Mate Stuff

The day light was hitting me on my eyes making me wake up.
I slowly open my eyes and sat on the bed.
I was at the room I was yesterday with Magnus. It wasn't a dream after all, I started looking around.
It was the same with the only differens that I could see the room now. It was bright but at the same time a little dark, there were three big window on the left side of the room.

The sky was full of clouds and everything outside was white.
Then I looked at the room again and I frown my eyebrows when I saw a little girl at the edge of my bed staring at me.

I rubbed my eyes making sure that I wasn't seeing imaginery stuff. I looked again and there was indeed a girl staring at me while hiding at the edge of my bed.

"Well... Hello there....."
I said with a calm, confused  and sleepy voice.

The girl kept staring at me without doing anything.

"Who are you?"
I said with a calm voice and a smile. (Trying not to scare her).

Then the small girl got up from her hiding spot and said.
" Madzie."

I smiled at her and said.
" Well, I am Alec."

Then she pointed at me and said.
" Mr wolf."

At that moment I realize that Madzie was the small girl I saved same days ago.

" You can call me Alec."
I said and made space for her to sit.

" Alec. "
She said slowly.

I nodded and taped the empty space beside me.
She then walked and sat beside me. It was then when I took a better look at her.
She looks adorable.
She has long brown hair, big brown eyes and she is very small.
She kinda reminded me of Izy when she was a kid.

"So, what are you doing here Madzie?"
I asked.

" Everyone is at the meeting room. I am not allowed in."
She said calmly.

" I see." Everyone? How many people live here? Where am I?
"So tell me Madzie. How did you came here?"
I asked.

" I saw ankle Magnus this morning leaving this room. I got curious and walked in. "
Said Madzie.

Wait, what? But when Magnus left it was night. Did he came again while I was sleeping?

" Do you know how to do braids?"
She asked me out of no where.

I have been looking after Izy since she was born, I ended up learning to do a lot different hairstyles and one of them is braids .

I just nodded.
" Aunt cat is at the meeting room and doesn't seem to came out any time soon. So can you please make two braids of my hair?"
She said shyly .

" Of course Madzie."
I said with a smile and started making them.


Magnus's pove.

Yelled Caterina.

" You can't be serious. "
Said Raphael.

" W-what If he attack us?!"
Said Simon scared.

I just rolled my eyes.
How can they say those stuff about my mate?! He saved Madzie same days ago, what is their problem?!

" Magnus. He may have saved Madzie once but that doesn't make him friendly or trustworthy. "
Said Raphael with a calm tone.

" He is a werewolve Magnus. What if he lose control and attack us?"
Said Caterina.

"Then I am going to use my mate magic powers and stop him."
Said Magnus jokingly with raised eyebrows and a small smile .

" Mate powers?"
Asked Simon.

"There's a lot into it."
Said Magnus a little more serious .

" What about his family? I don't think they will be happy to hear that their son is kidnapped by a Worlock. "
Said Caterina.

" Well..... You see it's kinda complicated...."
I said and took a small ship of my drink .

"Magnus.... What are you hiding?"
Said Caterina a little angry.

Caterina knows me too well. She knows that I am hiding something serious .

" His name is Alec lightwood."
I said the last part like a small whisper, but apparently Caterina has a very good hearing.

" Alec WHAT!? "
Caterina screamed at me.

Raphael looked at me dead serious.

" He said Alec Lightwood."
Said Simon like nothing is going on.

Raphael rolled his eyes and count.

" Alec WHAT!?"
Said Simon with wide eyes.

I sigh.
"Yea, he is a lightwood so what?"
I said and shaked my drink a little.

"So what? So what?! He is a freaking Lightwood! Every single person of this bloody family is born to be cruel and kill without marcy !"
Yelled Caterina.

I rolled my eyes.

" Tell me at least that you have putted him at the dangeon where he cant escape and hurt us. "
Said Caterina desperately.

I looked at her socked.
" He is my MATE! Of course I will have putted him next to my room! "
I said a little furious.

" You can't be serious! Madzie's room is literally next door! "
Said Caterina and runed outside .

Raphael and Simon followed.

"Wait! I swear if you wake him up!"
I said and runed after them.

We were now in front of his door.

"Unlock it."
Caterina ordered.

I rolled my eyes and was about to unlock it when I realized that it was already unlocked.
Did I not lock it when I checked on him this morning?
I started worrying that he may have  ran away, that he left me.
I started panicking but immediately relaxed as his smell mede its way to my nose.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to unlock it?"
Said Caterina a little annoyed.

"Its already unlocked."
I said with hesitation.

I could see the anger and the worry in Caterina's eyes. She was about to yell at me when a scream come from the room. It was Madzie's.

