguel onto the ground.

As soon as he hit the ground, Robby ran towards Miguel and punched him in the stomach.

"Point. Winner!" Daniel yelled as all of the teens started to cheer. Sonny's hands cupped her mouth and she let out a loud howl-like cheer for the boy before she started to clap. Daniel walked up to the two boys and after saying a few words to Robby, he stood in between the two of them, grabbed Robby's arm and raised it in the air. "Your male captain. Robby Keene."

As everyone clapped, Robby and Miguel hopped off of the sparring deck. Sonny took a deep breath, shaking her hands by her side.

Demetri turned to look at the girl beside him and frowned at her panicked state. He didn't want her to stress too much about this fight, not when she really could win this. He opened his mouth to reassure her but before any words could come out, Johnny, who would be handling the girls fight, yelled.

"Thompson, Nichols. Come on up." Johnny said, looking between the two girls as he motioned for them to come towards him. When Sonny got onto the deck, she nervously licked her lips before she bowed to Johnny and to Tory.

Just before Johnny could start the fight, Sonny quickly walked towards Tory. She gave the blonde a small smile as Tory watched Sonny with a confused look. She gave Tory a smile, hoping to relax her from whatever was shaking her up.

Sonny pursed her lips and smiled, raising her fist for the girl to fist bump. "However this fight goes, no hard feelings?" Sonny asked. Tory's eyes stared down at Sonny's fist and after a couple seconds, Tory looked up to her eyes and shakily met her fist in the middle.

But Sonny didn't think Tory was okay. Her eyebrows creased to the middle as she walked back to her spot. Sonny put her fists up and gulped as she watched Tory get angrier by the second.

"Fight!" Johnny yelled and Tory ran at Sonny, screaming as she immediately went to kick her.

Sonny yelped dodged Tory's kick just before her foot could hit her face. When she got out of the way, Tory sent punch after punch towards Sonny.

As Sonny ducked to dodge Tory's kick, Sonny placed her hands on the ground and stuck her foot out, kicking Tory in the stomach.

"Point, Thompson!"

Tory cursed, smacking her hands against the mat before shooting off the ground. Sonny walked back towards her spot and nervously watched as Tory pace back and forth across the deck.

Johnny barely gave the girls any time, as soon as Tory got into her spot, he started the round. "Fight!"

Tory ran at Sonny, throwing as many punches she could as hard as she could. Sonny let out a small yep as she blocked all of Tory's punches.

Getting used to the rhythm Tory was throwing punches with, Sonny didn't expecting Tory to kick her feet out from under her until Sonny started to felt a shooting pain in her side.

Sonny groaned, hunching over a little as she grabbed her side. "Point, Nichols!" She could hear Johnny yell before Tory swept Sonny's legs out from under her.

She could hear the dojo gasp as her back smacked the ground. Sonny gasped for air at pain surging through her back, but somehow Tory still wasn't done yet. She ran towards Sonny and punched her in the stomach.

Sonny shakily reached for her stomach as her eyes moved to look up at Tory, the girl not even seeming to care that not only did she start the fight too early but she kicked her friend to the ground when it wasn't necessary.

Daniel watched everything play out with wide eyes, shocked that Johnny hadn't reprimanded Tory for what she just pulled. His head started to shake crazily, looking to Johnny. "That should be no poi–" "I've got this, LaRusso." Johnny interrupted. His eyes moved to the blonde, giving her a small look. "That's a warning. Next one's a deduction, got it?"

When Tory nodded, Johnny's eyes moved to Sonny. He did get a little nervous when he saw the girl still on the ground, clutching her chest and trying to catch her breath.

"You okay to keep going, Thompson?" Johnny asked, his voice wavering a bit.

Sonny looked off into the crowd. Her eyes landed on Sam and Eli standing next to each other. Both of them gave Sonny nods, silently telling her she could do this while Sam gave her a small smile and Eli gave her two thumbs up.

Sonny swallowed, taking a deep breath of courage before looked back to Johnny. After a couple seconds of controlling her now crazy nerves, Sonny nodded. "Hell yeah, Sensei."

As she started to get up, Johnny nodded, ready to get back into the fight. "That's one to one. Ready? Fight!"

Just like the other rounds, Tory ran at Sonny to punch her. Sonny grabbed both of Tory's arms, raised her leg and kicked Tory's stomach.

"Point, Thompson. Two to one." Johnny yelled as Sony tightened her braid. All she needed was one more point and that captain spot was hers.

