Chapter 1 - Altering Atmosphere

"Good morning, Mount Ebott! And, of coruse, all the beautiful ladies and gentlemen that live around your magnificence! Welcome to the Daily Dozer, waking up the snoozing that are losing precious daylight that could be used to be moving and grooving! Today, we'll have a bonus guest, she's a writer, a gamer, a wannabe celebrity, please welcome; Sele-" Frisk groaned and slid a hand out from underneath a pile of blankets, slamming her fist against the snooze button on her alarm clock. She didn't know why she left it on the radio, preferring the annoying, technological beep over the male announcer that woke her up every morning. Maybe she was just too lazy to change it. 

Rolling onto her side so her back faced the nightstand by her bed, Frisk let herself slowly begin to doze off again, returning to the sweet embrace of dreams, reminiscing the memory of-

Krrk. "Yo, you awake yet, sleeping beauty? I got breakfast on the stove." Came the all-to-unloving voice of Frisk's roommate, Chara, who never let the teen sleep in, even if it was Saturday. Frisk glared over her shoulder at a walkie talkie that was also on the nightstand, next to the digital clock. 

A sticky note with a terribly drawn smiley face was stuck to the front, no doubt another part of Chara's ruthless pranks. Frisk growled low and forced herself out of bed, swinging her legs over the side of the mattress, her blankets pushed into a bundle away from her. Closing her eyes and running her hand through her dark hair, Frisk took a moment to bask in a stream of sunlight filtering through her window, the warmth seeping into her weary bones.

Krrk. "Come on, I know you're awake! I heard you shut off that douche bag announcer. Ya know, I'd really like to shove his dumb microphone right up his a-" Chara's voice cut out as Frisk flipped the device off, sighing and standing up to start her day. A few minutes later, she had on her normal sweater and shorts, socks pulled onto her feet, her hair brushed down from it's bed head state. 

After a few seconds of hesitation and glances towards the comfort of her bed, Frisk gave in to the growls of her stomach, answering the call for food as she opened her bedroom door, walking across the carpeted floor to the kitchen.

As she neared the room, she was shocked to catch a strong whiff of bacon, listening as the sizzle of the delicious morning delicacy echoed from within. Peeking around a corner, Frisk could see through the empty window in the wall another female her age, facing away from her, standing in front of the stove.

Chara didn't seem to notice her stalker, instead calmly flipping the bacon onto it's opposite side, checking the toaster nearby as bread slices inside of it cooked. She shifted the apron around her waist and neck, feeling for the knot in the back to ensure it would stay secure.

The softest swish of a sock on the tiled kitchen floor was all Chara needed to be alerted to another's presence, pausing momentarily as her eyes slowly moved to one side, resisting the urge to look back. Instead, she acted as if she had heard nothing, humming a tune as she kept cooking. 

Frisk smirked, believing that some sort of holy being was looking on her, that this was her time for revenge. She crept forward, crouched low, stepping lightly, her fists clenched with anticipation. Focused purely on Chara's head in case the teenager looked back, Frisk didn't notice as Chara's hand slid across the counter slowly, grabbing the neck of a spray bottle filled with water, used for watering the various plants around their home. 

When the moment was right to strike, Frisk raised her hands, putting out her index fingers, aligning them with Chara's sides. She pursed her lips in a grin, a half second from delivering the blow when Chara unexpectedly whipped around, startling Frisk who yelled, falling back onto her butt.

"Freeze, villan!" Chara cried and squirted Frisk a few times with the water bottle, laughing maniacally as her roommate began to shout at her to knock it off, attempting to block the steady stream of liquid that soaked her bangs and face.

"Okay, okay! I submit! Mercy!" Frisk glowered at Chara as the female continued to laugh at her victory, shaking the bottle in front of Frisk to tease her further.

"Think you could get me, huh? In your dreams!" Frisk huffed and wiped away the wetness with her sleeve, swatting away Chara's hand when it was offered to help her stand. Getting up, Frisk made her usual brooding expression, much to Chara's distaste. 

"Aww, come on. Don't be a sore loser! If you wanted to get me that bad, then you should have thrown a pillow at the back of my head or something." Chara's laughter fell along with her smile as Frisk stiffly turned and left the kitchen, giving the teen the cold shoulder treatment.

"Frisky, I'm sorry." Chara called half halfheartedly after the retreating girl, sighing grumpily and putting a hand on her hip. She gave up and went back to her cooking, just now noticing the thing line of smoke rising from the toaster, along with the charred toast. "Damn it!"

Frisk couldn't help but smile a little as she heard Chara curse, wrinkling her nose at the smell of burnt toast that leaked through the house. Waving her hand through the air to dispel the scent, she plopped down onto the couch in their apartment's living room, snatching the remote off the coffee table.

Turning on the TV, Frisk flipped through the channels, none of which pertained to her interests. Ignoring a salesman's smooth voice that told her to buy a brand new machine that supposedly made you feel and look younger, and scowling at the monotone news anchor who looked like she would rather quit her job then talk about Mount Ebott every day of her life, Frisk eventually settled on a show about some sort of drama between a robot wanting to love and an alien that wanted to study human capabilities of love, the two of which were supposedly madly in love, though neither understood it. 

Barely paying attention, Frisk became lost in thought, her gaze focused on the television screen, but her mind wandered elsewhere. She remembered the dream she had been having before her rude wake up call, wishing she could turn it into reality.

