After Alec's and Magnus's ice skating date they all went back to the castle ate and went to sleep.
Magnus had told Alec that he has something to tell him tomorrow morning witch is a surprise.
Alec was excited but also tired, so it was pretty easy for him to fall sleep wrapped in his mate's arms.
The sudden light made Alec wake up and cover his eyes almost immediately.
Before he can say anything he hears Magnus calling him.
"Come on Pup! It's time to get up!"
Magnus said far more energetically than Alec will ever be in a morning.
Alec groaned and burried his face on the big soft pillow.
"Why is it so early!"
Alec complained.
Magnus went and sat beside Alec, he then rubbed small cycles on Alec's back.
"Come on. It's time for the surprise I mentioned yesterday."
Said Magnus excited.
"It can wait for five minutes."
Alec mumbled and snuggle deeper in the pillow.
Magnus raised an eyebrow.
His mate was being grumpy...... He could really see Alec as a cute grumpy cat right now. But as much as he loved it they should get going.
"Come on my little Pup! You need to get ready."
Magnus tryed again.
Alec didn't do anything just stayed still.
Magnus huffed at his mate's stubbornness. He was about to try again when he heard snors.....
His grumpy cat had fallen asleep.
Magnus looked at the time and then at Alec.
" Fine then."
Said Magnus dramatically and got up.
He started walking to the door.
"If I can't wake you I know someone who will."
And with that Magnus was gone.
Alec opened his one eyes and looked around the room as soon as he heard the door close. Magnus was nowhere to be seen.
He sigh and snuggle back to the warm comfortable bed.
It wasn't even one minute when he felt something landing on his stomach with force.
He was about to swear and hiss in pain but stopped when he saw Madzie on top of him.
"Madzie... This is not how you wake up people."
Alec told her and sat on the bed while rubbing his hurt stomach.
Said Madzie sad.
Alec sigh. He then patted Madzie on the head.
"I mean... It worked...."
Madzie face lit up again.
"Then can I do it again when you are being grumpy?"
She asked excitedly.
"I don't think I will ever get grumpy after that."
Alec admitted to himself.
Madzie giggled and got off Alec.
" Good luck with your date!"
Madzie yelled as she run off.
" My what? "
Alec said lowly while scratching the back of his neck.
" Our date. Which you should get ready if you want to go. "
Said Magnus from beside the bed with crossed arms.
How long has he been standing there?
Alec thought to himself.
Magnus then gave Alec a pair of clothes.
He was about to leave when Alec said.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No....Just know that if you don't listen to me, Madzie will use your stomach as a trampoline ."
Said Magnus with a teasing tone.
Alec then looked skeptical.
"Is something wrong?"
Magnus asked and looked at his mate with a frown.
"...... I don't there?"
Alec said slowly and looked at Magnus.
"Except from the fact that you should get ready for our"
Sais Magnus also slowly.
Alec said and looked down.
Magnus got the disappointed vibe which he didn't know why his Alexander had.
"Are you trying to tell me something?"
Magnus offered again.
Alec got up.
"To tell you...not really."
Alec walked toward Magnus and kissed him on the lips. It was a quick simple kiss but it was enough to make both of them feel electricity and pleasure go from their lips to their spine.
"To do yes."
Said Alec and took the clothes.
He headed to the bathroom and took a last glance towards Magnus.
He beat his lower lips as he walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
Magnus had stayed with the mouth hanging.
As he heard the door close he chuckled to himself.
He then made his way to Alec's bed and sat there.
"You never stop to surprise me."
Magnus mumbled to himself.
After less then five minutes, Alec walked outside the bathroom.
Magnus jumped on his feet.
"Now that you are ready Alexander"
Magnus stopped talking and made a portal to appear.
"Let's head to our date."
Magnus finally said.
"Wait.... Arent we going to go outside? At the garden? Because if that is the case I should get my coat. "
Alec said was about to live but Magnus grabbed his hand.
"No we are not going to the garden."
Said Magnus and gave him a coat.
"Then where are we going?"
