Ann 3.1

First draft

Rowley sighed, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Ann asked in disbelief, "How is that even possible? You're my spymaster..."

Rowley's brow drew together, "Your majesty, most of my men are in the castle, keeping an eye on the Highlords' spies, or monitoring the Great Marshal. Moreover, three weeks ago your Majesty ordered me to send my men in the Wildlands..."He shook his head, "I'm sorry, but my resources are limited. Besides, Morris Anchrovy's manor is like a fortress, and his guards are better trained than average soldiers. It's hard to figure out what's going inside those walls."

"You have a point." Ann conceded, "But do you really expect me to believe you know nothing about it? I've seen the look on your face." She pointed the finger at him, "That, Rowley, is guilt."

"I don't know much but..." Rowley tugged at his shirt collar, "...I heard that Lady Helena rarely leaves the manor."

Ann narrowed her eyes, "Rarely?"

Rowley scratched his head, avoiding her gaze, "Aside from today, the only time she left was in occasion of your majesty's coronation."

"Two times in four months? She asked, her voice dangerously low. Then, without warning, she slammed her hand on the table, "She is basically a prisoner!"

"Your majesty, please calm down." Duncan knelt before her, "I'm sure the situation is not as bad as you think." He spoke in a conciliatory tone, but she would have none of it.

"Calm down?" She started pacing, "I can't calm down, Duncan, not after what I saw today."

"Maybe it's nothing serious. We can't know for sure." He spoke gently, coaxing her.

"Nothing serious? She looked like a completely different person!"

"Lady Helena was indeed different." He admitted, "But that's nothing strange. Women change after marriage."

"Not like that, Duncan." She shook her head, her face contorted with worry, "I have seen it in her eyes. She was withdrawn...scared."

"My queen, I understand that your worried but..."He bit his lips, "Lord Morris is her husband. Coming between them..."

A line itched between her brows, "Surely, you're not telling me to let this go?" She crossed her arms over her chest, "What if he's beating her?"

"She is pregnant my queen." Duncan pointed out, "Morris Anchorvy has all the interest to keep her alive and well..."

"Like a hostage, you mean?"

Duncan lowered his head when she glared at him, unable to meet her gaze.

"We have to find a way to bring her back, by force if necessary."

"Your majesty, I understand your plight, but please, don't make hasty decisions." Duncan beseeched her.

This time even Rowley came to his aid, "Ser Duncan is right. We must think before we act. We risk making it worse otherwise."

Anne looked at the both of them, her lower lip quivering, "What should we do then?" She asked, sitting on the chair as she buried her hands in her hair.

"Your majesty, I don't want to say this, but..."

Ann let out a tired sigh, "Talk, Rowley. Please."

"I don't presume to know the queen's mind, but resolving this problem may be easier than you think. If your majesty's aim is to restore the prestige and authority of the crown, I don't think we have much choice. Controlling the council is the first step. But even if we succeed..."

Ann lifted her head to look at him, "The Highlords could still force me to bow to their demands."

"Yes, your majesty. By controlling the council, your majesty will gain legitimacy, especially in the eyes of the common people, but eventually, you'll have to face the Highlords. The Summermers and the Temple, in particular, will never accept a..." He trailed off, sneaking a glance at her like he'd said something he wasn't supposed to.

The corner of her mouth turned up, "A woman. You can say that Rowley, it's not a bad word."

Rowley wiped the sweat away from his brow with the back of his hand, "Yes, your majesty. What I'm trying to say is that the Highlords will not surrender without a fight. In the end, you'll have to face them on the field of battle. You'll need an army or enough coin to hire one. The Anchorvys can help with both things."

"So, what're you saying, Rowley? Are you suggesting that I accept his offer?"

"Absolutely not." Duncan butted in, "Your majesty, if you're thinking of doing this in order to repay your sister..."

"Is it really so wrong?" She wondered out loud, her voice as brittle as glass, "I owe her, Duncan. If I can make things easier for her, I think it's worth it."

Duncan's gaze softened a little, but he didn't budge, "Your majesty, I beg you..."

