Chapter 53

thanks riptide2406 for the cardigan song prompt. yes i am aware that this request is almost a year old, but whatever


Well, well, well. How the turntables.

In all seriousness, I do understand. I couldn't find any good poetry that fully showed that feeling, so take the bridge from Hayley William's Leave It Alone.

"If you know love, you best prepare to grieve. Let it enter your open heart and then prepare to let it bleed."

My Abuelo was my life. More of a father than my... biological sperm donor, we shall call him. He was the person to buy my first sewing machine even when my sperm donor broke it a moment later. He used to take me to fabric stores and let me buy yards upon yards of fabric. In reality, it was a thrift store and he bought me sheets to repurpose, but that was my world.

Then he died, and thus I died with him.

I suppose it was more of the hope I still had about the world died because now I couldn't escape my dad. And then whoops, I'm pan, and whoops, I'm genderfluid.

My Abuelo understood. He used to tell me that he dated a guy when he was younger and told me how he donated what little money he had to Act Up. Abuelo knew before I did.

I know how it feels to love and to bleed. I understand if you need a shoulder to cry on, but I cannot say my shoulder will be comfortable due to my discomfort with touch. I hope it is enough.

If it isn't, know that you can take all the time you need. I will be here when you get back.

Maybe you don't need that, though.

You know that not all battles are physical. Not all wars are fought with armies charging across the battlefield with vicious war cries erupting from their hope-filled throats. Sometimes a battle is taking your brain and emotions and pushing them aside to get out of bed. Sometimes a war is taking medication until you don't have as many nightmares.

Either way, you've fought harder than I could imagine. You, Magnus Chase, are stronger than I could ever be.




~gay~: I love parenting the kids who are book smart but don't know shit about emotions

~gay~: it's such a roller coaster

king krusty: lmao, how's that

~gay~: I don't even think he would've realized he had a massive fucking crush if I wasn't there

b i c e p s: omg it's carter

panic academia: omg it's me

panic academia: also does anyone else have gen pap

king krusty: I don't have the brain power

~gay~: I'm too dumb for that class

b i c e p s: not really, they just have stupid requirements. it's literally english but more entertaining

panic academia: ok I just need help deciding on a prompt

panic academia: we can literally choose any prompt we want so long as it gets approved

~gay~: to what extent is the media responsible for the perception of truth in the world today?

b i c e p s: that took you five seconds

~gay~: oh yeah me and my mom always talk about this and I've wanted to write something about it for a while now I just don't have the time

panic academia: oooh this will spark so much debate thanks


School was a complete waste of Magnus's time! Gasp! Who could have predicted such an outrageous outcome?

    The flowers Hearth had bought started to wilt when Magnus came home. Hearth got more, which Magnus didn't understand because the flowers were still pretty in his mind.

    Usually, Magnus didn't bring anything other than flowers to his mother's grave. Today he left Hearth at the cemetery entrance with Alex's letter in hand.

    Kneeling in front of her grave, Magnus stared at the words, Natalie Chase. He set down the flowers.

    "Hi, Mom," Magnus said. "I think it's been a month since my last visit. A lot has happened. Um, mainly that I met someone. Yeah, her name is Alex. Alex Fierro. I think you would've liked her. She's spunky and refuses to take any shi--crap. Sorry.

    "Anyway, we have this thing where we write letters to each other with poetry in them. This morning I told her all about you, and she sent this back. I'm gonna read it to you because I want you to know that I chose someone who cares about me." Magnus was already feeling his throat close, but he read the letter.

    "I really love her, Mom. Like, a lot," he let out a small laugh as tears finally began to fall, staining the dry dirt beneath him. "I--I just wanted to tell you that I'll be okay. I'll be okay with her helping me.

    "No, I don't think that's the right way to phrase it. That makes it sound like Alex is my clutch, and she doesn't need someone to lift her up. It's more like, we'll be okay because we help each other and we love each other.

    "That's what makes or breaks a relationship, right? You gotta love every bit of them, including their flaws and their baggage. I always knew I'd be able to help anyone who needed help, but I never expected someone to return the favor." Magnus sniffed.

    "Sorry, I'm talking a lot about me; let's talk about you," Magnus said, wiping his tears. "I got you some violets. You always said you liked them, and Hearth was able to find some. I think I'm going to start growing them on my windowsill. Not just the white ones; I'm going to grow the violets that are actually violet too.

    "And one more thing, before I go," Magnus said, standing up. "Happy birthday, Mom. I wish you could be here to celebrate it, and I love you." He stared at the gravestone for a moment before turning to Hearth and fully sobbing on the way home.


Shel arrived home, threw her bag on the floor, checked on the vaca frita, and then collapsed on the couch. Goblin wanted attention and sat on Shel's face.

    Then Shel remembered she needed to fry onions and make garlic chips, which led to her having a fun little crisis to get off the couch.

    She got a notification as she sat back down after throwing the onions and garlic atop the meat.

lightning mclean: if I were to ask you out on an impromptu date what would you say?

