Chapter 8

Having collapsed in one of the trees the previous night, Rei woke up with back pains. Rei had woken up bended over one of the large branches, her arms and legs dangling. She stood up and stretched, her back aching at the action. She looked down at the various size vines, only then realizing that they had made it all the way from Ba Sing Se to the Swamp in a single day. We made progress, indeed. She yawned and took out their two last apples. We definitely need more food... as well as baggage space, Rei thought, looking at her practically stuffed bag. She started to eat one of the apples and poked Airon in his side. He was in practically the same position Rei had been, legs and arms dangling off the branches, except Rei had been on her back while Airon was on his stomach. She chuckled at the disapproving sounds he made as he reluctantly opened his eyes. Someday she was a morning person, and sometimes he was. He shook his head and tried to stand on the branch. However, having four legs, it proved a little difficult. He placed his two front hooves down and tried to lift himself, only to slide down the branch and tumble down into the spaghetti vines. He was suspended mid-air, his entire body and antlers entangled by the vines. He was too tired to care, however. 

"You know what, this is actually comfortable. I'm staying right here," Airon spoke, closing his eyes and relaxing. Rei rolled her eyes and jumped down from the branch, catching one of the wines. She slid down it towards Airon where she helped untangle him. As she got the last vine off of him, he fell into the swamp waters. "Ugh!" He yelled out, annoyed. Rei chuckled and jumped into the water, Airon slowly rising to his feet.

"Here," Rei said, throwing the apple at him. He caught it in his mouth. "That's the last of our food. Let's see if there's anything edible here in the swamp." Airon nodded and they started to walk through the swamp. Not long after, a thick mist appeared.

"Hey, I don't like this. Maybe we should-." Rei frowned and stopped, turning to Airon who abruptly stopped. Her eyes went wide as she no longer saw him.

"Airon? Airon!" She yelled out, running through the mist in search of him. Oh no, she realized, he's gone. She ran through the mist, hoping to find him. Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Don't lose him." A familiar yet unknown voice suddenly sounded, as if form all directions. Rei halted.

"Who's there?" She asked, gritting her teeth. Suddenly through the mist, a figure appeared. The figure stepped through the mist, until Rei could see her. It was a girl. She wore a strange kind of dress that reached her mid-thigh. It had black and purple shoulders, a purple chest, a black middle and purple the rest, a thick orange stripe running down from the chest. She wore brown boots that reached her mid-calf, orange and black stripes at the top. She wore black finger-less with orange gems at the back of the hand. Her eyes were a shining purple colour. Her hair was pure white and boyish short, one half standing up in an almost horn-type of hair and the other side was down over her right eye. On her forehead was an incredibly large white-blue gem that reached over her head. The gem was connected to a sort of golden headband with purple gems on it. On her back was a white staff, its head consisting of white-blue type of wings and a purple and orange gem.

Rei frowned at her. She certainly looks mysterious.

"Who are you?" The strange girl closed her eyes. Rei frowned. "Your colours... Are you from the Soul Caverns? Are you a soulbender?" The gem on the girl's head suddenly glowed a bright white. She opened her eyes; they were now glowing white as well.

"I told you... don't lose him!" The girl's face showed off anger as she yelled. Her body glowed white before dispersing into the fog. Rei hesitated before clenching her fists. Don't lose him... don't lose him! Rei turned and ran into the fog, in search of her best friend.

"Hey, I don't like this. Maybe we should just fly out of here," Airon spoke, looking around. Hearing no response, Airon frowned. "Hey, are you-." Airon suddenly stopped when he realized Rei was gone. He shook his head and looked around. Oh, I don't like this, he though, staring at the mist surrounding him.

"I'm...I'm so sorry!" Airon frowned and whipped around, taking on a stance where he could charge with his antlers. A figure appeared in the fog and it walked closer. It was a boy, about the same age as Zuko. His hair was messy and to long for a normal boy's, it's colour that of chocolate. His clothes were that of an armoured Fire Nation citizen, one of his eyes was hidden behind an eyepatch and the other was an orange colour ; a burning orange. However, his eye colour held contrast to what it held. Tears. This boy was crying.

"I'm...I'm so sorry!" The boy yelled before turning around and running into the mist.

