Hit By Your Scent
It's been three years since I last saw my precious Alexander....
I miss him so much.
After I left him there, with a heavy heart, I teleported myself and my family to a secret house of mine. It was perfect at the time..... But... Not for me, how can it be?
My other half was no near me.
Far from it, he was further than I could reach. My heart could feel the distance but my mind was trying to trick itself, thinking it's not that far and if anything happened I would be there for him.
Close enough for me to reach him...
Distance and time was what I needed, not for myself but for my plan, that was the key, the permanent solution to our main problem.
I am a Worlock
he is a werewolve.
And lilith no, I would never change who he is or who I am. So, the only thing I could do if not changing ourselves is to change the world.
With no regret nor hesitation I would do it. I would change the entire world if it meant for me and my beloved one to be again together. To stand next to each other, feeling each other.... And I did.
As I said, I needed time to pull out my plan, successfully... And that is why it hurt so much. Time when is liked go faster but when you wish to go faster it never goes you way. I feel like I have spend three centuries without my Alexander instead of three years.
In conclusion, time is a bitch.
Enough of that though. Back to my plan... Basically, what it was was to dethrone Lorenzo. As I hadn't take any political position or status during the wars it was plain impossible for me to gain the trust of the Worlocks so in main goal to take the lead. Yea, the council did beg me to become their leader for years but only because I am the strongest Worlock of all time, I didn't want people to follow me just because they feared me or because I am powerful. Also, Lorenzo's threat was not really helping with everything. It would have been so much quicker if it wasn't for him, he is the reason I ended up leaving Alexander, I had to leave him at a place where it would be safe and no Worlock or vampire could reach. I am well aware that now that Alexander is back the security of the village will have increased dramatically. Which for now is good enough.
I already had a small group of people supporting me as I had been in jeneral kind with all my people but it wasn't enough. Not when Lorenzo had thousands. I needed to get ahead of him. I needed power as quickly as possible. But, not in too rush because then I would be obvious and suspicious...
It is known that an army or followers are nothing without fate. So, I, slowly and steady, gained their trust. That was by going to meetings, parties of their's, helping them, talking to them and most importantly, protecting them. I made them trust me with their life, I made a connection of trust with equality, respect and honesty.
Lorenzo seemed to had caught on with my plan, quite last minute, and exposed me. Saying that I have a werewolve mate. It was taken rather unkindly, but surprisingly not all were so negative about it, actually, most didn't mind as long as I kept my leader duties a priority.
Even so, I couldn't let that get in my way. There was no way I would spend more nights without my Alexander than what I already had. So, in the end, I told them my opinion about the subject and everything that I considered appropriate to be heard by all.
Firstly, explaining how I am not the only one that was a Worlock and had a werewolve mate, which lead in a lot of heartbreak and agony or most of the times death. My people obviously had never heard of it, based on their faces and everything, and some even asked proof. Which I found understandable so, I showed them the files I had gathered with help of Raphael of course. I really don't know what I would do without him.
Later I added how this war has destroyed us all, my speech was full of emotion that all had felt.
The loss of your loved and hated ones,
The pain of getting hurt either mentally or physically because of this blood game that has been going on nonstop for centuries,
The sadness and stress along with the frustration that hunts your soul every single part of the day,
And lastly, fear. You are scared for the tomorrow. Will I survive another day or will my family survive for the whole week? Will I loose someone? Will I loose my life protecting or without even realizing it?
All those emotions, I spoke while them were accompanying the tone of my voice, my body language, the words I didn't or rather were needless to say were already spoken with my eyes. The applause and the loud cries along with the screams of support and acceptance were still going through my ears, still making me feel warm that they trusted me enough to show me their weak side, their human side. After that I could feel the bond between me and my people grow. It was at the point where I wished it to be, to the final step. The point that we no longer refer to each other as clan member, but, as family members. Now, Worlocks are all together, making everyone happier and at easy.
