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"Fighting positions!" Johnny screamed as he walked down the rows of students.

As the students practiced their punches, Johnny kicked Hawk's front foot forward while turning to Sonny. "Stabilize your balance, Hawk. And Thompson, face the waist up towards where you're looking not where your feet are." 

Sonny nodded, readjusting herself while Johnny turned around. "Did you just flinch, Virgin?" Johnny asked the kid behind Sonny before he went up to a kid in Hawk's line and he flinched as well.

"Holy shit. We got a room full of flinchers." Johnny breathed out. 

"Yes, Sensei!" 

"That was not a question. Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face." Johnny screamed and everyone except Miguel and Aisha raised their hands. Johnny sighed. "Put your hands down! All your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense. So there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face."

Sonny let out a breath as Johnny walked towards his office. "Miss Robinson, line them up. Unflinch this group." Aisha nodded, walking up to face all the students. "Yes, Sensei."

The closest person to Aisha happened to be Sonny and Aisha's mood dampened. She had already started to like the bubbly girl and now she was gonna punch her in the face. Sonny sent her a not-so-believable relieving smile. "It's okay." Sonny said, nodding her head. Aisha titled her head, as if she didn't believe her but threw her arm back and punching Sonny right by her left eye. Sonny stumbled a bit but Hawk grabbed her shoulder just before she could fall. "You good?" He asked and Sonny nodded her head, her hand going to where Aisha punched her but instantly pulled away at the pain. "I'll be fine."

"Hawk! You're up!" Aisha screamed and Sonny could see a slight look of fear flash in his eyes. Sonny rubbed his shoulder, making him turn to her. "You got this." Hawk nodded his head and walked towards Aisha as Sonny walked towards her bag to get water.

As she took a sip of her water, she heard a loud thud and groans from behind her. "He's okay." Aisha screamed as Sonny sighed, walking up to Hawk, reaching a hand out to help him up but he shook his head, getting up himself. "I'm okay. It's just a tooth." Sonny did a double take at his words. "Just a- just a tooth?"


"I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic." Miguel complained later in practice, trying to think of the perfect date spot for Sam as they all stretched.

"You could take her to get tattoos." Hawk said, making everyone turn to him in confusion. 

"Tattoos?" Sonny asked quietly, taken a back by his suggestion. Hawk eagerly nodded his head, standing up and untying the top half of his gi. "I know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy."

He spun around, showing off his huge hawk tattoo with a blue mohawk just like him. Sonny gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "That is badass." Aisha cheered, Hawk turned around smirking. "Right? Fourteen hours in the chair." "How do your parents feel about that?" Sonny asked, still shocked by his new tattoo.

Hawk's eyes went wide for a second as he stared at Sonny, retying his gi and shaking his head. "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely gonna have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them."

Miguel stared at Hawk for a few seconds before shaking his head, turning to Aisha and Sonny. "Uh, any other suggestions?" 

Aisha instantly shook her head. "Don't look at me. Sam and I used to be friends. We're not anymore." Miguel turned to Sonny who immediately raised her hands defensively. "Don't look at me. I hardly know her."

Miguel sighed. "Okay, but I need your two help. You two are girls. What would you want to do on a first day?" Hawk laughed at Miguel's question. "Ohh, Sonny's the right person to ask since she has a dream board." Sonny immediately jumped at Hawk, pushing his shoulders. "You little asshole!" Sonny screeched, smacking him as Hawk hysterically laughed.

Miguel turned to Sonny with hopeful eyes. "Can I see the dream boar-" "No." Sonny said before sitting up straighter. "That board is for my eyes only... And Hawk and Demetri since they needed to help me after the glue gun burnt me too many times-" "Banned?" Johnny's voice cut Sonny off. Miguel looked to the group before getting up and checking on Johnny.


After karate, Demetri had been outside, waiting for Sonny and Hawk but after Hawk said he had to get home, only Sonny went with Demetri. The pair went to Sonny's house, and as soon as they got there, Sonny grabbed an ice pack for her now bruised face and lied down on her couch, turning on High School Musical.