"No, wait!" Airon gasped and ran after him into the mist. Airon tried to keep up with the figure, but it seemed to be moving at an incredible pace. Suddenly, something ran into him and he went tumbling onto the ground; his 'attacker' falling on him.

"Airon?" He blinked and looked up, finding it was Rei who had fallen on him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she threw herself at him, hugging him around the neck.  

"You idiot. I thought I told you to never leave me again!" Airon blinked in surprise. He looked down at her, seeing her shake and tremble. Rei is the strongest person I know. There's no hardship she can't overcome. There's nothing that can get her down. She always has the best of spirits, even if she doesn't always show it. It's like she has no fear... but that's a lie. Deep down, there's only one thing she fears. He looked down at her with sad eyes. And that is being left alone. He hugged her using his wide neck, making her feel secured and protected. Her trembling slowly ceased and she relaxed against him.

"You idiot. I didn't leave you deliberately." He told her. She wiped away her tears and laughed sheepishly.

"You always say that..." Airon smiled and nuzzled her hair before helping her to her feet.

"I think we should leave this place. I saw something freaky in the mist." Rei looked back at him in surprise.

"You too?!"

"They're the visions of the swamp." Airon and Rei looked around in surprise. They saw a rather big, old looking man, wearing only some vines as underwear.

"Who are you?!" Airon yelled at him, preparing to strike.

"I'm Huu, a protector of the swamp." Rei narrowed her eyes.

"What are these visions you speak of?"

"Ah the visions come from this mystical swamp. The swamp calls for people." Huu explained, walking up a vine. The dup hesitantly followed.

"What do you mean by 'call'?"

"Well it's like you have no choice but to come. How did you find yourself here then?" Huu asked, looking over his shoulder as he walked.

"Well we travelled the entire day and just passed out wherever we found ground. Travelling is tiring, especially if you cross the entire Si Wong Desert in a single day." Huu laughed at that, probably in disbelief.

"Yes but it is no coincidence that you ended up here. The banyan-grove tree called you two here," Huu said, looking up. Airon and Rei followed his eye sight before noticing the absolutely terrifying tree they stood under. "See this whole swamp is actually just one tree spread out over miles. Branches spread and sink, take root, and spread some more. One big, living organism. Just like the entire world." Rei narrowed her eyes. This guy is wacko.

"Sure." She said sceptically.

"No it's true. You think you're any different from me or your friend or this tree? If you listen hard enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing. We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. We all have the same roots and we are all branches of the same tree." Huu explained, staring up at the tree with admiration.

"And the visions?" Airon asked, tilting his head.

"In the swamp, we see visions of people we've lost, people we loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they're not. We're still connected to them. Time is an illusion and so is death." Rei nodded slowly.

"Yeah but I don't know this person."

"I don't either." Huu sat on one of the vines, staring at them with a smile.

"What do you think it is then?" Huu asked, knowingly. Rei rolled her eyes. This guy is strange.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go." She said, turning around and walking on. Airon followed silently. Huu didn't try to stop them, fortunately.

"What do you think about out visions?" Airon asked once they were a good distance away. Rei hesitated.

"Well they aren't people from our past, or present."

"Future then?" Rei nodded.

"Could be. Makes most sense." Airon nodded.

"So what's the game plan? Are we going to try and find food here or when we reach Kyoshi  Island?" Airon questioned, almost slipping off a vine.

"I don't think the word 'edible' exists in the swamp. Let's hurry to the island." Airon nodded, agreeing. Once they found solid ground, Airon bend down his neck. Rei climbed onto his back, finding it a bit harder than normal. Is he getting... taller? Airon dematerialized his legs and flew up, careful to not get entangled by vines. Once they reached the top, they went in the direction of the ocean.

"So who'd you see?" Airon asked as they flew.

"A girl. A strange girl. I think she's from the Soul Caverns." Airon narrowed his eyes. Another soulbender? Possible but...

"I saw a firebender. He was distressed about something." Rei narrowed her eyes in curiosity.

"And the girl told me that..." Rei suddenly stopped.

"Hm?" Rei shook her head.

