Chapter 3 - Meet Cute

Tesni parked the car at Disney Spring and pulled out her phone to text Camie to let her know that had arrived and asked where they should meet up. "What should we do first after we meet up with Camie and Claire? I have to go to the Sprinkles cupcake ATM its a tradition for me every time I come here" smiled Tesni. "There is so much to do here like the M&M's store that's a new one or the Coco-Cola factory where we can try different types of cokes from around the world". suggested Tesni. Jordyn nodded in agreement "Where are we meeting Camie and Claire?" she asked. "Camie said she will text when they get here" said Tesni in responds.

Then a ding from Tesni apple watch made her check her messages. "Is that them?" asked Rylan. Tesni nodded "Yes, they are and want to meet us at the Alex & Ani store is that okay with you guy?" asked Tesni. Jordyn's eyes lit up and she grinned "Oh I love that store lets go, it will be nice to see Camie again I haven't seen since your dad's funeral." said Jordyn. They started walking towards the store "How did you and Camie meet?" asked Rylan. "In collage at the University of Utah we were roommates and majoring in English and had a lot in common, we just clicked and became best friends she is really like a sister to me." responded Tesni. Rylan nodded in understanding. "It's so crazy that you meet her mom on the plane" said Addison shaking her head. Tesni smiled thinking that there were crazier things about the whole situation her friends did not even know.

Rylan and Addison pointing things and stores they wanted to check out Tesni smiled at their excitement. "Tesni over here" said a voice which made Tesni snap her head over to see Claire waving at her and her friends, she smiled and waved back. She walked over to them "Hey Camie and Claire, how are you today?" asked Tesni going in for a hug from Camie. "Oh good, its going to be so nice to have real conversations that doesn't include burping or farting" laughed Camie. "How are the little rug rats doing, are they still jumping off the walls with their endless energy?" asked Tesni. "Yes, and now swing off the ceiling as well, they asked when they could see their Aunt Sunni?" said Camie. "As soon as I told them that I saw you they got so excited and went on and on about what rides they wanted to go you with on" said Camie shaking her head.

"Good I can't wait; its going to be so much fun!" laughed Tesni. "I think Ethan is jealous of you because Oliver told him that you were his favorite person" laughed Camie. Tesni smiled think of her little godson who had brought so much joy and laughter in her life. "Oh, that boy knows how to make my heart melt, both of them do I am such a sucker when they just look at me and I give them whatever they want." sighed Tesni. "That's the trouble they know too and use it to their best advantage" said Camie shaking her head in disapproval. Claire who had been talking to the others getting know them. "So where do you ladies want to start, is there anything someone just has to do?" asked Claire. "I know Sunni likes to go to Sprinkle's cupcake ATM, maybe go to the new M&M store and then the Coke-Cola factory, then maybe just walk around and shop and site see." suggested Jordyn. Everyone nodded in agreement.

The Coke-Cola factory was fun Tesni watched everyone's different reaction to the several types of Coke, which one people liked or didn't like especially the reactions to the ones people didn't like. After they were done at the Coke factory "Lets do the M&M store I want to get the boys personalized M&Ms" said Tesni. Camie give her give a stern look "Oh no you don't, you wont have to deal with the aftermath" snapped Camie. "Well, I have to be their favorite person somehow." teased Tesni. Claire laughed "Camie told you what Oliver said to Ethan that he didn't like him as much he liked you?" asked Claire. "His exact words were I want to ride all the rides at Magic Kingdom with Aunt Sunni and Ethan asked How about some with Aunt Sunni and some with your favorite person Uncle Ethan, in which Oliver scrunched up his face Uncle Ethan you're not my favorite person that's Aunt Sunni the look on Ethan's face was priceless" smiled Claire.

