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Jess slowly walked into the arena, her eyes searched the room for her little sisters karate team.
It was pretty easy to find since all she had to do was spot Hawk's bright blue mohawk. Quickly, Jess sped toward Cobra Kai just as they all cheered their teams name.
"Uh... Mr. Lawrence?" Jess called out, making Johnny and the teens of Cobra Kai turn to face her.
"It's Sensei Lawrence." Johnny corrected and Jess rolled her eyes, waving the man off. "Yeah, I'm not a student. So... Mr. Lawrence, may I talk with you outside?" Jess sassed, gesturing to the exit of the arena. Johnny squinted at Jess, shocked by her outright rudeness before he turned to his students. "Does anybody know who this is?"
"She's Sonny's older sister, Sensei." Hawk quickly whispered back and Johnny nodded, turning to face Jess. "Where's your sister, Ms. Thompson?"
Jess gave him a tight smile, tilting her head to the side. "If you speak with me outside, you'll know." Johnny rolled his eyes, gesturing for Jess to walk outside and he followed after her.
When they were far enough away from any students or kids, Jess stopped walking, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry to pulling you away from your students before the tournament, but I think Sonny could use some good advice before she goes in." She said, nodding her head toward the parking lot.
Johnny's face scrunched. "The hells wrong with her?" Johnny spat and Jess shrugged, walking towards her car that Sonny was sitting in, Johnny following after her. "I don't know. She won't tell me. She was good until we got into the parking lot and I've already tried to push her to get in there but I think she needs to hear from her Sensei."
Johnny looked back and forth between Jess and the car and he could see the faint outline of someone in the passenger seat. Johnny sighed, nodding his head and turning back to Jess. "Yeah... I got her. You go find a seat or something." Jess smiled at him, walking away as Johnny headed towards the drivers door, opening it, and hopping into the drivers seat.
"Hey, Thompson. Come on. Let's go." Johnny grumbled but Sonny didn't move.
Johnny groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. "Kid, come on. The tournaments about to start." Johnny complained but again, Sonny didn't budge.
After a couple seconds of silence, Johnny scoffed. "Okay, what the hells wrong with you?" Johnny asked, his voice quieter now. Sonny slowly looked up and shifted in her seat. "There was a party last night and the person I like kissed me."
Johnny squinted, confused on what the issue with that was. "Isn't that a good thing?" He asked as if it were obvious and Sonny nodded her head, letting out a dry laugh.
"It was... until she yelled 'I didn't wanna do it.'" Sonny imitated, her voice changing pitch when she repeated Moon's words from the night before. Johnny sighed, his head dropping at Sonny's words. Yeah, that was pretty bad that sh–
Johnny's head snapped back up, his eyes wide as he turned to Sonny. "Wait, she?" Johnny asked and Sonny pulled her lips into a line, nodding. Johnny smirked, nodding his head. "She hot?"
Sonny turned to him with a small glare and Johnny quickly shook his head. "Not the point right now, right. So whats the problem, you got rejected."
"She's here." Sonny mumbled, pointing to Moon's car two spots away. Johnny smiled, pointing at the car. "Okay, that's not good thing."
Sonny turned to him with furrowed eyebrows. "How is that a good thing?"
"Because, Thompson, you show her what she's missing. Show her Sonny Thompson." Sonny thought about it for a moment before smiling, nodding her head. In a quick second, she leaned over the center console and pulled the man into a hug. Johnny was in too much shock to hug back before Sonny pulled away, hopping out of the car and into the arena. Johnny sighed, shaking his head. "Girls."
"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" The Cobra Kai students shouted as the entered the stage area of the arena in a line with Miguel leading, Sonny right after him and Hawk after her.
"Now that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" The announcer, Daryl screamed and Sonny smiled proudly. Her eyes danced over the all the faces cheering for her and when her eyes landed on Jess and Demetri, it was almost as if she could pinpoint there voices specifically.
And then, Sonny's eyes fell on the girl right beside Demetri. Moon.
Sonny felt her chest tighten up, her breath getting caught in her throat. Her eyes stayed on Moons, even when Moon turned to her. Moons cheering smile slowly fell, a barely visible smile on her face, making Sonny look away instantly, her eyes on the mats as if it was the most important thing. She felt Hawk nudge her shoulder, making her look up. "You okay?"
