There Is A Way

"I-I th-think I-I h-have f-found m-m-my mate!"
Simon said with a trembling voice.

Magnus blinked twice, making sure he heard correctly.
"Excuse me?"
Magnus said not really sure of what he had just heard.

" I... I... Its true!... I... I... I need help!" Simon begged.

Magnus nodded slowly.
Magnus started and looked at Alec who nodded.
Alec was a werewolve. Which meant that he had heard everything and was going to ask Magnus later about it.

"Okey let's go."
Magnus said and as he was leaving he said.
"Goodnight Alexander"

Alec just nodded and layed on the bed with a sigh.
He wanted Magnus to stay but his family needed him.
Alec has heard how Magnus talkes about his family.
The sweet, friendly and protective Caterina. He still remembers the stories Magnus had told about him never listening to "mom Cat".
Cat had been everything but friendly to Alec. He gets it though but it still kinda hurt. She is Magnus's family and wants her to see him with a different eyes.. But of course this is up to her.

Then its the grumpy, loyal and lazy Ragnor. Magnus's best friend and brother. Not a real one but still.
He has something like that with Jace and he understand. He still remembers all the ridiculous stories Magnus had said about his adventures with Ragnor. They still make him laugh when think about them.

Then there is Raphael. Magnus's best friend and "son" as he call him sometimes. He may be rude, cold and sarcastic...but he is loyal and a good person. Alec thought Raphael would be the hard one to get but he really wanted to. Not only with him but with every single Magnus's family member.

Last but not least is Simon. He is a nerd, dorky, social awkward kinda of guy. Alec doesn't know if Simon is just scared or nervous reck when he is around him(Alec) . Not that they had met each other a lot of times but.... Of what he has noticed anyways.

And lastly is no other than lovely Madzie. She is the first that accepted Alec without hesitantion, which made Alec have hope for the others to also like him.

Alec with a sigh snuggle into the seats.
They were warm and comfy but not as they would have been if Magnus was here.

He soon closed his eyes. Trying to fall sleep. Tomorrow he would ask about what Simon said.
I think I have found my mate.
Alec wasn't that surprised. As he had access to information that simple werewolve villagers didn't have, he had come across several files of werewolves with the same condition Alec was. So Simon having a mate werewolve didn't come to be so socking.... But who can it be?
The only werewolve area that is close enough here is his village and Simon doesn't really go out or away from the castle. So.... Can he possibly know the werewolve?

That was what he thought before everything went blank and sleep finally consume him.


"Wait wait.... So you are saying that you passed the barriers without realizing it because you were too distracted by a beautiful smell?"
Magnus said and leaned forward.

Magnus had made Simon to come to his office and tell him what had happen. But Simon was too nervous so he gave him a drink and was surprised to see Simon take it down at once. But what was more shocking was that he didn't look that effected by the alcohol. He looked as he did before.
Shocked and.... Sad...

"Y-Yea. T-that exactly!"
Simon stuttered and was about to put more alcohol in his glass but Magnus took it away.
"Okey. And then?"

"Then as I walked into the forest I saw a gorgeous woman. She had long raven hair, brown bright but at the same time dark eyes, her skin pale and her red lips looked so sweet I wanted to taste them. But that could be because she was eating a rabbit and had messed up her lipstick with the rabbit's blood but she somehow still looked breathtaking! "
Simon said at once still shocked by the whole event.

Magnus had been living with Simon for quite a while and has got used to the quick speaking the young vampire did, far too often.
Magnus took a deep breath as he processed the whole moment.
He didn't know what was more shocking.
That Simon has a mate. A werewolve mate.
Or the fact that Simon thought someone could look good when eating a raw full of blood rabbit.

"Okey.... Then what happened?"
Magnus asked leaning back.

"I went closer to her and she to me. It was like.... We were alone and I almost forgot my name!-"
Simon started but Magnus cut him off. He knew Simon would go on and on about that feeling. He knew that feeling after all and didn't need explanation of it. He had it every time he looked into Alec's beautiful blue hazel eyes. Every time he would get lost and forget about everything, he loved it. He felt free, light weighted and just warm.
"Don't get into that much detail."

