What Have You Being Doing The Past Ten Years
Alec's pove_______
I woke up to an empty bed.
I was hopping that Magnus would have come back and stayed by my side, but I hoped too much apperently .
I feel lonely.
When I wake up I always had people around me, Izy will be pain in the ass and so would Jace, they really don't know how to be patient or wake up people. when I hadn't people around me I would feel normal.... Or even lucky . But now that I have Magnus, my mate, every second that passes without him being around its like.... I don't know... Lonely, I guess.
I sigh in depression.
I looked out the window, it was still snowing outside. I wish I could go outside and play with Madzie.
I sigh again and looked forward, there was a plate with pancakes and a glass of orange juice on the short table.
I haven't had pancakes for two years now.
I still remember the first time I ate pancakes. I was on a mission and was starving when I passed a cantina.
It's selled pancakes and waffles.
I have to admit that the smell was enough for me to make me go check it out.
I ordered waffles and pancakes, they looked so delicious and perfect.
I eated them like there was no tomorrow, same people shared same weard looks but I was too consintreit to the delicious food in front of me. I even buyed same extras for Izy and Jace.
I quickly sat in front of the short table and started eating them slowly while trying to feel the deliciousness of every bite.
When I finished I drank the orange juice at once and then I let out a groan of satisfaction.
I sat on my bed and saw the book that I was reading beside me.
I mean.... There isn't much to do.
I started reading and I have to admit that it was quite interesting.
After same time of reading a question was asked to the main character.
What have you been doing the past years?
That got me thinking. What had I done the past years?
Nothing really.
Just train, get beat up and go to missions.
It's disappointing really.
What had Magnus been doing the past years?
That got me thinking.
He said that he was studying warewolves, but what else?
He can't have been studying werewolves for all those years.
Then it hit me. I jumped out of the bed and started walking forth and back.
What do I even know about my mate!?
Completely nothing!
I am a terrible mate and I don't deserve him!
He has been looking after me the moment I come and I have not done nothing for him! I am a terrible Alpha! A terrible Mate!
NO! I am here only same days for God's sake! I didn't have the time or the chance to prove him that I am a good mate!
I do deserve him!
Do I?
I do!
No, I do!
I have been looking after everyone letting myself aside! I deserve to be happy! I deserve a mate!
I have been looking after Izy, Jace... Mom.
Oh no!
I froze to the idea of leaving mom behind with this bastart. I slowly walked backwards until I hit the wall.
I then slowly sat down and huged myself tight.
What have I done!?
Robert has made it clear that if I leave mom she is going to take my place!
Oh no!
What have I done!
I felt so frustrated, worryed, guilty and weak.
Mom will get hurt because of me!!!
I am a terrible son!
I.... I am a terrible person.
Deppresion started taking over my mind. I needed to calm down.
I started taking deep breaths.
The smell fo Magnus was still on the room which helped me calm down quicker . Even though the smell was close to be nonexistent it did help a little.
I took one last deep breath.
Then I remembered samething.
I was once kidnapped by vampires for almost a month and when I finally escaped and arrived home, mom was fine. Robert knew that I was kidnaped because he knows that I want to protect mom and will always come to save her. He thought that I died and would never come back.
But I survived....
Maybe he thinks that I got kidnapped and get killed and will leave mom alone.... But what about Izy and Jace?
I hate to admit but... I don't miss them that much.
Don't get me wrong, they are my family. My world.
but.... Since I reunited with Magnus I feel full.
The hole in me is now filed.
The emptyness that I felt for years is now nonexistent.
Magnus is important to me and I don't think that I can live without him.
I sigh and went to the bathroom.
I splash same cold water to my face and went to the bedroom.
I sat on the bed and grabbed the book I was reading yesterday .
I sigh and looked outside.
What time is it?
When is Magnus gonna come?
Are we going to eat together again?
I shaked my head and started reading.
I needed to get my mind off my problems.
Magnus pov.......
I sigh.
It was so boring without Alexander.
I still hadn't find anything to write to the worlock council.
What am I suppose to say?
They have been begging me the past years, they will one day stop.
I don't want them to stop though.
I do want to become the new leader but I don't want to yet.