She had climbed Mount Ebott, despite the warnings and rules she had been told, blocking out the calls for her to come back from the townspeople so far below her. Wind rushed past her as she trekked higher, her body filled with energy and determination that helped her to reach her goal. 

She stopped at a large opening in the side of the rock at the very top, the sun's rays incapable of shedding light into it's forbidding darkness. Despite the fear that lingered in her mind, she felt as if she were being tugged forward by an invisible force, as if a large hand had wrapped it's fingers around her heart and was pulling her into the shadows.

She walked silently into the cavern, engulfed in pitch black, the only sound was dirt skidding under her shoes, echoing off the walls around her. She continued forward for what seemed like a life time, dragged on by the need to know. 

Finally she was confronted by a shaft of light from above, illuminating the cave further ahead, showing the dead end of the path, but Frisk continued. She felt her heart thump in her chest, slamming into her ribcage as if it wanted to break free, to fly ahead of her, to guide her. 

But when she reached the nothingness at the end, standing in the light, Frisk yelped and let out a sharp scream as the ground disappeared below her, dropping her into the empty abyss that she plummeted through in a total free fall. 

Her hair and clothes whipped around her, air whistling by, her stomach flipping as she fell, her body twisting and jostling her mind, losing her sense of direction. Spinning again, she caught a glance of the light above, her voice box tearing, her throat producing the terror-stricken cry for help.

Frisk's eyes watered and tears leaked off of her cheeks, pulled above her and glistening as the entrance above began to close, a shadow creeping in to block the light as the hole got smaller. Her voice cut off and she tried to gasp for air, but her chest felt heavy and refused to move, her lungs straining to breathe. 

Her lips moved to mouth a silent plea as she was cast once again into the forbidding darkness, nothing to stop her, no one to save her. She was alone. And it was her fault. 

"Frisk!" Frisk's body lurched across the couch cushions, her back pressing against the softness as she snapped out of her trance, beads of sweat dripping down her face. A worried Chara was bent down in front of her, the teen's eyes leveled with hers, reflecting the same emotion that Frisk felt. Fear. 

"Dude, are you okay? Did it happen again? Are you hurt?" Frisk swallowed and tried to wet her dried lips, her throat feeling sore as if she had been yelling for a long period of time. She swallowed and sucked in a big inhale, relieved to breath again as she tried to collect herself. 

"I.. y-yeah... I'm fine.." She managed to say in a shaky voice, attempting to reassure her friend with a small smile, to no avail. Chara searched her expression with a hardened look, her brow furrowed. Frisk had seen her like this before, but only on rare occasions such at this. She hated it. 

"Are you sure? You were staring at the TV, and didn't respond when I called for you." Chara demanded, ginoring the rapid beating of her heart, heated by anger, converted by fear. 

"I'm fine now.. I promise." Frisk replied, ignoring Chara's glare.


"I'm fine, Chara." Frisk said assertively, meeting Chara's eyes. Chara searched Frisk's, ticked off when she couldn't read any other emotion than the hastily thrown up wall to stave off her searching scowl. She knew as well as Frisk that the heart wrenching terror that had been written on both of them wasn't so easy to get over. 

It was the third time that week that an incident like this had happened, and that was only during the day. 

Countless nights Chara had been torn from her sleep, throwing off her covers and bolting in the direction of Frisk's foreboding screams, constricted with fear. Chara would throw herself against the bedroom door, her hands quivering as she grabbed the door knob. 

She would slam the door open and run to Frisk's side, frantically attempting to calm the terrorized teen and avoid getting hit by a thrashing limb. Frisk would wreathe and buck her body, often hurting Chara.

Sometimes it only took the slightest brush of finger tips on her shoulder to awaken Frisk, other times Chara would have to raise her own voice and shout over Frisk's wails in order to be heard. When Frisk did come to, she would be too scared to recognize Chara, resulting in more bruises and scratches that when she tried to get away.

Chara sighed, recollecting the hours she'd spent wide awake, sitting next to Frisk's bed while she slept, watching over the troubled teen. She tried, to no avail, to find a way to stop the night terrors that plagued her best friend, as well as the memories that were created afterwards and haunted Frisk by day.

She once spent her whole, hard earned pay check from her less than desirable job at the grocery store near their apartment complex on dream catchers and over the counter medicines that claimed to be sleep inducing remedies that would help with the nightmares. Nothing ever worked. 

Chara's jaw tightened as she stared at her roommate, powerless to stop the wave of emotion that crashed into her already troubled thoughts. Forcing out a sigh, Chara tried to soften the hardened glower that masked her features. 

"Whatever." Chara muttered, turning her back on Frisk and walking back to the kitchen rigidly. Frisk wanted to grab the back of Chara's apron, to pull her back and confide in her, to tell her she wasn't fine, to sought solace in her arms. But she couldn't make herself do it. 

"Breakfast is done. I'm taking a shower."  Chara said bluntly from the other room, forcefully slamming her hand against the counter. Frisk didn't respond as Chara fumbled with the knot in the apron strings, throwing it onto the hook where it usually resided. 

She glanced back for half a second to see Frisk sitting with her legs pulled close to her chest on the couch, staring at the coffee table in cold silence. Chara scoffed quietly and turned down the hall, walking to the door across from Frisk's room.

She forced herself to think of nothing as she got clothes and a towel, going into the bathroom at the end of the hall. She didn't look back again towards the living room, and closed the door behind her. 

(Okay, a little awkward towards the end, but I hope it's coming out good!)

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