She raised a hand, "That's not the only reason. You know that the..." She glanced at Rowley, but the Spymaster was looking down at his boots, "...chances of me getting pregnant aren't high. If that's the case, isn't better if I take my nephew as my heir?"

Duncan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. They were filled with determination when he reopened them, "My queen, forgive my bluntness, but accepting their offer is a death sentence. I know that your majesty needs an army, but there are other ways to..."

"Which are? Enlighten me, Duncan." There was no mistaking the sarcasm in her tone, "I have no lands to grant, and our coffers are empty. Sure, I'm the queen, but everybody knows that my words carry no weight. The only thing I can offer is an empty promise. Under the circumstances, do you really think that someone would risk his neck for me?"

Duncan chewed on his bottom lip, "There are still people loyal to the crown. The fallen lords..."

"Ser Duncan," Rowley sounded apologetic, which was odd for him, "those people can't help the queen. I know you don't want to hear this but...they are dead weight. They lost their lands, titles and most of them are dirt-poor. They have nothing to offer."

"They have honor." Duncan gave him the death stare, "Their ancestor lost everything for the crown..."

"...and we will honor their sacrifice." Ann promised, drawing his attention back to her, "But we can't do that yet. We need to strengthen our position first."

"But adopting Lord Morris' son..."Duncan shook his head, "There has to be another way."

Ann huffed, her patience wearing thin, "Like what?"

"Your majesty is the Queen." Duncan scratched his nose. He looked uncomfortable, pained even, "Many noblemen would..."

Ann's eyes became two slits, "Marriage? That's what you're proposing, Duncan?"

"My queen, hear me out, please. In the eastern continent, there are other lords, powerful enough to oppose the Highlords. The Khogunate..."

"The Khogunate?! Do you want me to marry a barbarian, Duncan? That would unite all the realm against me. The High Cleric would use this an excuse to excommunicate me, and even the Avernus would turn against me. You know the Gran Khagan swore to conquer the Gold Coast and drive them back into the sea."

"But your highness, you would still have a chance. The Anchorvys..."

"They have no love for the Summermers, Duncan." She rebutted, "Besides, if what we hear is true and the Alhstroms are siding with the Temple, the Anchorvys will need me. Our interests are aligned."

"For now." Duncan's tone was grim, "As soon as you accept their offer, they won't need you anymore."

Ann shook her head, "No, you're wrong. They won't kill me so soon. They know that the Summermers would use my death as an excuse to declare war. They would say that the Anchorvys forced me to declare Helena's son my heir and then killed me. No, Lord Mors is no fool. He will wait."

"Perhaps you're right" He admitted with reluctance, "but what your majesty is suggesting is a dangerous gamble. It would be like living with a sword hanging over your head."

Ann gave him a bitter laugh, "I lived all my life that way, Duncan."

Duncan stubbornly shook his head, "It's too big a risk. We can't depend on the Anchorvys. We could start recruiting men, covertly of course, and...

"With what coin, Duncan?" She asked again, her mounting irritation leaking into her voice.

"My queen, In that regard...I might have a solution." Rowley said, "I know someone that might help us."


"His name is Saliph Al-Madafi."

Duncan narrowed his eyes, "Rowley, I hope you're joking."

Ann looked puzzled, "Saliph? An eastern noble?"

"It's just a name, my queen. Al-Madafi is no noble." Duncan sneered, "He is a degenerate, a criminal of the worst kind."

"A degenerate?"

"Yes, my queen. The Saliph, as he likes to call himself, is a slave trader, brothel's owner, and drug dealer. According to the rumors, he was the first merchant to bring the Hellfire back from the eastern continent."

Ann tilted her head, "Hellfire?"

"Tarium, my queen. Only the Temple's bigots call it Hellfire." Rowley explained, "It's a drug, black and viscous like tar. They call it Hellfire because of bubbles rising from the surface when you heat it up."

"Bigots? Rowley, that thing is an infernal concoction! Everything those...alchemists" he spat the word like it was a curse, "produce is evil."

"Ser Duncan, I think you're confused." The spymaster sounded polite, but Ann could read a hint of scorn in his smile, "Alchemy is a science. It has nothing to do with witchcraft."

