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Sonny, Miguel, Aisha, Demetri, Hawk, and Bert were all at the park. Demetri, Sonny Miguel and Aisha sitting on a bench while Hawk sparred with Bert behind them. Miguel was still upset about the random boy Sam was eating dinner with. The whole time at the park, he mumbled about the possibility of Sam cheating on him.
"Come on, eat something. It'll make you feel better." Demetri groaned from the other side of Sonny, hoping the boy would get annoyed of the sixth attempt at this suggestion and just eat already, but Miguel just shook his head.
"I told you guys, I'm not hungry." Miguel muttered and Demetri rolled his eyes. "I still think you are overreacting."
"I'm not overreacting, dude. Sonny, you don't think I'm overreacting, do you?" Miguel said, turning to Sonny, who opened and closed her mouth to come up with something–anything to say.
After a couple seconds, Sonny just shook her head. "Don't bring me into this. I don't know what you saw."
"All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode." Hawk said from behind the bench as he kicked Bert in the face. "It was probably just her brother or something." Hawk tried to reassure but Miguel shook his head. "Brothers don't look at sisters like that."
"Depends what part of the country you're in." Demetri muttered, resulting in Sonny to groan in disgust. "I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me." Miguel mumbled.
"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance." Hawk suggested and Sonny immediately shook her head. "No! No beating some innocent kids ass." Sonny quickly blurted and Demetri nodded along with her. "Yeah, don't listen to Eli."
"It's Hawk." Hawk snapped at Demetri who just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. The fact is, Sam's given you no reason not to trust her."
"That little bitch!" Aisha screeched.
"We just agreed she did nothing wrong..." Sonny muttered and Hawk flicked the back of Sonny's head. The girl yelped, her hand shooting to where Hawk hit her as she turned around to face him.
Hawk nodded his head to the other end of the bench and Sonny realized Aisha was looking down at her phone and not talking about Sam.
"Oh." Sonny muttered.
"What?" Miguel asked and Aisha turned to the group angrily.
"You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" Everyone nodded and she passed her phone to Miguel. "Look what Yasmine commented."
Sonny looked at the phone from over Miguel's shoulder. 'Impressive... can't believe the belt made it around your waist.'
Sonny frowned as Miguel winced. "Oh, shit." He muttered and just as Sonny was about to apologize to the girl, Aisha cursed under her breath. "I gotta do something."
"How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo 'bitch' on her face?" Hawk asked and even though Sonny had her back to him, she could hear the smile on his face.
She and Demetri whipped their heads around to face him. "No!" Sonny yelled as Demetri shook his head. "Calm down, Hawk."
"All right, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it." Hawk shot at the boy as Aisha waved her hands around. "Wait, wait, wait. I've got a better idea. Look." Aisha showed to the phone to the four. "Yasmine's having a party at the Canyon later." Miguel mumbled and Aisha nodded. "Not if we strike first."
"All right! Be sure to stock up good. I'm inviting everyone. VIP only my ass." Aisha cheered as she grabbed a bunch of Pringles cans while Sonny wandered to the candy aisle with Demetri.
Demetri sighed, leaning over the aisle to Aisha and Bert. "I still don't understand how we're going to buy alcohol." Sonny shook her head at his words. She was in no part okay with them buying alcohol and drinking. She bit her lip, looking down sadly before grabbing a 3 Musketeers bar and heading to the register.
Aisha turned to Demetri with her brows furrowed, making him sigh, turning around to look at Sonny who was checking out. "Her dad..." Aisha quickly made an 'o' shape with her mouth, remembering the accident involving Ross Thompson and a drunk teen driver. "Should we not get the alcohol?" She asked quietly and Hawk, hearing Aisha's question as he walked by and not noticing the upset Sonny by the cashier, scoffed. "Oh, please. What's a party with out alcohol?"
Hawk walked over to the fridge, grabbing two boxes of beer and walked towards the cashier. That was when he noticed Sonny and her glum expression as the man gave her change and she quickly walked out of the mini market.
When she got outside, Miguel was a few feet away from the door, calling Sam for the 1000th time. Sonny sighed, walking to the car and hopping into her spot in the back behind the driver seat.
She sat alone in the quiet car for a few minutes before hearing the back passenger side door open and someone crawled in beside her. Sonny knew it was Aisha and slightly turned her head, sending her a soft smile. Aisha returned the smile before her face turned into a sympathetic one. "You know you don't have to drink, right? If someone tries to peer pressure you, they'll have to face me."
