Time To Pay For Your Sins
Please read the announcement at the end.
Alec didn't even feel the pain of the whip hitting his flesh again and again.
He has grown so tired of this...
"Oh come on Alec... Not even a whimper?"
Robert said and hitted harder.
But with no result.
Alec didn't even flinch.
Robert sigh.
"You can't even do that thing right!? Seriously!?"
Alec didn't move.
He just stayed there.
Laying on the floor with his clothes reaped from the hitts of the whip while he slowly bleeded. But he didn't seem to care.
Robert frown and looked into Alec's eyes. "What happen to you? Ohhh right. I almost forgot..... You were dragged back here after all those months of freedom.... Tell me how was it."Said with a wide grean and a small chuckle.
Alec didn't say anything. He kept his gaze dead, and to be honest he himself felt dead. The memories of the time he had spend with Magnus and the rest were a blur, not because he didn't remember them or anything. It was just that he couldn't feel much his head anyways, probably bleeding from there too, he thought. But he didn't mind, he much preferred this numbness than the usual pain.
Robert said and made a sign to the two guards.
The guards lifted Alec up brutally and chained him on the wall.
Alec didn't resist neither react.
Robert whispered something at the guards and they left.
Robert walked towards Alec and forced him to look into his eyes by grabbing his hair and pulling them up, to the eye height he had.
"I have been punishing you for years.... And for hours....Do you wonna know why I hate you so much?"
Alec didn't respond.
He just stared back blantly.
He really didn't care right now.
Some time ago he actually did but not now. Years and years he had been wondering, what the hell has he done to deserve all this? He still didn't now but, now, as it was mentioned, he didn't care for anything and neither did he wanted anything.... No... He wanted something... One thing.....Magnus...but he was like before.
He couldn't have him.
But there was only one difference.
Before he didn't miss him as much because he didn't had him from the beginning.... He didn't know how a single smile of his will make his day a million times better. He didn't know how medolic can someone's laugh or voice sound. He didn't know how much he loved patting on the head or how those hugs could make his heart warm. He didn't know how great and wonderful was it to have a mate.
But now that he had spent almost a year with Magnus..... It was hard.... It was really hard for him.
"You are the reason my mate left me. You and your stupid mom."
Robert said and slaped Alec hard
"Your mom got pregnant with you and when my real mate found out she left me and took her life."
Robert said and made Alec look at him. "All because of you."
Robert added with discust.
"...... Keep blaming me when it is your fault in the first place. Very responsible for a leader don't you think?" Alec mumbled sarcastically.
He was so tired and to be honest he wouldn't even mind dieing right now.
So that was the main reason he back talked to Robert.
Because he was tired of all this.
Tired of being scared of him
Tired of getting hurt
Tired of crying
Tired of living.
He was sick and bloody tired with his fucked up life.
Robert said pissed and surprised.
This was the first time Alec back talked to him.
"You heard me.
I don't think mom was able to get pregnant by herself now would she?"
Alec said in a normal tone and also in a very clear one. No whimpering, no trembling, no crying and sniffing, just nothing.
Robert was looking at him with wide eyes at that point. Alec didn't look like that scared coward small teen. No no no he looked like a grown fearless and threatening alpha, everything that Robert didn't want him to be.
A more powerful alpha than him.
"You are the one to be blamed for your life's destruction.
And to be honest I don't think you are even regretful of your actions.
You raped mom again and again.
You made her pregnant twice! even wen you so claim to hate it.... But of course.... You wanted another panching bag.
Didn't you?
But then you come to realize that you didn't need another one did you?
You had me and mom.
We were enough to please you.
Whether you were angry or just bored we were there for you, we were there to be forced to bare the pain.... All this pain that you wouldn't be able to bare... All these fucking pain that you created! So you can't literally Fuck the hell Off! "Alec said angrily, yet somehow relieved to have let out everything.
" Enough! "
Robert yelled.
" What? truth hurts? "
Alec said and received another slap.
" Hit me as long and much as you want. See if I care. "
Alec said and spit out blood.
Robert grabbed a metallic knife and put it through Alec's palm.
" And if I kill you? "
"I am too tired of your bullshit to actually give a shit."Alec said right on Robert's face. He did it again, and he felt so proud. He talked ro Robert as if he is lower, a trash which he is in his opinion but he finally got his shit together and stand up. Was he always that tall?