"Science?" Duncan snorted, "They create something from nothing. How is that any different from witchcraft?"

"Enough, stop fighting." Ann intervened, "Rowley, I still don't see how this...Saliph can help us. No, before that, why would he?"

Duncan looked crestfallen, "My queen, you can't be seriously considering..."

"Calm down, Duncan. I understand your concerns, but I just want to hear what he has to say. " She waved her hand at Rowley, "Answer, Rowley. Why would the Saliph help us?"

"Because he needs you, your majesty. Selling Tarium is illegal at the moment, but if you..."

"This is madness!" Duncan blurted out, "I'm sorry my queen, but I can't stay quiet when..." He looked so angry he could hardly restrain himself.

"Quiet, Duncan." She ordered, her tone hardening a little, "Let him talk."

Rowley glanced at Duncan, his lips curling up, "As I was saying, what the Saliph needs most at the moment is legitimacy. He can sell the Tarium, but only in secret and at great risk to his own well-being. That's why he needs you, your majesty."

Ann frowned, "Rowley, you forget I don't have that kind of power. The council..."

"Your majesty, we don't need the council's approval. Fivestar still belongs to the crown, and as you well know, city lords enjoy a very broad degree of autonomy. They can manage their lands as they wish. Your majesty can do that too."

She glanced at the captain of the royal guard, "Duncan, is he right?"

"In theory, yes, my queen." He said through gritted teeth.

Ann opened her eyes wide, "Then..."

"...but it will never work. The late Queen tried to something like this before, but without the support of the city steward and the captain of the guards..."

"That won't be a problem." Rowley interrupted him.

Duncan scowled at him, "You have dirt on them."

Rowley just fondled his mustache, a corner of his mouth lifted as he stared at him, "Everyone has secrets, ser Duncan. Everyone."

Ann raised an eyebrow when they kept glaring at each other.

"Then it's possible." She said, interrupting their staring contest.

"Maybe, but is it wise?" Duncan sighed, "My queen, I think you're not considering the potential backlash. The Temple and the Summermers will use this to turn the people against you. They call the Hellfire a scourge, and frankly, my queen, they are not wrong about this. The Tarium turns even the best of men into empty shells. We should hunt down the dealers, not help them."

"These are only rumors." Rowley sounded vaguely annoyed, "The Temple spread them to terrify the little people. The side-effects of Tarium have been greatly exaggerated."

"Rowley," Duncan looked at him with disbelief, "are you really trying to say the Hellfire is innocuous?"

"Some people have died because of it," The Spymaster admitted, "but most of them were old and sick. Besides, your majesty," He cast Ann a meaningful glance, "you can't build a house without a hammer."

"But neither can it stand without a foundation!" Duncan countered, "The Saliph is just a parasite who is sucking the lifeblood of this nation!"

"Enough!" Ann shouted, raising her hands, "I've heard enough."

The room fell silent, but the air was heavy, filled with tension. Rowley and Duncan kept looking daggers at each other, but Ann couldn't see them anymore. She rubbed her temples, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the silence for a bit longer. 

"Rowley, what kind can we expect from the Saliph?"She eventually asked.

Rowley hesitated, his thick eyebrows going up and down like a seesaw, "I don't know for sure but...probably enough to train a small army."

She raised an eyebrow, "Really? That much?"

"The Tarium is quickly supplanting the Whiteroot." He explained, "It's potential is huge. But this isn't just about money, your majesty. There all other reasons why we should help the Saliph."

Ann leaned back in her chair, "I'm all ears."

"Your majesty remembers Ser Godfrey, right?"

Ann propped her chin on her hands and eyed him curiously, "Of course, the Great Marshal. I ordered you to set a trap for him."

Rowley scratched his chin, "Well, about's not going so well. Madam Emony is very protective of her clients. Without her help, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to catch him in the act."

She furrowed her brow, alarm bell ringing in her head, "What does this have to do with the Saliph?"

"Madam Emony only runs the brothel. The Saliph is the real owner."

"Of course, he is." Duncan wrinkled his nose, looking at Rowley with distaste, but once again the Spymaster ignored him.

"I see." Ann slowly nodded, "Is that why you want to help him?"