Sonny laughed at her comment, making Aisha smile triumphantly. "I know that. I'm just worried about everyone else. I don't want something bad to happen." Sonny whispered and Aisha quickly wrapped an arm around her. "How about this... You and I have a united front. No drinking." Sonny sighed, shaking her head. "You don't have t-" "No, I want to. So, united front?" Aisha asked, her arm out for Sonny to shake. Sonny rolled her eyes, biting back a smile before shaking Aisha's hand. "United front."
Sonny and Aisha had done what they had promised each other. Neither were drinking. Aisha was watching Miguel who didn't seem to stop while Sonny tried to drag Demetri to have fun instead of standing off in the corner alone.
After try and try again of getting him to do anything really, Sonny gave up and walked towards the coolers for a Mr. Pibb.
As she took a sip, she could hear the sound of a car driving up, making her turn towards the entrance of the canyon. When she saw Moon walk out of the car, Sonny couldn't stop the smile from growing on her face, even if she had shown up with some of Sonny's enemies.
Sonny ran up the little hill, a big smile on her face and when Moon saw Sonny coming towards her, an identical smile grew. "You're here!" Sonny cheered, grabbing Moons hand and dragging her back down to the party.
"Moon, what the hell are you doing?" Yasmine screamed from the top of the hill and Moon barely turned around to face the blonde. "I'm just going to get a beer." "We have beer! Sonny! Bring Moon back here!" Yasmine screamed and Sonny barely turned around, her face scrunched, she felt Moons grip on her hand loosen but she didn't think much of it. "Uh.. I'm good. But have fun at the party, Yasmine. Everyones invited." Sonny yelled back, her mouth turning upwards into a smirk at the angry blonde. When she turned back around, she lost Moon in the sea of kids. Sonny frowned, sighing in defeat. "Well, shit."
It was now nighttime and Sonny hadn't seen Moon since she showed up. Instead of wanting to hang around a bunch of drunk, sweaty teens, Sonny walked a few feet away from the party, lying down in the grass and staring up at the sky, her eyes falling on the brightest thing in the dark night. The Moon.
Sonny smiled, lifting her arm up as if she were to grab it as she felt someone walk over to her before lying down beside her.
"Whatcha doing?" Moon sang and Sonny smiled over the fact that it was Moon that came to lay with her. Keeping her eyes on the sky, Sonny shrugged. "Just stargazing."
Moon hummed, scooting closer to Sonny. "Do you see anything?" Sonny bit back smile as she shook her head. "No. The moons too goddamn bright for me to see anything."
The two turned to face each other, their faces inches apart and as soon as their eyes met, they instantly started letting out loud giggles. When their laughter died down, Sonny turned her head up to look at the sky as Moon kept her eyes on Sonny. Feeling Moons stares, Sonny turned back to Moon.
Her face had softened and Sonny felt her stomach pull at not only their closeness, but the look in Moon's eyes. Sonny let out a small, breathy chuckle, shaking her head. "Moon, wh-"
Sonny was cut off by Moon slamming her lips into Sonnys. Her eyebrows raised in shock as fireworks went off in her head and she felt her heart practically leap out of her chest but before she could do anything, Moon pulled away. Sonny slowly opened her eyes, her cheeks burning as she watched Moon who still had her eyes closed.
When Moon opened her eyes, she looked almost scared, making Sonnys heart drop. Moon shot up from her spot, shaking her head as she mumbled words under her breath. "I shouldn't have done that. Oh, God. I shouldn't have done that." She mumbled and Sonny sat up as Moon started to stand. "Moon, hey. Moon, it's okay." Sonny softly spoke as Moon continued to shake her head. "No it's not."
"Moon, I'm fine. It's ok-" "No! It's not okay, Sonny! because I didn't want to do it!" Moon interrupted, her voice harsh and loud, making Sonny jump back a little. Sonnys vision started to go cloudy, making her eyes avert to the ground. Moon took a deep breath, shaking her head again as her eyes fell to the ground. "I didn't.. I just... I'm drunk... I gotta go." And with that, Moon walked away, leaving Sonny alone in the grass still feeling Moons lips on hers.
