They didn't know how long has pass since Simon mentioned that Alec could be her relative.... And based on Alec's face she was.
Magnus was looking between his mate and Simon.
Alec looked shocked and somehow scared? It was like he wasn't even in the room anymore. Just staring at nowhere while playing with his hands.
Simon on the other hand was also shocked but also very nervous.
You could tell that he was going through millions of thoughts of what to say.
So Magnus decided to break the silence.
"So... Alexander's sister and Simon.... Alec... Are you Okey?"
Magnus said calmly and went towards Alec. Alec had been just.... Odd.
"This is a disaster."
Alec mumbled lowly.
"Well, I wouldn't call it... Well.... Emmm...."
Simon was trying hard to talk but found it difficult... Wich was shocking as Simon is the most talkative person you will ever met.
Alec groan in frustration and cover his face with his palms.
Simon jumped at the sudden sound.
" Izzy has been dreaming of her mate since she was 5....and now she can't even be with him because he is a vampire and vampires and werewolfs are literally in a war right now... That is just great!"
Alec said and through his hands at the air.
"I mean... That didn't really stop you and Magnus."
Simon said and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Alec's glare.
"We are a completely different story."
Alec said.
" Izzy is the most popular among every single werewolve alive and everyone will notice if she disappears out of nowhere. And Robert won't be happy if he knew a vampire kidnapped her. He would start a war the moment he will fimd out that his precious princess is gone. "
Alec said and got up, he then started going back and forth in distress.
" Wait... So your problem with me being your sister's mate is that I am a vampire? You mean you dont actually mind that I am a nerdy, clamsy, too talkative and kinda awkward person?"
Simon said without being able to hide his surprise.
"I am not the one to choose. Izzy is. And right now your dorky character is not the problem! Our cluns are in war and that is the problem!"
Alec almost yelled.
"Yea but Magnus and you -"
"As I said, me and Magnus are a complete different story!.... Izzy will be a lot more difficult situation."
Alec said and started going faster.
"And this is because of her popularity? I mean you are popular too..."
Magnus said making Alec to stop.
"Izzy is Robert's favorite child. Which means he will turn the world upside down for her. In other words, we can't take her."
Alec said and crossed his arms.
"What about you?"
Magnus asked before Simon could.
"I am not the favorite child. I don't attrack the attention on me and neither I want to. Izzy is much more friendly and actually had the time to make a lot of friends to the village. So her missing presence will be a lot more noticeable than mines."
Alec said.
" And what is that suppose to mean? "
Magnus said before Simon was able to say something.
" I was always sent on missions and when I was home I would train and study. If I went missing out of the blue no one will search as they will think that the enemy kidnaped me and killed me on a mission or something like that. "
Alec responded.
He wasn't lieing but wasn't telling the truth either.
He knew Jace and Izzy will probably sneak out and try search for him while Maryse will cover them up but he couldnt let Magnus know that.
He couldn't let him know that his family is being forced to follow Robert's orders and especially Alec.
Because if Magnus knew that it wouldnt take him long to figure out how Robert treats him. And he didn't want that.
"So you mean... They think you are dead?"
Simon said destructed of what Alec said.
"Yea pretty much."
Said Alec with a sigh.
"That's it then!" Simon said excited and jumped on his feet.
Magnus and Alec looked at each other and then at Simon.
"What if we fake her death and then she will be able to stay here!"
Magnus started kinda thoughtful but Alec said
"What!? Why!?"
Simon said not really finding the problem.
"Even if you want her by your side, wich is totally understandable.
You should ask her too.
Don't take choices that will effect both sides without her also agreeing to them.
That is just playing wrong."
Alec said and stood still.
Simon blinked and then nodded.
" But... How am I gonna get in touch with her?"
Simon said and looked down.
Magnus looked at Alec and saw something on Alec's eyes.
" Simon... I think you should get some rest. "
Said Magnus.
"What!? B-but wh-what if she thinks that I regected her and die!?"
Simon said with pure panic.
"She won't."
Alec said.
Simon and Magnus looked at Alec.
"She is too smart to do anything like that and even if she did try she wouldn't have the chance to because Jace is there."
Alec said.
"Who is Jace?"
Simon asked.
"My adopted brother."
Alec said and sat down.
Simon nodded slowly.
"Emmm... Alec can I later ask you about her.... It's just -"
"Yes you can."
Alec said a little impatient but at the same time tired. It wasn't that he was mad at Simon it was actually the complete opposite.
Alec felt bad for Simon and Izzy.
They were in worst situation than he and Magnus were, and what is making it worst is that he can't be by Izzy's side at this difficult moment.
Simon quickly nodded and before he leave he said
"Thank you Alec.... Your help means a lot to me."
Simon said and was surprised to see Alec smile at him and say
"Your welcome, brother in law."
Simon smiled too and then left.
As soon as Alec saw Simon leaving his face drop and become sad again.
Magnus went behind him and started massaging Alec's back-neck.
"Tell me love, what's making so sad?"
"Izzy.... She was always there for me....when I was getting depressed she was there for me. When I got yelled at, she was there to support me
When I got hurt she was there for me.
And every time even without asking she will always be there for me..... Magnus... I can't be there for her. "
Alec and looked at Magnus.
Magnus took a sit opposite of Alec and holded his hands.
" Alexander, darling... If you want... I can make a meeting to happen. "
Magnus said with a small smile.
" A meeting? "
" Yes. A meeting somewhere private. Only for you and Izzy.... And Jacy if you want to."
Magnus said with his smile becoming even wider.
" It's Jace... And I would love that.... But how are-"
" Magic!"
Magnus interrupted his mate.
Alec shake his head with a smile.
Magnus was just being.... Magnus.
Magnus is the person that Alec can relay on for everything.
A person that Alec is proud and happy to spend his rest of his soon immortal life.
With Magnus he knew his life will become a nonstop dream....a dream that will actually be real.
He knew that for the first time he will be happy and finally....full.
All that because of Magnus... His other half...his significant other... His mate.... His soul mate.
"Magnus.... I.... I love you Magnus."
Alec finally said it.
He would have said it before but it was too early, and when he almost did Simon walked in.
Magnus faced looked.... Alec didn't know how to describe it.
".... I love you too. Alexander."
He said looking deep into my eyes.
Alec smiled and looked down, still smiling.
Magnus then putted his hands on Alec's chick and said serious.
"You are going to be the death of me."