Said Alec with a frown.
"You will see."
Magnus said before he and Alec walk through the portal.
They entered the portal and appeared at a colorful village.
Alec was looking around with confusion.
Where are they?
Then it hit him.
Oh no.
He started panicking.
He was at a Worlocks area to a village full of Worlocks that hated werewolves. He was simply screwed.
He looked around to find a hiding spot for him but everything was too bride and colorful.
There were also several Worlocks around walking, talking and laughing.
He couldn't find a place to hide himself. To protect himself.
He was ready to ran off if needed but then all the stress and fear disappeared as he felt Magnus's arm holding his.
He quickly turned to face his mate.
Magnus had noticed his mates distress and immediately went to support him.
"Hey, it's Okey. I have put glamor on you. No one will suspect you."
Magnus said and pulled Alec closer to him.
Alec sigh in relief.
It didn't take long to relax as his mate's scent was making its way to his nose. Thank goodness he needed that.
"Are you Okey love?"
Magnus asked and made Alec look into his eyes by touching Alec's chicks.
Alec nodded.
Magnus then smiled and took his arms back.
"Now, what about we get to our date?"
"What are we going to do?"
Alec asked while looking around.
If Magnus says it is Okey then it's Okey.
"Well I need to do some shopping first but later..... Are you still scared Love? I promise that no one will recognize you and-"
"No.... I believe you."
Alec interrupted Magnus.
"It's just..... I have went to villages but that....its the most colorful one I have seen."
Said Alec still looking around.
There were so many colorful stores and so many beautiful flowers around. It was like it had come out of a fairy tail.
"Oh... I have to admit that when I went to your village I was kinda... Socked to see that much grey and dark wood.... You guys need to put more color in your lifes."
Said Magnus a little surprised and sarcastic.
Alec laughed at that. It's was true.
The only meterial they use for building is stone, dark wood and black metal. Pretty boring by Izzy's opinion.
" Tell me about your village. There must be something interesting about it."
Said Magnus and started walking.
Alec followed.
"Like what?"
"What about... Celebrations? For example, we, Worlocks have several events and one of them is the wine day. It's when we all head to the biggest building and drink every kind of wine."
Said Magnus fondly as he was walking.
"That sounds dangerous."
Alec said with raised eyebrows.
Why would they do that?
Get drunk in the middle of a war. What if they were attacked that day?
Magnus stopped and turned to look at Alec.
"Why would it be?"
He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"What if you were attacked that day?"
"Worlocks don't get drunk easily. And you need to relax. Because there is war going on doesn't mean we should be on guard every single day. That will be tiring."
Said Magnus and started walking again.
Alec thought that Magnus was right.
Robert will always scold him about not being on guard at every chance he got. When he will go for a ran to the woods and comes back he will be scold because he hadn't taken a weapon or someone with him for backup. It was indeed getting tiring and annoying as the years went by.
"So Alexander, tell me is there any kind of event?"
Said Magnus as he was walking ahead of Alec.
Alec blurred out the first thing it come to his mind. The only event that has been happening to every single werewolve village for years.
The only event and the most discusting based on Alec's opinion.
" The show."
As Alec said that he stopped dead to his tracks. He can't believe what escaped from his mouth.
For the ones who do not remember what the Show is.
It's some event Robert made up, it's when they catch an enemy and kill him in front of the entire village.
Except from the fact that children are watching, there is that the victim won't die simply most of the time. He/she will be tortured or even raped in front of the entire village first and then kill him/her.
Magnus turned to face Alec after some steps. He frowned as he saw Alec.
Alec's eyes had went wide and he had frozen in place. He looked like a small kid that have been catch.
"Is something wrong?"
Magnus asked and made a step forward, towards Alec.
"Can... Can you forget what I just said?"
Alec scratched the back of his neck.
A thing he will do when he is emberanced , nervous or awkward.
Magnus had figured out soon enough about the meaning of his love's habit.
And he found it ingredibly adorable.
But he knew that his mate was not emberanced nor awkward. He was regretful for saying it out loud.