Sonny sat frozen for a while, replaying the scene in her head as a lump formed in her throat. She was too worried to open her mouth incase a whimper slipped out. She bit her lip back, swallowing the lump before standing up. She passed the sea of kids, heading out of the Canyons to go home. She just wanted to be left alone.
"Sonny! Sonny, wait! Where are you going?" Miguel called out, running up to her. Sonny turned around, sniffling as she looked down at Miguel's cup in his hand. "Is that beer?" She didn't even give Miguel time to answer before she took it out of his hand and chugged the rest of it. "I thought you and Aisha were doing some united front." Miguel mumbled, worried for the girl. Sonny little out a shaky breath, throwing the cup away. "Screw united front." Sonny mumbled, turning to walk up the hill.
Miguel, even though he was very drunk himself, knew something was wrong with his friend and reached his arm out, stopping Sonny from leaving. "Hey, what happened?"
Sonny sniffled again, looking down at her feet and shaking her head. "Nothing. Nothing. I just need to get home." She turned around, walking up the hill, her eyes on her feet, making her not notice Sam LaRusso and her mystery boy walking down the hill a few feet away from her.
When Sonny got to the top of the hill, she pulled her phone out of her pocket to call Jess for a ride. She looked down at her phone, 1:38am shining bright in her face. She huffed before making up her mind and calling Jess.
'Hey, you've reached Jess! If I didn't answer the phone I either don't care or I don't care unless you're my sister or one of her dweeb friends, then I'm busy or I still probably don't care. Sorry'
Sonny sighed at the voicemail, trying to call her one more time as she heard yelling from the party down below but figuring it was just them all having fun, she ignored it.
When Jess didn't answer again, Sonny let out a dry chuckle, leaning up against the car closest to her. Two pairs of fast footsteps could be heard coming up the hill and Sonny quickly tried to wipe her nose and eyes but the two people had already caught her; the girl of the pair looking at her with concerned eyes.
"Sonny? You okay?" Sam's voice rang through the cold air.
Sonny nodded and turned her head to look at the car she was leaning on, cursing under her breath when she realized she was leaning against the LaRussos family car. "Shit. Sorry." Sonny muttered, her voice cracking a bit, making Sam hurry over to her, wrapping the girl in a hug. "You don't have to tell me what happened but do you want a ride home?" Sam softly asked into the girls shoulder and Sonny pulled away, looking up at Sam, her brows eyes wide. "Really?"
Sam smiled, letting out an airy laugh. "Of course. You're only like a three houses away from mine." Sonny nodded before her eyes fell on the mystery boy behind Sam.
Sonny grew uncomfortable at the fact that some guy she had never seen before and her friends have constantly talked trash about had been watching the whole conversation. She sent him a tight lipped, awkward smile as she nodded to him. "Uh... hi. I'm Sonny."
The boy chuckled, nodding to her. "Robby." Sonny nodded as Sam turned to her. "You ready to go?" Sonny let out a small yeah before walking to Sams car, hopping into the backseat.
The ride to Sonny's was quiet. To Sonny, it was a comfortable silence as she rested her head on the backseat but to Sam and Robby, it was an awkward silence, not knowing if it was okay to talk or not.
When Sonny got home, she quietly opened the door and saw all the lights on as a knocked out Jess laid sprawled out on the couch. Sonny sighed, turning off all the lights one by one until she got to Jess. She quickly grabbed the fluffy blanket on the edge of the couch and draped it over her sister before turning off the rest of the lights and headed towards her room.
As soon as Sonnys bedroom door closed, she instantly felt her eyes start to water, she wasn't one to cry and she hated when she did.
She wasn't crying because Moon pulled away, or because of her words afterwards; she could've handled the heartbreak of rejection but what didn't help her feel any better was the fact that she might've lost Moon as a friend because of it.
She didn't know how the girl would react the next time they saw each other. For all she knew, Moon could be telling Yasmine that Sonny came onto her and by tomorrow, everyone would be siding with Moon. Even though a small part of Sonny knew Moon would never do that, she let her mind run wild as she tried to catch her breath.
Her eyes fell to her messy blue bed, her Sid the Sloth plush from Golf N' Stuff perked up on her pillows. She quickly ran towards her bed, wrapping her arms around the stuffed animal and hid her face in her pile of pillows and blankets.
Sonny didn't know what heartbreak truly felt like until that night and she absolutely hated it.
me writing this chapter:
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