Alec was confused at first as Magnus said that kinda serious but when Magnus broke into a smile he just let it go.
Magnus then leaned and pressed a soft kiss on Alec's lips.
"Let's go rest."
Alec didn't even hesitate and just got up, still with a huge smile.
Magnus and Alec walked through the empty dark hallways while holding hands.
Alec was still smiling and so was Magnus. But, how can they not smile?
Alec felt so much lighter when he said Magnus his feelings with one word... Love.
And was even happier when he saw how amazing his words where to Magnus. If that makes Magnus happy he wouldn't mind telling him everyday for the rest of their immortality.
When Alec becomes immortal anyways.
Alec was stopped by Magnus as he stopped all of sudden.
Alec turned with a frown.
"Is something wrong?"
"Actually... Do you want to sleep to my room?"
Magnus asked and waited for Alec's response.
Alec had a million thoughts right now.
But decided to just nod.
Alec was a little surprised to see Magnus's bedroom to be literally right next to his room.
He didn't really know what to expect to be honest. He sure was expecting something.... Something magical as it is Magnus's bedroom, but once he entered he knew that he had entered the world of glitter and fancy old furniture.
" Wow..."
Alec was only able to breath out.
"Yea... I haven't been here for a while.... Since I started to sleep to your room to be excact."
Magnus said and snapped his fingers making the entire room to change decor.
From the green silver like bedroom with glitter, he turned it to pure gold white and brown.
Magnus didn't waist more time and dragged Alec to the bed.
Alec sat down to the bed still admiring the souden change of the room.
"Lay down darling."
Magnus said as he layed down, beside Alec.
Alec slowly, still gazing around, layed down.
"What is so surprising?"
Magnus asked and took Alec's hand.
Alec said and looked at Magnus.
Magnus smiled warmly.
"Yes you.... You are so unexpected."
Alec said and look at the sealing.
" I suppose that is a good thing?"
Magnus said still smiling.
"Yes it is.... You are full of surprises."
Alec said.
"How so?"
"Every time you move your hands I don't know what to expect.... A minute ago you changed the entire room decor with a snap of your fingers.
You are magical Magnus."
Alec added still looking at the sealing.
Magnus chuckled and moved on his left side. He then started playing with Alec's hair.
" I am happy to hear that. "
Alec sigh, it was a happy and at the same time tired sigh. He wrapped his hand around Magnus's waist and closed his eyes.
Magnus kissed him on the forehead and also wrapped his hands around Alec.
After some minutes of Magnus petting Alec and Alec taking in Magnus's beautiful scent, Magnus said
"Is your fur as soft as your hair?"
Alec smiled a little and said
"I don't know.... Do you want to test it?"
"... When you transform... Don't you feel pain?"
"At first yes. But I got used to it and it doesn't bother me or hurt me anymore."
Alec said and opened his eyes.
"..... Are you sure?"
Magnus said and looked into Alec's eyes, searching for any sighn of hesitation. He didn't want Alec to feel pain because of his silly curiosity.
But when Alec said "Yes" Magnus saw only three things.
Magnus smiled softly and Alec got off the bed and headed to the bathroom.
Magnus knew why his Alexander went to a deferent room.
He didn't was Magnus to see him transform as he is already getting worried about small things that is actually normal to werewolves.
But Magnus was acting that way because he simply couldn't understand them... But he knew he will soon or later... He has a mate werewolves after all.
The bathroom door opened slowly and Magnus sat on the big golden bed.
Alec popped his head in.
Magnus pat next to him and Alec walk toward Magnus's bed.
As he reached the edge of the bed he jumped and sat in front of Magnus.
Magnus smiled warmly and kissed Alec on the nose.
"You look magestic Alexander."
Alec then layed beside Magnus and rested his head on Magnus's lap.
Magnus already felt the warmth spreading.
He smiled softly and leaned his back to the mountain of pillows behind him.
Magnus then with excitement started petting Alec on the head to the back.
Magnus liked how his fingers slid into the warm long soft black fur.
"Well your fur is indeed as soft as your hair. Do you brush them often?"
Magnus asked, still petting Alec.
Alec looked so calm and ready to fall asleep but he shake his head.
Magnus then snapped his fingers and made a brush to appear.
Can they become even softer?
Magnus thought and started smoothly brushing Alec's already soft fur.
Magnus didn't even realized that he soon fall asleep and so did Alec. Although Alec must have fallen asleep a lot time before Magnus did.
Magnus had a pretty good morning so far. Waking up beside Alec, still in the wolf form but it didn't metter. He was still Alec.
Then they both head to the dinning room and ate breakfast for the first time with everyone else than just by themselves.
Caterina was being very nice and energetic as per usual. Only with the difference that she was also very talkative and nice to Alec which was a new thing.
Magnus still remembers Alec's face when Caterina said good morning and gave him a plate full of food saying that big guys need big amount of food.
Raphael and Ragnor were grumpy as per usual. Ignoring everyone and just eat their breakfast which no one really mind.
Then it was Simon who asked Alec a million thing about Izzy.
What is her favorite color?
What is her favorite thing to do?
What is her favorite thing to eat?
How old is she?
What does she look into a man?
Whats her personality like?
And a lot more that Alec had never thought about. Like
What does she things about fantasy novels and would she consider red or white to be more suitable to a sword?
Alec had finally had enough and told him to ask her himself.
And then Caterina started teasing Simon about him getting it hard and then Madzie asked who Izzy was, and Alec was generous enough to respond.
He told her that Izzy is his little sister and Simon's mate.
Madzie was already excited to met her.... One day at least.
After they all finished they all went to their own business. Caterina went to the Garden with Raphael, so they can clean up after the night wind from yesterday. Ragnor finally head home saying he had other stuff to do, which Magnus guessed was sleep.
Alec went with Madzie outside. Followed by Simon who wouldn't stop asking questions to Alec about Izzy.
Magnus found it hilarious how Alec's face was saying "Why couldn't I kept my mouth shut?".
He sure was acting all annoyed on the outside but in the inside Magnus knew that Alec was thankful that Izzy has such a caring, loving and loyal mate.
Magnus sigh as he walked toward his office. He had to check if there were any more fire messages of the worlock council ....or even better to finally check the fire message the worlock council had sent some time ago.
As he opened the door to his office and walked inside he froze.
He didn't expected such a unpleasant visit.
"What are you doing here?"
Magnus said codly and closed the door behind him.