Simon said and took a deep breath before he continued
"Then when we were some inches away from each ohter she said
My mate.
That brought me back to reality.
It was then that it hit me that I have something like you and Alec have. And it scared me."
Simon said and looked down to his hands.

Magnus gave him a sympathetic smile and putted his hand on his shoulder, letting him know that he is here for him.

" I run away. "
Simon said and looked at Magnus.

Magnus expression changed completely.
From sympathetic and sad he looked shocked and...was that disbelief?
"You did what!?"

"I run away! What was I suppose to do!?"
Simon yelled.

"Well what about talk things out?"
Magnus ironically suggested.

"Well I was in too much shock Okey!"
Simon yelled again.

Magnus sigh and rubbed his forehead.
"Why do you act like that!? You are not the one to judge! You literally did the same thing will Alec!"
Simon defended himself.

Magnus shot his head up.
"First. Don't say bullshits. You know I would never judge you. You are my family."
Magnus started and Simon looked already regretful about what he said.
"And second. I didn't do the same thing you did. I didn't know that Alec was my mate. God I didn't even know what a mate was! And let me tell you if I had known Alec was my mate he would have been living with us for the past ten years."
Magnus said.

"Magnus... I -"
Simon was about to apologize for his actions. How could he thing Magnus would judge him!? Magnus was the one that took him in when not even his real family did. He saved him and is this how he is going to act to him?!

"Don't apologize Simon."
Magnus interrupted him and gave another sympathetic warm smile.

Simon sigh frustrated and covered his face with his hands.
" What am I suppose to do!? "

"What about talk to Alexander? He is the one who knows about all those mate things. He sure can help you out."
Magnus said.

Simon looked at Magnus shocked.
"Are you crazy!?"

Magnus frown his eyebrows.
"Look Magnus. Raphael did a research on this guy and he is dangerous and way too scary for me to speak to."
Simon said.

Magnus looked amused. He know Raphael was capable of doing that and he knew he would but for some reason it slipped his mind.

"And!? This guy has being caught more than 14 times! And guess what he did! He endure the torture and the punishments they did to him so he could get some information out of the enemy and when he did he would slit their throughts out! This guy has no fear and he is way more rough I will ever be! "
Simon said with wide eyes and  panicked.

Magnus face changed to pure shock.
He knew Alec had been caught and tortured but he didn't know he had done it on purpose!

" How do you know that? "
Magnus asked slowly.

" Raphael looked at the files the vampires have. He is really a smart scary and dangerous man Magnus. I am shocked to see him that calm around you. It's like you have put him under a spell."
Simon said.

Magnus looked thoughtful.
" Give the files."

"Oh...i don't have them. Raphael does."

"Then tell him to come over my office now. And about your problem we will talk about it again tomorrow."
Magnus said.

Simon nodded and walked off.
Magnus just couldn't understand how Alec could hide such a thing.
Has Alec being hiding stuff?
The memory of their conversation they had at the village appeared in his mind.
His Alexander was hiding something.
But what?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Come in."
Magnus said loud and clear.

Raphael walked in while holding one big file.
"I know you may be pissed, but I did it because -"
"Because you care about me. I know.
And I am not angry to you. I am angry to Alexander."
Said Magnus and took the files from Raphael.

"How so?"
Raphael couldn't hide his surprise.

"Well. He has been hiding stuff from me.....very serious stuff from me."
Magnus said and open the file.

"Maybe it's hard for him to talk about them...."
Raphael said and took a sit.

Magnus was thoughtful.

"Magnus. Don't act childishly. Alec has a bad past, you and I have figured it out.... You too have one. And that's why you must understand his difficulty to open up about it.
Just give him time. He needs it."
Raphael said and based on Magnus's regretful expression he had received the message.

" You are right.... I should.... "
Magnus started.
" Do nothing. He will be the one to chose when he will tell you. "
Raphael said and got up.