"Fighting positions. Ready? Fight."

Sonny immediately ran at Tory and jumped. As she started to spin in the air, she shot her leg up to kick Tory, but the blonde ducked, dodging the kick. She got in the ground, hoping to sweep Sonny's feet out from under her once she landed but she planned her sweep too early, Sonny landing right after Tory stuck her foot out.

Tory got back up and let out a war cry as she ran at Sonny. As she blocked all of Tory's punches, Tory grabbed She's arm and threw her down onto the ground. Sonny hit the ground and barely had any time to register the pain in her knees before she saw Tory raise her leg to slam it down onto her.

Sonny gasped and while she, rolled out from under Tory just before she could get hit, she didn't notice Amanda run to her husband, after a phone call with the hospital.

As she started to stand back up, Tory ran at her, and instead of punching her, she grabbed Sonny's shoulders, tight enough that made Sonny wince.

Tory backed Sonny up with every step, her grip on the girls shoulder getting tighter and tighter as her free hand raised into a fist to get her final point against Sonny.

Sonny tried to get out of Tory's grasp, looking behind her. She noticed she was just about three steps away before she'd fall off the deck. Her eyes moved to Tory, before they shut, accepting her fate of either falling off the deck or getting a new black eye.

But neither ever came. The fight came to a halt when Daniel ran onto the deck and grabbed Tory's fist.

"The fights over." Daniel whispered and Sonny's eyes slowly opened. Tory ripped her hand out of Daniel's grasp, shaking her head frantically. "That's not fair! That could have been a point!"

Daniel shook his head, a sad look on his face. "We can't do this right now. Not in front of everybody." He whispered.

Sonny's eyebrows furrowed, looking back and forth between Daniel and Tory. Tory shook her head, her lip quivering. "Don't stop the fight. Please." She begged but Daniel ignored her, walking to the edge of the mat and gesturing for them to get down.

"Come on. Please, girls. Off the deck. Let's go." He said, but neither girls moved. She walked forward, closer to Tory and Daniel as Johnny scoffed. "Don't tell them what to do. I'm their sensei too!" Johnny yelled and Daniel spun around to face him.

"Well, then, end the fight." Daniel snapped and Sonny only grew more confused. She shook her head a little, turning to Tory. "What's going on?" Sonny asked but Johnny heard her and looked at Daniel angrily. "Yeah, Why stop the fight?"

"Because my mother died!" Tory yelled, making everyone in the dojo turn to her.

Sonny's face fell, her heart beat thumping so loud in her chest, she started to feel it in her ears. Daniel sighed, walking back towards the girls. "Tory, I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss. But we can't continue this fight. It's not the time." Daniel said and Tory turned to Daniel, a desperate look in her eyes.

"Yes, it is! I have to fight now." Tory pleaded, pointing to the ground. Daniel sighed, not wanting to have to push Tory too far when she was already down. He looked behind him to Johnny and nodded his head, gesturing for him to jump in. "Sensei Lawrence, some help here, please."

"It's not up to us. If Nichols wants to fight, she should." Johnny said, making everyone turn to him. Daniel glared at Johnny, shaking his head. "We'll find another way to appoint the captain." Daniel said, but Johnny ignored him and looked to the two girls behind him.

Tory took a defensive step back, separating herself from everyone else, especially Sonny, who kept trying to get Tory to look at her. "Find a way? No! You don't understand! None of you understand!"

Tory turned and ran towards Amanda and Robby, a small whimper leaving her lips. "My mom, she would've wanted this. If I don't fight. I have to do this. I have to do this for her." Tory begged.

Sonny walked towards Tory, gently grabbing her hand. Tory flinched at the touch, but calmed down when she realized it was only Sonny. "If you want to fight, lets keep fighting." Sonny whispered.

She could feel everyone looking at them, but Sonny kept her eyes on Tory. She watched as her friends eyes softened, more tears growing in her eyes. Sonny squeezed Tory's hands, her own eyes tearing up as she thought of how she acted when her mother died.

Sonny didn't talk for a long time after her mom died. Demetri and Eli would speak for her, both of them always knowing what she meant without her even having to try. Sometimes, it would be difficult and Demetri or Jess would get aggravated with her, but they never forced her to talk. She had people who let her grieve how she needed to. Now, Tory needed someone like that.