"It's nothing." Airon stared at her in suspicious before turning forward and flew faster, wanting food as soon as possible. Rei sighed and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. She stared down at the miniature swamp under them before it was replaced with the open ocean. To others, it might seem extremely terrifying. Unlike Appa, who is a ten ton bison with a large body where you could easily lay down and move around on, Airon is a deer. Your legs dangle off his sides and if you don't hold on, you fall. But after so many years now, Rei can't help but enjoy is every second. Airon being a spirit meant he didn't get tired as quickly as a horse or so, but maintaining his materialized form did require a lot of energy.

"Look." Airon said and Rei lifted her head. A shadow appeared in the distance and as they grew closer she realized it was an island.

"That was quick." Airon chuckled.

"Not really. You must've been enjoying the scenery too much. It's been about four hours." Her eyes went wide at that.

"Oh," She said in surprise. Airon chuckled and flew downwards to the water. "Hey what are you doing!?" She asked in surprise. Airon smirked and jumped onto the water, running on top of it. Rei's eyes went wide before she began laughing. She swung herself around so that she was lying horizontally on his back, her stomach against his back, her arms and legs dangling of the side. She struck her arms out and let her hands touch the water, feeling the rush as Airon ran on. He smirked at her enjoyment and ran faster. Her dangling hands felt like skipping stones in the water. Her laughter suddenly ceased as a dark shadow appeared under them.  "Airon!" she yelled, distressed. He speared a glance downwards before quickly flying up. Rei almost fell down but held onto his stomach. Suddenly, the shadow raced upwards and through the water broke a large sea monster. Rei screamed loudly as they were almost bitten and her screaming turned into a hysterical laughter as they merely made it out alive. Airon looked back at her and laughed as well. The monster went back under water, a large wave breaking out from the impact. The wave struck the duo. Rei merely slipped from Airon and grabbed onto his antlers. Airon screeched in pain and threw her onto his back.  He flew upwards, both soaking wet, and managed to make it to the island in one piece. Rei collapsed onto the ground and began laughing. Airon, also on the ground, looked to her and began laughing as well. Suddenly, shadows appeared over the duo. They looked up and saw girls, dressed in the same way Suki was.

"Hey, are you guys the Kyoshi Warriors? You look just like Suki did." The girls blinked in surprise and nodded. Rei smiled and got up, as did Airon.

"Most of the Kyoshi Warriors went to help refugees; we're the ones who stayed behind." One girl explained. Rei nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, Suki was helping at the ferry." Rei said, moving her short, wet hair out of her eyes.

"Anyway, can we help you?" One girl asked, her arms folded and she had an annoyed look on her face.

"Just ignore her. She's always like that." One of the girls whispered to her. Rei nodded.

"Yes, well, we're here to stock up on supplies and baggage space."

"And to see if your island is located on a massive Lion Turtle." Airon spoke, surprising all of the girls, except for the grouchy one. The girl who spoke first shook her head and regained her composure.

"Well I don't know about the last one, but we can help you with the rest. Come on." She waved them to follow and began walking. The other warriors and the duo followed behind. Reaching the town, Rei noticed how lively it was. A large statue of Avatar Kyoshi was being polished and everyone else was around, doing business and going on about.

"It's so nice here." Rei commented.

"It became livelier when Avatar Aang came here not long ago; bringing hope back to the people." Rei smiled. So they were here...

"I travelled with them for a while." Rei nodded. The girl smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure you'll find everything you need here." She said.

"Thank you." Rei bowed. The girl nodded and the Kyoshi warriors dispersed. Airon nudged her in the direction of a fruit stand. She laughed.

"Maybe we should get more baggage space before we stock up on food." Airon groaned and reluctantly nodded. They searched a bit before finding a leather shop.

"Well hello there dearie and wow!" The woman stopped and her mouth hung, spotting Airon who poked his head inside, having his antlers stop him from entering further.

"Hello. Do you by any chance have any bags? Preferably one I can place on him since I already got one." Rei asked, pointing her thumb back at Airon.

"Uhm, you mean saddlebags?" The woman asked, unsure. Rei nodded, enthusiastically.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for," The woman nodded and looked over to Airon. "Rather broad back..." She whispered to herself and went to the back of her store. She came a few minutes later, carry four large saddlebags. She placed them on the counter. Two of them were a dark brown, one was black, and the other was a white colour. Rei hummed in thought before looking over to Airon.

"Black." He said simply. The woman's eyes went wide. Rei laughed and nodded.

