fifty six.
☼ miyagi-balance☾
"How are things back at home?" Sonny asked Moon, her girlfriend propped up on her Sonny's laptop while she finished the two braids in her hair.
"Jess really misses you. She keeps inviting me over for dinner because she says it's weird only setting the table for two." Moon giggled out. Sonny's eyebrows raised, looking away from her reflection and to Moon. "Well, have you gone?" Sonny asked playfully.
Immediately, Moon nodded her head, pointing at the bathroom door behind her where Yasmine was. "Yes! I've even taken Yas there. Plus, even if she didn't bring up the table-setting part, I would've gone. I love Jess's cooking." Moon hummed in a matter of fact tone.
When her laughter started to die down, Moon raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend. "How'a Barcelona? Better than the last time we called?" She asked and Sonny groaned, finishing tying off her braid.
"Worse." Sonny muttered, grabbing her laptop and falling back onto her bed. "I don't think this team can have one month of everyone being friends and working together."
Moon frowned, not wanting Sonny to be so negative about this competition. "I'm sure that's not true..." She muttered and Sonny sighed, readjusting to play on her stomach so she didn't mess up the braids she just finished.
"It just feels like right after Sam and Tory solved their issues, Demetri and Eli's came back and now, I'm fighting with Demetri too." Sonny muttered, looking down at her nails.
Moon tilted her head, giving Sonny a small smile with the hope that it'll make her feel better. "Did I tell you Yasmine really laid it in Demetri when she found out what he said to you?" Moon asked and when Sonny lifted her head to look back at her, Moon smiled.
"Really?" Sonny asked, her softer, shocked and honored that Yasmine cared enough. Moon nodded, her lips molded into a proud smile.
Sonny's bathroom door opened and Hawk came running out. He had been in there for the past thirty minutes working on his mohawk. Eli rushed to grab his phone and gym bag, looking up at Sonny, who was ready to go, urgently.
"Sonny! We've gotta go!" He yelled and Sonny rolled her eyes, turning back to her laptop.
"I'll talk to you later." Sonny said, a tired smile on her face.
Moon's smile beamed on the other hand, nodding her head. "I'll talk to you later and good luck for your next competition." Moon said before her eyes moved away from Sonny and to the boy in the corner of the screen, fumbling to slip on his shoes. "You too, Eli." She added, making Hawk's head snap up.
He quickly finished putting on his shoes and ran toward Sonny's bed. He jumped on it beside her, making Sonny's rise in the air for a second before flopping back down. "Thanks, Moon." He said to the laptop before he turned to Sonny beside him, not-so-lightly banging his shoulder into hers.
"Now, come on!"
Sonny winced, rubbing her shoulder as Eli got off of her bed. She gave Moon a tired smile. "I love you." Sonny said and Moon smiled, her cheeks starting to pink up. "I love you too."
The call quickly ended and Sonny slipped on her sneakers and grabbed her gym bag at her feet. As she started to walk toward the door where Eli was waiting for her, he playfully gagged, opening the door for her. "You guys are gross."
Sonny punched the boy in the arm as she passed him, muttering a small, "yeah, yeah, whatever."
"We have now entered the elimination phase of the Sekai Taikai. The dojos who do not win tonight will be heading home."
Sonny stood beside Sam in the front row, bouncing on her toes at the anticipation for the next round. From behind her, Eli chuckled at the girls nerves and pressed his hands on both of her shoulders, pushing her down and forcing her to stop jumping.
She looked back at him for a quick second, giving him a small smile. "Thank you." She mouthed to him, and Eli nodded, silently saying "no problem."
"The previous rounds have determined your current rankings. The number one team will face number 16, two will face 15 and so on and so on."
Sonny turned back to the front, her eyes moving to the scoreboard on her left. Before she could do the math and figure out who Miyagi-Do would have to compete, Devon gasped from next to her.
"That means at number 12, we're facing number five, Dublin Thunder." Devon explained and as Sonny's eyes moved to look at the dojo in orange, Hawk groaned.
"Oh, great. I heard they started a fight with some locals at the beach. They're always looking for a brawl." He grumbled and Sonny gulped, looking back up to the stage. If this team was known for starting fights, Sonny was honestly a little nervous. She loves her team, but they haven't done well.
"Now, for the rules of the event. Fight will again face off on a platform."