Magnus said and walked in front of Alec.
"You and I are mates. We must tell everything to each other. Neither we like it or not."
Magnus said and crossed his arms.
Alec felt guilty.
Magnus had told everything about his life. Every sad depressing part to every happy and exciting part.
Alec had also told Magnus everything about him and his life.... Except for one thing. And he knew one day he will have to tell him..... But he just didn't feel ready.... That and the fact that Magnus was able to make him forget about it made him scared that one day he will wake up to Robert's secret room chained.... That everything was a dream..... A very beautiful dream.
"So....speak up."
Magnus said.
Alec gulped and glanced around.
No one was close enough to hear them.
"It's a cruel event that we do when we catch an enemy."
Alec started.
Magnus was listening.
He wasn't judging and wasn't planing to. The Worlocks and the Vampires do also cruel things when they catch an enemy.
"We punish him/her in front of the entire village until he or she dies."
Alec finished scared to look into Magnus's beautiful brown eyes.
"That's it?"
Magnus asked calmly.
Alec looked into Magnus's eyes and saw no judgment....just a hint of anger not for him but for the situation. Which was normal.
Alec nodded.
"Did you do it?"
Magnus asked the voice still calm.
Alec looked down.
He was forced many times to do the procery until he didn't gave a hint of emotions when he was doing what he was doing. It took him some years but soon he had get over it.....he hoped at least.
"what are you asking me exactly?"
Alec asked trying to hide his nervousness. Didn't work out well.
Alec could easily lie and full someone.... But when it was Magnus. He just couldn't.
"Where you the one who tortured the victims?"
Magnus said as he looked into the blue hazel eyes.
He didn't know why he asked that.
Propably because he wanted to see how actually innocent his mate is... No... He know Alec wouldn't hesitate to kill someone but still... He had the gut that Alec was hidding something and by that question he may tell him his secret....he hoped atlest.
Alec sigh and nodded.
He didn't looked into Magnus's eyes. He was scared to look.
"Were you forced to?"
Magnus asked suspicious.
Alec shot his head up in surprise. How did Magnus know that!?... Did he guessed it? There is no way he would..... Right?
Magnus eyes went wide and his mouth opened slightly.
His beautiful Alexander was forced to kill and torture people.
It didn't felt right.
He felt anger. How can that Robert bastard force his Alexander into this!
.... But there was more, weren't there?
It felt like there were.
" old where you exactly when you did it the first time?"
Magnus asked serious and irritated.
Magnus has this awful feeling that Alec has been hiding some important stuff about his past.... Stuff he wants to burrie deep... So deep that they will not be able to go to the surface ever again..... He knew that feeling... But when he told Alec about his past he felt lighter and he knew Alexander will too.
Alec felt the earth beneath him desapear. It was finally time wasn't it?
He opened his mouth to answer
But nothing come out.
He hadn't take a breath in.
So he did and when he was about to speak again he felt something bumping into his knee.
He and Magnus looked down and saw a small kid crying while holding his mouth.
Aperently the kid had bumped into Alec but on his knee as the kid was too short. And apparently the little bud had cut his lip with his teeth during the hit.
Alec quickly kneeled down and started checking the kid as he was comforting him.
Magnus hadn't forgot what they were saying but with the clumsy kid in front of them he couldnt ask. Not yet at least.
The kid soon stopped crying thanks too Alec.
Magnus had stayed still, admiring Alec's ability with kids.
"Hey buddy, everything it's going to be Okey. It's just a small cut. I am sure it will go away soon. You know why?"
Alec said calmly with a smile.
The kid sobbed.
"Because you are a strong worrior who will go back home and tell his mama that you hitted but it's Okey because you could bare the pain because you are so strong. "
Said Alec still with a smile as he petted the kid on his head.
The kid flushed a smile and nodded.
Magnus smiled at the warm seen.
" So what your name little bud? "
Alec asked and lifted the kid up to his arms.
" I am Jace. "
The small kid said.
" Wow. I have a brother named Jace, you look like him."
Alec said with a smile.
