Chapter 22: Pain changes
:spark bond talk:
Raven pov
I continued to watch the Med-bay, I haven't moved from my spot since we got back from the cave. My spark ached more when I saw he like this but then anger found it way, through all the pain, into my spark and knew exactly what I had to do: fight Megatron.
One night when the others were in statsis, except Ratchet, I walked to the giant computer searching for the Nemesis' location.
So far I found nothing.
"Damn it!" I hissed lowly, as to not wake anybot and continued to search.
:Raven?: A soft and very quiet voice met my audios and I turned, looking around: no bot. I brushed it off and went back to what I was doing.
:Raven.: The same voice said and this time I moved towards it "Yes?" :Come here please.: It said. I followed the voice into the Med-bay and over to Soundwave but he was still in force statsis so he could heal properly. I was confused, I know I heard a voice, somebot was speaking to me. I shrugged and turned to leave when I heard the voice again :Raven, it's me, Soundwave.: I quickly turned back around to face him "How are you talking to me!?" :Spark bond.: He replied. "But we're not mates, h-how are you speaking to me through a spark bond?" :We don't have to be mates to have a bond: He answered. I was still confused but I shoved it aside "How do you feel?" :Better, now that your here: He said and I blushed. "I-I..." I didn't know what to say, I was mad at Megatron but I was also concerned for Soundwave. :I know your angry Love, but trying to fight Megatron is like committing suicide.: He said and I frowned "He almost killed you! I have all right to want to fight him!" :Love, vent, calm yourself. Your not thinking clearly.: he replied and I felt a wave of peace wash over me. I sat down next to him and entwined my digits with his "I'm so sorry." :You have nothing to be sorry about, I knew what was going to happen when he found out.: he vented quietly :I will be fine, I promise.: I felt a bit better and gently placed my forehelm against his "I love you, Soundwave, I thought when you left me here that you didn't want me anymore, you didn't want to be my guardian; but then I saw you in that mine and I realized that you were only trying to protect me." :I love you, too, Raven. And I will never leave you, I made a promise to you that I would never leave you or not notice you.: he replied and it was quiet, I felt love wash over me and smiled. :It is time you go back to your room and get some recharge.: he said. "I don't want to leave you!" I replied. I think he chuckled :I'll be right here and whenever you need to speak to me, just talk through the bond.: I sighed "Alright." And stood but before I left to go back to my room, I bent down to his exposed lips and kissed him "Good night Soundwave." Then I quietly left and went back to my room, falling back into statsis with the comforting words :I'll always protect you my little Raven.:
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