" Check the need to know what you are doing to him."
And with that Raphael left.

"What I am doing to him?"
Magnus repeated lowly.

He open the file and saw a young boy, around his 15 chained on the wall. His body full of bruises, cuts and stains of blood. The whole picture was pretty dark as the lighting of the room was very dark itself.
The only thing that was making the difference ware those blue like fire eyes. They looked angry and strong as wolf 's ones.
Magnus have seen those eyes. Those gorgeous blue hazel eyes. But he never have seen them like that.
Hungry for blood eyes.
He has seen the bright blue eyes that are full of happiness, love and peace.

He knew Alec was at that picture and was socked to know that he was beaten up that badly at his 15.
So he made a note to himself to make Alec spend the rest of his life full of love and excitement.

He turned the page and saw the pictures. His mouth dropped.
He started turning the pages.
Until he reached the end.
The rest pictures haven't been of Alec.
They had been of dead vampires.
Some had missing limps.
Some had missing heads.
Some had missing eyes, tongue, teeth and nose.
Some had missing hearts and lungs.
And other had their throats reaped open.

Magnus felt a little bit of discust.
He then started reading all the reports.
All of them were the same.
Catch the boy.
Torture him until he speaks but that never happen and the day they would kill him he would kill them first.

Magnus leaned back still in shock and started recalling events.

Caterina was right. I am a Lightwood. If you weren't my mate the moment you would have set me free I would have snatched your neck open.
Have you snatch open a lot of necks?
I don't think I want to a swear that.
I don't think you have understood the person I am.
Are you crazy!? Look Magnus Raphael did a research on this guy and he is dangerous and far too scary for me to speak to.
And guess what he did! He would endure the pain of the tortures and punishments they did on him to get the information he needed and when he took it he would slit their thoughts out! He has no fear and is tougher than I will ever be!
You need to see what you are doing to him.

"oh my god....."
Magnus breathed out as realization hit me.
How can he possibly think of Alec like that when he is always so calm and happy around him.
You must see what you are doing to him.
I... I make him happy.

Magnus smiled and he felt his eyes getting watery. He was making Alec happy just being by his side.
He putted the file in one of the drawers and got up.

He walked out of his office not even bothering closing the door behind him.
He needed to see Alec right now.
He walked fast to Alec's room and when he entered he felt his heart melting.

Alec was sleeping peaceful while hugging Madzie.
He didn't know how or why Madzie is here but didn't care.
He went there and layed beside Alec, wrapping his arms around him.
He couldn't stop smiling.
He was way too happy and at peace.
How can he not!?


"Hey Magnus."
Alec said smoothly and gently shaked Magnus.

Magnus mumbled and burried his face deeper in the pillow.

"Hey Magnus. Its morning wake up."
Alec tryed again but didn't shaked Magnus.

Magnus didn't say anything.

"Madzie wake up an hour ago.... It's time to wake up."
Alec attempted again.

Magnus once again didn't responde.

"Magnus wake up. You need to eat breakfast...."
Alec said again lowly and with also a great failure to wake Magnus up.

"I ate breakfast. You need too."
Alec added.
Magnus stayed still though.

Alec looked thoughtful.
"Magnus is time to wake up."
Alec said a little louder than before and shaked Magnus. Still gently though.

"Fine.... I warned you."
Said Alec and left the room.

Magnus lifted his head and saw some puncakes on the table waiting for him.
With a long sigh he sat up and ate.
Alec was gone for more than ten minutes.
So Magnus guessed that he will let him sleep for a little.
He layed on the bed again and when sleep was about to consume him he felt something landing with force on his stomach.
Magnus hissed in pain and was about to swear when he heard.

Magnus sat on the bed and looked at Madzie that was still on top of him.
"Madzie. This is not how you wake up people."

"Is it now?"
Alec said with crossed arms.

Madzie giggled and ran off.
"Where is she going?"
Magnus asked and rubbed his stomach.

"She is playing hide and sick with Simon."
Alec said.
Magnus nodded.