My speech went better that just magnificent or perfect, it was ideal. It made all of us a strong bonded family. With that I made every single Worlock understand what I meant when I first told them,
"I am not hear to lead you with blindfolds on your eyes,
I am here to protect you and connect you with each other.
I am Magnus Bane, the high Worlock of every part on this earth and the
king of Edom.
So, please do not follow me because of fear and desire, follow me because you respect and trust my words and power.
And if you don't, I will prove it to you that you have nothing to fear or be suspicious about. I will make you see, with your own will, a new world where war is just in history books and everyone, despite the clan, can live together in harmony. "
Lorenzo then was completely out of the map, to the point that they considered him a traitor. That was because all his dirt was thrown right in front of everyone's eyes to see. How he used Worlocks' lifes for his own personal needs and deeds, and how he used to 'play' with Camille back when she was in a relationship with me. How they had planned so many unfair for the people but very much suitable for them deals and choices.
His reputation had fallen even deeper than Edom, where is now his home as his punishment from the public was to be send to hell. Dieing there soon too after either due to starvation or been attacked by any remaining alive beings. It is a common knowledge after all that in Edom, only the king can survive.
I was so relieved that it took only three years and not ten-twenty as Raphael had first guessed. Yet... All those three years I was falling apart slowly and painfully. But I am not the one to talk. It's my fault. After all, I was the cowered one that couldn't face Alexander and say what all this mess was about. Leaving Alec confused and especially hurt. I was selfish. Sometimes I really did hated my self with all my will power. Caterina was always there though to stop me from doing anything 'stupid', which I am thankful for.
One of the worst parts of the plan is that, I involved the people around me into my own mess. Simon even after finding Izabelle and meeting her for once hadn't seen her ever later on. He couldn't. But he was patient. He knew when all this is over he will finally be able to hold his mate. Kiss her, which he hadnt had the chance to, hug her, play with her long raven hair and just be with her... To finally have a future with her.
But expect from Simon there was also a Madzie, who is still a young child as Worlocks age slower than any kind. She would ask about Alec nonstop at first and I will always tell her that one day he will be back, we will take him back, with us...she still asks for him but not as much, that would possibly be because Caterina and Simon do their best to distract her from the topic every time she brings it up. She seems to have realized, as she is a very smart girl, and had stopped asking. Probably thinking that it makes everyone uncomfortable which is not what she wants but neither the truth. It doesn't make us uncomfortable, it makes us emotional...
Raphael and Caterina were effected by Alec's loss in the house too. Raphael had come to realize that he and Alec have similar things in common. They are both traditional, protectors of the family, immature, logical and mostly.... Sarcastic. He still whines annoyingly when he trains alone when he once used to with Alec who seemed to be a good rival for Raphael's taste.
Caterina would see Alec more as one of her childs. She really did hurt when she had to let go. She tried to hide it though, she didn't want to put more pressure in the situation, especially on Magnus. After all, she was one of the little that had access on the sight of Magnus's daily pain, she really felt pity and sympathy for her poor friend, her heart will always ache in pain when she will have to ran to Magnus when he had a break down.... And they were so many, she had never seen her friend like that.... It was awful, it made her feel pain and hate for the ones that separated the two lovers.... She was the last to accept him but when she did she saw him as her family, sadly, he had to be sent back, leaving Caterina in sadness and guilt. She knew Alec's secret. She knew all about it. He and she had talked about it in secret with out even Magnus's knowledge. It was then when Alec had opened up his pain and heart completely. From then and now on, in Caterina's eyes, Alec was one of her off springs. The only thing that kept her from speaking up about everything they had talked at their secretive meetings was their deal.
Alec is man of his word, that far is been known and proven. So, when Alec promised her once that when he comes face to face with his fears, he will and do fight them back. He would stand on his own legs, not metter the situation, and free himself from every mental or real chain that has been suffocating him and hurting him. And especially holding him back from his freedom and well being. After Caterina heard Alec promise her his well being out loud she felt relieved yet the fear and worry had yet to wash away.