"Really!? What does he look like?"
The kid asked.
"Well he is also blond and he is very strong."
Alec said.
"Like me!"
Said the kid said far too excited.
Alec through his head back as he let out a laugh.
Magnus was just watching in awe.
He almost forgot about what he and Alec were saying.
"So Jace.... Where are your parents?"
Magnus asked and right at the moment they heard
"Jace! Haven't your parents told you not to talk to..... Tall handsome strangers?"
Said a man and winked at Alec.
The man had walked up to them without enyone noticing.
Magnus frown at the man. Did he just winked at his Alexander?
"Uncle! It's your fault! You ran after your ex and I lost you!"
Said the kid and put.
"Hehe. Little kids always exaggerate."
Said the man not even looking at his nephew. His eyes were stuck on Alec.
Well... Alec's body to be more spacific.
Magnus couldn't stop the growl that escaped his mouth, how can this worlock check out HIS mate HIS Alexander!?
As soon as the growl escaped he stopped immediately in shock.
Did he just growled?
Alec noticed it and decides to take the lead.
" Actually kids have the ability to be down to earth and know what is happening so I think Jace here will be very happy to mention to his parents that his unkle that they trusted to look after their kid is actually way too childish and irresponsible himself."
Said Alec and let down the kid.
Alec looked at the kid who had an evil smile, the kid had a lot to say to his parents for his day with his unkle apperetly.
" You are so in trouble! "
The kid told his unkle before running off.
The guy's eyes went wide. He was screwed.
He quickly turned to Alec and said
"Well I know I made I mistake. So what do you say if you scold me in more privacy ?"
Said with a wink and offered Alec a peace of paper with an address.
Magnus snached the paper and burned it with blue fire.
Magnus said with a cold warning voice.
The man's face drop.
"M-Magnus Bane!?"
"Disappeare or I will make you."
Magnus said and made his cat eyes to appear.
The man gulped and ranned away.
Alec looked at Magnus with raised eyebrows.
Magnus said innocently.
Alec looked around. They hadn't made a seen thank goodness.
"Let's go to a more private place."
Alec said serious.
Magnus had questions but went with Alec's suggestion. They soon were at a restorant that had private rooms.
As soon as they sat down Alec said.
"You growled."
"Yea.... Care to explain?"
Magnus said remembering the sound he made.
Alec sigh and leaned back.
"We have to talk."
" is there something I need to know?"
Magnus asked.
Alec nodded and said.
" You growled because.... Well... Emmm.."
Alec started thoughtful.
After less than a minute he said.
"As you have found your mate, you will be a lot more overprotective over me.... Which means get jealous easily."
"I never get jealous."
Magnus said and raised an eyebrow.
"Well it's the first time from everyone."
Alec said and smiled a little.
"You are enjoying it aren't you?"
Magnus said with a sarcastic tone.
Alec said with raised eyebrows and a wider smile.
Magnus chuckled and reached for Alec's hand.
As soon as he touched Alec's hand he felt a lot better. Alec had that effect on him after all.
He looked at the clock remembering he has to do some shopping but it had already gotten 2:00.
Well. No shopping for today.
He then snapped his fingers and made food to appear.
Alec hadn't realized how hungry he actually was before smelling the fresh cooked steak.
They both dig in.
"So tell me Alexader anything else about the.... Werewolve....culture....?"
Magnus asked and looked at Alec.
"Well, except for the mate stuff and the known useal stuff like the full moon and stuff like that there isn't really much...."
As Alec said that he suddenly lifted his head up.
Magnus was startled by the sudden move.
"The rune procery."
Alec said lowly.
"The rune what?"
Magnus asked with frown eyebrows.
He really hadn't learned anything about werewolves now did he?
"It's something we do when we, werewolves, become adults."
Alec said.
"Which issss?"
Magnus said not sure if it's a good thing or not.
"We get lots of tattoos all over our bodys."
Alec simply putted.
Magnus was surprised to hear that.
He started imagine how his Alexander will be with tattoos.....interesting.
