Triple Trouble Time
Geno, Color, and Seraphim looked at the human to at is before their very eyes, and needless to say, they are not very happy at the sight of the human. Especially with Chara and Frisk looking, and Chara being disgusted at seeing her alternate self with a knife. Seraphim Sans, who is in control of himself, looked very disinterested at the sight that is before him, even though he is very surprised at what he is seeing before him. But for Color and Geno, it is a look of pure rage. The fact that the human kid, who had been responsible for what they had to go through, had been the reason that they had to suffer, the reason that their Papyrus had to die to many times for no reason, other than just for sport in the case of that Chara, and are going to make Chara pay for all that they have done to them, for all the suffering that they had to endure for no reason. And then...after a little bit of hesitation, Geno than decided to make his move, as he is the first one to appear inside of this copy of the Judgement Hall, which is why he shall be the one that will start this fight once more.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Geno's left eye than glows extremely brightly, as he than raised his right hand in the air, the grin still on his face, and than snapped his fingers, as he summoned a Gaster Blsster to his side.
And needless to say, Geno is going to be packing a lot of fire power in what he will do next. He fired his Gaster Blaster, as Chara tried to attack Geno Sans, only for her to get hit by the Blaster. Not that it will stop Chara in anyway, as Chara than stood up, and healed themselves, and they began to swing their knife at Geno Sans, only for Geno Sans to sidestep and slide out of the way. This made Chara very annoyed, as they than tried to thrust their knife at Geno. But than, Geno stopped time in the position of where Chara is at, before he than punched Chara right in the face, which made Chara feel immense pain at what had happened, and than, Chara got stabbed in the legs, as Geno Sans made spiky bones behind the first fallen child.
Chara than went down onto their knees, as they are unable to stand up, but they than looked at the ground, as they than moved out of the way by rolling, as a bunch of bones than began to attack and strike at them, with Geno Sans raising a bunch of bones up from the ground in order to try and pierce Chara, but Chara moved out of the way, and after rolling on the ground for a little bit, Chara than began to stand up, after they had eaten some hot dogs, which healed them a little bit. Chara than stood tall onto the ground that they are on, as the faced against Geno, who glares at Chara and has a sinister look on his face. Chara snarled at the sight that is before their very eyes, as they than charged at Geno. And Geno than did the same as he charged at Chara. And the first fallen human, believed that Geno is now being very reckless in his attempt o try and stop Chara, but the thing is, Geno is faking it. As soon as Chris tried to swing their knife at Geno, the former version of Classic Sans than vanished out of nowhere, as he than teleported out of Chara's sight. This made Chara confused, as they than looked around for a little bit, only for a bone to hit them in the head, which took a small bit of HP. This caught Chara by complete surprise, as Chara than looked up at where the bone had came from, only to see that Geno is in the air, and he has a bunch of blasters that are ready to fire. Geno's mouth curled into a snarl of his own, as he extended his hand, before speaking out.
"this is for papyrus, brat."
Geno than fired a bunch of the Gaster Blasters at Chara, who than jumped out of the way, and was able to avoid getting hit by the blasters. Then, a bunch of bones began to fall down towards Chara, as Chara than began to run to a direction that is opposite and far away from the other 2 Sanses, as they than began to slice and cut through the bones, before some blue magic stopped Chara and forced her in place, and Chara was then forcefully turned around, and before Chara realizes what was about to happen, Chara saw Geno Sans in the air, and Geno, without any warning, kicked Chara in the face, as Chara than began to slice backwards and hit the bones that have pierced the ground, and crashed into them hard, as it took out so much of their HP from that sudden attack that Geno Sans had just done out of complete and utter nowhere.
Geno Sans than teleported, and now he feeling a little bit exhausted from what had just transpired, as Color Sans than spoke out to Geno Sans.
"hey, other me. are you okay?"
Geno Sans than shook his head, as he than looked up and spoke out to Color Sans.
"No. no really. i'm feeling very tired and drained right now from the fight against that kid."
As soon as Geno Sans said that, Chara had than suddenly appeared in front of Geno, and tried to stab him. But Geno Sans used the white glitches around him to defend against that attack, and fired a bunch of bones at Chara, stabbing them so many times in the torso. Geno Sans went onto his knees, as he wasted a lot of his magic on that barrier, as Geno Sans spoke out.
"sorry, guys. i don't think that i'll be fighting further anytime soon."
Color Sans than stepped forward, as he than spoke out to Geno.
"hey, don't worry about that, other me. it's now my turn to take a crack at the kid."
Color Sans stepped forward, as he than glared at the human kid that is before his very eye. And when he did, he saw that the was now no longer Chara. Now it has taken on Frisk's form, back when he was still in the Underground with an intact Judgement Hall. Frisk's eyes were opened instead of being closed, and now, now Frisk smiled at Color Sans, as she than spoke out to Color.
" seems that being killed was not enough to stop me, Sans."
Color Sans snarled, as he than shouted out in a rage.
