Sans, the weakest monster that has ever existed in the Underground, and yet, the monster who possesses the strongest form of magic ever being existed. The poison of Karma coursing through his very magic, his Bones and Gaster Blasters, and his blue magic dealing devastating damage to the one that had destroyed his life, as well as the lives of the underground, by taking away someone precious to him: his younger brother, Papyrus. Papyrus, who was the only one that brought a smile to his face, an actual genuine smile, due to how kind and lively that he is. And because one single human child took him away. And this made Sans pissed beyond any other feeling that he has ever felt. His left eye glowed, as he than spoke out.
"it's a beauty so day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming. on days like these, kids like you..."
his closed his eyes for a little bit, before he than opened them, revealing a black abyss within his sockets, as he than spoke out in a demonic and darkness more creepier tone of voice.
"Should be burning in hell."
But the thing is...Sans can never fight against the Human forever. In time, the human will come back, and they will learn, and they will kill Sans, even if it takes so long to finally accomplish it. But the thing is...Sans is unique, in which he has well awareness of the Timelines that the human RESET. But what he is unaware of are the alternate timelines, in which they are timelines that have been changed through a different decision that is influenced by either another's action, or one's own action. And unbeknownst to of his alternate timeline selves is watching his battle against the human.
Save Screen...
The Save is the place that the human goes when they die. It is a place that they can go to when they plan and decide their next move in order to kill Sans, and the thing is...there is someone present in the Save Screen. The figure is a person that has a very strong resemblance to Sasn, except that he has a white jacket and slippers, the white jacket has a slash going diagonally to the left downwards, and the red liquid of determination has stained the jacket, and the top of the slippers. He has Papyrus' jacket, which is wrapped around his shoulders, and has white glitches scattered all over his body, most of which are on where the right eye is melted at.
This is Geno. He is an alternate version of Sans that injected himself with Determination in order to try and kill the human. He succeeded, but only temporarily, as he tried to use the Save Screen in order to reverse what happened, only to fail on the fly. He lasted much longer against the human, but eventually, he lost, and he went into the Save Screen in order to stay alive, because if he lives the Save Screen, he will soon die from his wounds.
And now, Geno Sans watches from within the Save Screen, as he witnessed the events unfold before him through a pixelated screen that he has made. Needless to say, the sight is making him very, very angry, due to the fact that the human, who is named Frisk, and he controlled by another human named Chara, is fighting Sans to the death, as Sans does all that he can to try and defeat the human as much as he can.
Geno Sans looked extremely angry, as he than flared his left eye in an immense rage at what he is seeing, in that he is unable to stop the human. This made Geno completely angry at what he is seeing before his very eyes at the hopelessness of this ridiculous situation. But he knows better than that, as he spoke out.
"this is very irritating. i should be back in the underground, trying to kill the human so i could stop them. and standing there all on my own, this is-"
As he said that, something very unexpected happened. The whole Save Screen began to glitch and become corrupted, as Geno looked around, confused and a little bit worried at what is gonna happen next.
"huh? what is going on?"
And before Geno could realize what was about to happen, the Save Screen began to glow, and Geno closed his eyes, as a bright light began to form out from complete nowhere. He has no idea what is happening, but he knows that it must he something dangerous for him, as he felt himself being taken to somewhere.
In another timeline...
During a fight with a human...Sans clenched his teeth, as he felt red liquid coming down his mouth. He was on his right knee, as he felt his vision left him, when most of the right side of his skull began to dust up, he looks at the Frisk before him, this one being a she, as he spoke out.
The version of Frisk looked confused, as this Sans than spoke out.
" ask for it."
He than pressed his left hand down on what seems to be a button, and all of a sudden, the soul jars rose up from the ground, as he than looked at the human, who was confused to know what it is that Sans is doing. But than...what the human saw was very unexpected, and something that she was not prepared for. Sans raised his left hand, and lifts the Souls, before he than began to absorb them, as a bright rainbow glow shined from Sans. Frisk looked in immense shock, as she than spoke out at the sight that is before her.
"That's not supposed to happen!!"
Than, the glowed stopped shining, and Sans finally stood up, as he showed off his new look at the human before him.