"Really? This? I'll die of boredom before we even see Zac Efron on screen." Demetri groaned and Sonny rolled her eyes. "You're at my house. What exactly did you expect?" Demetri sighed, pointing to the TV. "Fine. Put it on." Sonny smiled like a little kid on Christmas, turning on the TV and quickly cuddling into her blanket.


"You can't just not sing this song! SING!" Sonny cheered. She jumped off the couch, grabbing Demetri's hands to pull him off his spot as Fabulous played in the background.

"I need something inspiring to help me get along. I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?" Sonny sang as her front door opened. Sonny turned her head and instantly smiled, opening her arms out. "Moon! Come dance with me!" Sonny jumped over the couch, grabbing Moons hands and pulling her towards the TV.

Moon laughed along, dancing with Sonny–no questions asked, but as soon as Moon looked up at Sonny, her happy mood dropped.

Her eyes could've popped out of her head as she cupped Sonny's cheek. "What happened to you?" She yelped, tracing her fingers over Sonny's bruise which was now a big, black and purple mark on her cheekbone, right under her eye. 

Sonny's brows furrowed, turning to Demetri who already knew what she was thinking and turned on his phone, opening the camera app to let her see her face.

Sonny's brows shot up, not expecting the bruise to be so visible. Demetri looked back and forth between the pair before shooting up. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen." He mumbled before practically sprinting out of the room. Sonny slowly turned to Moon, giving her an awkward smile. 

"What happened?" Moon asked, softer than her initial shock. Sonny sighed, looking down. "Sensei wanted to not be able to flinch. I'll be fine though. It doesn't hurt."

Moon let out a 'hmph' noise, almost as if she didn't believe Sonny. She quickly poked the bruise, making Sonny jump. "Ow!" Sonny yelped and Moon rolled her eyes. "Doesn't hurt, my ass." She grumbled, grabbing Sonnys and hand and leading her out the door. "Demetri, I'm stealing Sonny!" Moon screamed and the two girls could here Demetri scream back an "okay" just before Moon closed the door.

"You know this is technically kidnapping. And this, might I say, is the second time you've done it." Sonny rambled as they walked towards Moons car. "Oh, you mean when I took you to Barnes & Noble and bought you some books. Oh, I'm just awful." Moon sarcastically groaned, making Sonny laugh as hopped into the passenger seat, smelling the faint scent of weed that sat in the car.

"Where are we going?" Sonny asked, turning to Moon as she put the keys in the ignition. "Just like last time. It's a surprise."


"Ta-Da!" Moon sang as she pointed to the big bright neon sign. "Golf N' Stuff?" Moon smiled, getting out of the car. "Yep! We will be spending the rest of the night playing arcade games since you have a booboo eye." Moon said, pointing at Sonny's bruise when she walked over to her.

"Come on. Let's go get some tokens." Moon suggested, grabbing Sonnys hand, interlocking their fingers and pulling her to the coin station. 

Sonny looked back and forth between Moon and the building, shaking her head. "But I didn't bring money..." She mumbled and Moon turned to her, shaking her head as she put five dollars into the machine. 

"Don't worry! I brought you here, I'm paying." 

The machine made a loud noise before 25 coins fell into the little bowl. Moon let out an excited squeal, grabbing the coins and pulling Sonny to the skeeball games.


"Fifteen dollars spent on arcade tokens and I won every single game." Sonny said in a victorious tone, turned around to face Moon who held back a smile as she shook her head. 

"You know, I don't remember you being this cocky." Moon yelled after her and Sonny laughed, spinning back around to face the the prize counter they were walking towards. 

"Soak it up, Sonny. Next time I'll beat you." Moon hummed and Sonny felt her stomach do a flip.

Next time.

The cocky demeanor immediately left her body and she nervously turned back to Moon, raising her eyebrows. "Next time?" Sonny asked and Moon smiled, running up to stand beside Sonny, grasping her hand in hers. "Yes. Next time."