"no!! BUT THIS WILL!!!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Color Sans than summoned a Titan Blaster, as he charged it up, before he then fired it at Frisk, and needless to say, Frisk got hit very badly by the Titan Blaster's firepower. She was than launched into a pillar, as she felt a lot of burns all over her body at what had just happened. The power of the Titan Blaster, it is not as powerful as the arm cannon Rainbow Gaster Blaster move that he did back when they were still in the underground, but it was still far more damaging compared to his normal Gaster Blaster.
Geno Sans watched in shock at what had just transpired, as Seraphim Sans simply gawked his head, as he than spoke out.
"yeesh, and i thought i was the only one they had tremendous firepower. too bad it is still nothing compared to my owner, other me, since i have seven souls instead of 6, and I absorbed them when i did not get damaged in a fight of sorts to absorb them."
Color Sans simply looked at Seraphim Sans angrily, as he than shouted out at his stronger self.
Seraphim Sans simply shrugged, as he than spoke o it to Color Sans.
"do what you want, pal. do what you want. i'm just saying to ya."
Color Sans simply rolled his left eye, as he than faced against Frisk once again, and Frisk used Papyrus' Spaghetti in order to heal. And needless to say, Geno and Color flipped out at what Frisk just did, as their left eyes flared with immense rage at the sight of what the kid just did right before their very eyes.
Geno and Color than extended their hand out, as the Titan Blaster and the Gaster Blaster appeared, and both Geno and Color fired the 2 Blasters at the exact same time, with the Gaster Blaster that Geno has being a red beam, and Color's Titan Blaster being a beam of Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple, the 2 beams combined into a rainbow beam, and blasted the kid into oblivion.
The red soul at the center, before it than split apart into a shattering mess. Geno and Color huffed angrily, as Color than noticed a star forming in front of him. Color Sans snarled, as he than made the Grablings from behind him. And he then sent the color-changing hands at Frisk, who had just reappeared. And before Frisk could act against the attack, Frisk was Ryan caught by the hands, before being slammed into the ground and thrown into a pillar, which cracked it a little bit. Frisk than stood up, before she than was raised up from the ground, as Frisk began to move in a frenzy, as she than spoke out angrily.
Color sans looked angrily at Frisk, as he than shouted out at her.
"with pleasure!!!"
He than began to slam her down to the ground, before he than began to slam her onto the floors and the pillars repeatedly, as there are no sort of walls present in the area. Color has no idea what will happen if he sends them into the void, and he does not want to find out at what will happen if this were to ever be the case. Color Sans than lifts her up into the air, which sends her close to the void, only for her to stop by just an inch, and she is than slammed down into the ground extremely fast, reducing her down to about 10 HP.
Frisk grunted, as she than tried to stand up from the ground with unbearable pain coursing through her body. She than took out Spaghetti, and tried I eat it. But Geno Sans than used his Blue Magic on the spaghetti, and yanked it out of her hands, and landed it onto his own, as Color Sans, finally having enough of the kid insulting Papyrus in this way, decided to kill then again in the way he killed then before in the Underground.
Color Sans than raised his right arm, and summoned his Rainbow Gaster Blaster Arm, which charged up, before he prepares to fire it at full blast. Frisk healed with a Hot Cat, and she than tries to attack at Color Sans. But Color Sans simply fired the bone bullets at Frisk again, and this time, Frisk reacted much more slower, as she than got hit in the shoulders and the arms, and in her left leg, which caused her immense pain, making her collapse to the ground, before Color Sans fired his Rainbow Gaster Blaster Arm at Frisk, annihilating her on the process. Color Sans sighed, as he than went onto is knee at what he had just done, and than, he saw that a black tendrils from above began to form, as the tendrils father, and than, Frisk reappeared, and needless to say, Color Sans is not to happy at what he is seeing. But just than, Seraphim Sans stepped toward, as his tail swished and slammed onto the ground, making a dent on the Judgement Hall, as he than spoke out to the other 2 Sanses that are on their knees.
"let me take this one from here."
Frisk looked, as she than spoke out.
" the strongest of the Sanses is going to fight us. How interesting."
Frisk briefly changed into Chara, before changing back into Frisk yet again. Seraphim Sans chucked, as he than spoke out to Frisk.
" me, won't be entertained for when i am through with you."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Seraphim Sand summoned a gun using the Soul of Justice, as he than tried to outpace the alternate Frisk with the speed of the Bullet. Frisk ran as fast as they could in order to try and avoid getting hit by the bullets, but the bullets were much more faster, and even though she had been grazed a bunch of times by the bullets of the Justice Gun, even those were able to cause her extreme pain. But Frisk does not give up, as she than struck at Seraphim Sans' body, only for Seraphim Sans to use the Soul of Perseverance to make a book before him, and was able to avoid the attack. Even though Seraphim Sans is said to have infinite power, the True Knife that Frisk is holding is so immensely strong, that even he is unsure of he is protected by it, even with the 7 souls inside of his body, which is said to give him infinite power. Seraphim Sans than charged forward and made his fist be covered in an orange aura, as he than punched the ground, which had killed Frisk on the spot with such an absolute strength.