There were moments that Magnus broke. That he screamed for him.
That he was about to go and take what's his!
But he.... He knew he had messed up.
"Even if I did go there, he wouldn't want to see me. And he have the right to..."
There were moments that Simon, Raphael and Caterina had to hold him back. At least until he would come back to his senses and gain control over his actions.
"I managed to hold my resistance,most of the time."
As I said, it's been three years, I have missed him and everything about him. His scent, his sweet voice, his blue hazel eyes, his warmth..... Everything. Just think about him makes my eyes teary.
"Stop thinking about him so loudly."
My gaze moved from outside the window that I have been dazing out for the past, lilith knows how long, of the carriage to the person opposite of me, Raphael Santiago, the leader of the vampires.
As me, Raphael had also been begged by the council to take over. Only that there wasn't a specific leader in the first place, or after Camille to be more excact.
"Easy to say, hard to do so..."
I mumbled.
"I know it hurts you Magnus, I have been watching you the past three years. But you must put that aside and concentrate at our mission." Raphael said, as serious as always yet there was also the tone of sympathy that mixed alonged.
However, it didn't help much as our destination was the wolf village, where Alec lives.
Robert has been oddly getting calmer and quiter as time passes and that is way too suspicious to let it pass. There have been sent spys by me and Raphael but non made it in but neither where they harmed which made the whole situation oddly worse. That was simply not Robert Lightwood. So what it was assumed right afterwards was that he is planning something, something bad. The rumors where easy to spread and did my best to stop them from panicking my people which resulted to more rumors.
But they all stopped once a new enemy came around. A new species that brought another one. Demon and Shadow hunters. For whatever reason, Demon can't be killed but it seems like shadow hunters can. So, me and Raphael had made a meeting with Robert, the leader of the werewolves, and Lydia, the leaders of the seelies, to talk about the metter before the meeting with Luke Garroway, the leader of the shadow hunters that has been asigned later to date.
It was decided that we all should meet at Robert Lightwood's base, rather that he demanded it and wouldn't take no as an answer but what to say, he is Robert Lightwood, in main point to discuss about the odds of the situation which was the sudden appearance of two new clans... If they were even new.
At first I was happy as I had access to Alexander but now I am nervous, which is not a usual for me.
The guilt and the doubts wouldn't let me see the bright side.
He is totally going to reject me.
He hates me.
He will see me and disappear from plain sight.
He doesn't want to see me.
"For the hundred time, you are thinking so loud that you are causing me a headache." Raphael said with sarcasm and annoyance in his voice.
"Really? And what am I thinking?"
I asked, fed up with him.
"If he will even want to see your face again and if yes would he panch it or kiss it.... To make it easier for you, I would recommend if you put on a shield or something." Raphael said, his tone not changing a bit. Making Magnus roll his eyes. "You are so helpful."
"Right, now you should be thinking of a way to resist and not, I repeat, not, kill the asshole Roberto while he throws his beautiful and kind comments." Raphael said, his sarcasm literally falling out of his mouth as if it is water.
Magnus huffed at that. That would be the least thing Robert would do. He wouldnt be surprised if he was attacked in the middle of the meeting for behind as in attempt to get him murdered.
"We are here."
Raphael said suddenly, sending shivers down on my spine, I looked up and outside the window to see the giant wooden and metalic doors open to reveal a rather natural village.
The houses' built seemed to come out of a fairy tail's, not a style that Magnus considered or even expected Robert to allow. The walls of the houses stony with grass and small flowers in the corners yet obviously not going through the heavy yet somewhat modern walls that were also built with hard wood. The houses themselves couldn't be considered small nor big, just normal sized house. With difference of course. The doors were made with wood and the clear metal decorating them with odd yet good looking shapes. They all had colorful carpets in front of the doors or else they had decorated their cristalic clear windows with flowers outside or inside, but of course there were also the ones that didn't really had any as it wasn't needed. The forest surrounding the village was enough of a natural decor.