"Why do you look so shocked to see me?"
Said the man that was sitting on one of the chairs.
"Well, I didn't expected such a pleasant surprise."
Magnus said bitting down his anger and annoyance.
"First. Don't try to full me Bane. I know my presence here is as unpleasant as yours to my house.
And second. I send a fire message announcing my arrival. Did you not took it?"
Said the man with a raised eyebrow.
Then it hit Magnus. The fire message from before wasn't from the Worlock consil. It was from Lorenzo Rei.... Shit.
" Anyways. Is it true? "
Lorenzo said and crossed his arms.
Magnus shake his head a little, trying to come back to his senses.
Then with a sigh he sat at his chair.
"What to be true?"
"The rumors Bane."
Lorenzo said with an annoyed tone.
"What rumors?"
Magnus asked getting irritated himself.
"The rumors that say that you are after my position."
Lorenzo said dead serious and a glare.
Magnus slowly smirked.
"And when did you hear that my friend?"
"Bane... Dont play with the fire you are going to get burned."
Lorenzo said.
"No no no.... You got this wrong Lorenzo.....I am the fire... And you the forest that is ready to get burned down."
Magnus said playfully.
Lorenzo got up and slammed his hand on Magnus's desk.
Magnus yelled back and stood up.
After some time of glaring Lorenzo made a step backwards.
"If you accept, your family will face the consequences."
"You think I am scared of you? I am Magnus freaking Bane! The most powerful worlock ever! "
"Of me, no. But don't forget that I am still the leader. Which means that every single worlock is on my side. Either they want it or not.... And you wouldn't risk your family's safety... Would you?"
Lorenzo said already knowing the answer.
" And I can become the new leader with a snap of my fingers.... And leave you with nothing. "
Magnus said and went closer to Lorenzo.
Lorenzo chuckled.
Magnus stayed emotionless, not wanting to show how irritated and confused he is.
"Oh. I know. Do you think I would have come here with just this threat.... No no no. I will need something..... Something so important to you that you won't even hesitate to refuse."
Lorenzo said and went a step closer to Magnus.
Magnus felt panic but keep it cool.
" And that something can make you loose the trust of every single worlock.... Which means you won't be able to become the new leader. "
Said Lorenzo with a smirk making its way.
"Really? And what is that something?"
Magnus said, acting like he isn't afraid or upset. Just playful and at the same time threatening himself.
" Do you think they will want you as their leader after they find out that you have been hiding Alexander Gideon Lightwood? The son of the leader of the werewolves?"
Lorenzo said right at Magnus's face.
"How -"
"And that you have a releshionship with him?"
Lorenzo cut Magnus off.
Magnus was just... Shocked at this point. How did Lorenzo know?
Where they not carefull enough?
"And to answer your question I saw you 'claiming your area' to that unkle at the village."
Lorenzo added.
Magnus stayed silent. He did expected that... He didn't expected such a mess.
Lorenzo moved his hand and made a portal to appear with a pleasant smirk on his face.
"Oh! And you don't have much time with him. He better be gone by the next week."
And with that Lorenzo desapeard.
Magnus fall to his knees.
Now what?
He can't become the new leader and protect his family and mate as Lorenzo will speak if he do that.
And there is no other way of Magnus to live as before as he will have to give Alec back and if he doesn't it won't only end up bad for him, but for his family and Alec too.
Magnus was devastated.
What the hell is he going to do?
It's a dead end.
He sigh and rubbed his face with his palm. It was then when he realized that he had been crying silently.
God, he couldnt even run away, because if he does there won't be only werewolves and seelies after him, but also vampires and Worlocks.
How can he, a single man, go against four cluns?!
It will only end up bloody for him and his family.
He felt more tears coming out as he realized what he has to do.
It's the only way... Isnt it?
Magnus didn't like it at all.
So he started trying to figure out a better solution for him, his family and mate... He just couldn't let go of Alec.
But nothing seemed possible.
He doesn't know how long had passed with him just sitting on the floor but based on the clock, it had been hours.
Magnus sigh and got up he needed Alec. He needed his mate to calm him down... To clear his mind and find a better solution.
Magnus with a big sigh sat on a chair and was startring thinking again.
How is he going to tell Alec?
Does he even want to tell Alec?
Can he even be able to see Alec straight in the eye and tell him?
What is he going to do?
His thoughts were interrupted by Caterina who burst into the room breathless.
"Caterina? What's going on?!"
Magnus said and jumped to his feet.
Can he not find a little peace today?
Caterina was too breathless to speak but thank goodness Raphael who was behind her come forward and said calm and kinda nervous, which is very odd.
" A wolf attacked Simon. "
Magnus said and was about to leave but Raphael stopped him.
"It's not a normal wolf. It's a werewolves.... He to be more spacific."
"I don't care! How is Simon!?"
Magnus said and tryed to pass again but once again was blocked by Raphael.
"Don't worry. His ass was saved by your wolf."
Magnus said already knowning the answer.
"Yes. But that is not the thing."
Raphael said.
"And then what is? Is Alexander hurt?"
Magnus asked getting more worried.
"I mean... They did kinda bite each other to the neck and everywhere they could-"
"He is fine Magnus. The thing is that the werewolve that attacked Simon is Alec's brother. Jace."
Raphael said cutting Caterina off.
Magnus said in disbelief.
"Jace! And yes that one. You need to go. I think he wants to take Alec away."
Caterina said more calm.
" That won't happen."
Magnus said in a cold strong voice he didn't even know he had.
He quickly passed Caterina and Raphael and ran out. Followed by Caterina and Raphael of course.
Some time ago........
Alec was looking Madzie playing with the snow, which was mostly her throwing rocks and see how deep they fall in the snow, while talking to Simon.
"Will I even be able to be with her? "
Simon said and looked up to the light blue sky.
" You haven't stopped talking for her the moment you saw her. It's getting tiring answering the same and same questions over and over again."
Alec said with a sigh.
" Sorry. "
Simon said.
" It's just... I am scared."
Simon added.
Alec looked at Simon, a concerned and knowing look. He looked back forward, to nowhere really Just forward, and with a sigh he said
"You are scared that you will never be happy. That happiness is just a memory that you won't feel again because you will not have her by your side. With you.... But at the same time you are angry. You are irritated that because of someones else's fault you can't be with her. And that makes you burn inside. A fire that won't disappear until you see her again.
And then you are also worried.