"Yes, but it's not the only reason. In truth, helping the Saliph may be the solution to..."Rowley faked a cough, "...Lady Helena's problem."

"How so? Wait..." Ann widened her eyes, "...are the Anchorvys someway involved with the Saliph?"

Rowley looked at her with admiration, "It's like you said. There is nothing certain, but I think that it makes sense. The Anchorvys are probably looking for new business opportunities to make up for the loss of revenue. "

"Does the Temple know about this?" Duncan asked.

Rowley shrugged, noncommital, "It's possible. The Anchorvys had been careful so far, but I can't exclude it."

"That's a big problem, your majesty." Duncan said, "If the Summermers and the Temple know that the Anchorvys are involved with the Saliph and we help him..."

"They'll think that we are siding with them." Ann exhaled, her expression sobering up, "I...I think we should put this on hold for the moment."

Duncan nodded, expressing his approval, while Rowley's expression remained unchanged.

"Rowley, what about your men in the north?" She changed the subject, "Did they find anything?"

"Actually yes, your majesty. I discovered that Lord Lindberg is holding a Gathering."

Ann stilled, "A Gathering?"

"My queen, a Gathering is..."

"I know what that is." She frowned, "What houses are participating?"

"All of them, except for the Bellbornes...and the Alhstroms."

Ann and Duncan exchanged a glance.

"How did you get this information?" The captain asked.

"It was a servant, a man of lord Lind's retinue, who told us."

Ann slipped him a curious glance, "Lord Lind?"

"A small baron." Rowley replied, "Lord Lindberg is his liege."

"Is the source reliable?" Duncan asked.

Rowley shrugged, "We just recruited him."

Duncan let out a sharp breath, "So, it's not." Then he looked at Ann, "My queen, this could be a setup."

Rowley, of course, disagreed, "That seems unlikely, ser Duncan. What do they have to gain by misleading us? Besides, my queen," His gaze shifted to Ann, "the malcontent brewing in the Wildlands is real. The lords are not happy with Stoneface. I mean...Lord Alfric."

Ann rose from her seat and went to the window. Then she looked up, her hands clasped behind her back. She stood there for a long time, motionless like a pillar as she stared at the skies pensively. Rowley and Duncan were starting to get nervous---pacing back and forth or shuffling their feet---when she slowly turned toward them.

"We should use this." She said, her voice breaking the silence.

"My queen, we don't know if this is real or not." Duncan argued, "We should wait and see if..."

"Wait?" She shook her head, "No, Duncan. My family waited enough. This kindgom waited enough. But mostly, I waited enough. You understand me, don't you, my knight?"

When Duncan heard that word, he straightened his shoulders, putting a knee on the floor as he performed the traditional salute of the royal knights, "Of course, my queen. What are your orders?"

"Talk to my..."She winced, "...Chamberlain. Tell him to invite the local nobles. I have something to say to them."

Duncan looked confused, "Clifton? But my queen, he answers to the Summermers."

"I know, Duncan." She sounded amused, "Actually, I'm counting on it. I need him to spread the word, tell everyone that Ann Copperton, queen of Fivestar, supports the Holy Raid."

"My queen?!" Duncan sounded alarmed and even Rowley was staring at her like she had two heads.

Ann ignored them and asked, "Rowley, how many men did you send to the Wildlands?"

The question caught the spymaster off guard, but he managed to say, "About fifty men, your majesty."

"They should be enough." She whispered, "Can we trust them?"

"Of course, your highness. I chose them myself." He answered, and though he was looking at her curiously, his mustache twitching, he held his tongue, "What are your orders?"

"My orders?" She smiled, but her expression was cold, "Send them to every castle, every manor, hamlet or small village. I want them to talk with the local lords."

"Pardon me, your majesty...but what should they say to them?"

"They will convey our thanks, of course." She answered matter-of-factly, a smile dancing on her lips, "You know how important the elves are to them. This Holy Raid will hurt them deeply. We should at least thank them, shouldn't we?"

"Your Highness, you..." Duncan was so shocked that he forgot his manners and pointed at her.

"You want to drive a wedge between Lord Alfric and his vassals." Rowley said, his voice full of wonder and maybe, even a little bit of respect.