Color Sans had finally been created, and needless to say, he is not very happy at the human before his eye at all. Sans than stood up, and looked at Frisk, as he glared at them with his remaining left eye.
"time to die, kid."
But as Sans said that, a memory of someone's words spoke out.
"Use them at the right moment, Sans. Use them wisely."
Color Sans smiled, as he than extended his hand, and used his Blue Magic on Frisk, before he than began to slam her around. And the thing is, Frisk now can feel pain from the Blue Magic itself. Before, she could only feel it from the last move that Sans had done before he than tires out from the fight, but now, now he has grown so powerful to the point that he can now cause immense damage and kill her. Frisk than stood up, and saw bones began to fire at her direction, faster than ever, as Frisk than began to avoid getting hit by the bones attacking her. Frisk than jumped into the air, as she avoided getting hit by a Rainbiw Blast from a Gaster Blaster with a torso and arms and hands, named the Titan Blaster, as Color Sans smiled, and it finally made Frisk afraid, as she has no idea what else he might be planning. Frisk than felt her soul being influenced by Blue Magic, and she is than forced to the ground. She looked as Frisk than saw that there are bones beneath her, and she saw only one narrow spot. Taking the time she has left, she forced herself to safely land, although she did get scratched on the back a little bit, as he cut has been made. She than looked up, and she charged forward to try and attack Sans, only for Sans to dodge the attack, and punched her in the face, which hurt a lot. This made Frisk even angrier, as she than shouted out.
"Take this!!!"
She than charged forward, and tried to aim at the flame part of his head, only for the colorful flames on Sans' head to actually burn her hand badly. And needless to say, Frisk cried out in immense agony, as she felt the pain of the burn, and she than jumped back, as she held her burnt hand holding her knife.
She than looked back at Sans, who than made color-changing hands appear out of nowhere, before launching them at Frisk, in order to ensnare her body. But Frisk than ran as fast as she could, as she tries whatever she can to avoid getting hit by the Grablings, which is what Color Sans had called them. And needless to say, this attack seems to drain his magic the less, as Color Sans does not seem to look the tired from the attack that he is doing. But Frisk got lucky, as she avoided the attack before she stopped, and she than used some food in order to heal herself.
She than began to stand up, as Color Sans smiled, and Frisk snarled, before she than spoke out.
"You will not win against me, Sans!! I am still strong enough to kill you. 6 souls or not, you will die!!!!"
Color Sans smiled, however, as he than spoke out to Frisk.
"why don't you try me, kid?"
Color Sans than held his left arm out, and than, a bunch of parts began to assemble over his left arm, before it than made an arm cannon with a Gaster Blaster at the end. The Gaster Blaster arm cannon began the glow, as it began to get ready to fire it's powerful rainbow beam. Frisk was about to charge at Sans, in an effort to try and stop him, but than, small miniature bones with sharp points are fired at Frisk. Frisk than used her knife to slice through them, but the bones were too fast, and she got nicked in the left arm. And needless to say, that hurt her extremely badly, as Color Sans smiled. This is the moment that he had been waiting for. The day in which he can finally be rid it the human once and for all. Frisk, she had caused him nothing but pain, through the use of her constant resets, her Genocide, and the fact that she had killed his younger brother, who had done nothing to earn it, and now, now...he is going to make sure that she pays the price, and he will make sure that it happens in the only way that he knows how. And even Frisk realizes what was about to happen. She realizes that she is going to die from Sans' attack, and she has no idea if she can come back from a Sans that has absorbed the 6 human souls. And because of this, Frisk realizes that she needs to act fast so she'll survive.
Frisk attempted to Reset, and was so close, but it was too late, as she got consumed by the rainbow beam that struck her. And the moment that Sans did that, something changed. He collapsed to the ground, holding onto the color changing wound, and he than looked around to see that everything was beginning to shift and change. The Judgement Hall was beginning to glitch, and area was beginning to become corrupted, and Color Sans had no idea what is going to happen. And before Sans knows of what was going to happen next, he than glitched, as he was erase from existence, along with the Judgement Hall itself.
In Another Timeline...
