Chapter 43

Sitting in a balcony with laptop placed on her lap and munching onto the chocolate that Manik especially brought for her looks through the CVS application of the employees who have sent wanting to apply in her company.

Her excitement was over moon thinking about her own company that will be opening very soon. Everything was going so smoothly gracefully to her family and friends support. Her company was incredibly designed by the best construction company who had priority above anything.

Looking at the CVS and applications of the employees and reading through she saved the documents and thought speaking to Manik about this how she was going to conduct an interview.

Her thoughts were broken when she heard Mukti's voice who enters inside the room calling her name out. Her lips curves into a smile and replies back.

Mukti : hello Bhabhi. Where are you? Bhabhi.

Nandini : Mukti come to balcony. I am here.

Mukti smiles getting the response from Nandini and walks to balcony and found Nandini sitting there with glasses on hers and engrossed on laptop.

Mukti : there are you Bhabhi. Where is your phone? I called you so many times so did Bhai did. He is getting so frustrated and worried when you didn't answer his call. Leave all these I came up looking for you is Abhi downstairs and waiting for you.

Her eyes widened in shock when realisation hits her and slapping her head lightly starts searching her for phone while muttering some curses for herself.

Finding her phone under the pile of papers she held it and looks at the 10 miscalls and 25 messages from Manik and there were miscalls from the rest too. She looks at Mukti who comes sits beside her and pulls her into a hug comforting her.

Nandini : what have I done Mukti! How could I make the mistakes? He will be so angry and upset with me? He must be so worried and angry.

Mukti : Bhabhi. It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes. Yes I agree Bhai will be furiously and lashing his angry on his employees but he can never get angry on you. We will make him understand. You can always come to me when he shouts at you.

Nandini smiles lightly and shaking her head slaps Mukti's head lightly and closed her laptop and stood up followed by Mukti who held her hand and drags her out of the phone teasing Nandini.

Nandini seeing Abhi sitting with Raj and Neyoinka couldn't hold her happiness and excitement seeing her brother after very long time. She shouts his name and rushed downstairs not watching the stairs. Her heart overwhelms when she heard protectives voices of her family who said to be careful.

She grins loudly looking at Abhi and crashed into his arms who smiles softly and patted her head and whispers softly into her ears making her smile.

Abhi : baby doll. I missed you so much. Look what I brought for you. You will thank me forever.

Nandini broke the hug and excitedly like a kid starts asking what he brought her and looks at Abhi who shakes his head and cupping her face kissed her head and thought of teasing her little while.

Nandini : Bhai. What did you get me? Please tell me. I can't wait. Mukti look at him teasing me.

She winched looking at mukti who chuckles in return and puts her hand up sitting next Raj.

Mukti : I am sorry Bhabhi. I would love to support you but not this time. I can't between siblings. Do you remember what you said I asked you the same?

Nandini stomps her foot and cussing her fate when she refused to help Mukti when her and Manik were arguing over spending few days back.

Nandini again looks at her brother and showed him puppy eyes and tried to melt his heart by doing sweet gestures. He chuckles and hits her head.

Abhi : nothing can be done to you baby doll. You can never change. I didn't wanted to give you this but you are forcing me. Here take this.

Nandini excitedly took the little box that Abhi took out from his pocket and handed to her. Opening the box she frowns when found the key. She looks at him with confused and curious curiosity written over her face.

Nandini : Bhai what is this? A key? I am so confused. What is this for? I don't understand anything.

Abhi chuckles and palming her eyes and whispers to her making her eyes widened in shock and surprise.

Abhi : baby doll. Just follow me. Trust me you will love and can't stop jumping out of happiness.

Abhi took her out followed the rest who hid their smile knowing what is going to happen. Abhi asking Nandini to open her eyes slowly on his count.

Nandini opens her eyes slowly as she was told her and gasped palming her mouth looking surprised and shock seeing the new car parked there.

Her eyes glistening with fresh tears and her heart busting with excitement and joy seeing the car.