The road was built with sharp big rocks making it easy for the carriages to slid through the beautiful village with the fairy lights that you could imagine almost immediately how breathtaking they will be at night, lighting up with their gentle light the roads and the houses.
The smell was also friendly and strong. Except from the whole clear nature scent there was also the smell from the bakeries, such as the hot and sweet smell of bread and other type of sweets. The book stores let out their own old smell and so did the bars, food and drinks along with laughs were the only thing you could hear and smell just by passing by. They may had not realized it immediately but there were several people outside, woman, children and man of all ages were hanging out together and laughing at whatever they were saying or doing. At that point Magnus and Raphael had their mouths hanging in shock.
Until the passed the blacksmith who was also letting out his own touch and smell, the burned metal and the hot of fire along with his metallic appearance reminded Magnus and Raphael, who had been staring at the village with wide eyes, that werewolves are still creatures that could feed themselves with the enemy's blood.
"Are you sure we didn't took a wrong turn?" Magnus asked, not taking his eyes off the sight in front of him.
He still remembers all the filth of the rocky building that had holes and were ready to collapse at any time. There was not even a road or a bakery or any other building except from bars that stinked alcohol and blacksmiths. The people were also representing the place, dirty, rude, aggressive and just a bunch of assholes. But now.... He isn't even sure if what he is seeing is a hallucination or just another village!
"I know what you mean... It looks surreal!" Simon called out from outside the carriage, he was the one riding the horses while Caterina had stayed back to look after Madzie. She would come when it's the meetings with the shadow hunters though.
Magnus could only sit back and stare at the window, things have changed way too much which just makes him question everything. He still remembers the young womans words, Maya was her name.
"Why did you choose this place from all the others? Things here are the ugliest and hardest compared to the other werewolve tribes."
That made him question also a lot of other things. Robert would never suddenly change his mind about the whole thing, did Alec finally found some sense into the man's brain and made him see how his actions along with everything that he had done have effected the world?
Even so... He knew Robert quiet the time now and in three years you had just no chance to change his mind, and based on what he is seeing, the transformation would had never been able to go around like this! It's plain impossible!
He felt himself getting more and more confused as the carriage went deeper and deeper through the village. He completely lost it once he saw some guards, which they made I contact with him almost instantly, to SMILE at him. And no, it was not a creepy, mischievous and suspicious with all the bed intentions smirk, it was a gentle smile. Like they were apologizing or just being friendly!
"Okey.... It has been confirmed.... We had took a wrong turn. Simon, go back, we missed our turn." Magnus called out and heard Simon chuckle.
"I may not know how it was before-"
"-Garbage." Raphael said plainly, simply describing with his own personal experience and words how he saw- used to see the wolf village they had just entered.
"... Sure, emm. But, you know, people change!"
Raphael and Magnus exchanged a look, both thinking about Robert planting flowers all around the village while holding-hands, when he walks around, with small pups-kids. After the disturbing thought, they both said in union. ".... No."
Soon, they had reached the main building. It was the tallest building in the village and had changed too.
Now, it had big clean windows with beautiful designs of black lines etc.
The main material of the building was dark hard wood. It wasn't plain but wasn't too decorative either. The doors were also big but in difference with the others that had met so far that one is built of metal. It had also designs but with darker shades of metal. Magnus would examine the building more if he had the time but the metalic door had opened by a young woman with bright green eyes and orange hair and was waiting for him to enter.
He entered and nodded at her, silently thanking her for the gesture. Walking behind him was Simon and Raphael who nodded at the woman two.
Magnus didn't expect her to speak as no one dared to say a word other than Robert back when he was coming for meetings. "Mr. Lightwood has been awaiting your arrival. Please follow me and if you need anything or want to ask anything, don't hesitate to ask."
She said with a warm smile, making Magnus and Raphael look each other in acknowledgement.
'What the hell has happened in this place!?'
