
top seven

"Good morning! At least for now. Gather around. Is everybody here?" Sensei Barnes yelled from on top of a picnic table, making all of the students, plus Johnny and Daniel turn to him. Daniel looked over all the students before he turned back to Barnes, nodding his head as a confirmation. "Yeah. This is everyone."

"Good. Last night, I reviewed my notes. Made sure the remaining five got a fair shake." He said, looking at Johnny at his last sentence. He looked back to the students and clasped his hands together in front of him. "I've decided it's too close to call. So... you're all gonna get another opportunity to prove yourselves."

"Two flags await in the forest. Whoever brings them back wins." Barnes explained, pointing to the path behind him that went through the woods.

Eli's face scrunched. "Wait. That's it?" He asked and Demetri next to him had the same confused look. "What if two of us find a flag at the same time?" He asked and Barnes slowly looked down to Demetri. "You fight for it."

"Are there refs out there?" Daniel asked from the end of the crowd.

"No, they're on their own." Barnes said and Daniel shook his head. "But how–" "It can't get any more objective. Even Barnes isn't judging this one." Johnny interrupted.

"Winning is everything, plain and simple. Take a couple minutes, stretch. Use the restroom. Call your mothers. When you get back, it's go time." Barnes said and the students slowly started to disperse.

Miguel looked at everyone walking away and his eyes fell on Sonny staying in her spot, her hands crossed over her chest to keep them warm as she kicked at the dirt under her feet. Miguel bit his lip nervously before slowly walking towards her.

"How you doing?" Miguel asked, making Sonny get out of her thoughts and look to Miguel with raised eyebrows.

Miguel not so subtly turned to look at Demetri across the woods. Sonny's eyebrows furrowed and her eyes followed Miguel's. When she saw he was looking at Demetri, she sighed and turned back to Miguel.

"You heard it?" Sonny asked and Miguel gave her a lopsided smile, shrugging his shoulders.

"I think the whole team did." He nervously chuckled out, scratching the back of his head. Sonny sighed at Miguel's words, walking to the nearby park table and slumping down onto a seat. Miguel frowned at the girl, taking slow steps towards her.

"I'm really sorry, Sonny. What Demetri said wasn't cool." Miguel said as he sat down beside Sonny. He watched as she looked down at her hands with a frown, pulling on her fingers.

"You don't believe him, right?" Sonny asked quietly, worried that if she spoke any louder, she may jinx something. He voice was shaky, catching Miguel off guard. He quickly shook his head and scooted a little closer to Sonny so she'd have to look at him.

"No! No, of course not." Miguel said and Sonny held back a tired laugh. Her eyes closed and she shook her head.

"I still haven't heard from MIT yet." She muttered, pressing her fingertip to the inner corner of her eye so her tears didn't run down her face and mess up her makeup. Miguel's eyebrows furrowed and he continued to shake his head.

"And that's okay. I haven't heard from Stanford yet and we both know Demetri would be telling the whole word if he got an answer from MIT already." Miguel said, hoping to get Sonny to laugh at the second part of his words.

His plan worked, Sonny chuckling at the idea of Demetri running around the dojo, showing everyone his acceptance letter.

Sonny suddenly felt someone stand on the other side of her. She lifted her head and her eyes widened at Hawk moving to sit beside her, his jaw clenched and and distance look in his eyes. Sonny and Miguel's previous conversation drifted almost instantly, both of them watching Hawk closely.

"What's up with you?" Sonny asked and Hawk huffed.

"I told Demetri." He muttered. Sonny straightened up and her eyes widened as Miguel's eyebrows furrowed, not knowing what Hawk was talking about.

"Oh my God. How did he take it?" Sonny asked, only confusing Miguel more. Before Hawk could answer Sonny's question, Miguel butted in. "Told Demetri what?"

Sonny and Hawk turned to Miguel and Hawk sighed, looking away from both him and Sonny guiltily. "I didn't apply to MIT." He admitted.

Miguel's eyes widened and his jaw slacked. His eyes moved to Sonny, silently asking her if it was true and when Sonny nodded, Miguel turned back to Hawk. "Why didn't you apply?"

Before Hawk could answer, Barnes yelled for the four students competing for the last two spots to come up. Hawk watched as everyone started to crowd around and he sighed. He turned back to Sonny and gave her a tired smile. "Fill him in for me?"

Sonny nodded and gave Eli a small smile. "Good luck." She whispered and Eli gave her a nervous smile. He took once last breath to control his nerves before he stood up and walked towards the rest of the students to start the race.


After Eli, Demetri, Devon and Kenny ran into the woods in search for the flags, Sonny filled Miguel in on Hawk not applying to MIT just like she said she would.

She was texting Moon now, telling her how she was bored and cold when Robby suddenly screamed.

"Holy shit. Kenny won!"