"How was the pancakes?"

lec asked.

"They were different than the useal. They were a little... Not sweet as they used to be? Did Raphael made them?"
Magnus said and looked at Alec.

"I mean.... That was in the recipe...."
Alec said and looked down.

"Wait... You made them?"
Magnus asked a little surprised.

Alec nodded and said
"Well. Yea.... You always make me breakfast and I wanted for once to make it up to you.... Were they that bad?"
Alec said and glanced at Magnus while scratching the back of his neck.

"They were normal. You followed every single step of the recipe with the exact amount that was needed... Didn't you?"
Magnus said and got up with a small chuckle.

" There are recipes for a reason."
Alec said and rolled his eyes.
"You mean that you don't follow the recipe?"

"Of course I do... But I became a little creative."
Magnus said and kissed Alec on the lips.

Alec looked down, trying to hide the smile.
"Let's go out now. Shall we?"
Said Magnus snapping his fingers and making them were warm clothes.

They walked outside to the big open front yard. There was still snow and everything was still frozen.

"So any suggestions of what to do today?"
Alec asked and started looking around.

Magnus looked skeptical for a moment but then he looked at Alec with excitement.

Alec asked.

"What about... A ran?"

"A what?"
Alec asked with frown eyebrows.

"You said to me yesterday that you love to go for rans to the forest. So, let's go for a ran."
Said Magnus with a smile.

"Emm.... Yea... But I am not in this form when I do it...."
Alec said with a small blush.

" Oh... And?"
Magnus said with a raised eyebrow.

"Magnus... I am much quicker on my wolf form and...."
Alec scratched the back of his neck again.

"And I will be able to see you in the form I did the first time."
Magnus said and rubbed Alec's chick.

"Okey...." Alec said and kneeled down.
Soon Magnus wetness Alec's transformation. And he has to admit he got worried and scared for a moment as he saw Alec's bone snapping and change.

Magnus gazed at Alec.
He still remembers how Alec looked when he first saw him. You could describe him with one word back then. Cute.

But now. He looked powerful and dreadful. But at the same time....

Alec moved his head at the right confused by the sudden silence of Magnus.

Magnus then shakes his head and said
"Oh! Yea!.... Emm... What is that!"
Magnus said and pointed behind Alec.

Alec turned quickly but saw nothing.
He turned back to Magnus with a frown and saw Magnus running away.
" You will never catch me!"
Magnus said with a laugh, still running.

Alec shook his head amused and then ran towards Magnus.
When he was close enough he jumped on Magnus making him fall on the soft snow. Alec didn't hesitate and licked Magnus's face.
Magnus giggled and kissed Alec's nose.
"You know Alexander... You are beautiful."

Alec wanted to transform to his human form and say to Magnus
"No YOU are beautiful."
But at that moment he heard Madzie yelling at them
"I want to play with unkle Magnus and Alec too!"

Alec then got off Magnus and sat beside him. Magnus was now sitting on the floor.

"Hello Madzie... And everyone else."
Said Magnus as he noticed Raphael, Caterina and Simon following Madzie.

Said Caterina with a smile.

Said Simon awkwardly.

"Hello. "
Raphael said and sat at the bench right beside them.

Ragnor didn't even bother saying hello and just sat there whith a big long yawn.

"Ragnor? What are you doing here?"
Magnus asked surprised. Even if Ragnor was Magnus's family he lived elsewhere. With the excuse that Magnus's place was too loud for him.

"Is this the so known Alexander Gideon Lightwood?"
Ragnor asked and pointed at the black wolf.

Said Magnus with a soft smile and started scratching behind Alec's ear.
Alec looked a lot calmer now and took everyone by surprise. Especially Raphael and Ragonr.

"And call him Alec.... Only I am allowed to call him Alexander."
Said Magnus with a dreadful look.

"Okey.... Then I will call him Gideon."
Said Ragnor calmly.

Magnus rolled his eyes while petting Alec's back.

"Stop talking and let's play!"
Madzie complained.