~gay~: that it would be a gamble because we're going to Sadie's all weekend, but I shall try to convince my mother

~gay~: ma, can I go out with pipes?

Ma: aren't you going out this weekend

~gay~: ... yes

Ma: did you finish the food?

~gay~: yes

Ma: is the apartment clean?

~gay~: we cleaned three days ago lol

Ma: did you tidy up

~gay~: I just need to vacuum

Ma: don't waste the electricity like that

Ma: are the dishes done

~gay~: yes

Ma: was your cat fed

~gay~: yes

Ma: if I let you go you need to put gas in the car

~gay~: wait really

Ma: yes


Ma: why are you screaming

~gay~: you, a Colombian mother, said I could go out for three days straight

Ma: only because I won't get home until 10

Ma: be home by 9; I will be tracking you

~gay~: gracias te queiro

Ma: te amo


lightning mclean: WHOOOOOOO


Shel waited in a vintage tee and black skirtall, her heeled combat boots making a sound with each step along the cobblestone path.

    She got a table for two at Igne's Diner, ordering herself a chocolate milkshake.

    After a moment, Piper arrived in an extremely oversized sweatshirt with dark shorts and a beanie. She gave a perfect sequin smile, and Shel kissed her right on the lips, tasting the mint of the gum Piper had chewed just moments before.

    Shel pulled away before giving a small laugh at Piper's lips, now stained with Shel's black lipstick. "Sorry," she said.

    Piper just shrugged and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "Whatever. What you should be sorry about is the fact that you didn't get me a milkshake."

    Shel playfully rolled her eyes. "Get your own," she said as Piper tried to steal a sip.


    "I cannot bring myself to care when a milkshake is at stake," Shel countered.

    "Honestly, valid." Piper paused. "You heard about the abortion ban?"

    Shel sighed. "Yeah, it's fucking stupid. Like, what if I got pregnant when... you know when. They say you'd be able to get one, but the system is so fucked up that I would be raising a child with my fucking rapist."

    "Exactly!" Piper exclaimed. "Besides, why do you care if we get an abortion? It's not like you're doing much to fucking protect these kids in the real world. Show us you truly care about kids and start banning guns."

    "'Oh, but the second amendment this and that,'" Shel said in a faux accent. "Like, why do you need a gun? Really, why do you need a fucking gun? Are you hunting because we're between Harlem and Manhattan, and I want to know where you go? There is literally no nature here."

    Piper scoffed, "Have you seen the white girls on the internet?"

    "Oh yeah, they're so surprised something like an abortion ban is happening as if they hadn't been one of the main contributors."


    Shel sighed. "Okay, I'm starving. I'm going to ring up an order. Do you know what you want?"

    "Veggie burger."

    The food would take another fifteen minutes to arrive, so Shel ordered Piper a large milkshake.

    "Shelby, look at it," Piper said, marveling at the glass. Shel didn't blame her. The milkshake was giant, and the glass was coated in syrup to make squiggly lines of chocolate through the ice cream. To top it off, there was an obscene amount of whipped cream, complete with chocolate sprinkles and a cherry. "It's magnificent," Piper whispered. "And I am going to gain ten pounds drinking it."

    Shel nodded, taking a sip of her own milkshake. "Wait until you try it."

    Just as Piper was about to take a sip, a giant veggie burger was placed in front of her.

    Piper looked up at Shel in fear due to the sheer size of the patty. Shel did the same to her own burger.

    "I'm never going to need to eat again after this meal," Shel said.

    Piper nodded and took a bite of her burger. "Oh my God, it's so good though," she groaned. "I've never had vegetarian burgers this good before."

    "Damn, if that's good, my burger's gonna be amazing," Shel said before taking a bite. And amazing it was.

    After their stomachs grew twice their usual size, Shel asked, "Why are you vegetarian?"

    "Oh, my dad and my grandpa used to tell me weirdly traumatizing stories about animals." Piper added at Shel's confused face, "It would be about these cute little animals, and then they'd die. I didn't want to contribute to it."

    Shel nodded.

    "It sucks, though, because people think I'm doing it because I'm anti-government." Piper took one final sip of her milkshake. "I mean, I am. I think our political leaders suck and refuse to change their ways with the times. It's just funny because if you told me I was against the meat industry because I'm vegetarian, you'd be right. But I'm not allowed to have sensible views."

    "When you are young they assume you know nothing," Shel said.

    After a pause, Piper said, "Well I know you."

    Shel actually died, ascended into the heavens, sang with Jesus, and was revived. Her face was redder than the tomato from her burger as she tried to cover it up with her hands.

    "Stop, that was adorable, and I'm dying," Shel said.

    They left after a few more minutes and went on a short walk around the plaza. Piper started dancing around in her Levi's, illuminated by the spotlights of the streetlights. Shel laughed at how terrible she was and joined.


Annabeth went home with Percy knowing two things:

1: She was babysitting Bobby and Matthew, who liked Percy enough to be tolerable with him around

2: Her parents weren't supposed to be there.