The announcer raised her hand just as a platform started to lower behind her, stopping pretty high off of the ground. "This platform."
Sonny looked up at the platform with wide eyes. She started to blink rapidly, hoping the platform would be lower when she opened her eyes, but it stayed still.
"I hate heights..." She muttered to nobody in particular, but Demetri heard her words from behind her and squinted at the girl. "You jumped off a building once! Onto another building!" Demetri whisper yelled and even though he was right, Sonny was still terrified looking up at that platform.
"This time, two fighters from each dojo are allowed one at a time. If one of your fighters falls, they are out. But another teammate can climb up to take their place. However, the fight never stops. So get up there quick, do not leave your teammate alone two on one. When all the fighters of a dojo have been knocked off, the team is out."
First up was Iron Dragons and the West End Warriors. The Iron Dragons were taking down the Warriors easily and as soon as Axel got put on the platform, Sonnys eyes stayed on him, her mind replaying the incident she saw between him and his sensei.
Axel and Zara took down the rest of the West End Warriors and as the announcer declared the Iron Dragons their victory, Axel let out a victorious scream.
Hawk looked up at him with wide eyes, shocked by the boys height and strength. "Was this dude made in a lab?" He muttered in shock and Demetri cringed from beside him. "He's like a mix between the Winter Soldier and Frankenstien's monster."
Sonny pressed her lips into a line and without looking away from Axel, she shook her head. "Don't call him that. You never know what someone else is dealing with." Sonny scolded the two boys.
Axel looked around the audience, his eyes landing on Sonny and he froze, not being able to look away from her. She blinked, very uncomfortable with the boy staring at her. Sonny quickly looked off to the entrance of the arena, "checking" to see if Mr. LaRusso would finally arrive.
After a couple more rounds, it was finally time for Miyagi-Do to go up against Dublin Thunder.
"All right, let's bring it in. I got something to say." Johnny yelled and all of Miyagi-Do circled up. Johnny looked between the seven students and sighed. "It's been a tough day. Probably shouldn't have been such a dick to all of you, but I want you to know that I believe with every bone in my body that you can do this."
Sonny felt her body ease at the man's words, like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She smiled, turning to look around at her team. Her eyes locked with Sam next to her, who was smiling just as wide as her.
When the two girls locked eyes, Sam's smile doubled in size and she leaned towards Sonny, knocking her shoulder into hers.
"You guys know a lot more about balance than me so remember everything Sensei LaRusso said and use all of your Miyagi-Do skills to stay up there." Johnny said and when everyone nodded, he smiled.
"I'm thinking we start strong with our captains." He said, turning to Sonny and Robby on his right. "Robby and Sonny start, Sam will jump in, Devon will go next, Hawk, Demetri, then we will end it with Miguel as our anchor." Johnny explained, all of the students already standing in the order Johnny listed.
Robby and Sonny turned to each other at the plan, nodding their heads at the same time before they turned back to their sensei. Sonny smiled and even though she was nervous for team, she had faith in them knowing they all worked pretty well with balancing.
"Let's do this." Sonny said and Johnny clapped, loving her enthusiasm.
As they left their small huddle, Sonny and Robby made their way toward the platform, their team cheering them on. They got onto the platform before either of the Dublin Thunders did but once the opposing teens were up there with Sonny and Robby, Sonny felt her stomach churn.
The two teens were looking at Sonny and Robby like pieces of meat. Sonny gulped, digging her feet further into the mat and holding her fists tighter, waiting for the competition to start.
When it did, Sonny wasn't shocked when the Dublin Thunders ran at her and Robby, each of them going to one Miyagi-Do.
Sonny blocked every hit the boy sent her way until she caught one of his punches. She pulled on his fist, making him stumble forward toward her and Sonny side stepped away from the boy, kicking her leg out.
The boy stumbled right towards the edge of the platform and Sonny kicked him again, this time his back. The boy fell of the platform and while she waited for another person to take his place, she turned to see if Robby needed any help.
She watched as Robby completely zoned out of his fight, staring off at something or someone in the audience.
"Shit!" Sonny cursed to herself, bolting toward Robby to try and help him before he got himself eliminated.