"Unkle Alec! I want to play like you and unkle Magnus did!"
She said and went close to Alec.

Alec got up and started moving his tail playfully.
Magnus was hypnotized by Alec.
He wanted to ran his fingers through Alec's black soft fure.

Raphael cleared his throat and Magnus jumped up. He was once again lost in thoughts about Alec.

Raphael had his eyebrow raised.

Magnus said and got up.
It was then that he realized that Alec was no longer around.
He immediately started looking around.

"At the left."
Ragnor said without taking his eyes off the book he had summoned a minute ago.

Magnus looked at the left and saw Alec running after Madzie playful while Madzie was running and giggling.

" When do you think I can talk with Alec?"
Simon said. Breaking the silence.

"You... Want to talk to the 'scary man that is tougher than you will ever be'?"
Magnus said with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you actually said that?"
Ragnor asked Simon amused.

" Don't judge me! You have seen him haven't you!?"
Simon said to Ragnor.

Ragnor turned to Alec's diraction and saw him lick Madzie's face while moving his tail happily.

Magnus and Caterina laughed at that.
"Anyways. I don't know. Maybe later when you will have more privacy.... And how so you trust him?"
Magnus said and crossed his arms.

"Look Magnus. He makes you incredible happy and that's all I need to trust him with you and in jeneral."
Simon said.

"Wow. You actually didn't say anything stupid."
Raphael said.

Simon glared at him and was about to say something when Magnus said
"So. You also trust him?"

"... Maybe."
Raphael said and looked elsewhere.

Magnus smiled warmly.
"What about you two?"
Magnus asked and looked at Caterina and Ragnor.

"I don't have a problem with the wolf boy."
Said Ragnor still not taking his eyes off the book.

"I have already answer, yes."
Caterina said and crossed her arms with a small smile.

Magnus needed happily.
They finally trust him. He thought.
As Magnus was about to sit down an idea popped in his head... And oh did he liked it.
"Well. You have been kinda rude to Alexander since he set foot here."
Magnus started with an evil smirk.

"Oh no."
Simon said.

"What do you want?"
Raphael said annoyed. He knew Magnus was taking it somewhere.

"I didn't."
Ragnor said calmly.

"We will apologize later."
Caterina said.

"Oh no no no. You will have to make it up to him."
Magnus said. Still smirking.

Simon asked.

Magnus's smirk become even wider and then he started to "run" more like joking slowly.
"Oh no! The bad wolf is going to get us! Better run!"

Raphael said in disbelief. His friend can't be serious... Can he? I mean it's Magnus after all.
Simon and Caterina just looked at Magnus like he was a crazy person.
Ragnor just continued reading his book. He was too old for this.

Alec looked at Magnus and moved his head at the left, confused.

After that Simon started alos fake running and said
"Oh no! Madzie let's run quickly!"
Madzie giggled and runned after Simon.

Alec then went close to Magnus.
Not really knowing what to do exactly.

"Oh come on Alexander! Simon was so much closer! Why did you catch me!?"
Magnus said half dramatic half jokingly.

Alec huffed and shaked his head dramatically making everyone laugh. The couple was just THE couple.

"Sorry Magnus but I am not playing."
Said Caterina with a smile.

"Me either."
Said Raphael with a small smile.

Said Simon and crossed his arms.

"Oh come on aunt Cat, unkle Raph!"
Madzie said with a pout.

Caterina and Raphael looked at each other. Raphael let out a sigh and Caterina said "Okey. Fine.... Only for a little though."

"Yey! Me and Alec are the wolfs and you are the bunnies!"
Madzie said excited and rushed towards Alec.

"Wait what?"
Simon said. Regretting his decisions.

Alec mentality smirked.
He let Madzie climb on his back and then ran towards them fast.

"... Shit...."
Said Simon and started running for his life.

"You are going to pay for that Simon!"
Raphael and Caterina yelled as they ran away.

"Why me!? Magnus was the one who suggested it!"
Simon yelled back.

" Shhh."
Magnus said as he ran beside Simon.