Robert looked beyond pissed and took another metallic knife, which looked more like a metallic pole, and made it went through Alec's stomach.
But Alec didn't even made a sound.
Robert yelled beyond pissed.
Alec chuckled and a lot blood dripped down of his mouth. "Because my screams and tears are no worth for you. Damn not even my spit is worthless as you are.... Dad."
Alec added in purpose, he knew how much Robert hated it.
Robert made the pole go deeper but Alec still didn't gave in.
"Don't call me that!"
"Okey... You don't deserve it anyways."
Alec said once again tired but with a glimpse of satisfaction.
Robert opened his mouth to speak when the door opened and Robert turned from pissed to smugly.
He backed away from Alec with a smirk. "You have crossed the line.
And I will make your last hours a real hell. I have not been standing by your side as your father. That much I know.
But I have been standing as a demon.
Your demon Alec." Robert said and took a knife, a medium sized metallic knife.
" And demons... Are feeded with fear and anger. "Robert added and made a sign to the two guards to bring in who they had brought here with them.
Alec let put a small gasp when he saw the person. He felt his blood turn cold, whatever has been left of it anyways, and his eyes to become watery.
" You see... Your sister needs to find a better hiding spot for her letters."
Robert said and nodded at the two guards.
The two guards holded the person by the arms, the person looked so weak which made Alec's heart break.
"And let me tell you that I never stopped torturing your mother.
They wanted you to live a happy life with no regrets nor guilt. So they dicided to lie to you.... Isn't that right.... Maryse?"
Robert said and looked at the person,which was Maryse.
Maryse didn't say anything, just looked at her son with a smile.... A sad smile.
" I raped and hitted her again and again and again.... Until... She got pregnant. "Robert said and Alec turned pale. He looked his mother's stomuch and saw that it was indeed bigger than before... A lot bigger.
"All that because of you.... You ungrateful child!"
Robert yelled at Alec.
Alec felt tears going down his chicks.
"Don't listen to him!
I did all this because you diserved it and don't even think that you are being ungrateful for a mome-"
Robert yelled and slapped Maryse.
Alec flinched at the sight.
He felt now as if he was boiling.
Robert was now crossing his line.
" Now... Back to where we were. "
Robert said and looked at the knife he had been holding.
" Alec... Watch as you see your brother and mother die because of you."
Robert said and started walking towards Maryse.
"No!STOP! I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Alec yelled but Robert didnt seem to listen to him....Rather pretending.
Alec couldnt take it anymore.
Robert has made his life upside down in the worst way possible.
He is the reason he and his family have been suffering for fucking years!
He is the reason this godamn war is still going on and kill thousand of innocent people! He is the reason he and Magnus are not together.
He is the reason of all this.
The reason that his life is so miserable.
He is the only one that has made Alec live a fucking hell for his
whole life.
So where is the problem?
Just get read of him.
Alec had enough. He broke the chain on his left arm with his anger (Which mean basically that he pulled his arm away from the wall with such a force that made the chain break) , then he grabbed the knife that was in his right hand and pulled it out, not even hissing when doing so.
His dark red blood dripping down to the floor, making a pull of blood to form as he also pulled out the metallic pole off his stomach.
He didnt feel pain.
He had enough of pain today.
Right now the only thing he had on his mind was pure anger.
By the time Robert had lifted his arm high with the knife, ready to reap open Maryse's stomach. Alec had made his way behind him.
Alec passed Robert to the wall with such a force that made Robert to growl in pain and almost knock him out.
Alec didn't waist a moment and holded Robert on the floor. He started punching him, every time it was harder than the last time.
It was Maryse who shook him out of it. He really had lost it at that moment.
"Alec please calm down."
Maryse plead with a shaky voice between sobs. She really was scared of her son right now.
Alec used to be so kind and.... Afraid.
He couldn't handle when people yelled. God, he couldn't even handle the darkness that was in his room every night. But.... He could handle the torture.... Every time he got in Maryse will always think that it would be his last. Alec was a weak child, she was so relieved and happy every time he came out alive. It gave her hope that one day, when he is old enough, he will be able to step up and walk with his head high. That one day she will not fear that she will loose him. That one day, he will become a man.
But now... He looks more like an uncontrollable monster than a human being. That was not her son..... Yet she still felt like it.