"Can we test it?" She asked the woman and she nodded. She took the black saddlebag and walked outside, the woman following. Airon retreated so that the bags could be placed on him. Rei rose up and placed it on before bending down and strapping it around his stomach. "And? How does that feel?" Airon hopped on his hooves before running around a little.

"Honestly? It feels terrific. And now you don't have to ride me bareback." Rei laughed nodded.

"Yeah; although it's not a saddle, it still not bareback," Airon nodded and Rei turned back to the woman. "How much?" The woman smiled and waved her inside. After paying, Rei walked out again.

"And?" Airon asked.

"Yeah... we're ganna need more money." Airon laughed and nodded.

"We'll figure something out." Rei nodded and they made it to the fruit stand.

"Wow, travellers! We don't get many these days. What can I get you?" The man asked, enthusiastically and dramatically. Rei smirked.

"Enough food to fill those bags," Rei said, pointing at the bags. "But should be able to last for about a week or more." The guy nodded slowly.

"Alright then. Lychee nuts can survive the longest." Rei nodded and began to fill the one bag with nuts, and the other with various fruits which will be eaten first. At the end she had just enough money to pay for it all, with little left.

"Game plan?" Airon asked as they walked away from the stand, both eating a mango.

"We might be able to find a temporary job at Whaletail Island. I don't think we'll find one here." Airon nodded, agreeing.

"But we first need to check." Rei nodded, agreeing.

"Yeah, but we're not taking chances again. Dematerialize and check. I'll meet you at the shore." Airon nodded and did so, hurrying to the ocean.

"Leaving already?" Rei turned and saw the grouchy girl. She nodded.

"Bags and food are literally the only reason we're here, and it's not even the afternoon yet." She explained. The grouchy girl nodded slowly before moving forward. She struck out her hand, surprising Rei.

"The name's Carnelian," Rei's eyes widened at the sudden action. She surely didn't seem like the girl to introduce herself to a stranger. "Well?" She asked, annoyed. Rei smiled and took her hand.

"I'm Rei." She responded. Although Rei retreated her hand, Carnelian didn't let go. Her eyes bore into Rei's, knowingly with a slight glare. Carnelian tugged Rei forward so that she could whisper in her ear.

"You may not remember me, but I lived across from you and your family. A lot of Fire Nation citizens are sneaking away these days. No one likes the war," Rei's eyes went wide before narrowing. This girl..! "If you intend on going back, I insist you don't. You have no idea how your family changed after you left." The girl spoke, sounding off edge. Rei swallowed.

"How'd you know it was me?" She asked, unsure.

"Your eyes. They're Fire Nation eyes. You also look like your brothers, and I confirmed it with your name," Rei hesitantly nodded. "Let's go to the shore. We can talk more." Rei nodded and they moved in that direction, talking quietly.

"When'd you leave?" Rei asked.

"Two months ago. I ran away and climbed onto a supply boat. They were heading to New Ozai. From there I was stuck in the Swamp until I made it to the shore. A boat to Kyoshi was just taking off." Carnelian explained.

"New Ozai? Where's that?" She cast her eyes to Rei before forward.

"Omashu. They renamed it to 'New Ozai' when it was taken over," Rei's eyes went wide. No... Carnelian sighed. "It's terrible, I know. There are so many Fire Nation colonies in the Earth kingdom that it's scary." Rei nodded slowly.

"I'm glad I left." She said, casting her eyes to the ground. There was hesitation.

"Why did you leave? Because of your brother's Agni Kai?" Rei nodded.

"That was one of the reasons, yes. I couldn't bear watching him suffer so I ran into the forest. That's where I met Airon." Carnelian nodded.

"The deer?" She asked, Rei nodding.

"Yeah, he's my best friend. I also left for other... private reasons." Carnelian nodded, understanding. 

"I understand. After I ended up here, Suki and the others took me in and after realizing my hate for the war, helped me become a warrior. Although, this dress is embarrassing." She said, looking down. Rei laughed.  

"It is. I wouldn't be caught dead in it," Carnelian glared at her, causing Rei to shake her head. "So you're going to stay here?" She nodded.

"Yeah, well... until the war is over. Then I might go back to see my family." Rei nodded, before thinking of her own.

"And what did you mean about my family?" Carnelian hesitated before sighing.