Everyone turned at Robby's yells, watching as Kenny ran down the path, his hand gripping his stomach. Sonny watched the boy with furrowed brows as he ignored everyone cheering for him and made a beeline to the porta potty.

He started to bang on the door, screaming for Bert inside to let him in. Sonny's jaw fell at the sight, not wanting to watch out not being able to look away.

"Oh, shit." She muttered under her breath as Kenny continued to beg for the door to open.

Johnny chuckled from a couple feet away from Sonny, him and Daniel slowly walking up to her and Miguel. "Oh, shit indeed." Johnny laughed out.

"I don't think he's gonna make it..." Daniel muttered as Kenny banged on the door.

"Open up! Please! I gotta go, please!"

Sonny gasped and looked away when Kenny shit himself. Everyone around her cringed, gasped, or gagged. She stared down at the floor, wanting to give Kenny some privacy.

Johnny continued to laugh beside her, Daniel, and Miguel. "Somebody just got their brown belt." He whispered and Sonny closed her eyes and took a deep breath so she wouldn't accidentally laugh at Sensei's words.

She looked up to shush the man, but her eyes fell on Devon running towards them just behind Johnny. Sonny's eyes widened and a big smile grew on her face. "Hey, guys! It's Devon! She won!" Sonny cheered.

Everyone ran towards the girl to congratulate her. Devon watched everyone running at her with wide eyes and when Sonny came up to hug her, Devon's eyebrows furrowed. "Where's Kenny?" She asked.

Sonny opened and closed her mouth, looking to the porta potty before turning back to Devon. She gave the younger girl a small smile and shook her head. "Let's... focus on you right now." Sonny whispered and Devon nodded, finally smiling and accepting Sonny's hug.

While Sonny and Devon hugged, Sam bounced on her toes excitedly, waiting for them to pull away so she could hug Devon.

As she waited, Sam saw Demetri walk down the path, his head down and his hands shoved into his pockets. Her excitement slowly washed away as she watched the boy get closer and closer. "Demetri..."

Sonny and Devon pulled away from their hug at Sam's words and everyone turned to watch the boy sluggishly walk towards them. Based off of his demeanor, Sonny could've guessed he didn't get the flag. But if that was the case, where was Eli?

Demetri didn't say a single word until he was standing in front of his team. He raised his head, finally looking at the group before pulling his hand out of his pocket and lifting the flag in the air.

Everyone cheered for the boy and Sonny smiled, not running up to Demetri as everyone else did. She felt something tug in her stomach. She wanted to run up to Demetri so badly. She wanted to pull him into a hug and tell him how proud she was of him.

But she couldn't do that anymore. Sonny's jaw clenched watching everyone else get the chance to congratulate Demetri while she stayed back.

Barnes walked up to the students, doing a slow clap to get everyone's attention. "I give you Miyagi-Do's Team Sekai Takai." He announced and all of the students quickly lined up, waiting for him to start calling everyone up.

"Miguel. Sonny. Sam. Robby. Tory. And now, Devon. And Demetri." Barnes said, each students walking up and getting their own applause when their name was called.

Sonny smiled at the cheers for her and the other six. Sam grabbed her hand beside her and gave it a tight squeeze.

As the students started to disperse. Sonny noticed Hawk emerge from the woods and walk towards everyone. Sonny frowned at the fact that he wouldn't look up and she slowly walked towards him.

"Hey..." She muttered and when Hawk looked up at Sonny, she could see the tears in her eyes. She could see them for long before Hawk looked back to the ground and kept walking, still making sure to keep pace with Sonny to walk with her.

"I for one, think it's stupid you didn't get placed." Sonny said and Hawk didn't say anything, just continued to walk to his bag. "You're one of the best fighters this teams got." She continued even though she knew Hawk wouldn't respond.

When they reached the park table Hawks bag was at, Sonny sighed. "How about we head to my house and watch some Harry Potter?" Sonny asked and Hawk froze. He looked down at the table in front of him for a second before he turned to Sonny.

He tried his hardest to smile and the closest he got was the corners of his lips tilting up slightly. When he nodded his head, Sonny smiled. She let out a small cheer as Hawk threw his backpack over his shoulder.

She grabbed her backpack and did the same and as they started walking, Sonny threw her arm around Hawks shoulders.

The walk was quiet until Hawk swallowed the lump in his throat when he saw Sonny's car start to appear in the distance.

"Thanks." was all he said. Sonny smiled, unlocking her car with the clicker on her keychain as she shrugged. "What are friends for?"

—this was just a quick chapter i wanted to get out!!
only one or two more chapters left💔💔(THERE WILL BE MORE MOONY GUYS TRUST)

i do guiltily read my own fics and i was reading the first two seasons of space girls and started to really miss miguel and sonny so here i am bringing back that friendship🫶

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