"What are you thinking?"
Alec asked as soon as he gulped down his food.
"How will you be with tattoos." Magnus admitted still spacing out.
"Well I am not sure where I will do all of them, but I am sure about one."
Alec said with a small smile.
"Hmm... Where?"
Magnus asked, very interested on the topic.
"Every member of my family has this spacific tattoo on their necks."
Alec said and pointed at the spot of his neck.
Magnus hadn't realized it but he had licked his lips. He was already thirsty about testing Alec neck and now his l has increased. He wanted to taste the tattoo out.
The black mark on Alec's smooth pale skin... It's just sounded too good.
" Tell me about it. "
Magnus said and took a ship of his wine.
Alec started saying about all this tattoos and what they are suppose to give you and how you get them.
After Alec mentioned the last one Magnus said.
"How do I mark you?"
Alec went silent.
What was that all of sudden?
".....emmm.....why all of a sudden?"
Alec said and scratched the back of his neck.
"Well. We started talking about marks/Tattos and my mind went naturally there."
Said Magnus.
"Uhhh.... Well..."
Alec saterted .
"Is there even a possible way? I mean werewolves bite each other at the neck but what about us?"
Magnus asked.
"Well there is a way for us to mark each other..... And get children...."
Alec said looked at his food.
Not because he was hungry but he just felt the need to look somewhere else.
Magnus raised his eyebrows in surprise. Not only they could mark each other but also have their own children?! Having a mate is just too good.
Alec looked at Magnus and felt warmth spread inside him at the site of a happy excited reliefed Magnus.
He really wanted to mark and have children with him.
"Tell me! How!?"
Magnus said happy.
"Well, I can mark you by biting you to the neck."
Alec began.
"Isn't it going to hurt....or kill me?"
Magnus asked slightly worried.
"It will give you a wave of pleasure actually and it won't kill you.
I found some hidden books that were talking about our condition."
Alec said and Magnus nodded.
" Now, you can't mark me by bitting me. You must press magic in me. Your magic."
Alec said still looking at Magnus.
"How am I going to do that?"
Magnus sked thinking of a way.
"It's pretty simple actually. You first need to take out your magic and then press it on the spot you want your mark to be. Then it will naturally mark me."
Alec said.
Magnus was thoughtful.
He was thinking of every single spot he could put his mark on Alec's body.
There were already some preferences but still.....that something he and Alec will have to deside.
" And what about our children? "
Magnus asked almost immediately.
He was going beyond excited at the thought of mini Alecs and some may even be a comenesion!
"Oh that.....emmm....that is not that simple...."
Alec admitted.
Magnus frown his eyebrows.
"As I am an alpha I can get pregnant as an omega would get. And you are not an omega as you are a Worlock.
So the only possible way is the silent brothers."
Alec said.
Magnus was thoughtful.
" mean that we will need their help if we want kids?"
Magnus said.
Alec nodded.
"And where is the problem with that?"
Magnus asked not really seeing the problem.
"High payment."
Said Alec.
"What do they do exactly?"
Magnus asked.
"Well I am not really sure but they take a drop of blood of both mates and then they do their thing and then there is a kid."
Alec said.
"Hmmmm.... I don't think we will need to worry about the high payment. "
Magnus said.
Alec was about to ask him if he was rich or something, but then he remembered that he literally lives in a giant castle.
"Now that this is settled, what about we get home."
Magnus said while looking outside.
It was getting dark and they need t get going.
"I wouldn't agree more."
Alec said with a smile and got up from their table.
They were outside the restaurant and were already holding hands.
"Do you want to walk or teleport?"
Magnus asked.
"By foot, I want to spend more time with you."
Alec said and a small blush spread out.
Magnus smiled and started walking while holding hands with Alec.
There was comfort silence.
Until Magnus noticed Alec being thoughtful.
"What are you thinking Love?"
Magnus asked.
"Well, it's very pretty hear.... And I would like to go for more walks around the area."
Alec admitted.
"Darling, you can walk around the castle yard if you want......"