Ragnor breathed out and continued reading.

They had a very good time.
But it was time to go in eat and get some rest. They were playing more than three hours after all.

  Caterina headed to her room with Madzie. Simon and Raphael went to their own rooms and Ragnor went to the library of the castle.

Alec and Magnus had already bathed and eat and now they were at Magnus's working room, which was where Magnus was making positions.

Alec was at the corner table and was just watching Magnus working.
It was peaceful... Very peaceful.
Alec closed his eyes and just let himself relax.
He was at his mate's house, away from his 'house' or as he likes to call it hell. His mate's smell was everywhere and made him feel warm and calm, something he would never feel back 'home'.

But then everything was destroyed by what Magnus said
"Will you leave me one day?"

Alec opened his eyes and looked at Magnus. He wasnt looking at him.
"What do you mean?"

"Werewolves are not immortal Alexander... I don't want to loose you... I won't be able to bare it."
Magnus said, still not looking at Alec.

Alec got up and went closer to Magnus.
"Hey... I won't leave you..."
Alec said calmly and smoothly.
Where did that came from all of sudden?

Magnus said and his voice cracked.

"Magnus look at me."
Alec said gently.

Magnus slowly turned.
His eyes were watery, tears ready to come out and was looking down.
Not able to see those blue eyes that one day will desapear.

"Look me into my eyes."
Alec said and putted his arms on Magnus's chicks, making him gently to look up.

It was then when Magnus burst out in tears. Alec didn't hesitate and rubbed Magnus's chick. Taking the tears away.
"Calm down Magnus....You won't loose me.... There is a way."

Magnus sobbed.

"Yes... There is a way for me to become immortal. And even if one of us die to still be together."
Alec said looking deep into Magnus's eyes. Those magnificent yellow-green cat eyes. Magnus hadn't noticed that he had lost control but Alec did. And to be honest they were his favorite.
" T-There is? "
Magnus said with a shaky voice.

" Yes.... Once you mark me... I become immortal."
Alec said.

"But... You want to?"
Magnus was unable to say more words. Already scared that his mate does not want to become immortal.
He wouldn't blame him though.
His family isn't immortal, and it's totally understandable that he doesn't want see them age and die as he still will look young.

" Magnus... There is no place that I will rather be than here. With you... Forever."
Alec said and as he finished saying this he huged Magnus tight.
He said the truth.
All he needs is Magnus.
Yes he does love his siblings and mother and friends... But the pain he will feel will be a lot more painful if he knew Magnus will feel pain because of him. And having Magnus for the entire eternity sounds like a dream.

Magnus hugged Alec back.
He needed this.
After some time of silence and comfort pats and kisses Magnus decided to break it.
"Thank you Alexander. You make me happy...."

Alec smiled and took a deep breath and said
"Magnus.... I..."

"When can I mate you?"
Magnus said excited.

Alec blushed and moved a little further. Magnus looked at him confused.
"Is something wrong Love?"

"No... I want to mate you and you me.... But... It's just... I am not ready."
Alec admitted while looking into Magnus's eyes that have turned back to chocolate brown. Magnus still hadn't noticed it though.

"What is scaring you?"
Magnus said and holded both of Alec's hands.

"It's not that I am scared.... It's just that.... Usually.... Always... When two mates... Mate.... They will have.... To touch each other...."
Alec said with the blush getting deeper.

Magnus burst out laughing at his mate's cuteness.
"Oh Alexander. We will have to wait for that. You are still underage."
Magnus said and swiped a tear of laughter away.

Alec looked reliefed and happy but then his face slowly dropped.
"Is something wrong Alexander?"
Magnus asked, noticing his mate's change of character.

"... Are... Aren't you... Annoyed by me?"

"Why would I?"
Magnus asked a little shocked.

"Because... I am new to all this stuff... I didnt even knew how to kiss Magnus. A peck on the lips will be enough for me to turn me into a tomato."
Alec said.

"No such a thing Love."
Magnus said with a promising smile.
"I actually prefer it."
Magnus added.