Just as Sonny got to Robby and the boy he was fighting, the Dublin Thunder punched Robby in the face, making him stumble back. The boy took a step away from Robby, giving him some distance before he spun around and kicked Robby in the chest, knocking him off the platform.
The boy didn't get to celebrate for long though because as soon as he kicked Robby off the platform, Sonny reached him.
Sonny let out a battlecry, making him turn to her, but it was too late. Sonny's foot was hitting his side not even seconds after his eyes met hers. He stumbled back at the move, his hands going to his gut in pain as Sonny used his own move against him.
She spun around and raised her leg as she turned back to him, her foot connecting with his face.
The boy went flying off the edge and Sonny turned in the direction of the ladder everyone entered on, her fists raised defensively as she waited her next fight and for Sam to come up and join her.
Sam was the first to get onto the platform. Immediately, she ran toward Sonny and stood beside her, the two of them waiting for the next Dublin Thunders.
One at a time, two boys joined Sonny and Sam on the platform. They were both breathing heavily, almost animalistic as they took slow steps toward the girls.
Sam quickly turned to Sonny as Sonny turned to her, the two thinking of the same thing.
Just as the boys let out a synchronized war cry and started to run toward the girls, Sam grabbed Sonny's upper arm and pulled her toward the boys. Sonny kicked her legs up once they got close enough, her body lifting off the ground as Sam held her up by her arm.
Each of Sonny's feet hit one of the boys in the face, one of the boys even getting knocked off the platform.
The boy that didn't fall only hit the floor. Sam let out a breath as she put Sonny down and as the boy started to get up, Sonny ran toward him while Sam waited for the next Dublin Thunder.
Sonny jumped and raised her leg to kick the boy. Just before her foot could connect with the boys face, he raised his arm, blocking the kick.
As Sonny started to come down, the boy punched Sonny in the gut. The hit made Sonny stumble when she landed, taking a couple dragged steps back once her feet hit the floor while she grabbed her stomach in pain.
Sonny had no time to react when the boy spun, his leg raising until it was at the same height as Sonny's chest. Once he was facing her, the boy kicked his leg out and his foot landed right in the center of Sonny's sternum.
Sonny stumbled back again, but she was too close to the edge and in two steps, Sonny slipped off the platform.
Her stomach sank and twisted as she started to fall and she could faintly hear Sam scream her name from the platform. She felt like she was falling for minutes, but when her body finally hit the mats beneath the platform, Sonny's entire body sparked as if she had been electrocuted.
Sonny groaned, rolling onto her side and staying there for a few seconds. Her back ached and her sternum was still sore from the boys kick.
She waited to get enough strength to finally get up and walk back to her team. She muttered a small "good luck" to Devon as she passed by to get onto the platform.
Sonny walked slowly back to her team, groaning almost the entire way until she got into her spot beside Hawk and Robby.
Robby wrapped his arm around Sonny's shoulders and pulled her into his side as both physical support for her injury, and emotional support for her loss.
"I hated that." Sonny muttered to Eli and Robby, pointing up to the platform just as Devon got on.
Sonny watched as Devon started to fight the boy that kicked Sonny off the platform, Sam running to help. A new boy came up to replace their fallen teammate and he ran straight for Sam since her back was to him. He kicked Sam in her side, only kicking Sam more towards the center of the platform.
Watching them up there, Sonny was glad she was no longer suspended in the air. She was partially out of breath and holding her sternum in pain as Sam flipped the boy over the edge.
While Sam was distracted looking down at the boy, she didn't notice a new Dublin Thunder was getting onto the platform.
"Oh no..." Sonny muttered. She wanted to scream, to let Sam know that there was someone coming up behind her, but she didn't know if that was against the rules. Sonny bit her lip and bounced on her toes, hoping Sam would turn around in time before she got kicked off the edge.
But sadly, Sam didn't know the Dublin Thunder boy was near her until his leg was already raised and he kicked Sam over the edge.
Sonny sighed as Johnny, keeping his eyes up at Devon alone on the platform, started to push Eli forward. "Go." He said and Eli nodded, running toward the platform to join Devon.
When Hawk got up on the platform, one of the Dublin Thunders immediately left fighting Devon to fight him. As she threw punches, Eli grabbed her arms and flipped her onto the ground.
When she hit the ground, Eli ran to help Devon fight the boy, both of them working offense and hoping he'd get tired of having to fight both of them.