Alec had broke Robert's nose completely for a while now, he must have also broke some bones of Robert's face and chest as he his shape had turned odd. But it was hard to figure out when he covered in blood... So much blood.
But that was not what was scaring Maryse. It was her son's eyes.
They were filled with anger and something else.... Sometimes that gave a very scary and dangerous vibe. Which is why the two guards hadn't moved from their spot. They were terrified.
Alec stopped and got up.
He looked at his mother.
"Why do you look at me like that?"
Maryse started crying and hugged Alec tight. It was Alec. Her son... The son she has missed so much.
Alec smiled at the hug but soon his face drop again.
"Prepare everyone for a show."
Alec's voice was cold, colder than ice which made the guards feel a chill down their spine and Maryse to look at him worryingly.
One of them managed to say.
"I won the alpha. I decide his fate."
Alec said and pulled away from Maryse. The guards nodded and left.
Maryse was looking at her son.
She didnt know what to say first.
It was like as he just clicked. He once stood there hugging her and smiling and now he was.... There.... But cold and... Empty even.
"I am sorry."
Alec said after a minute.
Maryse frown her eyebrows.
"There is nothing to be sorry for Alec."
"There is." Alec said.
He voice back to normal now.
Maryse looked at her son as he took a big long chain and tied Robert's hands and feet together, like a goat that was ready to be sacrificed. "I am sorry for being a coward."
"Oh Alec... You are everything but a coward." Maryse said and rubbed Alec's back gently, regretting alsmot immediately as she felt open wounds that were slowly healing.
Maryse was about to say that he should sit down for a bit when Alec said lowly " I am also sorry for everything that happened to you. It's all because of me."
"Gosh! Your sister was right.
You really can't blame yourself for once." Maryse said somehow sarcastic and serious, forgetting immediately what she wanted to say when she heard this nonsense.
Alec smiled softly as he grabbed another chain.
"How is izzy?"
"She is fine.... I think... I haven't seen her for a week."
Maryse said sadly.
Alec said and based on Maryse's face Alec understood.
He chained Robert quickly and brutally, not waiting anymore for the guards. "This bustard! He had you chained here for a week didn't he!?"
Maryse didnt talk, it was true after all.
Alec walked passed her, dragging Robert's body with the chain like he is a hunted and half killed animal.
"Where are you going?"
Maryse called out.
"To finish this once and for all."
Alec said as he walked out of the room.
He was walking through the paths of the village, towards the arena that everyone was walking to. However, at every person that Alec passed one thing was the same, they all were looking at him with terror.
Alec was walking with heavy and powerful steps that made everyone to flinch. The sound of chains breaking the completely silence and the sound of Robert's body being dragged from the floor while the blood was dripping was another low sound.
The dark red blood that painted the white soft snow that was slowly melting as the sun had risen some hours ago was the one thing of the many that made everyone to start whispering.
Alec entered the arena soon enough and as it was expected, it was full.
Alec chained Robert down and made some steps forward.
"If you don't know who I am.
I am Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
But I will prefer it if I was prenaunced as Mr. Lightwood.
I am the first born of Robert Lightwood and if you haven't noticed already.... I am your new alpha.
And as you can see I have win the old alpha and have decided his fate to be death. But not because I won him, but because he has to pay for his sins.
He has been abusing his wife and the oldest child for years.
That is a sin which from now on will be punished by death.
As the new alpha I will change the rules.... The first is the show.
This! Is the last show that will take place. So, enjoy it.
But, before that, I would ask all the underage werewolves to leave and also those who can't bare to watch. "
Alec waited, while having his hands behind his back.
All the kids left a little hesitant and some other stayed. Alec sigh, he could she several werewolves that couldn't bare watching but still sat there.
Because they were scared.
Scared of getting punished.
" I am the new leader and I make new rules. And my first one is to make the shows to go down. And because this is the last and the most important one I will ask as many of you that can bare it to stay. But of those who can't I will ask them to leave." Alec waited for some more and saw several other people to get up and leave.
He cleared his throat and continued
" Now. Tomorrow I will make a new announcement about all the changes.
So, be there. The others that left will be informed by the guards so their is no need to go after them.
As a new Alpha and leader of the werewolves I will change a lot of stuff.