Alec asked with a frown.

"Because I will be your first and ever after. "
Magnus said as he was getting closer to Alec's lips, to the point that the smallest gap between them was none existed.
The kiss was a gentle, a soft and comforting one. But soon it started getting passionate.
They both started exploring each other's mouths with force.
The kiss become sloppy and they soon will need to part ways to breath.

Alec jumped away as he heard the door open.

"Magnus have you seen.... Oh... I am sorry"
Simon said and was about to leave as fast as possible but Magnus stopped him.
"It's Okey....What do you want?"
Said Magnus and wiped some salive off his bottom lip. They weren't Alec's so he wasnt planning on taking them down.

"Oh. Yea. Sure.. Emmm. Can I talk to you... Alec?"
Simon said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck and later elbow.

Alec looked at Magnus confused who nodded at him.
Said Alec unsure.

Simon nodded and sat at a table close to the corner. It wasnt far for Magnus but it was the most empty one.

"So... What do you want to talk-"
"I have a mate that is a werewolve and I met her yesterday night I had pass the barriers and saw her eating a rabbit but somehow she still was magnificent She told me that I am her mate and I freaked out and then ran off I have no idea what to do and I need your help as you know everything about all those mate stuff and I just need help. So please give it to me!"
Simon said quickly.

Alec blinked some times. This was way too quick for him to understand.
He looked at Magnus for help.

" He met his mate at a forest that is  pass the barriers. She had long black hair and brown eyes and as a complite idiot he ran off without them having the chance to talk just of pure panic. He needs your help as you are the expert."
Magnus said not even bothering to look at them.

Alec nodded slowly.
" This is bad... You meesed up. "
Alec said after a minute or so.

" I know Okey!? But what I am suppose to do!? "
Simon said and buried his face into his palms.

" I don't think you have realized how bad you have messed up."
Alec said and leaned back.

" What do you mean? "
Simon asked looking at Alec.

"She may think you rejected her."
Alec said.

"What?... But..."
Simon didn't really know what that meant.

"When werewolves are rejected by their mate, they die shortly after."
Alec said.

Simon jumped on his feet.

" Yep. And to be honest you are not the first one."
Said Alec.

"Wait... Let me get this straight.... Mates are two fated partners that can make each other happy and.... And it kinda like soulmates thing and there are actual people that would say no to that?! Are they stupid!?"
Simon scoffed.

"That's what I said!" Magnus said from the other table.

"It's mostly like your condition."
Alec said.

"My condition?"
Simon said with a frown.

"Different cluns."
Alec putted simply.

"Oh... Right."
Simon said and sat down.

After a minute Simon broke the silence.
"Now what?! I don't want her to die because of a misunderstanding and I surely don't want to live alone."
Said Simon with despair.

Alec looked skeptical.
"How does she look like? I may know her. You said the forest was just out of the barriers?"
Alec asked Simon to make sure.

"Yes. She was just... Stunning... She had long black hair... Like yours, but you know... Yours are short..... Brown eyes close to black, she had a pale but at the same time not so pale skin... Like yours. And she was around that high but I can't be sure as she was wearing very high hills."
Simon said and show Alec her height.

Alec looked skeptical.
But then he slowly looked down.
His eyes had went wide and his skin paler than usual.
It can't be her...... Right?

" You know what I realized? You guys actually look pretty similar! It's like you are siblings or something like that! "
Simon said with a dorky smile which soon desapeard as he saw Alec's socking face.
As Alec turned slowly to look at Simon, Simon said



Author note.....

This is the longest chapter I have ever written. And I have freaking finally finished it!

So there aren't many chapters left until SESON one ends. It must be three chapters or so.
But when it does finish I will start updating more to
The Angel of the shadows
Summon Magnus Bane
So sorry... For the future.

n other words, SESON two will be realised later on.... Maybe even after Christmas.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try post as soon as possible but I can't promise anything as those three chapters will be pretty big.... If you consider that big.... So yea...

.... See you soon!
(I hope)

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