My thoughts were interapted by a knock at my door.
"Come in!"
The door opened and Madzie walked in.
" Hello unkle Magnus."
She said and made her way to my desk.
"Hello, princess."
I said with a smile.
"Can I ask you something?"
She said a little shyly.
"Only if you help me."
I said jokingly.
" What is the problem unkle Mags."
She said and went beside me.
" I need to write a response to the worlock counsil. They want me as the new leader and I do want to be the new leader but not yet. What am I suppose to say? "
I asked.
" Well, If I was on your place. I would have said.....the truth. Or else aunt Cat will know and she will be mad at me."
She said simply.

" I guess. "
I said.
I turned and quickly write.
Dear worlock council,
Me Magnus Bane, the most powerful worlock ever existed and the prince of hell had consider your offer. My answer is unstable yet.
I have same responsibilities that I want to take care first.
Give me same time more and I will give you a proper answer to your offer.
So stop sending me fire messages every facking week.
I send it and turned to face Madzie with a smile.
"Now that you helped me, tell me what is your question."
I asked with a kind smile.
" Why is unkle Alec's door locked?"
She asked me.
" Why do you care?"
I said and raised an eyebrow.
" I want to play with him. And also I want him to do my hair."
She said honestly.
I looked at her a little surprised.
" Okey, I was going there anyways. "
I said and offer my hand to Madzie.
Madzie took it without hesitation.
We started walking.
"So tell me Madzie, what do you think of unkle Alec?"
" I like unkle Alec. He is very friendly and he is very fun to play with."
She said.
Alexander... You are full of surprises aren't you?
We arrived at Alec's room.
I snapped my fingers and the barrier disappeared. I looked at Madzie and nodded.
Madzie oped the door and run in.
" Unkle Aaaalec! "
She said excitedly.
I chuckled and walked in.
I saw Madzie run towards Alec who lit up when he saw her.
He then lifted her up and throw her to the air and catch hair.
She was giggling and Alec was smiling.
I just stood there.
Looking at my mate and Madzie.
It's the family I always wanted.
I felt my eyes get teary.
I quickly wiped them and walked to the two of them.
" Alexander, I didn't know you had this kinds of power with kids."
I said with a small smile.
He looked at me surprised and excited.
Thats new.
He took a step forward but immediately stopped.
It was like he wanted to... Hug me?
"Is something wrong Alexander?"
I asked.
" No.... I just.... I am just happy to see you."
Alec said while looking down emberanced by his words.
That surprised me.
I couldn't stop the smile that was appearing on my face.
I walked towards him and lifted his head to face me.
" I am happy to see you too Alexander."
I said and started leaning closer.
Alexander seemed to be backing away so I leaned faster and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
He blushed and looked down again.
I smiled at my mates cuteness.
"Unkle Alec, do you know how to do different hairstyles?"
Madzie asked.
Alec nodded and went to Madzie.
They were sitting on the bed.
Alec was sitting behind Madzie and was making her hair as Madzie was playing with her dolls.
I walked to them and sat beside Alec.
" How do you know to do different hair styles?"
I asked.
" I looked after my little sister since she was a born. By the years I learned to do different hairstyles for her ."
Alec said honesty.
" Izy?"
I asked with a smirk.
Alec flinched when he heard me. He turned to me with wide eyes .
" How did - "
" I told you love. I know more stuff than you think I do. "
I said and ranned my fingers through his raven soft hair.
He sigh and continued to do Madzie's hair.
" You said that you were looking after your siblings since they were born?"
I said looking at Alexander.
He thinks that I don't know the stress he went through and all the responsibilities he had when he was a kid.
After I captured him I went to the village again. I learned that he didn't have a childhood, that he didn't lived as a child.
He was taking care of his siblings and was training.
All that why?
Because he is going to be the future alpha.... Thats what they told me at least. But I think there is more.
He acts nervous when I ask him about his training.... Or his life in jeneral.
Alec nodded while he was avoiding Magnus's eyes.
"Hmmm...... And why is that?"
I said while looking at every masle of Alexander's body tens up.
"Because... Because mom and Robert were always at work and as the older child, I looked after my siblings."
Alec said still not facing Magnus.