Tesni laughed at Oliver's words "What did Ethan say to that?" asked Tesni. Claire smiled "Ethan asked why you were his favorite person in which Oliver replied, She plays superhero with me and reads the best books and her eyes are my favorite color gold or sunlight and she plays Mario Cart 8 with me and just walked off the look on Ethan's face was hilarious, I haven't seen my brother seen him go so quite in a while." shrugged Camie. Claire knew why Ethan had gone so quite because of what Oliver had said about the color of Tesni's eyes. Through at Claire's life she had dreams of the future and her kids future they did not happen often, but when she did dream often came true. Most recently she had been having ones of Ethan and a woman with red hair, they had been holding hands, and dancing and just could not keep their eyes from each other the most noticeable thing of the women Claire remembered was her eyes a golden amber at times they shined like sunlight. Claire also knew Ethan had been having the same dream for the last few months, and when Claire had seen Tesni on the plane she thought this has to be her, but time would only tell once Tesni, and Ethan saw each other.

Tesni looked at herself in mirror of her bathroom it was Wednesday the day she was meeting Ethan in person, The pass few days she and her friends had gone to Epcot and Universal and had blast, Addison and Rylan had tried Butterbeer both regular and frozen and loved it and all of them had gotten interactive wands Tesni bought Luna Lovegood's wand and loved it. Jordyn and the others had decided to explore Hollywood Studios on their own so that Tesni could have time with Camie and her family and part, so they didn't have to spend most of the day in Toy Story Land and ride more grown-up rides like Tower of Terror. Tesni had talked to Camie and Claire who had been at Epcot and Animal Kingdom the past two days she loved listening to their stories of the boys and Ethan and the others. Tesni placed her Toy Story Minnie Mouse ears they matched her You Got a Friend in Me shirt and her to Toy Story Loungefly, she knew it was so dorky to plan her outfits to each park but in a way, it was half the fun to have everything match. She also had her hair braided like Jessie from Toy Story and just some light make- up on her face. Tesni walked of the bathroom to check her bag to make sure she had everything she needed for the day phone, fan, wallet, etc.

She walked down to the kitchen to see Jordyn eating breakfast. "Are you excited to spend the day with Camie and her family?" asked Jordyn before taking a bite of her waffle. "Yes, it will be fun to explore Toy Story and Star Wars and ride the rides with boys and the others" replied Tesni trying not to think of Ethan. "We are still meeting up for lunch?" asked Rylan as she was putting some sunscreen in her bag. "I think so I am not sure when the boys and the others will want to eat, I will call you and let you know the plans" said Tesni. She grabbed a blueberry bagel and some cream cheese for her breakfast and ate in silence think of Ethan who had been her thoughts a lot in past few days no matter how she tried to shake it he was somehow there.

Once in the car she headed towards Hollywood Studios. "They say Ethan Clark is here at Disney World!!!" squealed Rylan. The squeal startled Tesni jump and almost swerve the car. "Rylan! really you just startled me" breathed Tesni gripping the steering wheel. "Sorry Sunni just got excited apologized Rylan Maybe we will see him today at the park?" said Rylan excitedly. Tesni felt guilty for not telling her friends the truth, but she wanted to protect Ethan's privacy and maybe a few selfish reasons she just couldn't explain it. Tesni paid for the parking, pulled into a space, and walked with her friends to the gate. "Where are you meeting Camie and her family?" asked Addison. "I think at Slinky Dog Dash" said Tesni quietly. Jordyn gave Tesni a look "Are you okay, you have been very quiet this morning?" asked Jordyn. Tesni looked over at her friends who looked at her with concern. "I am fine, I just didn't sleep well last night is all" replied Tesni which was true because she had been having vivid dreams of the man before, but these were stronger it felt like he was really holding her, and she couldn't take her eyes of his and this time she had heard his voice "Soon my love soon" which his voice sounded oddly familiar. "Okay, if you are sure, said Addison. Tesni nodded Yeah, I am sure replied Tesni smiling at her friends. Just then Tesni's phone rang and from the tune it was Camie. "Oh, that has to be Camie give me just a min" said Tesni. She stepped away to answer the phone. "Hey Camie, are you guys here yet?" asked Tesni. "Yes, we are over at Slinky Dog Dash and the boys have been asking for you none stop so hurry over here before I pull my hair out" replied Camie with some slight frustration in her voice. "I will be there soon, but hey what time were you thinking of doing lunch?" asked Tesni. "Around 11 that's usually when the boys get hungry will that be too soon for Jordyn and the others?" asked Camie. "Let me ask them" replied Tesni.