As they didn't say anything the woman started walking, having Magnus, Raphael and Simon behind her hill. At some point Magnus and Raphael looked at each other questionable as Simon had actually started a conversation with the young lady. Which seemed to enjoy it as much as Simon, they even laughed making Magnus and Raphael looked at them with a weard stare.
Soon they reached the top floor, where the meeting room is been held for them. They stood in front of the two wooden doors, knowing that only loud arguments and insults will been thrown inside the room. Yet, at the moment, after seeing all these, they really didn't know what to expect.
Magnus took a deep breath, almost missing the woman say a small good luck before leaving. Simon opened the door after he got a nod from both Raphael and Magnus.
But, when he did open the door, Magnus was hitted right at his face with the long lost scent that made him instantly valourable.
Nostalgia, happiness, relaxation, fullest and lastly warm.
Those were the feelings that immediately hitted him all at once.
He thought for a moment that he would pash out but only for a moment.
He couldn't hear nor see anything for that moment. Everything had slowed down and his eye sight had become blurry, not because he was ready to cry but... He didn't really know. However his eyes did shot at one spacific direction, where the source of the smell he would never ever dare to forget came from. He just stared at that direction, making out a person's figure as his eye sight slowly come back to normal.
The person was still a blur but not to the point that he couldn't even make the person's features, even if they were kinda blend he could still see the person's lips and black mess of hair.
He may not be able to see clearly their eyes' color or shape but he did notice the gap at one of the, apparently, male's eyebrow.
He hadnt realized it but he could practically hear his own heart beat on his own ears after some time.... When he got a hold of the smell at least,
His eyes grew wide in realization and felt his breath caught at the back of his throat, who had suddenly went dry.
Magnus was so lost at that moment, so confused and just shocked. A moment before he was already surprised and confused by the big change of the entire wolf village and now he is there, in front of him.
He couldn't hear Raphael whispering to him, asking if he is alright, and neither could he see Simon who was standing right behind them.
The only thing he could see, now that his vision had came back to normal and was slowly gaining his self control back, was the now man some feet away from him, sitting behind what is assumed to be his office.
The man who Magnus instantly recognized had jet black messy hair that looked at the same time so soft, which brought back the urge to Magnus to mess with them and ran his fingers through them as he once used to do. The pale skin, which Magnus knew was softer than it looked, was decorated with a black tattoo that covered with its think lines the whole left side of his neck. His one eyebrow did had a small scar, making a line of hair missing as Magnus had already noticed. But what he did notice later was that the whole body shape had changed into something more mascular a d adult like, it was obvious that he had finally become a man of true honor. Magnus though moved his gaze back up at the man's face, examining the soft looking lips that he desperately wanted to refeel before moving his gaze, once again, higher. To the man's blue hazel orbs.
Once he laid his eyes on the fierce blue ones that stared back he saw their entire story again.
How he first saw a cute small pup with raiven fair on the mountain, which was when their first eye contact, touch and smell exchange had taken place. The odd emptiness he had felt right afterwards once the pup was taken away.
But dissappeared once a mysterious black wolf come running to his castle with Madzie on his back and then storming off.Then how he finally learned the truth and went out for him.
Soon, their first kiss after his capture and soon talks and walks. Their time ice skating and cuddling was by far his most favorites... But then.... The memory of their goodbye flashed back at him and his eyes fall in sadness.
Yet he still could feel his mate staring holes at him.
"Take a sit... We have a lot to discuss."
///Author Note///
Hi, long time no see.
I know it's been a while, it's just that now that I got the time I have kinda started reading fanfiction, letting my own stories at the back and I am sorry for that.
Except from that, I hope you liked this chapter, I know it's not a very interesting one as it is just a recap. I hope Magnus's feeling and reaction was pleasant and now that you saw more of his prospective to understand a little more of him doing what he did.... And forgive him.... As it is my fault to begin with :-P
Also, if you have any guesses of what happens next or just suggestions don't hesitate to write em.
Thats all, buy <3
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