" Why do you call Robert Robert and Maryse mom?"
I asked.
He looked very stressed by the question so I decided to drop it.
" So Alexander, tell me what do you want to eat for lunch? "
I said and started rubbing small cycles on his back.
He looked a lot more relaxed now.
"hmmmm.....i don't know. Whatever you want."
Said Alec.
"As you please.... So, did you like the pancakes?"
I asked him.
" Can I eat them again tomorrow?"
He said with sparking eyes.
Did he liked them that much?
"Of course darling."
I said and pussed him towards me.
He looked confused until I started patting him on his head.
He realexed and even leaned his back towards me. I smiled.
And there we were.
Madzie was sitting in front of Alec who was doing her hair. Alec was leaning his back to Magnus's chest as Magnus was ranning his fingers through Alec's hair.
After when Alec finished doing Madzie's hair they started playing until lunch time.
Magnus, Alec and Madzie ate as real family. They had a lot of fun.
Alec played a little more with Madzie as they soon took a nap.
Magnus was looking at the sleeping Alec who had his arms protectively around Madzie with a smile.
Then someone knocked.
Magnus didn't want Alec nor Madzie to wake up so he just open the door with a snap of his fingers.
"I knew you would be here."
Said Caterina and walked in.
I rolled my eyes.
Caterina was about to say something when she noticed Madzie.
"Madzie is here!?"
I sh her and looked at Alec and Madzie. Alec frown his eyebrows on his sleep but only for a moment.
I looked back up at Caterina who was looking at Alec with surprise.
" You know, your a very bad babysitter."
I said jokingly.
" I heard that Madzie was with you so I didn't pay much attention. And why did you brought her here in the first place?"
Said Caterina clearly anger in her voice.
" She wanted to....."
I said.
Caterina used her magic and took Madzie from Alec's arms.
Alec immediately woke up and jumped out off the bed and stood at attack position .
Caterina froze.
Alec saw that it was Caterina and slowly got to normal position.
" Oh.... Sorry about that."
He said and rubbed akwardly at the back of his head.
Magnus blinked in surprise.
His mate had got up from his sleep and was in attack mode just in a blink of an eye.
"That was...... Impressive."
Said Magnus and stand up.
Caterina was looking at Alec with fear. Alec wasn't looking her on the eyes.
" Caterina, he -"
Magnus started but was cut off by Caterina.
" He is indeed a killing machine."
Said Caterina socked.
Alec looked at her socked.
"I... I would never.... No... I.... I wanted to protect Madzie."
Said Alec trying to defend himself.
Caterina looked at him with more sock. Caterina made a step forward and opened her mouth to talk when Magnus said.
"Caterina. Please get out."
Caterina turned and faced Magnus.
He looked pissed.
Caterina turned to Alec with an apologetic expression.
Magnus shook he head.
" Caterina please, just go."
Caterina took Madzie on her arms and left with her head down .
Magnus snapped his fingers and lock and silent barriers appeared at the windows and door.
He smiled and started walking towards Alec.
"Don't pay attention to her love. She is just overprotective."
".......Why do you still use barriers? Do you not trust me? "
Alec said and sat on the bed.
Magnus made his way in front of Alec.
"I am sorry Love."
Alec didn't say anything just nodded disappointed .
Magnus putted his hand on Alec's head and was about to pat him when Alec moved his head and made Magnus's hand to fall.
Magnus sigh and made Alec to lean back.
Alec looked at him confused.
Magnus then sat on Alec's lap.
Alec looked at Magnus surprised not really knowing what to do.
Then Magnus made Alec to lean in front.
Alec had now his face buried in Magnus's neck, breathing the smell of sandalwood, honey and magic.
" I am sorry love. But I can't be sure.
You are here only some days."
Said Magnus and took Alec's face into his arms and jently rubbed his chicks.
Alec nodded.
He understood what Magnus was afraid of. He was scared of losing Alec.
Alec leaving him.....
Alec understood that. After all, every normal person would do anything in their power to escape from their kidnapper, but Magnus wasn't his kidnapper. He was his mate.
" Magnus...."
Alec started.
" I understand."
Alec said with a sigh.
Magnus smiled and gave a kiss on Alec's lips.