"Everyone blamed Aron for your runaway. While Aron tried to get their forgiveness, Captain Dai and your parents basically abandoned Aron; denying his existence. Both of them searched endlessly for you, but both were called back for duty. Although Aron's honour was destroyed, they couldn't deny his firebending skills. They needed him." Rei nodded slowly. I expected as much.

"I need to go back. I need to set things right with my family. All of them." Rei said, clenching her fist. Carnelian stared at her fist before casting her eyes away.

"There's something you should know." She stopped. Rei stopped and turned to her, narrowed eyes.

"I'm not going to like I?" Carnelian shrugged her shoulders.

"You can take this information either way..." Carnelian chewed her lip.

"Well?" Rei asked, annoyed. Carnelian sighed.

"When you left, your mother was already pregnant with your sister." Rei froze, the information startling her. But that' have a... sister?

"You're joking, right?" Rei asked, laughing sheepishly. Carnelian shook her head slowly.

"I can't tell you much about her; I don't even know her name. The only real fact I know about her is that there's a large time gap between you and her." Rei casted her eyes down.

"If my mother was already pregnant when I left, then she and I must be six, seven years apart." Carnelian nodded.

"Sounds right," Rei blinked her eyes, feeling tears stinging her eyes. I can't believe I missed... Rei fell onto her knees and hung her head low. She must hate me. "Well, uhm..." Carnelian said, awkwardly. She hesitantly went over to Rei and patted her back. "There, there?" She said, unsure. It was then that Airon returned.

"Hey I checked-, wow what? What happened?!" Airon yelled when he saw Rei in her sobbing form. He charged at Carnelian and pushed her away using his antlers. Carnelian yelped as she was thrown back. Airon stood protectively over Rei. He looked back at her, seeing her tears now fall freely. He looked back at Carnelian, his bright blue eyes glowing in warning. "What. Did. You. Do?" He asked slowly, fear grabbing at Carnelian.

"I-I..." Airon screeched loudly, completely freezing Carnelian.

"Answer me!" He yelled loudly. Carnelian made no move to answer him. Airon fumed and prepared to charge, but stopped as he felt a soft hand on his leg. He looked down Rei, who was wiping away her tears.

"No. It's not her fault. I'm just...sad." Rei said, hugging his leg, confusing him. He looked back at Carnelian, confused. She slowly regained her composure and with shaky legs, she stood.

"I-I...I told her about her...sister." She explained, looking between the two. Airon frowned and looked down at Rei.

"But you don't have a..." Rei shook her head and Airon sighed. "Let's go." He said, bending down and using his head to lift her up. She grabbed onto his neck and he swung her onto her back. Airon began walking but Rei stopped him and looked to Carnelian.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. Carnelian shook her head.

"Don't be." Rei smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"See you again...maybe?" Carnelian nodded.

"Yes." She said before turning around and walking back to the village. Rei sighed and patted Airon against this neck.

"I assume the island isn't the Lion Turtle, so let's just go to Whaletail Island. Finding a job is our first priority." Airon nodded and began flying in that direction. Airon looked back at her to see her staring out at the ocean, emotionless.

"You know, when I dematerialized, the saddlebags and food dematerialized with me. That's good; otherwise they would have just fallen off me. That's progress, right? Maybe one day, I'll be able to dematerialize you as well," Rei simply nodded, causing Airon to sigh. "Who was that girl?"  

"Carnelian. She said she was a neighbour of my family." He nodded slowly.

"Do you think what she said was true?" Rei remained still for a moment.

"I don't know, but if I do have a sister, then I messed up... badly. It's my fault the relationship between my family members aren't that good, and she had to be born into that. She must probably hate me. Me, the sister how caused the family so much pain, grief and separation. The sister who was never there." Airon shook his head.

"You don't know that. For all you know, she could be dying to meet you. Besides, we're going back to see your brothers anyway, so don't worry about it too much." Rei sighed.

"Your right. No use worrying over it too much." Airon nodded, glad she wasn't as gloomy.

"So what kind of job are you thinking of?" Airon asked. Rei hummed.

"I don't know. Maybe gardening or something like that." Airon nodded.

"Yeah. We should also look for something I can do." Rei laughed.

"Yeah, so that I don't have to do all the work." Airon nodded.

"I feel bad always just sitting there," Airon looked forward, seeing the shadow of the island "Let's go."

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