    The latter was incorrect. Mrs. Chase was still there.

    "Oh I just had to meet you," she said when Annabeth asked why she was still home. "I've heard so much about you." Before Percy could get a word in, she left.

    After a moment, Annabeth laughed at the confusion on Percy's face. "She isn't usually like this, I swear."

    Then came the screaming.

    "PERCY" yelled Matthew as he came running into a bear hug with him.

    "WAIT HE'S HERE? AAAAAAAH," screamed Bobby, following suit.

    "Hey guys," Percy said as if Annabeth's ears hadn't been ruptured. "You want to play a game?"

    "HIDE AND SEEK," Matthew screamed.

    "Okay, okay," Percy said with a small laugh. "You two hide, I'll count."

    "What about Annabeth? She cheats."

    Percy gasped like a movie star in the 60s. "How dare you."

    Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Y'all are going to eat before you play anything."

    "We already ate," Bobby said. Annabeth looked him in the eye, and he started laughing. "Ugh, you make it so boring! Why do you even need to eat?"

    "So you don't die," Annabeth said plainly.

    "Woah, really? What does dying feel like?"

    "Don't know, let's not find out because then you won't be able to... um... figure out the plot of Fortnite."

    Bobby went still and slowly turned to Matthew. "We can never die," he whispered. Instead of allowing Annabeth to savor this moment of peace, the twins ran to the kitchen screaming.

    Annabeth sighed. "Are you hungry?"

    Percy shook his head and plopped on the couch, and Annabeth followed. She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. As Percy hugged her closer, she noticed scars across his arm.

    "What are those from?" she asked.

    Percy stiffened.

    "You don't need to--"

    "No, it's okay," Percy said. "They're from my step-dad--the first one."

    Annabeth had a million questions go through her head, such as: Wait, what? Are you okay? What's his name because I can and will murder him?

    But Annabeth said nothing, silently tracing stars along each scar until the twins came screaming back.


Will was supposed to be at the entrance to the store, but he was not. Nico called him.

    "Where are you?"

    "In the front, where are you?" Will said with his perfect little accent.

    "The front," Nico replied.

    "There's no way because I'd be able to see you." Will paused for a moment. "Wait are there clothes at the entrance?"

    "Yeah, why?"

    "Ah, shit. You're at the second entrance. Come in and meet me halfway."

    "Ok, bye."

    Nico went to the halfway point of the store. Where entertainment items and fast food were in separate aisles. Nico went into one randomly. Will wasn't in that one.

    Nico sighed and kept looking until he found the ghost of a shadow between two aisles. He turned to see if it was Will, but the shadow kept walking. Nico tried to walk faster, but the shadow seemed to be running--oh, no, it's gone. That's not at all creepy.

    Nico walked to the other side of the aisle. No one was there. But look! There was the shadow again. From the side he was just on.

    Nico crossed over to that side and saw Will searching a random aisle, and Nico saw this as a brilliant thing.

    He ran and scared the living shit out of Will. It was beautiful.

    "Jesus Christ, Neeks," Will said through a breath.

    Nico laughed.

    "My hatred for you is immeasurable," Will said with a smile.

    Nico snorted and kissed Will's cheek. "Sorry, but look what I found." Nico held up a copy of Hades.

    "Oh, we are buying that," Will said.

hello my violation beans welcome to tangents with gabby

i am your host, sleep deprived author who will publish this now and deal with the consequences later

only i could be like oooof i'm really drained

and then write a 2664 chapter in one sitting

is it good, idk as i said before i am sleep deprived

here is a tangent: i started using condensed milk inside of my coffee and it's so good


i was going through my playlist i have for my song prompts and i was listening to this and had a million scenes go through my head

i only gave you three because i don't have the energy to write more

anyway i was like what if instead of just copy pasting the lyrics randomly into the chapter I write out the events

so that's what I did

like the sensual politics line was the thing about the abortion ban and gun control and being vegetarian (friendly reminder that pipes is vegetarian)

is it any good? probably not but that's ok

i was like halfway through writing shel and pipes when i remembered the whole thing with magnus

so i threw that lovely little thing in there


what else can i say

i'm trying to get to 3000 words and usually i can write a/ns longer than the actual chapter if i tried


i finished the seven husbands of evelyn hugo it was amazing

it's really hot now because florida


idk i'm trying really hard here lmao

OH that drunk fic idea is starting to be planned

will it go anywhere? idk, probably not but baiting you is part of my job as a fic author

what drunk fic, you ask? you should go check my book dedicated to my random tangents

the answer lies there

ok 100 more words we're getting there

i started watching glee

it's good but now lea michele likes the slightly problematic teacher and i am creeped out

good singers tho

aaaaaaaaaa trying to think of things to say is hard


how's life for you guys

mine's ok i'm really tired as i stated a few times already

if your day isn't going well, i command you by the power of my writing that you must take care of yourself otherwise i will discontinue this fic but keep it up on wattpad, further torturing readers

we made it

love y'all

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