"Hey, you guys is 11 to soon for Lunch?" asked Tesni. "A little I was thinking around 1 or 1:30 sorry" replied Jordyn. Tesni nodded "How about I see you guys back at the cottage here are the keys to the rental and I know Sam and Camie will give me a ride there, so we don't have to worry when to meet up" said Tesni. Jordyn took the keys and "Have fun today Sunni and see you later tonight." said Jordyn.

Tesni walked over the ride on the outside of the ride she saw Camie, Sam, and Oliver waiting. "Oliver!" she called out. The little boy turned and with a huge grin on his face her ran to her. "AUNT SUNNI!" he squealed. Tesni knelt and opened her arms into which he ran and hugged her. "I am so glad you're here Aunt Sunni" Oliver said pulling her close. "Me too, where is Henry?" asked Tesni. "With Grandma and Uncle Ethan." answered Oliver. "Okay lets go see them" said Tesni as she stood up and took his hand to walk over to his parents. "Hey Camie and Sam, where are the others?" asked Tesni looking around. Sam raised an eyebrow but smirked "Oh Ethan is so special he got us a VIP tour" he replied winking at Tesni. She gave him a weird look but did not respond. "Come on lets go on Slinky Dog Dash Aunt Sunni" whined Oliver pulling her along. "Of course, buddy let's ts go" At the entrance Tesni saw Claire and Henry and three men all in hats and sunglasses. Two of the men were facing each other and talking, the other was taller and had a nice beard and was on his phone. Tesni bit her lip there just an energy around him pulling her in the closer she got the stronger it was. "Hey Sunni, this my brothers-in law this is Eddie and his husband Taylor" said Sam pointing to the two men "So this is the famous Sunni, its so nice to meet you finally" said Eddie shaking her hand. "Yes, we have heard so much about you" said Taylor smiling. Tesni smiled at them both "It's nice to meet you as well" said Tesni try not to look at Ethan. Claire went over and whispered something in Ethan's ear in which he nodded and got off the phone a few seconds later. Tesni took off her sunglasses as he turned around their eyes meet and with a sudden flash the blacks and whites were gone and Tesni's whole world shifted and was full of color.

Ethan blinked several times just to make sure the black and whites were gone, and he was staring a whole new world. It was as all his life he had been living in a fog and now staring into these amazing amber eyes like he was seeing sunlight for the first time. Those eyes he had seen in his dreams and now they were standing here before him. "It's you" was all he could get out of his mouth. He moved closer to her studying her face and her smile Sam was right she was beautiful but the energy around her just pulled him in like his soul and her soul were calling together,

The rest of Ethan's family just watched in a mixture of emotions and confusion. Claire smiled as she knew what was happening, Camie just stood there in shock as she watched her best friend and brother. Sam just laughed, while Eddie and Taylor and the boys were confused "What is going on?" asked Taylor. "Ethan and Tesni can see in colors now I believe." replied Claire happily and with that the whole family started talking at once.

Ethan and Tesni finally broke eye contact and looked around amazed at different colors and shades of everything it was a bit overwhelming. Tesni's mind was racing the colors and Ethan it just was too much. "I need to sit down now" said Tesni shaking. Tesni felt Ethan's arm around her back as he guided her to the nearest bench, she felt sparks where he touched her, and it sent chills down her spine. "Here we go." said Ethan carefully as they both sat down Tesni turned her head up to the sky and though so thats blue then turn and looked at Ethan again staring in his eye which were even bluer and with hints of green in them she could get lost in those eyes. "Are you okay Tesni?" asked Ethan. "Yes, I think so it's just a bit much I have wanted this my whole life and it finally here and everything has just shifted its like oh its like". gasped Tesni. "It's like the world has shifted and everything is new?" asked Ethan quietly. All Tesni could do was nod Ethan smiled lend in and whispered in her ear "We are never going to hear the end of this are we?" asked Ethan smiling.

