~ chapter sixteen ~


Peeling my eyes open, I noticed Ambahr's head had lifted up, looking at the door and then back at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Someone knocked.."

"Here, I'll go see who it is."

Hearing a scream, I grabbed my phone, my hand intertwined with Ambahr's as I called Carlos.

"Dude, what's going on?"

"I don't know. I heard a scream. Danielle is here with me and Candice is next door. Give me a second."

I heard a knock through the phone.

"Candice is in her room. Did you look through the peephole?"

"No. I'm going to right now."

Walking to the door, I looked through the peephole, seeing a girl sprawled on the floor, passed out. There were multiple people from the hotel, who grabbed her and took her downstairs.

"Well, who was it?"

"I think it was one of our fans."

"Of course.. hey, what time do we have to be ready for dinner?"

Turning to look at Ambahr, she looked at me before guessing on the question.

"What time is dinner?"

I nodded, as she held up her fingers, saying 6:30pm.

"Carlos, dinner is at 6:30pm."

"Okay so three more hours?"

"Yeah. We'll see you then?"

"Yeah. Call you later."

Ending the call, I went right back to bed, Ambahr following me and lying beside me once more. It felt good to have someone to hold in your arms and kiss whenever you wanted to. She was my soulmate, the one I would live with for the rest of my life.

"Hey Grant?"


"What was it like to be on Glee?"

"Well, it was... interesting. Having to play the character that everyone hated was sometimes hard, but it was fun."

"Could you teach me some dances you learned? If you still remember them?"

Chuckling, I got up from the bed. "Of course. Which one do you want to learn? Or which one was your favorite?"

"I really liked the dance for Uptown Girl."

"Uptown Girl it is."


"You're getting the hang of this!"

"It seems so hard!"

"No no! It's really easy. It's just various steps combined. Let's go from the beginning?"

She nodded, as I turned on the music and started dancing.

"That's good! Keep going!"

We neared the end, where we were going over the final steps.

"Alright now.."

I stopped dancing, watched her as I realized she already knew them. Every move was perfect, as if she had rehearsed countless times.

"How was that?"

With a smile, I nodded.


Ambahr went to check on her phone, seeing that there was only one hour before we had to go.

"Get into the shower, I'll wait or go into the next room."

She ran into the bathroom, closed the door, and almost immediately, the water started running.

Calling up my hotel's next door neighbors, they answered quickly.

"What's up Grant?"

"Hey, Tom, are you by any chance done using your shower?"

"I actually just finished. Need it?"

"Yes please."

"Come right in. Knock twice before entering."

Grabbing my clothes, I locked our hotel door and headed to Tom's. Two knocks and he let me in, no hesitation.


After my quick 10 minute shower, I quickly wrapped my body in a towel, and opened the door to my room, where Grant was gone.

'Probably went to shower in another room.'

Slipping on my undergarments, I opened my suitcase to all the different clothes I had. Since I didn't know what to wear, I slipped on some sport shorts and a tank top, just in case Grant came in.

Starting to grab the 2 dresses I had packed, I laid them out before laying out some blouses and jeans as well. I already knew I was going to wear my white high top Converse, I just needed to find something else to wear.

Hearing three knocks at my door and I turned, walking over and looking through the peephole. It was Candice.

Letting her in, I closed the door and enveloped her in a hug.

"Thought you might need help?"

"I do, actually. I don't know what to wear."

"Lucky for you, we are the same size."

Candice started paring up blouses with jeans, and dresses with shoes. In three minutes, I had 3 different options to wear.

"We have almost half an hour before we've gotta go. Pick one between all of these."

Option 1: light pink blouse with black jeans and white converse

Option 2: blue sleeveless blouse with a long cardigan over, white jeans and black wedges.

Option 3: flannel, tshirt, jeans and converse.

"Choose wisely."

I quickly picked the second option, as Candice folded the rest and put it inside my suitcase. Changing, Candice grabbed my hair products I had and started to apply a little to the ends, making sure they were going to be marked.

"Where is your makeup bag?"

"Over there." I pointed to the bathroom, where a striped bag was sitting on the counter.

Without asking, Candice started doing my makeup. Curling my lashes, applying mascara, eyeliner and a little bit of white eyeshadow. My lips had a pink tint and my eyes glowed.


Nodding, I grabbed my purse and put all my things inside. My wedges, which were about 4 inches taller, made me feel great, since I was 5'5 and not as tall as I thought.

As I left the door, I saw Grant leaving Tom's room, all ready to go.

As soon as he turned around to look over, he smiled.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you, Grant."

He leaned forward and kissed me, before smiling and knocking on Carlos' door.

"Danielle is in the lobby." Candice said before Carlos came out.

"Ready to go?"


Taking out my phone, I dialed my mom's phone number and she answered after 3 rings.

"Mom, we know where we are going."


"The Old Spaguetti Factory."

"Okay. Pavlos is finishing up. We'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Alright, bye."

Ending the call, Candice was calling our bodyguard as we all headed down.

"Alright, when you see my brother, he is going to freak out."

"Don't worry about it. We're used to it." Carlos chuckled.

"How many times have you encounter someone like that?"

"Well.. too many times to count."

Chuckling, I leaned into Grant, who put his arm around my waist, as I smiled and kissed him.

"You are adorable."

"You are too."

As the elevator doors opened, we saw that it was crowded outside, but there was a limo waiting to take us to the restaurant.

"Ready to go?"

Nodding, I grabbed Grant's hand and walked outside.

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