Turning her around she looks at Abhi who smiles and pulls her into a hug who burst into tears hugging him. He caressed her hair gently and whispers sweet words into her ears and looks at Mukti who took her phone out recording everything to show Manik.

Abhi broke the hug and cupping her face wipes the tears off and kissed her head and looks at her.

Abhi : baby doll. Why are you crying? You should be proud and happy. Look what you have achieved.

Nandini looks at him holding her tears back and looks at him who tried comforting her.

Nandini: thank you so much Bhai. I can never forget this moment. Thank you so much Bhai. How do I thank you enough? This is best and most precious gift I ever received Bhai. I love you so much Bhai.

Abhi : baby doll. You never have to thank me. Who truly deserves your kindness and thanks isn't here because he is caught with some important work but doesn't mean he will not ever acknowledge it.

Her eyes widened when she looks at him realising what Abhi is hinting towards her. Her husband who never leaves a chance to surprise her. She looks at Abhi confirming whatever she is thinking is right.

Abhi : yes baby doll. What you are thinking is absolutely correct. Your husband plan was to gift you car. Did you like it? You should thank him.

Nandini : I love it Bhai but this wasn't needed.

Mukti : how wasn't needed Bhabhi? Bhabhi do you realise soon you will a most famous businesswoman cross whole India with your fashion company. We all were so confused what to gift you but when Bhai give was idea of gifting your car was out of world.

Nandini smiles and tears brimming her in eyes as Mukti pulls her into hug and kissed her head.

Then Nandini hugs Neyoinka and Raj thanking both of them who smiles and blessed her with love.

Everyone headed back inside after Nandini having her moment with the car. They all settled down and chatting away whereas Nandini was kept looking at the entrance hoping her husband would come.

Shrugging her shoulder and sitting beside Abhi who pulls her into side hug pecking her head and stood to leave looking at the time. Neyoinka stops him.

Neyoinka : Abhi beta. Have dinner with us before leaving. Nandini will like it too. Please stay.

Nandini: yes Bhai. Please have dinner with us.

Abhi : I would love to stay back but I have rushed back and work on my important presentation for tomorrow morning. I will come some other day.

Neyoinka and Nandini nodded their heads understanding him and Abhi bidding bye to them and kissing Nandini's cheek cupping her face.

Abhi : take care of yourself baby doll. I will miss you a lot. Call me whenever you want to talk.

Nandini nodded her head and hugs him last time before he walks out of the mansion followed by Mukti. Neyoinka looks at Nandini and Raj.

Neyoinka : Nandini beta let's go have dinner first. I don't think Manik will be coming before 9am.

Nandini: mom I don't feel hungry right now. I will have it with Manik. You guys have dinner.

Nandini giving small smile to Neyoinka excusing herself went to her room whereas Neyoinka angrily looks at her husband who shakes his head.

Raj : what love? Why are you getting angry o me! What did I do? How is it my fault that your son is still working in office not caring about his wife?

Neyoinka : I can never understand you both Raj. He is following your steps. It hasn't been a month since his marriage and he is working till late in office. Raj I don't want him to get so lost in work and forget his family especially his wife who he got married to. Please talk to him and explain him the importance of family and giving time to his wife. Please Raj. He will never listen to me but you do then he might do,

Raj sighs and nodded his head making his wife happy who relaxed a little. She went to dinning table followed by Raj who trails behind her like a puppy.

Holding his blazer in his hand and flower of bouquet for his wife Manik through the living room and found his mother uncomfortably lying down on couch. He glances at the time and walks to her.

He softly calls her name out and she opens and looks at him angrily. She sat up and starts scolding him.

Neyoinka : Manik is this the time to come. Have not seen the time? When you stop doing this?

Manik: I am sorry mom. I got caught with work and lost track of the time. Please forgive me.

Neyoinka: I don't want to speak to you. I am so angry on you because of you my daughter didn't have her dinner and is waiting or you.

Manik : what she didn't have her dinner. Oh god. Mom please don't be angry. This will be last of me coming home late. Please go to sleep. Goodnight mom.

He kissed her head and muttering a sorry climbs the stairs and went to his room and roams his eyes to find his wife who was nowhere to be found.