The girl Eli flipped started to stand and Devon let out a loud scream. Sonny watched with wide eyes as Devon ran at the girl, wrapping her arms around her and sending them both off the ledge.
"Nice sacrifice!" Johnny yelled to Devon after giving Demetri a small pep talk. Sam finally made it back to the team, standing between Robby and Sonny.
As soon as Demetri was on the platform, Sam sighed. "How do you think this is gonna end?" She asked, looking up at Sonny, whose eyes were glued on Demetri as he started back in to the center.
When Demetri and Hawk rammed into each other, Sonny sighed. "There's three of us left and two of them." She muttered before she took a deep breath and nodded confidently. Sonny turned to face Sam, a small look of hope on her face. "I think we've got this."
Sonny turned back to the platform just as Demetri knocked the boy he was fighting to the ground. He ran to help Hawk, who had his arms wrapped around the boy he was fighting, planning to flip him off of the platform, but just as he turned to face the edge, Demetri kicked the boy in Eli's arms.
He started to fall off of the platform, but since Eli was still holding him, Demetri's kick knocked Eli off too.
"Oh shit!" Demetri yelled, running to the edge of the platform to check on Eli as he hit the mat with a pained thud.
Sonny and Sam gasped at the sight. The Thompson girl nervously brought her hands to her head and rubbed her temples as the boy Demetri left on the ground slowly started to get up.
"No, no, no! Demetri!" Sonny shrieked, watching as the Dublin Thunder boy kicked Demetri in the back, knocked him off the platform.
Sonny huffed once Demetri was off the mat. Her hopeful look now turned into a nervous one as she faced Sam. "Okay, I may have jinxed it. It's anybody's game now." She muttered in disappointment.
There was only one person left from each team; Miguel for Miyagi-Do, and the male captain for Dublin Thunder.
Sonny was so nervous watching the fight, her brain hardly even processed what was happening. Her eyes stayed mainly glued on Miguel, watching every punch he sent at the boy and every block he used to keep Miyagi-Do safe.
When Miguel kicked the boy off the platform, Sonny didn't even notice until her team around her erupted into cheers.
"Incredible performance from Miyagi-Do's Miguel Diaz! His triumphs sends Miyagi-Do to the neat round."
As soon as the words echoed through the arena and finally processed in her head, Sonny turned to Sam beside her, a huge smile on her face as she shook the shorter girls shoulders. "Holy shit!" Sonny screamed in excitement.
Sam, just as excited as Sonny, let out a loud laugh as she grabbed the girls hand. "Come on!" She yelled, running toward the platform and ultimately tugging Sonny with her.
The two girls could hear the rest of their team run from behind them and Hawk beat them to the platform from how fast he ran, quickly climbing up it before either of the girls could.
By the time Sonny got onto the platform again, Hawk had Miguel in his arms and he was spinning him around.
When Hawk put Miguel down, Sonny decided not to run to the boy, letting him run to only Sam first before her and the rest of the team got to him.
Sonny turned to the others, Devon running into her arms as soon as her eyes locked on her. The two girls laughed, Sonny's stomach twisting in excitement at the thought of them making it to the next round.
She heard a loud, playful scream on her left before arms wrapped around her and Devon, pulling the two of them into a group hug.
Sonny groaned, knowing it was Hawk hugging her and Devon since his mohawk was jabbing at her face from how his head was facing. She started to feel more and more people join her until her entire team, minus Robby, were huddled in a group hug.
"Wait, wait, sensei." Miguel said frantically, pulling Sam to the edge of the platform. Everyone immediately understood what Miguel meant and they all moved to the stand with the two of them at the edge so they could bow to Johnny.
Sonny couldn't fight the smile on her face. It was starting to hurt, but she didn't care. Sam excitedly reached out and grabbed Sonny's hand, squeezing it tightly as they bowed to their sensei.
Miyagi-Di survived their first elimination round.
sorry about the long wait, fight scenes have actually started to make me dread working on my fics (i say as i have six cobra kai fics) but their are luckily no fight scenes next chapter so🙏thank goodness
i asked something on my message board the other day about this fic and everyone said yes soooo😏the plots are plotting
hopefully the next chapter will be out soon! and i'm so sorry for the lack of moon but it's gonna be hard while they're in different countries 💔
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