Sonny had to ignored the butterflies in her stomach as they reached the counter. She dropped all of the tickets on the counter, letting out an airy laugh. 

"Pick something." Moon said and Sonny's eyes went wide, turning to Moon. "But you paid for all the tokens." Sonny said as she looked back and forth between Moon and the prizes. 

"And you won all the games." Moon added, gently elbowing Sonny. Sonny looked at Moon, opening and closing her mouth, not knowing what to do.

Moon sighed, turning to the boy working behind the counter, looking at his name tag before looking up in his eyes. "So... Chris, do we have enough tickets for that little guy?" Chris turned around, looking at the plush sloth Moon pointed at and back at the pile of tickets before nodding. "Yeah, you do." Moon smiled, turning to Sonny. "You just got a sloth stuffed animal whether you like it or not."

Sonny laughed, shaking her head before ever eyes fell on a white and red sign behind Chris. 


Sonny raised her eyebrows at the sign as Chris handed her the plush. She smiled at the boy before pointing at the sign. "You guys are hiring?" 

Chris turned around to the sign and nodded. "Yeah, you need a job?"

"Figure I could use the experience." Sonny said with a shrug and Chris nodded, looking down at his watch. "Well, my ten minute break is about to start and the guy who normally takes over isn't here right now so I guess you can try. Like an audition. See how you do and then if you do good you get the job or whatever." 

Sonny's eyebrows shot up at his words. "It's that easy?" She asked and Chris shrugged again. "Yeah, I can put in a good word with my boss."

Chris led the two girls back behind the counter, showing Sonny what she needed to do while Moon sat on the ground, playing with the stuffed animal. After Chris took a few minutes out of his break to watch Sonny work with customers, he left her alone with Moon at the counter to see what'd she do.

"Boom!" A voice screamed and Sonny's eyes went wide when she realized who it was. She slowly turned around as Miguel continued cheering. "All right, this is a lot." Sam cheered and Sonny discretely looked down to Moon whose eyes were wide as well, shaking her hand against her neck as if to say 'stop'.

"Sonny?" Miguel asked, making both girls eyes go wide and Sonny's head shot up to face Miguel and Sam. "H-hi..."

"What are you doing here?" Miguel asked and Sonny looked behind her at the prize wall, pointing at the 'help wanted' sign. "I'm auditioning to work here. So... what do you want?"

"Let's see, you could get 15 necklaces, an eraser, or 37 lamps." Miguel told Sam but her eyes were on an octopus stuffed animal. "I want that one." Sonny smiled, jumping to reach the plush, making Moon laugh. Sonny playfully glared at her, kicking her shin and handing Sam the stuffed animal.

"Is he fluffy?" Miguel asked, petting the octopus and immediately 'ohh'ing. "He is pretty fluffy, yeah."

"Let's go!" Sam cheered and Miguel nodded as she took his hand, dragging him away from the counter. "Bye Sonny! Bye Moon!" Miguel screamed, making the two girls behind the counter freeze. 

"How did he see you?" Sonny whispered and Moon shrugged, slowly peaking her head out and waving. "Bye!" She yelled after him. 

Chris walked out, smiling at the two girls. "So, while on my break, I talked to my boss and I told her how you were doing with the customers and congratulations... you're hired." Sonny smiled, bouncing up and down. Moon stood up, pulling Sonny into a hug. "Thank you!" Sonny sang as Moon pulled her out of the building. "You start Tuesday!" Chris screamed after her and Sonny threw a thumbs up in the air.

When Sonny and Moon got to the car, Moon was holding onto the sloth tight. She turned to Sonny and placed it on her lap. "We need to name him." Sonny smiled, lifting the sloths arms in the air to lift him up and make it seem like the stuffed animal was laughing. "How about Sid?" Moon laughed at the name. "Sid?"

Sonny nodded, a smile so big on her face, her cheeks were hurting. "Yeah... Sid the Sloth. Like in Ice Age" Moon smiled, poking the sloths cheek. "Sid it is."

-Sonny having a first date dream board🌝🤚👀




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