First I will give you all the rights that you ought to have but didn't had the chance to have due to the man behind me.... If there are any questions I would like you to raise your hand and I will give you the word. "
Alec finished and a lot hands raised.
Alec looked at a woman.
She was the most hesitant of all and she almost looked regretfull for raising her hand. She also looked tired and.... Hurt.. Literally hurt. She had bruises all over her hands and neck.
" Yes?"
Alec called out to her.
"... W-what k-kind of rights?"
She said lowly but Alec heard her.
"There are more than I can count right now. All contein your physical and emotional protection, independence and your freedom."
Alec responded.
The woman looked surprised and relieved. She also looked a lot happy.
Alec then understood. This woman was no different than his own mother. She was going through hell at home. It made her grit his teeth a little, he knew that the woman's position in this society was low. Lower than almost anything and that made him incredibly angry. Because he goddamn knew, most of the woman of the village have been treated and felt worse than trash.
But the dark times will change.
He will make sure of it.
Alec looked at a guard and moved his hand as a sign for him to come towards him.
The guard walked towards him a little hesitant.
"What is your name?"
Alec asked.
"My name is Underhill sir."
The blond man said.
"The woman that talked right now.
Do you know her?"
Alec said with a low voice.
"She is my mother sir."
Underhill said. But Alec didnt miss the tone of terror and sadness. He must think that even when I said what I said, I will hurt her. Alec thought and felt more anger towards Robert.
"Is she being abused?"
Alec asked straight up and Underhill's eyes went wide.
"I guessed. Now I will ask you to show her, her new room at the main building."
Alec said and received an even more shocked expression of Underhill.
" I-em-what?... Sir no one is allowed to stay there."
"What did I said a minute ago?
I am the new leader. I make the new rules. You and your mother will stay there until I put an order in this village."
Alec said and looked back at the crowd.
Underhill whispered a shaky thank you and left. Alec smiled in the inside and at the same time he sigh.
The things here are way too out of order to be fixed in a year.
Everyone here is acting like an animal with no mind. He knew what he is gonna do will take time and patience.
And he is willing to give it because he knew the result will be worth it.
Alec answered a lot more questions which had mainly to do about his changes and about Robert.
Alec heard a muffle noise behind him and said "The rest of the questions will be answered tomorrow."
Everyone looked a little confused by the sudden change of Alec's mood.
He was acting strict and promising a minute ago but now was cold and gave a dangerous vibe, which made everyone to go silent.
" The show starts. "
Robert's vision was blurry but when it focused he saw Alec staring at him with a smirk and a dreadful look.
Robert gulp as he recalled what had happen.
Robert looked at the crowd.
Robert yelled but no one made a step.
They all looked at him blankly and some even satisfied.
Alec looked at the two guards and ordered them
"Take off his clothes."
"What?wait... You can't be serious?!"
Robert tryed to argue but soon was stripped off his clothes.
" What are you doing!? I AM YOUR LEADER! YOU SHOULD -"
Robert stopped and growled in pain as the whip touch his flesh with force.
He looked at Alec with anger.
" Do you remember that? "
Alec said and showed him the whip.
The whip he had been hitting Alec since he was a child.
" You son of-"
Robert couldn't finish his sentence as Alec hitted him again.
"Shhh...dont talk."
Alec said.
"Don't waist your breath... You have still so many things to endure."
Alec said and hitted again and again and again, so many times that he lost count of.
By now Robert had many awful purple bruises all over his body.
And at every hit the crowd will cheer.
Not because they enjoyed abuse but because Robert was getting punished by his own creations. One being the show and the other being Alec, his son.
There were some outburst at the crowd which were by Robert's people, those who had the same mind as Robert, but they were taken care of by the guards.
After some time Alec ordered a guard to bring him a bucket with frozen water. When the guard came with the water Alec through it on Robert and started hitting him again with a whip, every time Robert's scream getting louder and louder.
"Isnt it nice?
Feeling the cold water on your body making you feel colder than you could possibly imagine, while being hitted again and again by a whip?
At every hit you wished it was the last really." Alec said and hitted again with a different whip this time, this one wad also spikes on it.
"At every hit you wish that this will be your last, that you will let out your last breath and finally be free.
Where you won't feel no pain....