Worried that you will never see her again. That you will never have the chance to get lost into her eyes, those eyes that can make you feel lighter and peaceful. The feeling of being yourself without trying too hard or at all.The feeling of freedom. The freedom you always thought you had until you looked into those eyes.
This person can make you happy just by everything she has. Her image, her smile, her eyes or even her scent.
And you are worried that she doesn't feel the same way,but you are wrong. You are worried that she will give up on you, that she will put her feelings aside because of the difficulties you and her have to go against to be together.
You are worried that she will give up on love and just be with someone else.
You are worried that she will choose misery and safety over love and pashion. That she will be miserable for the rest of her life and not you being the miserable one. And that makes you even more sad.
It makes you sad because you love that person for the moment you lay eyes on him. And when you discover that beautiful and strong feeling that makes you feel alive has to be gone because you simply can't be with him.
It is harder but not because you think of you feeling empty and cold, it's because you think you have destroyed his life. Because now he will be in pain. A pain you wouldn't care feelings in double force if it meant to take his pain away. If it meant to make the other person you just met happy.
You. Don't care. If you are going to spend the rest of your life alone as long as you know that he is happy and safe somewhere. That even if it isn't you and is another person, you are happy because he is happy and.... Not in pain because of you. Because you are his mate and you have destroyed his life by being you. But that's not it.
Because he feels the same as you do.
He has the same anger, worries and sadness you do. So don't think that you are the only one suffering and crying.... Because he is also crying.
He is crying for you. And that's something you have in common with the other person. You both love and both hurt. "
Alec said while looking at the emptiness. As he finished he looked at Simon and he was crying.
" Did you just.... Is that what mates are? "
Simon asked.
Alec nodded and looked at the floor.
" It is so beautiful and at the same time so painful... But it's beauty keeps you dreaming and hoping... And you know what they say."
Alec said and looked at Simon again.
" Hope always dies last. "
Simon said with a small smile and wiped his tears.
"And don't worry about Izzy giving up on you.... She is the bravest and strongest person I know.... She will fight for love and never think down on her.... Because she is going to beat your ass with her high hills."
Alec said half honest half joking.
"I would never."
Said Simon with a smile wich he tryed to hide by looking down.
Alec smiled too. It was a small closed smile. Alec has to say that he couldnt be happier for Izzy. Simon is exactly what she needs. And he couldn't find anyone more suitable then Simon for his little beloved sister.
And he is proud calling Simon brother in law.
Alec sigh and looked as Simon was going to Madzie who had moved quite far.
As Simon left Caterina approached him.
" So this is how mates feel?"
" Yes..."
Alec said still looking at Madzie and Simon.
"Alec. I am sorry."
Caterina said.
Alec frown his eyebrows and turned to Caterina.
"What for?"
"I have been anything but friendly to you since you come here. And you have proven yourself worth for the moment you set foot here but I was too blinde of my -"
Alec asked and Caterina nodded.
"I am not mad at you for acting this way. I am a Lightwood. And I have learn to be covered in blood.
I would have acted the same if I was you... Or even worst to be honest."
Alec said and looked at the floor.
"But.... Still...."
Caterina started.
"Let me tell you something."
Alec said getting Catherine's attention.
"My father once told me.
Emotions are nothing but a distraction.
And that was what I believed... Or tryed to, until I met Magnus.
Meeting him, just for one time, made me the person I am today.
To have my own opinion and support it no metter what.
And that almost had been the death of me in several situations but it was worth. And without Magnus proving me that my da-... Robert is wrong, that feelings are not weakness but pashion and strength, it showed me that everything can be wrong.
And how do I know something is right?
I follow my gut, no metter what I will face latter on I will still follow and do what I think is right and no one can make me do the opposite.
Because Magnus that I had met for once when I was seven, showed me or rather make me feel real emotions. That I had never felt before.
He showed me how it feels to be alive.
And thats the only thing that kept me going. "
Alec finished.
Caterina was speechless.
Alec was just what Magnus needed.
And Magnus was exactly what Alec needed. It was then that Caterina finally understood what is to have soulmates.
The only thing she thought and do was to hug Alec.
Alec was surprised but didn't hesitate to return the hug.
"I am sorry too."
Someone said a little further from them.
Alec and Caterina parted away from each other and looked at the person.
Alec asked.
"Because I judge too soon...amigo."
Said Raphael and patted Alec on the shoulder.
Alec smiled a little embarrassed of how happy he actually is.
"Thank y-"
Alec was cut of by a scream. Madzie's scream. Madzie's scream was full of panic and horror.
They all runned there.
First to reach was Alec as he quickly transformed and runned towards where he heard Madzie's scream.
Raphael would have been first if it wasn't for the sun. Magnus had putted a spell on him to be able to stay on the sun like Simon but today he forgot to do it. As the spell was ending every three months and today was lucky enough to be the last day.
(He and everyone were standing under huge trees but Madzie and Simon had headed to an open space.)
Caterina was slower but when she reached she saw a golden like wolf to be on top of Simon and trying to bite his neck off.
She was ready to hit the wolf off Simon with Magic but then she saw Alec to jump on the wolf and literally shove him off Simon.
She then decided to let Alec handle it as this is in his abilities and decides to take Madzie away and call Magnus.
So she quickly gets Madzie and go back. Leaving Alec and Simon with the golden wolf.
As Alec and the other wolf landed on the snow, away from Simon, they started biting each other everywhere they can. Necks, legs, tail.
They were literally trying to reap each other throghts out.
Simon was just breathing heavily shocked.
It was like watching two hungry wild animals eat each ohter.
And one of them was Alec. And he knew it.
And he was just.... In pure shock and panic.
Alec was there literally bitting the shit out of the golden wolf while he was just looking at them.
But he knew that if he tryed anything it will only make things worse.
So he decided just to watch and if Alec went to a difficult position he would help him as Alec is doing right now for him.
The golden wolf pulled away after some minutes from the black raven one as it was hard to keep up and now they were cycling each other. Taking a small break until someone decides to do the first move.
Both breathing heavily while looking at each other's mouths. Waiting for one another to do the first attack while the blood of the bites marks was dripping, turning the snow from pure gentle white to dark red.
They both jumped at the same time to attack each ohter but it was then when they looked each ohter in the eyes. It was then when they both realized who they had opposite of them.
They both didn't bite nor fight. But it was too late....the jump had already been made.... And they end up
hitting their foreheads together.