"You grieve however you need to, Tory. It's okay." Sonny whispered, her voice cracking a little. Tory's eyes jumped around, not knowing where to look. When her eyes finally landed on Sonny, she nodded her head. If there was anyone she wanted to go to with this, it would be Sonny and Devon; they've gone through it too.

Not thinking, Tory pulled Sonny into a hug, her hands so tight around Sonny's waist that Sonny lost her breath for a moment. She was frozen, shocked that Tory hugged her but slowly, Sonny hugged her back.

"It's okay." Sonny whispered, rubbing Tory's back.

Suddenly, Sonny felt a hand grab her shoulder and pull her back, away from Tory. Sonny turned around with wide eyes, shocked that someone would pull her out of comforting Tory.

She looked at Daniel as if he were crazy, but the man didn't react. "Sonny, no." Daniel said and Sonny squinted, shaking her head. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could, Johnny did, walking up to join the three. "Good thing it's not your decision."

Daniel ignored Johnny words, looking between Tory and Sonny. "We're finding a different way to decide on captain." Daniel said, starting to walk away.

"You want this fight to be over?" Tory screamed after Daniel, making the man stop in his tracks. She was shaking and she licked her lips so they couldn't see it quivering. "Fine! It's over!"

As she walked off the sparring deck, Sonny was quick to start following after her with wide eyes, wanting to be there for Tory.

"Tory..." Sonny whispered out, jumping off the sparring deck. She was about three inches away from grabbing Tory's shoulder to stop her before someone grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Let her go." Demetri whispered, holding Sonny tight as Tory started to walk away. "You needed time before you started hanging around me and Eli again. Give her time." Demetri whispered.

Sonny relaxed in Demetri's arms, knowing that he was right. Before she started hanging around Demetri and Eli again, Sonny didn't see them for weeks. Maybe Tory needed that same space.


Daniel needed up pulling Johnny inside the dojo, insisting he talk to him in private and after a couple minutes, the two men walked back out, neither of them looking happy with the other.

"Gather around please!" Daniel yelled as he and Johnny walked towards the sparring deck. The top seven—or top six since Tory wasn't there—lined up in front while the rest of the class stood behind them.

Once Johnny and Daniel were in front of their students, they began. "Training for the Sekai Takai has been hard on all of us. But now, training is over and while most of you won't be going to Barcelona, we know you'll be there with us in spirit." Daniel said, smiling at all of the students behind the six, mainly his daughter.

Johnny nodded in agreement. "Since Tory will not be going with us, we've decided Hawk will take her spot." Johnny said. Sonny's eyes widened. She striated to applaud for him with the rest of the class clapping as Hawk started to walk up to the line of students going to the Sekai Takai.

He stood beside Sonny, and turned to face forward. Without even looking, the two smirked, fist bumping each other while Daniel and Johnny continued.

"You seven will be fighting for Miyagi-Do. It will be the toughest challenge you've faced yet. And to win, we're all gonna need to be there for each other." Daniel said and Johnny nodded.

"All of us. As a team." He added before his eyes jumped back and forth between his son and Sonny. "Captains, step forward." He called out, raising his hand and gesturing for them to walk towards him.

Sonny took an uncertain step forward. Although she was happy she got captain, it was that same feeling: it didn't feel right. She didn't feel like she really won.

As Johnny walked up to Robby and Daniel walked up to Sonny, he looked to Chris in the back crowd. "Chris, bring up the official Sekai Takai captain headbands."

Chris ran up to his Sensei's and captain, a case in hand. Daniel opened the case to show off the two headbands.

Daniel grabbed Sonny's headband and turned back to her. He smiled down at the girl, one of his first students. Although he was sad Sam hadn't gotten captain, he was proud Sonny did.

As he raised his arms to tie the headband around her head, he froze just before the fabric could touch Sonny's forehead.

Sonny watched as the color slowly drained from Daniel's face. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Mr. LaRusso?" She asked, making Johnny, who had just finished tying Robby's headband, turn to them.

Daniel's breathing swallowed and shakily, he stepped back and away from Sonny. His eyes moved to Johnny for barely a second before he pushed Sonny's headband into the man's hands and ran into the dojo.

All eyes watched the man leave the backyard and once he shut the door behind him, Sonny turned back to Johnny.

The man awkwardly cleared his throat, walking towards Sonny. "Anyway..." He muttered, raising the headband and tying it around Sonny's head.

He smiled down at the girl, remembering the first time she stepped into Cobra Kai and seeing her now. Johnny was proud of her.