Sonny stared at him for a second, not knowing if she should just tell him now or wait until after the tournament. She sighed, shaking her head. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Hawk kept his eyes on her, not believing one word. "Are you-" "And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene."
Sonny's head shot up at the announcers words as Robby ran passed the line of Cobra Kai students. "All right, folks. Get ready. It's karate time."
Miguel was the first one up from Cobra Kai, instantly winning the point for knocking his opponent out with a kick. Sonny patted his back in congratulations before she was called up next. "You got this." Hawk whispered, patting her shoulder. Sonny sent him a small smile before walking onto the mat. She could hear Jess and Demetri scream for her as she got into position.
As soon as the referee blew his whistle, the boy she was fighting lunged at her, sending any kick or punch he could but Sonny blocked every single one. "Enough defense. Attack!" Sonny heard Johnny scream and even though Sonny didn't want to, she knew she wouldn't win without throwing a good few hits herself.
When the boy went to kick her again, Sonny grabbed his leg, kicking his stomach before sweeping his leg out from under him, making him fall to the ground. "Good job, Miss Thompson! Good Job!" Johnny cheered as the referee lifted Sonny's arm for the crowd. Her eyes fell on Jess first who was standing, clapping and screaming as loud as she could, making Sonny chuckle before she turned to Demetri and Moon her were a row behind Jess.
Demetri had has arms in the air, cheering for his friend as Moon had a small smile on her face, clapping but not necessarily cheering. Even though Moon wasn't cheering for Sonny as loud as she had hoped, it made her smile that the girl was even cheering at all.
All that happiness went away in a quick second when the boy she had just went up against ran up from behind her, kicking her in the side of the knee. Sonny fell to the ground, gripping her leg in pain as security grabbed the boy. Hawk, Miguel, Aisha and Johnny all ran over, a medic not to far behind them. "Thompson, you okay?" Johnny asked, looking down at her as the medic checked her knee. Sonny slowly nodded, breathing through her teeth. "Yeah, I'm good Sensei." The medic slowly looked up at Sonny, shaking his head. "Um... No, you're not. You've got a dislocated knee. We're gonna need to wrap that up... you'll have to be on crutches for the next few weeks."
Sonny's jaw dropped. "Weeks?" The man nodded turning to Hawk and Miguel. "Would you to help her to the bench?" The boys nodded, each other them going to one side of her and walked her to the bench behind the line of Cobra Kai kids. As soon as she was off the mat, they continued the tournament, disqualifying the boy that injured Sonny and pulling Aisha and another student up to fight.
The medic wrapped Sonny's knee while another got crutches. She watched the white gauze wrap around her leg, gripping the bench underneath her until her knuckles turned white from the shooting pain going up and down her leg. Once the medic finished wrapping her leg, he patted her good knee and sent her a small smile. "There we go."
The man nodded his head, turning to the audience. "You got a family member in the crowd I can talk to about your injuries?" Sonny nodded, pointing Jess out to him and he instantly stood up, walking towards her siser.
"There can be only one true winner, and they are standing on this stage right now. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Daryl screamed. The audience cheered and Miguel bowed, making Sonny immediately cheer for the boy.
"Will it be Hawk..." Daryl paused, rereading his cue card as if he missed something. After a couple seconds, Daryl looked back to the audience and laughed. "Well I guess it's just Hawk from Cobra Kai Karate? Or will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated?"
Daryl waited until some of the cheering from the audience died down before he finally turned to the last boy he needed to introduce. "And last but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga Karate, Xander Stone!" Daryl screamed and Xander took the mans introduction as a way make his mark because as soon as the crowd started to cheer, Xander walked in front of Daryl and did a double flip.
Xander then took the microphone out of the man's hand. making her internally groan. "I just wanted to say, even though I love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred... And as I look around this arena, I pray for every race, religion and gender that we can all live together in peace. Please join me in a moment of silence as we strive to end intolerance in our time."
The arena went silent for a few minutes, Sonny dipping her head and closing her eyes to try and be respectful to Xander's wish. When the moment of silence ended, Daryl took the microphone back, calling Xander and Miguel to the mat to start the semi-finals.