They both whimper and moved some feet away from each other.
They transformed back into their human form and looked at each other with wide eyes.
"You know him?"
Asked Raphael.
"Wait how are you under the sun?"
Simon asked and jolt to see Raphael out of the blue.
"Caterina putted a small spell on me in case I was needed.... Which I am not....?"
Raphael said and looked at Alec, waiting to ensure him.
Alec nodded and Raphael said before leaving with his vampire speed
"Then, I am going to save Magnus form the panic attack Caterina will have put him in."
Alec and Jace just looked at each other, still trying to catch their breaths.
Jace more shocked than Alec.
Alec was waiting for Jace to talk first.
It was a minute or so when they finally healed and Jace broke into a smile.
" You are alive!? "
Before Alec able to answer Jace went and hugged him tight.
"I thought you died on a mission or something! Do you know how worried me, Izzy and mom have been!? And why are you at an enemy's territory?and why was the vamp so friendly to you? And why did you protect this vamp!? Don't you know what he did to Izzy!?"
Jace said and was about to continue but Alec talked.
" Stop talking for a godamn second! "
Jace stopped. And waited.... Impatiently, but waited.
" First. I was kidnapped and brought here. And have kinda become close to the people here. "
Jace opened his mouth to talk but Alec talked first again
" do you know about Simon and Izzy?"
"She told me. She came home crying Alec. She told me and Maryse everything. The moment she finally fell asleep I went to find this Simon guy and soon I had pass the barriers and end up here."
Jace said and glared at Simon.
"Jace. Don't scare him. He left because he panicked. He has no idea of mate Stuff and knowing that he has one out of the blue was too much of a sock to him. And don't judge him as you yourself aren't any better.
You literally was so shocked and nervous when you finally found Clary that you proposed to her the moment you saw her. "
Alec said and made him and Jace laugh at the memory.
" Don't even remind me. She still scolds me from ruinning the moment."
Jace said still laughing.
" Wait... "
Alec said turning to pure panic and fear.
" Does Robert know? "
" Are you crazy!? Of course not! She may be the favorite child but we can't be sure if he is going to do the same things he did to you when he found out that you have mate a Worlock. "
Jace said.
Alec breathed in relief.
"What did he do to you?"
Simon asked.
He had heard Magnus talk about it with Ragnor..... And Raphael.
That Alec is hiding a big part of his past. A sad part.... A part he is not willing to share with no one.
Just himself. And Simon respects Alec so asking him made him hope that he will tell him... Maybe?
Alec looked at Simon, then at Jace for help. You could say that he was panicking.
"Eh.. Oh.. Ah.... No-none of your business seldom!"
Jace said like he was annoyed, but you could tell that his acting was terrible.
"Its Simon."
Simon said and rolled his eyes.
"So anyways. Care to explain to me?"
Jace said and looked at Alec more serious.
"Explaine to you what?"
Alec said.
" The whole situation.
You were kidnapped and brought here. For some reason you actually seem to like it here and the people here seems to like you too.
So the question is. Who made you want to stay here and actually be Okey with it. Because base on what I see, you are not chained or anything.
So... Who made you stay here by your own will? "
" Alexander! "
Magnus said as he portaled himself to where Alec, Jace and Simon were.
His shoes were not for running apperetly.
The next to come out was Caterina and Raphael.
" Who are these people!? "
Jace rather demanded than asked as he jumped on his feet.
Alec went in front of Magnus and Caterina.
"They are....."
Alec paused thoughtful....
What were they?
People who just lived together?
Family? No... Alec may see them as one but... What about them? They -
"We are his family."
Caterina said and shot a glare to Jace.
She had seen how Simon would have been dead if it wasn't for Alec's quick acting. And not only the blonde man would have killed Simon, who she has as a son, but he would also had done it in front of Madzie. A child!
And that was enough to put him in her black list.
Alec looked at Caterina surprised, yea he knew everyone was Okey with Alec but didn't know they saw him as he did to them. As a family member.
That made his heart warm but the moment was ruined by Jace.
"Excuse me? Alec has already a family.
That is waiting for him."
Jace said and grabbed Alec's hand.
He tried to walk away with Alec but Alec wasn't moving.
"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"
Jace said with a smile which desapeard soon when he saw Alec's eyes.
They were like windows to his soul
Maryse and Izzy would always say.
Jace didn't understand it.... But now he did. He could tell what Alec wanted just by looking into his blue glassy eyes. They indeed looked like windows to Alec's mind.
He saw Alec didn't want to leave.... He wanted... To stay.
Jace opened his mouth to talk but Alec said "Can... Can we talk for a moment... In private?"
Jace looked at Caterina and Magnus.
Caterina was still glaring at him.
But Magnus didn't look angry nor happy.... He look concerned.
The other guy from before was helping Simon get up.
"... Sure.... Okey... "
Jace said and followed Alec.
They went some feet away form Magnus and the others.
"So... Look Jace I -"
"You want to stay."
Jace interrupted him.
Alec nodded and Jace sigh.
"I missed you Alec... And so did Izzy and Mom.... Don't you wonna see them again?"
Jace said and crossed his arms.
Even if his body language gave an annoyed and angry vibe, his eyes and tone were gentle and concerned.
"Of course I do Jace...But you know that someone else will also be waiting for me, to that village of hell. And when or if I ever get back here.....
Its most likely for me to -"
"Dont!....please... Don't say that."
Jace said and closed his eyes.
" Am I wrong?"
Jace wouldn't admit it. He didn't dare to admit that Alec was right.
That once Alec set foot to the village, Robert will be there.... To make Alec's life again a living hell.
"Tell me Jace am I wrong!?"
Alec said again sounding more demanding.
Jace still didn't respond.
He wanted to change the topic.
He put more pressure to his already closed eyes. Trying to get away.
Alec yelled with his alpha tone which made Jace come back
Jace yelled and opened his eyes.
" No you are not wrong.... And I am... Useless and sorry for that. That I can't protect my own brother."
Jace said and was Alec who closed his eyes this time.
".... I know.... And I am also sorry for not.... Being with you all this time but.... Jace.... For the first time in my life... I am actually happy. "
Alec said and opened his eyes to see his brother, he looked something between sadness, shock and happiness.
Alec could tell his brother was sad for everything that was going on. That they can't have a normal family with a normal peaceful life.
Alec could also see the shock. The shock to hear that he, his brother, that had and has closed himself to everyone science ever. That he always said that he want to find peace one day by closing his eyes and never open them again.... that he actually said that he was finally happy. Real happy.