Alec yelled and everyone stopped cheering. Some felt the need to leave, they felt scared of their new leader, scared of that cold threatening pair of eyes that will look upon them. Ruling them. And the others felt sorry, they felt pity for the young boy and his last, they didn't know the whole story completely but what they knew was enough. There were also others that looked at Alec respectfully, they already were looking up to him as their king.
A guard made his way at Alec at some point " Emm... Sir are you okey? Do you want to make all those people leave and let you stay here alone?"
Alec was breathing heavily, but he eventually nodded. He waited until the room was cleared. He didn't want his people to see all this. He didn't want his people to see him in that state but they did. It was him who let the opening to them to see his other side, well, not all of it but a small part of it. Yet it was enough to make his followers to feel afraid. Alec felt that he messed up as a leader but a voice in his head kept saying that it was the right choice. That there is no respect if there is no fear, Alec didn't know really, he didn't want to be afraid to talk to but he didn't want to be joked around either. At the time, that was the best option. Because the people that live here won't learn without it.
However, Alec plans to change that too. He will make other people respect him for who he is and because of the power he is holding. That just felt wrong in him and he will not do anything that feels wrong, never again in his life.
It had been hours of Alec hitting Robert with a whip and other torture weapons, yet careful to not kill Robert, so it was only common for Alec to be exhausted.
He walked towards a table to reach for his next toy. "What are you gonna do now?" Robert asked weakly but kept his ego high. Alec turned holding the same iron bars Robert used on him.
" Fuck off son of a bitch."
Robert said with all his strength which wasn't much.
Alec grabbed Robert's hand and made the iron bar to go through it, through Robert's hand and through the ground.
He smirked as he received a scream from Robert. "That is for hurting mom." Alec said when his scream died out.
Alec took another one and made it go through Robert's other hand and receiving another scream.
"That's for not letting izzy be with Simon."
Alec went lower and made an iron pole to go through Robert's feet.
"That's for Jace. You never made him feel like he is family even when you were the one that drag him in our family drama."
Alec took the last pole and made it go through Robert's other leg.
"That's for me."
Robert beat down the scream and cry.
"Did you had enough?"
He managed to say with a shaky voice as he tryed to keep his pride high.
Alec responded monotonous and got up. Observing Robert. Observing as the blood of the wounds was dripping quickly, painting the dirt.
He won't last more than half an hour, he thought.
"Now what? Are you gonna kill me?"
Robert asked. His voice still shaky but still with a roughness.
Alec took the matalic knife Robert had been using on him. The knife that Robert used to scar him and loose so much blood, what memories eh?
For some reason they felt as if they were long gone... As if they were just a small nightmare. The thought made Alec chuckle a little.
Alec looked at Robert, lifting the knife above his body as he said "That's for Max."
As Alec said that he leaned down and made a giant scar across Robert's stomach. Robert screamed in pain as he felt his organs to be pulled out.
Which they were. Alec had slipped his hand in the scar and had grabbed whatever there was and pulled it out.
Robert was breathing heavily.
He was dieing but at the same time healing. But death was a lot stronger.
The metal poison is very strong, too strong to be healed. However Alec could heal himself every time Robert scarred him with it, which made Alec a little tense. He didn't want Robert to win the fight between life and death.
He wanted this thing to die already, yet he didn't because there was something else he must do to him. Well not him personally....
Alec grabbed Robert's face, with brutal force, with one hand and said coldly "Don't die yet.... Mom hasn't got her revenge yet."
And with that Alec let go and grabbed a pair of big scissors.
They were made by the kind of metal that Werewolves can not survive.
Even with healing. Well, Alec could but didn't want to question it now.
" He is all your."
Alec said and gave the big scissors to Maryse. Maryse took the big scissors and then at Robert.
" Don't you fucking dare."
Robert breathed out.
Maryse smirked and kneeled.
"That's for touching me."
Said Maryse and cut off Robert's dig slowly. Her eyes on her ex husband one. She wanted to see the pain and anger she had for once actually caused. This is by far one of her favorite moments in her life.
Robert screamed in pain but stopped when Alec covered his mouth.
"Save it for the wolfs."
Robert looked at Alec shocked and in disbelief.
"You wouldn't..."
"Try me."
Alec said and got up.
He and Maryse walked several steps back and then the doors opened.
Wolfs come out strait running for Robert.
"Do you remember those? You used them to eat the enemy after you were done with them. Oh right, I almost forgot! You killed your brother and mother with those too! You killed two people that actually loved you. Why?