Caterina burst in ready to attack with Raphael and Simon behind.

She puted her hands down in surprise. The only thing she saw was a teenage boy with blue eyes and raven hair have Madzie on his shoulders while playing around.

" What a dangerous monster."
I said sarcastically and a little pissed.

I turned to see Alec who was staring nervously at the others.
He then putted Madzie down.

"Sorry about that love."
I said and made my way towards him.

"We haven't had a guest same years now, they have forgotten their manners."
I said and gave them a death stare.

Simon gulped and Raphael looked away.

"I-I don't understand."
Said Caterina with a low voice.

Alec was looking down as he propably has no idea what to do.
I smiled at my mate's cuteness.
His messy hair , his sleepy eyes glowing and a small blush he had on his face was enough of a sight for me to melt .

" So, if you don't mind I would like to stay alone with my mate."
I said and move my hand as a sign for them to leave.

Raphael was the first to leave.
Simon nodded and left.
Caterina still looked at Alec with a surprised expression.

Madzie brought her back to reality.
" Aunt Cat, can I play with uncle Alec again?"
Said Madzie with puppy eyes.

" Emm..... We will see."
Said Caterina and took a last glance at Alec before she leaves the room.

Then I used my powers to make a silence and lock barrier at the door and windows.

Then I looked at my beautiful mate with a smile .
He looked scared, Why?

I made a step forward and he made a step backwards. I raised my eyebrow.
Then I understood, he must have heard so many bad things about Worlocks. He must be scared of me.

I started walking towards him with a small smile, he started walking backwards until he hit the wall.

I smirked and snapped my fingers.
He was now chained on the wall.
He looked at me scared and confused.

"No need to be scared Love. I just want to make sure that you won't leave."
I said simply.

"Were the magical barriers not enough?"
He said with a cold voice.

Even though he is mad at me I can't stop myself from smiling. I can't get over the thought that I finally have him by my side.

I putted my hand at his chick and gently rubed it. He calmed down for second but immediately tensed up.
He is trying to resist, and I thought he was smart. No one can resist emotions.

"Love, are you scared of me?"
I said and passed his hair back.

He didn't say anything. He just looked down.

"I am your mate. I would never hurt you."
I said and lifted his head with both of my hands to face me.

" Explain."

That's all he said.

"Explain what love?"
I said confused.

" Why now and not then?"
He said with a stone face.
His face may look cold and emotionless but his eyes looked depressed and desperate . Desperate to know the answer.

"Where you waiting for me love?"
I said a little sad.

I did know that I had a connection towards him but didn't look into it until ten years had past. Was he waiting for me all those years?

He just looked down once again.
He did wait for me all those years!

" Owwww love, I am so sorry I didn't came to get you sooner. I needed to get over same stuff and it wasnt the right time. I also didn't know what this connection was.
I went to friend of mine and told me what it is. I had no idea about werewolves until I learned the truth.
That I have a mate who is a werewolve. "

He lifted his head a little.

" After I learned that, I started studying werewolves. They are quite interesting. "
I said and puted my hands behind his neck. He flinched a little. That must be his weak spot.

I smirked.
" So, as your mate I want to learn more about you."
He just nodded nervously .

" So I am going to ask same questions and you will answer. But don't worry, I am going to tell you about me too."
I said and started running my fingers through his hair, hoping that he will calm down.

At my surprise he calmed down immediately.
Weak spot to tease : neck.
Spot to calm him down : pet him at the head.
I must start taking notes.

" So love, are you Alpha, Beta or Omega?"
I remember Ragnor asking me that. I felt so angry and ashamed of myself for not knowing the answer .

He mumbled shyly .

" Well, Worlocks may not have categories but let's say that I am the strongest worlock ever excisted."
I simple puted.

I was expecting him to be socked or at least surprise to hear that but he was calm. Did my petting effect him that much?

I let go of him and sat at the bed.
He looked at me confused and sleepy, how cute .
I snapped my fingers and made him appear on my lap.
He looked at me a little shocked.
He was sitting on my lap and his hands were chained around me.
He blushed a little.
He looked like he didn't know what to do, so I guide him.
I gently pushed his head on the right side of my neck, when I let go he stayed still.
His face was buried on my neck but he was ones again tensed.
I started patting him on his back this time.
He calmed down slowly. The patting on the head was more effective.

" So tell me love. Why did you save Madzie?"
I asked . I wanted to ask him that for the beginning but I forgot about it.

".... Because she is a kid."
He said with a low voice.

" Do you like kids?"
I knew he does but I wanted to hear him saying it.

He didn't talk he just nodded.

" So Alexander-"

"How do you know my name?"
He cut me of.

"Well, I know more stuff than you think."