"Did those people make you feel that or a spacific one?"
Jace said with a smile and a raised eyebrow after a minute of silence.
Alec looked down with a smile.
"I still haven't told you who kidnapped me. Have I?"
Jace looked at the others.
Caterina was gone and so was Raphael.
The only ones there were Magnus and Simon.
Simon was going forth and back nervously when the asian man was just standing there looking at them with worry and consern.
Jace looked at Alec with his smile becoming even wider.
"Is the Asian guy isn't it?"
"Yep.... My mate."
Alec said and Jace turned to Alec with wide eyes.
Alec closed Jace's mouth.
"What did you expect? I told you before.
If I can't have my mate I don't want anyone."
Jace nodded slowly and Alec took his hand back.
"He was the one who kidnapped you? Why? Why now and not then?"
Jace asked.
"Sit down we have a lot to say."
Said Alec and sat down followed by Jace.
It had been some hours and was getting dark.
"Waht the hell are they talking about?"
Simon said, now sitting down while trying to warm his hands.
Magnus didn't speak, just looking at his mate and brother.
His mate was smiling and laughing.
Which made him happy but at the same time worried.
Waht if Alec wanted to leave?
That was Magnus's biggest fear and was not ready to face it.
Magnus jolt as he saw Alec getting up.
Alec waved to Jace who transformed to his wolf form and run off.
But Alec didn't. He just continued walking towards Magnus and Simon.
When Alec reached them Simon said
"Why did he left? What happened?
Did something happen between you two? How are-"
Simon stopped talking as he was surprised to see Alec leaning and giving Magnus a peck on the lips.
It was the first time he saw them kissing and was kinda surprised.
Magnus himself was a little surprised, it wasn't like Alec didn't gave Magnus pecks on the lips now and then, but a minute ago he was so worried and stressful but now, with just a kiss everything went away.
Kissing Alec was like the first time.
And warm.
And the best part was that every time it felt like it was getting better.
Magnus hadn't even realized when Alec had got a hold of his hand and had dragged him inside.
As Alec and Simon was taking his coats and gloves off, Magnus shaked his head to come back to his senses.
"So, will you tell us now?"
Simon asked impatient.
" We will talk about it at dinner... Where is Madzie?"
Alec asked and turned to Magnus.
Magnus opened his mouth to speak but someone from behind him talked first.
"I putted her to sleep and locked the memory of Jace trying to kill Simon... I dont want her to remember such a sight."
Caterina said and Alec nodded.
"Let's all head to the dining room and discuss about it."
Caterina added and started walking, followed by Simon.
Alec was about to follow but Magnus words stopped him from doing so
"Why didn't you left?"
"Why would I?"
Alec said and looked at Magnus.
"He is your brother...."
Magnus pointed out.
"And you my mate."
Alec pointed out and went closer to Magnus.
" Yea... But..."
Alec putted his hands on Magnus's chicks and smiled warmly.
"You are my family Magnus. He is too but I am not going to make kids with him. I am going to make them with you... You are the person who is going to make me happy... A happy feeling that my blood family could do but you are going to make it 1000 times more enjoyable... And you can make my dream come true... Build my own family.
And I am sure you and me and our future children will be safe and happy.... I, we, will both make sure of it. "
Alec said and kissed Magnus on the lips.
Magnus smiled at Alec's words.
He wonder how their kids would look like.
Will they have his caramel and good tanned skin or Alec's soft pale one?
Which eyes will they get?
His chocolate brown that can change to yellow - green cat eyes or those blue dark hazel eyes?
Which hair color will they take?
Yea, Magnus and Alec had both black hair but Alec's were darker.
He got excited by the idea and was about to get more lost in thought but Alec brought him back.
"Magnus take your coat off and come to the dinning area... Okey?"
Alec said and as Magnus nodded,
Alec then smiled and left.
As Magnus putted his coat back he remembered the silly thought he did a minute ago.
How much he would love that....
Magnus's face slowly become sad and tiring.
He better be gone by next week, or you know what will happen.
Lorenzo words were hitting him hard on the heart and brain. He still hadn't found a solution that will like.
With a sigh and a shake of the head he went to the dinning room. Where was Raphael, Simon, Caterina and his beautiful mate. Alec....
Magnus took a sit next to Alec and holded his hand. Alec looked a little bit confused about it but let it go.
"Sooo... Will you finally tell us what you have been discussing the past three hours?"
Caterina asked.
Alec nodded.
" I told Jace everything."
Raphael asked with crossed arms.
"About me getting kidnapped here..."
Said Alec and looked at Magnus with raised eyebrows and a knowing look, Magnus turn and look elsewhere while trying to hide his satisfied smile.
"Then I told him how much I want to stay here than there and he was Okey with that."
Alec said and looked at the others.
"That easily?"
Raphael asked slightly surprised.
"It was Okey as long as I am happy.
That was enough to convince him."
Said Alec with a small smile.
"I see.... Did you guys discuss only that? For three whole hours?"
Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow.
" No of course not. We talked about what has been going on the village and we also talked about Simon and Izzy's condition."
Alec said.
"Really!? Did you figured anything!?"
Simon said suddenly excited.
Before Alec could speak Raphael said
"Before you tell us. Do they actually think that you are dead?"
Alec looked at Raphael and nodded
"Thats good..."
Raphael mumbled.
Magnus looked at Raphael as he mumbled that under his breath.
Should he tell Raphael about the event with Lorenzo?
He sure needs someone to help him figure a plan, and he couldn't think of anyone better than Raphael.
As he turned his head to look again at Simon and Alec, in the corner of his eyes he saw Caterina looking at Alec hesitant. It looked like she wanted to ask him something... But was scared to do so.
"So.... About the plan..."
Alec began.
"You and izzy will met at the spot you first saw each other in three days."
Alec said.
"Wait wait wait....okey... Let's say that I do meet her there....what will I do!?"
Simon said and looked at Alec desperately.
Alec said and rolled his eyes as the answer was obvious.
" Yea but..."
Simon was stressful just by the idea of meeting up with this beauty, his mate.
He didn't want to mess up, and he knew he is mostly to do so as this is his specialty.
".... Hey..."
Alec said calm and got Simon attention.
"....Everything is going to be Okey. "
Alec said with a promising and comforting tone.
Simon let out a shaky breath and nodded.