As soon as the referee blew his whistle, Xander charged at Miguel, sending him kick after kick, not really guarding his top half. Sonny straightened up at this. Quickly grabbing her crutches and headed over to the Cobra Kai line. "Miguel!" Sonny screamed, making Hawk realize she was up and immediately started spotting her incase she tripped.
"Miguel! Go for the waist up!" Sonny screamed when Miguel got close enough. He looked back at Sonny for a second before looking back to Xander. He quickly sent a kick to the boys head, making him fall over. Sonny cheered, leaning on Hawk so she could clap for her friend.
"That's 2-1 Diaz!" The referee screamed as Miguel and Xander got in fighting positions. "Come on, Diaz! Stay on offense!" Johnny screamed.
When the new round started, Xander started going for Miguel with crazy kicks and flips, making Sonny's jaw drop. "Holy shit, is he a ninja or something?"
Xander flipped in front of Miguel, going to send a punch to his face but before he could, Miguel kicked his stomach, sending him to the ground. The referee walked to Miguel as Cobra Kai cheered for Miguel. "Winner! Miguel Diaz is heading to the finals! Next up, Hawk versus Keene."
Sonny turned to Hawk, rubbing his shoulder. When he looked down at her, Sonny smiled. "You've got this." Sonny whispered and Hawk sent her a smile before turning to Johnny who didn't look too pleased.
"Something wrong, Sensei?" Hawk asked, leaning over Sonny since she was in between the two. Johnny looked back and forth between Robby and Hawk before shaking his head. "No, show him what you got." Johnny breathed out and Hawk nodded, doing a handshake with Miguel before jumping on the mat.
Right away, Hawk won the first point, throwing Robby on the ground and punching him in the stomach. Sonny was using Miguel as a backup support because she couldn't use her crutches since her hands were too busy clapping for Hawk.
"Remember what you learned, Robby!" Mr. LaRusso screamed from the audience and Sonny turned back to the two fighters, Hawk looking ready to win while Robby looked as if he was meditating.
The referee called for next round and Robby snapped out of his meditation and immediately started blocking every punch and kick Hawk sent his way. As Hawk sent a punch to his face, Robby dodged it, kicking him in the face.
"One point, Keene!" The referee screamed. Hawk got right in Robby's face, mumbling a few words, but Sonny couldn't hear them from where she stood. She saw Robby mumble something back before going to his spot on the mat.
Hawk ran up to Robby, kicking his shoulder. Sonny gasped as the referee pushed Hawk back into line. "Illegal contact! You're disqualified!" The referee screamed to Hawk who just pushed him off. "Bullshit!"
Sonny reached over the mat, pulling on Hawk's arm so he looked down at her. "What the hell was that?" Sonny practically screamed but Hawk didn't care, glaring at the ground. "What was I supposed to do? Be a pussy?"
Sonny looked at him as if he was crazy. She turned back to the audience and saw the medic who had helped her, leave Jess' side and run towards Robby to check him up.
"With that disqualification, Keene earns a trip to the finals. We'll see him back here after a short break." Daryl announced and Sonny rolled her eyes, readjusting her crutches. "I'm gonna go get some water." She grumbled, walking towards the locker rooms where she remembered seeing a vending machine. She quickly punched in the code for a water and grabbed it once it fell to the bottom of the machine.
Sonny looked up at the lights flickering on and off, signaling the competition was back on. She readjusted the crutches under arm and looked down to try and find somewhere to put her water. Not having anywhere else to out it since her gi didn't have pockets–which Sonny was definitely going to talk to Johnny about investing in–she sighed, biting onto the cap and limped back to her team.
"This is it folks. The moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Daryl cheered for Miguel, making Sonny smile.
"Or will it be Robby Keene unaffli- Daniel LaRusso's gonna coach?" The announcer cut himself off as a woman ran up to him. When she nodded, he turned back to the audience excitedly. "Daniel LaRusso's gonna coach! I'm sorry folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!"
The announcer gestured for Miguel and Robby to go onto the mat. Just like she had with Hawk, she gave Miguel a pat on the shoulder as he went up.
"Fighting Positions! Ready! And Fight!"