Once the headband was secure on Sonny's head, Johnnys hands dropped and he smiled. "Good job, Sunshine." He said and Sonny smiled at the old nickname, nodding her head.

"Thank you, Sensei."


"And you're sure you have everything packed?"

Today was the day Miyagi-Do was going to Barcelona. Eli's mom was picking Sonny up to drop the two of them off at the airport and Moon came over to make sure Sonny didn't forget anything and to say goodbye.

Sonny chuckled, zipping up her suitcase and turning to her girlfriend. "We checked three times, baby." Sonny muttered through her laughs and Moon sighed, walking towards Sonny's bed and sitting down. "I know," She sighed out.

Sonny walked towards the bed, sitting down beside her, making Moon scoot a little closer. "I'm just worried about you. You guys made this thing sound terrifying." Moon explained and Sonny took a deep breath, nodding her head. "It is." She muttered.

Moon turned to Sonny, an unamused expression that silently said, "really?"

Sonny let out a nervous laugh, clearing her throat. "Sorry." She muttered as Moon continued. "Plus, I'll miss you." She admitted and Sonny's heart tugged.

She scooted even closer to Moon, sliding her hand into her and resting her head on Moons shoulder. "But we'll call all the time?" She asked.

Sonny hummed, lifting her head to look at Moon. She had a little smile on her face as she leaned closer to her girlfriend. "Sensei's gonna have to pry my phone out of my hands." she said and Moon chuckled, leaning forward and pressing her lips to Sonny's.

Moon's hands moved to Sonny's jaw as Sonny's raised to Moon's neck. When Moon pulled away, Sonny's lips followed hers, not wanting to end the kiss.

Moon smiled, moving her hand to Sonny's cheek and gently rubbed her thumb across the skin. "Jess, Brandon, Yas and I are all having a little watch party to celebrate you guys." Moon giggled out, which made Sonny smile. She knew Miyagi-Do were all gonna do a watch party at the LaRussos, but it made her happy to know her sister and Moon would be watching together too.

"You're going to do amazing, Sonny." Moon whispered. Even though the room held just the two of them, Moon wanted to keep this moment between them. Sonny couldn't hide the smile growing on her face and instead of answering, Sonny leaned in and kissed again.

Moon's arms wrapped around Sonny, pulling her closer, her fingers running through Sonny's hair. For a moment, neither of them wanted to break away, as if they pulled away, Sonny would already disappear to Barcelona.

The loud horn of a car horn made them slowly pull awayZ Sonny felt her phone beep and she looked down, Eli's text saying he was outside for her.

Sonny sighed and looked up at Moon. "That's my ride." She muttered and Moon frowned. As Sonny started to stand, grabbing her bags to walk out of the house, Moon followed after her.

Before Sonny could grab her bags, Moon pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you, Sonny." She said in the crook of Sonny's neck and Sonny pulled Moon in tighter, her eyes shutting the stop herself from crying.

"I love you too, Moon." She whispered back.

When they pulled away, Moon sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes. She grabbed the handle of Sonny's suitcase and smiled. "I'll walk you out."


Walking into the Sekai Taikai, Sonny's jaw dropped at the large room and the bright lights shining around the arena. "Oh my God..." She whispered under her breath as her team reached the edge of the mat and lined up, Devon, Demetri, Hawk, Sonny, Miguel, Sam, Robby, and their sensei's.

Sonny looked at all the teams from around the world lining up around the mat. All of that excitement disappeared when she saw three boys in Cobra Kai gis walk past her team. Sonny gasped, making Hawk and Miguel beside her turn to see who she was looking at.

She watched with wide eyes as they moved to the spot directly across from Miyagi-Do on the mat.

"What the hell?" Hawk muttered. Sonny's eyes quickly moved to him and she watched as he looked at someone just passed the Cobra Kai kids. Sonny looked back to see what Hawk saw and her breath hitched watching John Kreese come to stand with the Cobra Kai's.

And then, Sonny's heart sank down to her stomach as Tory walked out of the same entrance Kim and Kreese walked out from. Her head was held high as she took a step to stand with Cobra Kai.

Sonny swallowed to ease her dry throat and let out a shaky breath. "What the hell?"

—AND THATS A WRAP ON PART ONE OF SEASON 6‼️i'll see you guys in like... four days😋😋

i'm a little terrified for part two BUT IM SO READY


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