" I think its time to eat."
Said Magnus after a minute of silence.
Magnus snapped his fingers and made food to appear.
Everyone started eating in silence until Caterina decided to break it.
"Emm.... Alec.... Can I ask you something?"
Alec looked up at Caterina and nodded.
"Haven't you.... Missed your family?"
Caterina said a little hesitant.
Alec looked a little surprised by the question and also kinda sad.
He said with a low voice.
Magnus looked at Caterina and started a silent conversation with her.
Oh my god Caterina!
Look what you did!
I know! And I am sorry for that!
I don't care! Fix it now!
I don't know! Do something!
Caterina quickly nodded and looked back at Alec.
"Sorry Alec... I didn't mean to -"
"No it's Okey."
Alec cut Caterina off.
Raphael had finished eating a long time ago. He looked at Alec and cleared his throat.
" I feel you amigo... I miss my family too."
Raphael began and got Alec's and everyone else's attention.
"I have lived over a century now and I have lost my family a long time ago... But that doesn't mean it still not hurt.
My mama died with my papa at a bloody outburst that happen at North by some mundanes, they were at some council that supported dark magic or something like that and end up killing the 78% of the village. It was terrible... I was seven at the time that happen.
I was left alone with my little sister.... When we turned 20 I was turned into a vampire and... I had no one... I could not control myself and decided to keep my sister safe by locking myself away.... Far away form her.... "
Raphael paused for a moment.
" Having no one to thought you how to control your new self was a nightmare.... Scared to walk outside and hurt people.... There won't be not even one day that will pass without me thinking about my little sister.... And that hurt me deeply. Much more for the pain and cold I felt every day while hiding. "
Raphael said and smiled softly, it was a sad and nostalgic smile.
Alec knew he wasn't smiling of the pain he felt before but of the memory of his sister. Raphael was so similar to Alec when it comes to family.
And thats why they were actually able to understand each other easily.
They had the same protective and caring thoughts. But at the same time they were so different.
" she died, amigo. And I didn't even had the chance to talk to her. "
Raphael said getting lost in his thoughts for a moment but cleared his throat and got up right at the next one.
" So... If you have something to tell to someone important to you...tell him before is too late. "
And with a comfort pat to Alec's shoulder Raphael left.
Alec followed Raphael with his eyes.
What he just said..... If you have something to tell to someone important to you, say it before it's too late.
Those words had touched him.
He looked at Magnus who was looking down. Thoughtful himself.
Alec opened his mouth to speak but Magnus got up and said
" I... I am going to check on Madzie....."
And with that Magnus left.
Alec frown his eyebrows. Magnus was acting a little weard today... But, that could be just him.
"Alec...i know how it feels to miss your family.... Me and Simon both have felt that pain... And you must be happy to have your siblings and parents still alive."
Said Caterina and putted her hand above Alec's.
Alec sigh. Thinking about his family.
He did miss his mom... His sweet mom.
He also missed Izzy and Jace but mostly Izzy as he saw Jace today.
He really wonders what are they up to.
" You can talk about them."
Caterina said making Alec snap out of it.
"About... My family?"
Alec said more than asked.
"Yes... For example I come form a very rich mundane family. Once they found out that I am a Worlock they threw me out... But was lucky enough to be saved by a silent brother.
He thought me how to use my magic and when I did I left and traveled the world. Learning about healing methods and everything related.
I soon became the most known healing worlock. And then it's when I met Magnus and my life changed for good. "
Caterina said.
Alec could see that Caterina even now, after all those centuries, she still is hurt by her parent's actions. And he is not judging her for that.
He himself feel sometimes jealous when he see little boys with their dad laughing... He hoped deeply that he and Robert would be like that... Like a real family.
"... I... I have a mother named Maryse.
She is very caring and kind and... She is just my mom... I can't really explain it... But, she is just like a mother should be. Although she can be stricked and cold sometimes but she is mostly me and my siblings atleast... Then it's Jace my brother. "
Alec stopped to take a breath in.
Jace didn't show them a good picture and Alec wanted to change that.
" Jace is indeed kinda arrogant and careless... "
Caterina seemed to agree so far.
" But he is also caring. He is trustworthy and brave. But most importantly, he is understanding.
He himself have gone through some stuff from his previous family so he won't judge you. He will listen to you and tell you what he thinks, even if sometimes it's stupid or just pure irresponsible. But it is just him trying really hard to help you. So, I would ask you with all my courage to forgive him. "
Alec said and looked at Caterina.
Alec has to admit he himself didn't like that Jace attacked Simon and especially in front of Madzie. But he would have probably have done the same if someone hurt Izzy.
So he can't really judge his actions.
Although he should have been more careful with his soundings.
Caterina looked actually thoughtful about that... Forgiving the blond wolf boy?.... Alec knew Caterina will for sure forgive Jace one day. But for now he couldn't ask for more.
"Then it's Izzy and-"
Alec said cutting Simon off before he could say his name.... A name that feels like poison to Alec's mouth.
"Izzy is my little sister. She is also careless and a little bit of selfish but it actually suits her. She is caring for her friends and family and if you dare hurt them she is going to wear her highest high hills and kill you."
Alec said but not really joking wich made Caterina a little bit concerned.
Simon from the other hand laugh at that. His mate sounded amusing and he just could wait to met her again.
" And then.... It's Maya... My best friend. "
Alec said.
He said some stuff about Maya and how they met but when he finished he didn't seem he wanted to continue which made Caterina and Simon confused.
"Emm... What about your father?"
Simon asked.
Alec closed his hands tight, into a fist under the table.
He was nervous.
He closed his eyes and tryed to thing for something that Robert is worth mentioning about, but the only thing that came to his mind was Robert being on top of him and hitting him with a whip.
He shake his head slightly and breathed out shakily.
He really wasn't ready to talk about it.
"I.... I don't want to talk about him."
Alec finally said, not able to see Simon and Caterina in the eyes.
Caterina and Simon sheared a concerned look and decided not to ask any further.
Simon cleared his throat and said.
"Well I also had a little sister once.
Her name was Rebecca... My mom was the one that raised me and my sister as my dad had died in the war...."
Simon paused and looked at Alec.
Alec was listening to him. Careful not to miss any detail and non judgemental.
Simon had noticed one thing about Alec.
He is a good listener.
And it was not only him who had noticed.
It was also Raphael and Caterina.
Of course Magnus was the first to notice, there is no doubt about that.