Said Magnus guilty for not letting Alec outside the castle.
"Can I also run around the yard? I used to go for runs deep in the forest in my wolf form and kinda miss it."
Alec said looking happy.
"Of course! And a big part of the yard is like forest. It's perfect for you."
Magnus said still guilty for not letting him go out.
Alec smiled and ducked his head down.
After a minute or so Alec said.
"I know that face. What's bothering you?"
Magnus looked at Alec surprise.
"What face???"
"That one."
Alec said and putted his palms on Magnus's chicks.
"Something is bothering you. Tell me."
Alec demanded.
"It's nothing."
Magnus said.
"You said yourself that when something is bothering us we must talk it out with each other."
Alec reminded him and put his hands down.
Magnus chuckled.
He did say that didn't he?
"Well I kinda feel guilty of not letting you out of the castle."
Magnus finally said.
"You shouldn't be. Magnus, I am at an enemy's territory. Do you think I would want to go outside?"
Alec said with a laugh.
Magnus look into Alec's eyes and see only honesty.
Magnus spread a smile on his face.
"So you are actually okey with that?"
"Yep. No need to worry."
Alec assure him still smiling.
Magnus was relieved.
He didn't want to make Alec feel like a prisoner. He wanted him to feel free, welcomed and loved. And he will makes sure to do that.
They soon had reached the castle and soon Alec's room.
Magnus can't remember the last time he had fall asleep to his own bed.
Since Alec appeared some weeks ago he spends every single night wrapped in Alec's arm, something he would never get bored of.
Magnus was waiting for Alec to finish his shower and then head to bed.
As Magnus was waiting a fire message appear.
Magnus let out a groan.
Can't they be a little patient!?
Sure he had plenty of time but he told them that he will write back when he is ready.
With a sigh of annoyance he putted the message in his back pocket.
He will check it out later.
As soon as he pitted the message in his pocket Alec walked out from the bathroom.
Alec layed on the bed beside Magnus eyes already closed.
"Someone is excusted."
Magnus said with a childish smile and started patting Alec's head.
"Well, I know that if I don't sleep now I will not be able to wake up in the morning..... And I don't want Madzie to use my stomach as a trampoline."
Alec said and wrapped his hands around Magnus's waist.
Magnus chuckled and also wrapped his hands around Alec's waist.
" Don't worry. I won't let her. "
Magnus said and pressed a kiss on Alec's forhead.
Alec smiled at the kiss.
Magnus then kissed Alec to the nose, then to his chick and then to his lips.
Alec was smiling the whole time.
As Magnus stopped at the lips Alec kissed Magnus back.
It was a smooth slow press on the the lips but it was enough to give Magnus and Alec a spread of pleasure.
As Alec moved back Magnus said.
"Do you want to start the new stuff?"
Alec opened his eyes and saw Magnus.
His breath hitched as he saw Magnus inches away.
"The... New Stuff...?"
Alec aaked slowly.
"Yea,.... Passionate kisses....."
Magnus started and moved his hand on Alec's neck.
"Kisses..... A lot of kisses..."
Said Magnus as he leaned close to Alec's neck.
Alec gasped as he felt Magnus's soft lips brush his neck.
Magnus started moving his lips from Alec's side neck to his Adam apple. As he moved the more force he was putting.
Alec couldn't stop the moan that escaped his mouth.
Magnus then moved and started kissing Alec with passion.
Alec didn't want to resist anymore and kissed back.
Magnus was surprised but didn't made him stop.
He went on top of Alec still not separating their lips.
As they pulled back to breath they rested they forheads against one another.
Magnus started.
Alec said panting.
"... I.... Want to -"
Magnus started but was cut off by a knock on the door.
He cursed under his breath as he got off Alec.
He wanted to ask Alec if he wanted to make the next step, but he knew it was too early. So he was kinda glad that they were interrupted.
He opened the door and saw Simon.
"What are you doing here Simon....?"
Magnus asked still a little annoyed.
"I-I think I h-have f-f-found M-my mate!"
Simon said with a trembling voice.
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