He got worried and starts panicking thinking where she could be when his eyes fells towards balcony.

Placing the bouquet of flowers safely on table he walks to balcony and felt his heart warming up seeing his sunshine who had fallen asleep while working on the laptop. He took small steps and went up her. He carefully took the laptop and saving the work closed the laptop and kept it aside.

He crouched down his knees and looks at his wife who looks so cute and adorable while sleeping. He caressed her hair and softly calls her name out feeling guilty that she didn't have her dinner because of him. She stirs in sleep and held his hand.

He smiles and looks at her who opens her eyes and looks at him in shock not expecting to see him. He chuckles and looks at her who sat up looking at him. He held his hand and cups her face with his other hand while stroking her face.

Manik : I am sorry sunshine. I got late. Why didn't you had dinner with everyone? You shouldn't have skipped your dinner. It's not good for your health sunshine. You can fall ill like this. Next time whenever I get late from work please don't wait for me and stay hungry. It makes feel guiltily.

Nandini: Manik I didn't feel hungry that time and I didn't realise when I fell asleep while working. I don't care what you say but I will wait for you Manik. You are my husband and it's my responsibility to take care of you. Did you have your dinner?

Manik : are we going to argue on over this now? No I didn't have dinner. we can argue tomorrow morning. Why don't you do one thing? Wash your face while I get dinner up for us. We can have dinner here.

Nandini nodded her head and rested her head on his shoulder. He chuckles and placed a kiss on her head then standing up scoops her into his arms and carried her into their room and placed her down.

Soon as he put her down her eyes fells on the bouquet of flowers and her eyes twinkles up as she moves picking up the flowers and looks at him.

Nandini : wow! This so beautiful Manik. Is it for me? Look how gorgeous it looks.

Manik smiles and went to her and pecks her head.

Manik: sunshine this for you. I was going back home when I saw someone selling this and I couldn't hold myself to buy this for you. Did you like it?

Nandini: I love it Manik. I loved the flowers and car too. Thank you so much Manik.

She turns around and hugs him and looks at him who smiles wrapping his arms around her and kissed her head. He broke the hug and smiles.

Nandini : Manik can you please click a picture for me? I want to capture this moment.

He chuckles and nodded his head and took his phone out and clicked a photo of hers with the flowers. He smiles looking at the photo and gave her his phone to have look who took it and smiles.

Nandini : it's so beautiful. Thank you Manik. Why don't get change while I get the dinner for us?

Manik nodded his head and went to change while Nandini looking at photo on his phone smiles before sending to herself and finding her phone she smirks and thought of posting a story to tell her friends how cute her husband is sometime.

She giggles like a child and keeping her phone on side rushed out of the room and went to kitchen grabbing dinner for them.

She comes back inside the room and looks at Manik who walks out of the washroom changing into
T-shirt and grey trousers. He looks at her who giggles making him confused wondering what happened to her all of sudden.

Manik : what happened sunshine? Why are you giggling so much? Not that I mind because you look so beautiful while you giggle.

His words made her blush but controlling her blush she placed the food on the table and sits down and looks at him and said.

Nandini: you should check your phone . You will know it. I am feeling to shy to tell you.

She giggles again making him confused but nevertheless Manik walks to her and picks his phone up from the table and looks at WhatsApp messages from his friends that was unusual this time.

He frowns and glances at his wife who acted to be innocent. He saw Dhruv message asking him to check his Instagram. He opens his instagram and clicks on Nandini's story and automatically smile appears on his face as she looks at the story.

( caption: thank you husband. You're the best♥️😩)

He smiles widely and looks at his wife who was dying to see his reaction. He shakes his head and liked the story and moves to her sitting beside her and pulls her into a side hug and kissing her head.

Manik : you are most welcome wifey. Now shall
We leave dinner then we can go to sleep.

Nandini smiles and nodded her head and making him smile too. He leaves her and kissing her head starts feeding with so much love and looks at her who smilingly fed him with same love and affection.


Hope you liked the Chapter.

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