Alec flinched, he wasn't used to it and Magnus knew.
" Don't worry love. You are going to get used to it."
Magnus said with a smirk and passed Alec's hair back.
Alec just blushed on Magnus's comment.
Magnus chuckled.
" C-can I ask you something?"
Alec burst out.
" Of course love."
Said Magnus.
" What did you do the past 10 years."
Alec asked looking at his mate's beautiful brown eyes.
" Well, I have to admit that I had lovers before you. You see I was in a unhealthy releshionship with Camille. The leader of the vampires. "
Said Magnus disappointed.
Alec was looking at Magnus impatient.
" I broke up with her the day I met you.... Before I met you actually.
She did samething cruel. She killed Madzie's mother after she gave birth to her because she was 'annoying'.
That was the last straw. I send her to Edom. I don't know if she is alive or no but I doubt if she is.
After this I went for a walk.
I walked pass the barriers without realizing it and I don't regret it at all."
Said Magnus and winked at Alec.
Alec just blushed.
" You see when I saw a small Pup walking to me I was really confused.
I didn't know why I wanted to pat you nor why I could smell you.
Anyway, after your mom took you I felt depprest and pain on my heart. The pain I felt for Cammile was nothing to what I felt when I saw you leaving. "
" Same. "
Alec mumbled.
Magnus smiled ant started rubbing cycles on Alec's back.
" After that I couldn't take you out of my mind. I couldn't fall asleep.
I thought that I was just acting weard so I just used my powers to make me fall asleep and block any dreams.
Years passed rather quickly.
I had to look after Madzie and Simon after all.
But that didn't stop me from hopping that we will reunite again.
And thats why I buyed this castle.
To be close to where we met. "
Said Magnus and rubbed Alec's chiks.
" After 10 years I saw a dream, it was a flashback of when we first met.... I still saw it even though I used magic not to.
Samething wasn't right.
I went to my friend Ragnor and asked for help. Surprisingly he did know what was happening to me.
I had a mate..... And a very beautiful one. (said Magnus and winked at Alec.)
After that I tryed to find anything to werewolves related... I didn't find much.... "
Said Magnus disappointed.
" I had lost hope on finding you."
Said Magnus sadly.
" But then the event with Madzie happened. "
Said Magnus with a warm smile.
" Madzie told me where she was.... To the village I found you and.....well... Kidnapped you. "
Said Magnus a little jokingly.
Alec chuckled.
" So, that's all of what I did the past ten years. What about you love?
What did you do the past years?"
Said Magnus and looked into Alec's blue eyes.
" Nothing really. "
Alec said trying to avoid the question.
Magnus frown his eyebrows.
" Darling, I am your mate. Don't you think that you must start also telling me things about you? "
Magnus said and smiled at Alec.
Alec sigh.
" You are right."
Magnus smiled with satisfaction.
" I didnt do much. Just train, look after my siblings and go to missions. "
Said Alec.
" You don't sound convincing love. "
Said Magnus and made Alec to look into his eyes. Alec tryed his best to keep the stone face.
" And what do you mean 'missions'?"
Magnus asked.
" Robert has been sending me to missions the past few years."
Alec said with a shrug.
" What kind of missions?"
Magnus asked consered.
Alec looked else where not intending to tell.
' He isn't going to tell me is he?'
Magnus thought and raised an eyebrow.
" Let's see if the my 'mate powers' have an effect on him."
Magnus mumbled under his breath.
" What? "
Alec asked. He didn't hear what Magnus said .
Magnus then snapped his fingers and Alec was now chained to the wall.
Alec looked at him socked and confused.
" Why - "
Alec started but was cut off by Magnus.
Said Magnus and putted his finger on Alec's lips.
"I just don't want you run away love.
I have some suspiciouns and I want to make sure if they are correct."
Said Magnus a little more serious.
"What suspicions?"
Asked Alec, hopping that he isn't talking about what he thinks he is.
" The suspiciouns that you Alexander Gideon Lightwood is trying to hide stuff from me. Your mate."
Said Magnus and smirked.
" And I am going to find out.
Which way is your choice. "
Said Magnus and started kissing Alec
while ranning his hands under Alec's shirt.
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