For the next few hours were a blur for Ethan and Tesni all thoughts and feeling were only on each other, but Ethan did have to step back a few times for his nephews who each wanted to ride with Tesni. Camie and Sam laughed as their eldest son had once again found his way next to Tesni on the ride. The look on Ethan's face was priceless, Camie whispered "Sam we might give my brother a break before he goes insane" said Camie laughing. "I think that you might be right my dear." snickered Sam. After getting off the ride Sam went over to his sons "Hey Henry and Oliver do want to go over Galaxy's Edge to the Droid Depot and make a droid?" asked Sam. Both boys eyes got big and nodded. Ethan mouthed Thank-you to his brother-in-law. Sam just nodded and walked away with both of his sons hand and hand.

Ethan was about to make it to Tesni's side when Camie came up and was pulling her off to the side "Give us a minute Ethan" said Camie holding up her hand and walked away with Tesni who looked back him with a slight frown. Ethan threw up his hands in getting looks from other guests, luckily no one seem to recognize him hence the sunglasses and hat. The last thing he need was Ethan Clark has a mental break down at Disney World all over the internet, which had already spotted him here. Ten minutes Camie thats it he whispered under his breathe.

Camie pulled Tesni over to a table and sat down, "Seriously Sunni I need to talk to you" said Camie. "Sunni how are you really feeling right now I mean you just found your soul bound with my brother of all people and seeing colors for the first time" said Camie shaking her head in disbelief. Tesni sighed and look at Camie with her hazel eyes and dark brown hair. "I will admit this all so intense its like I am seeing everything for the first time but in the same breath its all so familiar to me that includes Ethan, I mean I don't know him, but it feels like I do like I have known him forever, Its all so confusing." answered Tesni rubbed her forehead she was starting to get a headache.

" I am sure it is Sunni; I can't imagine whats going through your mind right now" said Camie. Tesni rubbed the back of her neck to get rid of the pain. "So, you and my brother thats so weird, I mean its great and wonderful but still weird" said Camie but before Tesni could respond she felt a comforting present come up behind her. "There you two are I have looking for you everywhere" said Ethan from behind her. Camie looked up at her brother with an annoyed look on her face. "We were just having girl talk" snapped Camie. "Oh, really were you talking about me right, how amazing, and handsome and what a good kisser I am?" said Ethan placing his on Tesni's shoulders. Tesni couldnt help but lean back into him which helped with her headache especially when he started to rub his fingers right where the pain was. Camie rolled her eyes "EWW, no I was telling her To run,run far away and to never return" sassed Camie. Tesni laughed at The Lion King reference. Ethan narrows his eyes at his sister and playfully stuck his tough out at her.

Then leaned down and whispered in Tesni's ear "Hey beautiful how about we go and get some food and talk alone away from my family." Tesni shivered at having him so close and smiled at the thought of being alone with him. She turned her head to him, and their faces were only inches apart and looked into his eyes. "I would love that" she replied biting her lip before pulling away. "Hey Camie, Tesni and I are going go to get something to eat and get to know one another" said Ethan as he took Tesni's hand to help her up from the table. Camie only nodded. "Ethan, I need to call my friends and let them know I am leaving okay" said Tesni. "Okay Tesni" replied Ethan.

Tesni stepped away and called Jordyn after 3 rings she picked up. "Hey Sunni, how are things going with Camie's family?" Asked Jordyn. Tesni paused for a minute before answering "Everything is great, I am leaving right now, something happen today I will explain everything tonight back at the cottage." answered Tesni. "What do you mean something happen? Are you okay?" asked Jordyn rashly. "Jordyn I am fine; I just have to leave to take care of a few things and I promise I will explain everything later tonight" replied Tesni. "Are you sure Sunni nothing is wrong?" asked Jordyn with a lot of concern in her voice. "Jordyn nothing is wrong I promise I will talk to you tonight I have to go now" replied Tesni. "Okay Sunni I will talk to you tonight bye", said Jordyn. "Bye Jordyn" said Tesni, and she hung up her phone. "Ready to go Tesni?" asked Ethan. Tesni nodded in agreement. Ethan and Tesni walked away side by side. Claire came up by her daughter and smiled "They make a really cute couple." said Claire. Camie looked at her mom "Yes, they do I just hope they take things slow and not rush this" said Camie with concern in her voice.

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