But that job was not done. In fact, it is simply just continuing. Because as soon as Frisk died, or at least, the alternate Frisk died, Seraphim Sans saw that a star was suddenly forming in front of him, and before he realizes what is gonna happen, Frisk reappeared...or at least, what should have been Frisk, is instead the alternate version of Chara. And needless to say, Chara than spoke out to Seraphim Sans.
"That pathetic version of Frisk may not have accomplished the job, but I will take control of his fight instead."
Chara stepped back a little bit, before they then charged at Seraphim Sans in order to try and attack him. Seraphim Sans than used the Ballet Shoes of Integrity in order to squish Chara. But Chara was able to know when to stop and when to keep on going. And than, Chara reappeared right on front of Seraphim Sans in order to slice off his head, but than, a green pan made from the magic of the Kindness Soul reappeared in front of Seraphim Sans in order to protect him. Seraphim Sans than crouched for a little bit, before he flapped his wings and flies into the air, before he than used his Justice Gun again to shoot at Chara, who than was able to avoid getting hit by the magical gun.
Chara, before any of the Sanses could realize what was about to happen, than leapt up into the air, and began to jump up extremely high. Seraphim Sans was caught by surprise at that, and had no idea what to do, as Chara began to close the distance to try and slash at Seraphim Sans' Monster Soul. But before that could occur, Chara...was than stopped in midair. This made Chara confused.
"Huh? What is this? Why can't I go up anymore further?"
Chara than looked down, and they than see why they can't keep on going up. As it turns out, Geno and Color were able to use their power in order to try and stop Chara from continuing upwards, and when that happened, Chara's eyes widened, before they are then sent down to the ground by both Geno Sans and Color Sans seining their arms down to the ground. And the moment that happened, Chara took a lot of damage, as they than tried to stand up from what had just happened.
Chara than pulled out a Goamburger, and ate it, as they were able to recover their HP. But as that happiness, Seraphim Sans slammed down to the ground, and shot Chara to death with the Justice Gun once again. Needless to say, this Chara and that Frisk are having the worst luck of their lives, as they are doing whatever they can to try and kill Seraphim Sans. Except that they can't, as Seraphim Sans is a being of infinite power inside of himself with the 7 human souls. Of course, Seraphim Sans does not know this, as he is unsure as to what would happen if that version of Frisk and Chara hits them with the True Knife that they have in their hands. But as he thought of that, Seraphim Chara than spoke out.
"Hey, Sans. How about I take a crack at this one. I want to see how well this version of me can stand up against myself."
Seraphim Sans, inside of the mental world, than spoke out to Seraphim Chara.
"you sure you want to do this, chara?"
Chara nodded, as Seraphim Sans looked down at the ground, before Geno Sans spoke out.
"Before you fight against the kid again, other me , I think you should fix your soul first."
Seraphim Sans looked and saw that Geno is giving out Papyrus' Spaghetti to him. And without hesitation, Seraphim Sans ate it, and his Soul was healed, with no cracks present anymore. And the moment that happened, Chara, from within the body of Seraphim, decides to take action in this fight.
Seraphim's Chara than took control of Seraphim Sans, in which they used their version of the zeal Knife to kill their counterpart. Seraphim Chara looked at their alternate self, as they spoke out.
"Well...I always wanted to know what it would feel like to face off against myself. True Knife against True Knife. It seems very fitting, huh?"
This made the alternate Chara unhappy, as they than spoke out to Seraphim Chara.
"Why the hell are you fighting with that skeleton?! He is your enemy!!!"
But Seraphim Chara spoke out.
"I was only his enemy because I was controlled by something. But now...well...let's say that I am much more aggressive than what the Comedian could ever be."
Seraphim Chara than raised their left hand, and tried to use Sans' blue magic, only for the magic to backfire on Chara instead.
Instead of attacking their alternate counterpart, they instead hurt the other souls on accident. This gave time for their alternate self to try and attack Seraphim Chara only for Seraphim Frisk to get in the way and block the attack. Luckily, it didn't hurt Seraphim Chara, but it did sting Frisk a little bit.
Frisk looked down at their hand, and saw a small cut, as they spoke out.
This made Chara extremely angry, as they than swung their True Knife at their alternate self, as the Alternate Chara swung their True Knife as well, and both True Knives clashed for a little bit...until Seraphim Chara's True Knife won, and this cause Seraphim Chara to slice through the body of their alternate counterpart.
Seraphim Chara shouted, as the Alternate Chara than vanished from thin air, as the power of Seraphim Chara was too powerful for them to handle. Seraphim Chara looked at the place that their counterpart was at, as they spoke out.
"Are...are they gone, permanently?"
Color Sans than spoke out.
"no...their not gone. I am pretty sure they you know that, kid. Especially since this kid right there is a version of you."
Geno nodded his head, as he too knows this person is Seraphim Chars in control, due to the red right eye, as he than spoke out.
"in fact...they'll return, and once they return back from the dead, they are gonna try and do whatever it takes to make sure that all of us are dead."
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