Natsu P.O.V
Lucy drive fast trough the empty city streets keeping me a little on edge but it was fun.
The car came to a sharp stop and she hopped out of the vehicle.
"Who's house is this?" I asked. Lucy smirked.
"An old friend of mine. I thought I should pay her a visit." Lucy laughed taking out toilet paper from her purse.
She handed me a roll."And you are gonna help me."
She started to run to the house and throw the toilet paper at the top of the roof. I followed behind reaching across the pipelines. Her toilet paper roll fell down and I threw it around the chimney.
Once we were out, we met back up in the front.
"That was fun!" She nodded.
The front door of the house opened.
"Ah! My house."
"Hope you like it Minerva!" Lucy yelled. The lady couldn't recognize her and Lucy took my hand.
"We gotta jet!" Her warm hand lead me off of their lawn to the car.
"HEY WHOEVER YOU ARE! GET BACK HERE AND FIX MY HOUSE!" We heard the lady complain behind us.
Once in the car she started it up and we flew down the road.
"Who was that?" I asked finally.
"An old 'enemy' from school." Lucy sighed. She then loaded a gun and I got scared.
"W-where are we going?" I began to shiver in my boots.
"Relax. We are just going to rob." She said blankly.
"Rob!" I shrieked. She then came to a halt with the car.
"I owe Erza some cakes." Lucy wiggles her eyebrows playfully.
We arrived at a cake shop.
Lucy tucked the gun in the back of her pants.
When we entered, there was a girl with pink long hair behind the counter. She tensed when she peered into Lucy's eyes.
"Meredy. You know what I'm here for." Lucy said and Meredy smirked.
"What makes you think imma let you have to cakes Lucy?" Meredy challenged. Lucy took the gun from her back pocket.
"Woah! Luce just buy them!" I ordered before she took someone's life. Meredy then also took out a gun.
They started to fire at each other Lucy dodging the shots.
"Nerf guns?" I tilted my head confused as the bullets were plush and sticking to the wall.
"Cover me Natsu!" She threw a nerf gun at me and I began to shoot towards Meredy.
Lucy took the cakes and headed towards the car.
"My cakes!" Meredy raced after them but I shot the front door closed and she looked behind at me.
"Sorry." I apologized.
Once Lucy got in the car I shot at the opposite wall causing her to look in that direction. I made my escape to the car.
"I just robbed a cake shop."I uttered to myself.
Lucy looked over to my direction then at the road.
"If that's how you want to put it..- any way one more stop." Lucy said and we pulled to the side of the road.
She took out some spray paint and started spraying the wall.
I noticed the design she was trying to make and helped her out.
Once we finished, it was the insignia of our record companies' alliance 'Fairy Tail'.
We laughed while walking back to the car.
"I didn't know you were such a badass." I raised an eyebrow. She laughed.
"I wouldn't call it that but ok." She started the car agin back to the parking lot to get hers.
Gray P.O.V
Juvia and I got our mics ready for performing at the club.
"Do well." Erza put her hand on Juvia's shoulder and we both nodded to her.
And I saw dishes being thrown in the back from Lisanna and Mirajane in the kitchen.
Normal P.O.V
(Play song)
Juvia:sukiyo kirai wakannai kirai
Gray:sukida igai arienai sukida!
Juvia:suki to kirai wakannai
Both:tomarenai suki kirai
Juvia:mou! aitsuno kokuhaku tteyatsu atama suki kirai mannaka wa aruno? semarareru ni taku
Gray:mou henji wa kimatteru hazusa "Wedding" sou bijon wa kanpeki! souda, sumu nowa matsu tou atari ga iina
kodomo wa 3 nin kanaa
The audience laughed.
Juvia:datte matte nande ?
datte juuyon sai desu-! ... desuyo?
"tsukiau toka ..."
Juvia; "hanashi kiite baka !"
noogaado daze suki ga ooi no
koishi temitaiwa fuwafuwa to
hage no supiichi ni sumairu
miruku to panda wa shirokuma de
sekai gahazumuno
suki to kirai wakannai
kirai demo suki ?