Ann couldn't but laugh, "You can close your mouth now, Rowley."

"I'm sorry, my queen. I'm just...surprised. I didn't expect such a move from you. Very sneaky, your highness." He seemed pleased.

Ann's face darkened a little, "I must be sneaky, Rowley. I can't face the Highlords head-on."

"Not yet." He corrected her, smiling wickedly.

Duncan, however, looked way more pessimistic, "But my queen, what if the information is wrong?"

She looked unperturbed, "There no smoke without fire, Duncan."

"However, your majesty," Rowley's smile faded a bit, "If you support the Holy raid openly, I'm afraid the Anchorvys..."

"Don't worry about them, Rowley. Instead, send a man to the Saliph...discretely, of course."

Rowley tried to keep his composure, but he was beaming, "Your Highness, does this mean that you agree?"

"Not so fast, Rowley. First, I want to know how we can get. Duncan is right. I must know for certain that it's worth the risk."

"My queen..."

"Duncan, I'm sorry. I know what you want to say, but this is out of my hands. We need coin."

"I...I understand, but..."

"Ser Duncan, we should respect the queen's decision." Rowley said in a chiding tone.

Duncan scowled at him, but Rowley had eyes only for Ann, "Your majesty, I must say that I'm impressed. By supporting the Holy Raid, you can seize the initiative. I do not doubt that the Temple will use your endorsement to gather support. Later on, even if they find out about the Saliph, they will not be able to use your involvement with him as a pretext to discredit your rule. It would be counterproductive to their cause." He paused, "Still, your majesty..."

Ann squinted her eyes, "Talk, Rowley. What are you plotting now?"

Rowley gave her a crooked grin, "Nothing much, my queen. I just remembered that soon Highlord Summermer's son will arrive. If you could..."

"You want me to entertain him."

"I wouldn't dare!" He denied it, perspiration shining on his brow, "I'm only saying that we should treat him with care. Maybe your majesty could show him around and..."

"Rowley, she is the queen, not a servant!" Duncan objected, "Your majesty, you don't have to see him. Let me deal with the young lord."

That brought a smile on her face, "I would love to see that." Soon, however, that smile was replaced by a frown, "Unfortunately, Rowley has a point."

"But your majesty..."

"Don't worry. I've kept this charade for ten years. I can deal with the young Summermer." She assured him, "Besides, the Thornless Queen should act as such, right?"

Duncan went perfectly still.

"Oh, come on, Duncan. Don't look at me like that." She faked a laugh, "I know what they call me. I've known it for a long time."

Duncan opened his mouth, but whatever he wanted to say, it had to wait. Someone had just knocked on the door. 

Ann furrowed her brow, "Who is it? I left orders not be disturbed."

Rowley and Duncan exchanged a glance, momentarily forgetting their differences when their safety was at stake.

"Stay back, your majesty." Duncan whispered, and Ann backed away from the door.

The Spymaster went first, but Ann's knight was just behind him. He was gripping the hilt of his sword with such strength that Ann took another step back. 

The tension Rowley was wearing on his face vanished when he opened the door, "It's you." He said before turning his head toward Ann, "Your majesty, don't worry. It's one of my men. Corl, you shouldn't be here."

"I'm sorry's for the queen." Corl said, handing a letter to Rowley.

"Alright, you can go now."

Then he closed the door, his features stiffening as he looked at the letter. He kept turning it around like it was some kind of mimic chest and he was afraid of opening it.

Two minutes later, Ann couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Rowley, what is it?"

"Your majesty..." Rowley hesitated, "it's from Symongale."

"The Summermers?" Ann grimaced, the disgust on her face rivaling Rowley's paranoia, "Give it to me."

She'd received hundreds of letters like this over the years. She expected vaunted words, veiled threats or worse, the Highlord's pearls of wisdom, but this letter was different from all the others. As she read it, Ann expression darkened, her chest coming up and down so quickly that soon she was out of breath.

"Your majesty," Duncan asked when she cramped the letter in her hand, "What...?"

"It's from...Elizabeth's teacher." She said, her eyes filled with fury, "Something happened to Elizabeth."

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