Because you simply thought emotions are nothing but a destruction. And you know what's worst? That you will never see them even when you die with the simple reason that you, my dear 'Dad' will burn in hell."
Alec said as he had his hands behind his back. His look had no shame nor any regret, he was in full control of his actions.
Robert hadn't the time to respond as one of the wolfs bite him roughly at the neck, trying to take a piece of him.
Robert screamed louder than he could possibly do.
Alec was standing next to Maryse.
Both looking as Robert as was eaten alive while holding hands.
We are finally free.
After, when there was no trace of Robert anymore Alec took the torture weapons and started walking, followed by Maryse.
"What are you going to do now Alec?"
Maryse asked as she tryed to keep up with her son.
"First, lock away those things."
Alec said.
As he and Maryse entered the main building they were approached by Izzy and Jace.
"Alec?!What are you doing here!?"
Izzy said shocked. It was clear she didn't know nothing about Alec's return and actions he had took.
Alec didn't respond, just kept walking towards the office... His office.
While the others were following from behind, he could hear them talking, which meant Maryse informing them about everything, but they only sounded like whispers.
"Alec! Wait!"
Jace called out but got nothing in response.
Alec went inside the office and walked down to the secret door to the secret room. He putted the weapons at the old table and walked back up, closing the door behind him.
"I want this door locked and covered."
Alec said and two guards nodded and left immediately.
Jace yelled again.
Alec yelled back.
"Can you tell us why are you here and not with Magnus?! And what the hell is going on!?" Jace yelled. Apparently Maryse didn't say everything.
" What do you know?"
Alec asked as he sat at his desk.
"We were walking here to try to put some sense into Robert and let Maryse finally free but as we were walking towards here, everyone started saying that you killed Robert and now you are the new alpha.... Which is true...?"
Jace asked and Maryse rolled her eyes. She must have told him on the way but he still needed a confirmation.
Even when Alec is right in front of him and sitting on Robert's chair.
"Yes. It is true."
Alec admitted.
Izzy gasped as she covered her mouth.
"W-what about Magnus?"
Alec went silent, Maryse didnt tell them about that apparently. Well, it's not like she actually knew anything herself about the theme in the first place.
"I am so sorry Alec. "
Izzy breathed out sadly.
"What for?"
Alec asked serious and with a slight frown.
"Magnus left you. "
Izzy said sad as she guessed/ figure out by her own what happened.
She didn't expected something like that to happen to her brother.
Not after all this shit he has went through.
"He didn't..... He is going to come back."Alec said and got up, soon started passing around.
"What? "
Maryse asked confused now too along with Izzy and Jace. They all three thought that they knew what's up even when they didn't know what had happen from the beginning.
"At the way here I started thinking of everything... Every hint Magnus had given me that something is wrong. I may don't know what made him to pass me away for the time being but one thing is for sure. He is going to come back. And when he does I will show him how better and stronger I have gotten. "Alec said, still facing the window.
At that moment the two guards walked in holding wood, a hammer and other stuff that were acquired for the job, making it impossible for the Lightwood family to continue their conversation.
" Close it.... "
Alec ordered them as he observed his village through the window.
The two guards started doing as they were told.
"Mom, I want every report of every thing and Jace I want you to call over every guard. Izzy, I want you to send the new rules to the other villages while having my identity a secret."
Alec said and all three of them nodded and disappeared.
Alec sigh.
He has a lot work to do.
But even so, his mind trailed of to Magnus.
" I promise you Magnus.
When you come I will tell you everything. About me and my past.
But first you will have to give me some explanations.
I may not know why you send me away but I know one thing.
You got hurt by doing so, and you still hurt."
Alec thought and touched were the mark is. Where he could feel Magnus's pain coming from,
the pain that gets worse as the time goes by.
The pain Magnus have been feeling since the moment he let go.
" Magnus, my soulmate.
See you soon."
Hope you enjoyed the last chapter of Seson 1.
Now about Seson 2.
I won't update in a long time as other stories have priority and I don't have much time to write.
So sorry for the big delay.
(I am not proud of it either Okey.)
How to find Seson two or how to be informed when it will be updated is by following me or go to my story section and you will find it there.
I haven't updated anything related to a new chapter but just a note that you should read.... So please read it.
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