Miguel ran at Robby, sending anything he could to knock the boy down but he didn't budge, pushing Miguel back and kicking him in the stomach. Sonny sighed, leaning up against Aisha as the boys got back in position.
This time, Robby was attacking Miguel and as he bent down for a kick, Miguel lifted his leg up, bringing it down on Robby's bad shoulder. Sonny gasped as all the students around her cheered. "Diaz and Cobra Kai with the point. Now it's 1-1."
When the next round started, Miguel punched Robby's shoulder and swept his legs. When Robby hit the ground, Miguel leaned over him, punching his shoulder again.
Sonny nervously bit her lip and Miguel's cheap win. She knew he could win this fight if he didn't fight dirty.
The next round, Robby had scored a point and went up to Miguel to help him up but when Robby put out his hand, Miguel yanked on it hard. Sonny gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as the room around her erupted in gasps.
"That's one warning for unsportsmanlike contact." The referee yelled at Miguel as Sonny turned to Johnny. "Aren't you gonna tell him to cut it out?" Sonny whisper yelled. Johnny bit his lip, nodding his head and walking up to Miguel. After exchanging a few words, Miguel walked back on the mat as Johnny walked back towards the line.
"Whoever wins the next point will be our new champion!"
Miguel ran for Robby, it was obvious he was trying to go for Robby's shoulder, but Robby was good at keeping it protected. He sent a kick toward Miguel, but Miguel quickly grabbed it, giving him a perfect opening to Robby's bad shoulder.
Sonny slowly shook her head, her heart beating in her ears. "Don't do it." She whispered.
Miguel kicked Robby's shoulder and then the stomach. Robby Keene fell to the floor, leaving Miguel as the All Valley Champion.
The Cobra Kai students all hopped on the mat, running to pull Miguel into a hug as Sonny stayed on the ground. She couldn't step up on the 3 foot mat to go and congratulate him so she clapped from her spot. Robby passed Sonny, making her quick perk up. "Hey, Robby." The boy turned at his mane and Sonny gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry about your shoulder. You did really good."
Robby nodded, looking down at Sonny's knee before looking back at her. "You did good too. Sorry about your knee." Sonny smiled as he walked away and suddenly, Miguel, Hawk and Aisha were excitedly running to her.
Miguel and Hawk each grabbed one of Sonny's arms, pulling her up to the mat as Aisha grabbed Sonny's crutches and the rest of the students chanted for Cobra Kai.
Sonny waited till the arena started emptying until she go off the mat, not wanting to injure herself more. She looked around the room, her eyes falling on Jess who was laughing with the medic that had helped her out earlier. Sonny smirked until someone cleared her throat from in front of her on the ground.
Sonny looked down, a smile growing on her face immediately when her eyes landed on Demetri, who was staring at her knee worriedly. "I'm okay." Sonny told him, making him look up at her.
"Need help getting down?" Demetri asked and Sonny nodded. Demetri grabbed onto her waist, picking her up and stumbling a bit before carefully setting her on the ground. Sonny smiled, patting his shoulder and put the crutches back under her arms.
"Thanks, Demi." Sonny breathed out tiredly and Demetri smiled, going to link arms with her but immediately pouting when the crutches got in his way.
"Oh, man." Sonny whined.
Demetri laughed before perking up. "Hey, so we're all going to go celebrate. You're coming, right?" Sonny looked up at Demetri, nodding along. "Yeah, sure."
Demetri smiled, glad Sonny was still down to go even after her injury. As he thought about everyone that would be going, Demetri frowned when his mind crossed to Moon. The entire competition, Moon had been off anytime Sonny did... well, anything.
He squinted at Sonny, watching her carefully and ready to catch any of her tells when she lies. "Is everything alright with Moon? She was acting weird today..." Demetri asked Sonny's eyes went wide for a second, which Demetri immediately noticed.
He didn't say anything, not when he watched the way Sonny frowned at the memory of the night. "Something happened at the party..." She admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Demetri frowned. "What happened?" He asked and Sonny sighed as they started to walk toward his moms car. As soon as they were inside and the doors closed, Sonny told him everything.
sorry if theres spelling errors, i was writing this during school💀🤚
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