Gray:"hoi !!"
Gray: reinbookuootsu kaerimichi hoshi gattetayatsu
nagameru kimi wo boku wa mite ita
tsuugakuro hantai dakedo sore wa kini shinaide
Juvia:teyuuka! anmari suki janai taipu
yueni handou deshouka
sokka, kyuuni yasashi kunantesaretakara gura tsuite douyou
Gray:tatte gutte sotto nuite reisei ninattemitemo
machigai naku!
Gray: rikutsu nuki de suki
noopuroburemu boku wo shinji te
kimi ni hi wo tsuketa yurayurato
hou ete High ninaru pairomania
"aishiteirunda!" yoku wakaranai kedo
osoraku seikai
Juvia:yadana someraresou
shitte shimata yasashisa
Both:tokini hentai demo
Juvia:suki ni somerareteku ...
Both:koishite mitaiwa giragira to
panda ga nete cha tsumaranai
itoshite dashite mizu wo agete hajimete sodatsu no
butsukaru futari to doujino suki karami au furomaaju
kirai sae uraomote bokura ima koishiteru
Juvia:sukiyo kirai wakatteru sukiyo
Gray:sukida igai arienai sukida
Both:suki to kirai owaranai
suki kirai
The small club crowd cheered and I smiled to Juvia. I took her hand and we bowed then walking off stage.
Gajeel P.O.V
"Do you go out with any of them?" I asked but I saw her shake in disgust in the corner of my eye.
"Heavens no! They are like siblings and I'm their onee-chan." She explained.
I smirked to myself."Well I'm gonna take you somewhere but you have to close your eyes.
"But I thought we were working on mu-"
"Do you want me to take you there or not?" And all of the sudden she fell silent.
"They are closed." She noted and I picked up the speed of the car.
"Gihi." Pulling up at the 'secret place' I went to go open the other side of the door.
I kept my hands on her eyes while walking into the building.
I took out the keys and unlocked it. Turning on the lights, I told Levy to open her eyes.
Her eyes widened.
"You know the 'Secret Library'?" Her voice shook in amazement.
"I own the 'Secret Library.'" There was a library at the bottom of my mansion that has stored every original copy of every book in the world.
"So this is like a cave or something?" She ran to the nearest bookshelf and started skimming.
"I guess you could say that."
"Ehh?" She turned to me and started to sprint.
"Thank you Gajeel!"
Lucy P.O.V
I arrived home awaiting to fall on my nice comedy bed.
Dropping my purse to the floor I crawled up the stairs to my bedroom. After I changed clothes, I fell I too my bed but something didn't feel quite right.
"Ouch!" My bed said wait.
"MY BED CAN TALK!" I jumped off and the covers started moving.
Pink hair popped out from under the covers.
"Natsu! What are you doing here!" I shrieked and he groaned sleepily.
"Having a nap." He mumbled.
"You can't be here. You have a girlfriend you know. This is a form of chea-"
"It shouldn't be. It's normal for friends to sleep over right?" He smiled and I sighed to myself.
"Not when it's the opposite sex." I whispered to myself. He went back under my covers.
"Go home!"
"But your bed is so comfy." He drifted back to sleep.
"Moh!" I took pillows and placed it as a border. I slept on the other side while Natsu is knocked out.
Erza P.O.V
Once I got to Jellal's house I immediately went on my computer to do some research.
"Hey watcha doing?" Jellal came in without a shirt on.
"Research." I answered. A warm hand went over mine and picked me up into his arms.
"C'mon let's have fun. You never spend time with me anymore." He complained and I smiled.
"I have work to do-kya!" I shrieked at his sudden touch to my butt.
I then took a good whiff of his breath.
"Have you been drinking?" I asked and he didn't respond just pushed me back on the computer desk.
He started kissing me harshly.
"Aahn. I-mmh." I groaned trying to remove myself from his irresistible touch. His hands searched up my dress.
And it was amazing of how it could turn from simple research to this so quickly.
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