I felt his breath to become sharp.
I petted him more and his breathing become normal again.

" Does my petting relax you that much?"
I finally said.

He shaked his head.

"Then what relax you?"
I knew that my petting relaxed him. But what else did relax him?

" Your smell."

After a small pause I said.
" Mates.... Tell me how did you expected your mate to be like."
I didn't know why I asked that. Propably because I am afraid that he is disappointed to have  a Worlock as his mate  .

"I don't know."
That all he said.

"I never thought of mate stuff before I met you."
He said calmly.

"What do you mean? You never had the desire to find love before ?"
I asked surprised by his answer .

" Werewolves find their mate at their teen years. I found you when I was only seven years old."
He said still calm.

I didn't expect that. I have to admit that I have been studying werewolves but that doesn't mean that I know everything about them.

" I remember you looking at me with a weard look when you were taken away by your mother. What did you meant to say?"
I asked. Its been years since then but I still want to know.

"I meant save me."

" Save you?"
I asked confused.

"Save you from what ?"
I asked him worried, I was trying to face him but i couldn't. He had tensed up and had snuggled his head on my neck. It was like he wanted to hide.

" You can tell me when you are ready."
I said.

He just nodded and sniffed me.
I smiled.

"So, I wanted to ask you samething about the mate thing."
I said.

He didn't move but he was lisening.

" What can mates do? Except from calming each other down. There isnt much information about that at the books we have ."
I said really cerious.

" A lot of stuff."
He said like he was about to fall asleep.

I chuckled.
" Can you tell me in more detail?"

He nodded.
" Mate is the only person that can calm you immediately and  can make you happy with a single word.
That's what mates can do before the mark each other ."

"Mark each other?"
I have never heard of that.

" It's when the two werewolves bite  each others neck leaveing a bite mark that will stay there for the rest of their lives."
He simply said.

" After  you do that what is happening?"
I asked.

" Then you are called soulmates."
He simply puted.

"What were you being called before?"
I asked confused.


"What's the differens?"
I asked .

"Mates are two fated partners. They can smell each other's scent better than anyone else's, they can calm each other down wich is a life sevior for werewolve-"

"What is that suppose to mean?"
I cut him of before he said anything else.

" Werewolves find their mates at their teen years. It's dangerous for werewolve to be a teen and not have his/her mate to calm them down."

I asked a little worryed.

" They may lose control and kill innocent people...... If a werewolve has lost control he/she can't get control back. That's why we kill the werewolves that loose control."
He said a little lower.

" Alec, you are 17 now aren't you?"
I said.

He nodded.

" You went through most part of your teen years without me.... Your mate.
How did you keep yourself under control?"
I said sadly.
I can't believe he went through all this and I didn't have idea.

" I did almost lost control a lot of time but I handled it."
He said simply.

" I am sorry. "
I said and hugged him.
He then rubed my back.
I was surprised by that. Was he trying to calm me down?

" So, as I was saying.... When you mark the other mate your bond becomes so strong that you can't bare losing him/her . That's why when one mate dies the other mate dies after same close time. But it's Okey. Because they have become soulmates,which means that they will be together even if they die. "
He said and stopped patting me.

" They also gain samething like powers. They know when their mate is sad, stressed or mad. They also can smell their mate whenever he is, they just need to follow the smell.
Of course all this will happen only if both mates accept each other."
He finished.

" Wait. There is a possibility that mates can reject each other? Why would they do such a thing? "
I asked a little surprised.

" There can be multiple reasons. "
He said and pause for a moment before he said.
"  The most used reson for mates to reject each other is that they are different.... "
He said the last part with a low voice .

" What do you mean different? "
I asked.

"........ Different cluns. "
He almost whispered .

That got me thinking. Did Alexander thought that I rejected him back then ?

" When they are rejected they die shortly after. It depends how heavy their depression is -"

"Alexander, did you thought that I rejected you?"
I cut him of.

He didn't speak.
"Love, I would never -"
I cut myself of when I felt his warm tears on my neck.

I gently pushed him and made him face me. He face was emotionless but his eyes were filled with pain and relief.

" Oww, Darling."
I began to say and wiped away his tears, but more were coming out.

" Even if you thought that I rejected you, which I didn't, you lived."

"hope dies last."
He mumbled.

I gave him a sweet smile.
" I would never do such a thing. If I knew that you were my mate back then I would have took you with me the time I would have laid eyes on you ."

He didnt say anything he just smiled sleepily and putted his head on the left side of my neck.
I smiled and petted him until he fall asleep.
I puted him on the bed and layed beside him.
I was looking at him. Looking at every inch of his face with a satisfied smile.
I eventually fall asleep beside him,
It was the first time in a long time that I felt so happy.

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