"Then one day at my 18 birthday, I went into a bar.... And met someone... A woman named Cammile."
Simon said and sigh.
Alec knew to things.
This is the part where Simon's life turns upside down, based on Simon's nervous movement, and Camille.
Magnus had told him about her.
How crual and a bitch she turned out to be. So hearing about her for someone else's prospective was a chance to see what Magnus liked about her.
Based on Magnus's words.
He didn't like her anymore and hated her but what made him like her in the first place?
Magnus told him about her kindness she had. But Alec still felt that there was still something.
"She tricked me and turned me into a vampire. When I told mom she shoved me out of the house yelling at me that I am not her son and more things."
Alec could see Simon's eyes getting darker and glassy.
That was the most painful memory of Simon's life and Alec was happy that Simon trusted him enough to tell him.
" What about your sister? "
Alec asked.
"....... "
Simon didn't talked until he let out a shaky breath.
"I... I killed her... I killed her Alec."
Simon said lowly and looked at Alec with sadness and fear.
Sadness of what happen and fear that Alec will see him differently from killing his own blood. His family.
But was shocked to see no judgment.
"You lost control and bite her till she died... Didn't you?"
Alec said and Simon looked down ashamed.
"... Was it then that your mom shoved you out of the house? She saw you drinking your sister's blood."
Alec said again and Simon shot his head up.
"How did you know?!"
Simon asked amused.
"I figured it out."
Alec simply putted.
Simon said lowly.
"It wasn't really that hard to think about it. I just thought -"
" No. I mean how can you look me as before after hearing this? That I hurt my own blood... That I killed my own family!"
Simon said and got up.
He really could not understand.
"Believe it or not. I know that you can get hurt by someone with the same blood.... It's not really hard not to."
Alec said still calm.
Simon looked at Alec for some seconds and then turned to Caterina who looked as shocked.
"Alec, darling. Have you gotten hurt by -"
" And it's not your fault Simon. You lost control. How can I judge you when you have done that without you, yourself, wanting it?"
Alec interrupted Caterina.
Simon was speechless and so was Caterina. Both for different reasons though.
Simon was shocked to hear such a thing. Alec said something not even Magnus or Caterina or Raphael have said.
Yea thay didnt admit that it was Simon's fault but they didn't disagree either. But Alec.... Alec had just told him what he was desperately wanting to hear.
That it was not his fault.
And he actually felt lighter now.
Caterina from the other hand was shocked. She finally discovered Alec's secret... That Robert is abusing him or was.
How badly she didn't know but it didn't metter. Abuse is abuse and no one can change the fact that Alec had been a victim.
Alec got up and as he was leaving he said.
Caterina went after him leaving Simon alone to his throughts.
"Alec wait!"
Caterina yelled and Alec stopped,
not facing her.
"Alec... Is it true that... That you-"
Caterina stopped and gasped as Alec turned and saw tears falling down.
"Please... Don't tell anybody."
Alec said lowly, like a whisper.
Alec's face was emotionless as he silently cried wich made Caterina even more worried.
"Especially Magnus."
Alec added also very lowly and more tears come out.
"But why?"
Caterina said and wiped Alec's tears away.
Alec didn't say anything.
"It's Okey if you don't want to tell me."
Caterina added.
"Just... Know that I am here for you."
Caterina said with a warm smile and pussed Alec into a hug.
Alec at first didn't hug back but eventually gave in.
It wasn't that he didn't want to hug Caterina, it was that he wasnt used to hugging other people except for his mom, siblings and Magnus.
He felt his tears to disappear and he actually felt a lot better.
He thought at that moment that Caterina has healing hugs and laughed at the silly thought.
"What do funny?"
Caterina asked as he pulled away from the hug.
"Sorry. Its just that... You give magical hugs."
Alec said with a small blush.
"Well, I have to tell you that you are not the first to say that."
Caterina said and made Alec laugh more.
After that Caterina patted him on the shoulder and told him to take care.
Alec nodded and left to find his mate.
He wasn't ready to talk about the Robert problem he has back to the village but he feels like he will soon be.
Alec walked into his room expecting to see Magnus there, but instead.
He finds a cold and almost empty room.
He closed the door and walked to Magnus's bedroom.
If he wasn't there Alec would just sleep there and wait for him.
But at his surprise there was Magnus.
Sleeping curdled up on the silky golden sheets.
Alec closed the door behind him and layed beside his mate. Magnus was acting a bit weard today.
Doze off most of the time and just being a little nervous?
But It can also be because of Jace sudden appearance.
Alec thought as he zone off to sleep.
So many things happen today that it end up being exhausting.
Magnus sat up and looked at his beautiful sleeping Alexander. His mate.
"Oh my dear Alexander...."
Magnus passed gently Alec's hair back and smiled as his mate as he started making the cutest small snorts he has ever heard.
"I will miss those so much....."
Said Magnus and layed back.
His face right opposite of Alec's.
He then lifted his hand and started petting Alec's head.
"I will miss that too....."
As Magnus's fingers were going through Alec's soft hair Magnus said
"I hope you will forgive me Alexander..... I really don't want to do this but you see... I don't have a choice..... It will end up bloody for both you and me.... And I don't want you to hurt Alexander.... And the only place for you to be safe is your village at the moment. "
Alec cringed in his sleep and Magnus chucked softly. A sad and nostalgic chuckle. How can he leave Alexander behind? That is going to be THE challenge that he didn't even want to do.
Magnus's mind was blank as he still played with Alec's hair.
"But.... What am I suppose to -"
Magnus cut himself off as an idea popped inside his head.
It was perfect.
Not only he will still have Alec for the rest of his life, but will also get revenge on Lorenzo and take the power he is ought to have!
The plan was perfect!
But there was a small con.
He will need to part from Alec for a while..... But as soon as he do the first step of the plan which will take time to do so, he will go and take Alec again.
Be able to
take his mate away again.
His Alexander.
"My Alexander."
"My soulmate"
Author Note.......
I have to admit that this is the longest chapter I have ever written..... So yea...
There are two more last chapters before the end of season 1.
After, there is seson 2.
Which I am not sure when I will update as I want to work on my other two stories, especially Summon Magnus Bane.
Except from that, there is a high chance for me to take a while to post as the next chapter may be as big as that one.... Or even bigger but I don't think so.
And the fact that tests start to come up isn't helping either. 😑
So that's all.... Hope you have a nice!
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