Inside of the Main Lab, a modifier version of the DT Extractor is shown to be active, as there are cables with jars attached at the end, and they are all doing a purpose that has been remade for this one monster that had done something unexpected.
Seraphim Sans is a version of Classic Sans that has killed the 7th human, named Frisk, took their soul, and in his anger, stole and absorbed the other 6 souls to become an all powerful monster of pure infinite power. The reason that this Sans killed Frisk first, was because that he had a thought that, if they get killed again, than the Monsters, along with himself, will not come back from the dead. He believes that, he and the others would stay dead, and it caused him to panic very badly to the point where he feels like he should take action in order to protect his kind, as well as himself and all of existence from being erased.
Unfortunately, this caused some bad effects on him. Toriel, the monster he made a promise in protecting the child, now is disbelieved and hated him for killing Frisk, Asgore felt terrified at what happened to Sans, Papyrus was saddened and shocked by what Sans had done, but he still cares for his brother, and because the barrier is broken, everyone would hate for what Sans had done, and that is if they would. And due to the fact that he had become beyond unrecognizable, Sans was given an alias in order to cover up his real identity. The alias would be none other than Wing Ding, and there is only one person that Sans remembers that has the name such as this, and needless to say, Seraphim Sans is not very happy with that, but has to keep his identity a secret, in order to make sure that Alphys, who is ordered by Asgore, to make a machine that can remove the souls. But Sans does not care for what the others think of him. He does not care for what the Monsters think of him, nor does he care for if they hate him for what he had done. As long as the monsters are still okay, as long as they are still alive, he is fine.
But one ability that Sans has gained, in which it was notable for him, and only him, is that he can speak to the souls of the Humans that he had absorbed into his own body. The souls, they weren't awake at first, but when Sans used his shortcut ability, they were able to awaken. And this included Frisk, who became awakened when Sans teleported, and an extra human. As well as the very first fallen human, named Chara, who is the adopted child of Toriel and Asgore, the king and queen of the Underground, with the reason of Chara being there is that Frisk has a red soul like Chara. So technically, Chara had reappeared and bonded with Frisk's soul.
The souls within Sans' mind are very unique in each of their own way in terms of personality. For the Soul of Bravery, he is always wanting to charge headlong into battle, with a fiery attitude. Justice, he is willing to fight for what is right. The Kindness soul, she prefers mercy and tries to help people feel better. The Patience Soul, she is not a very violent person and does not want to fight, but she is very social to the other souls. Integrity is sassy. And the Perseverance Soul is analytical and he doesn't talk as much. So he's mostly silent.
As for the ones with the Red Soul, which both Frisk and Chara share, Frisk is very, very regretful of all the resets and genocides that had happened and is always warm and friendly to Sans, as well as the rest of the souls. But Chara is the opposite. They are very sarcastic and uninterested, and at times they can be very rude and harsh, not to mention threatening, such as in the case of Sans, in which they threatened Sans in order to get information out of his mouth. And needless to say, it was one heck of an experience for Sans, as this is something that he has never seen happen before. Than again he has become something akin to a god, as he has infinite power, so being able to talk to the now conscious souls is a very new thing for him.
Right now, though, he is now inside of a machine, that is going to make an attempt to try and get out all 7 of the human souls out of his body, and Sans is ready to take the chance, despite his base soul having only the maximum go of just...1. According to Alphys, who had modified and repurposed this machine, this could kill Sans, even with the guards to protect his soul, but Sans is preparing to take his chance, and so, it all begins.
Inside of Seraphim Sans' mind, the souls of the humans that he had absorbed are having different varying reactions, along with both Frisk and Chara, who share a red soul. Patience and Kindness are scared, with Kindness screaming in fear, Bravery is simply daring for Alphys to bring it on. Justice has a funny reaction of hating to go to doctors, while Perseverance is simply silent at what is about to happen. Chara calls out on the fact that this is the most awful thing that they have ever seen the demons subjected into, and Frisk agrees, but has immense trust in Sans in making sure that they can get out of his body and and separate from him. The machine powered on, and Sans felt the souls inside of his body beginning to be separated, but as that happened, as he assures to Frisk that he is okay when questions and concerned by Frisk, only for his soul to begin cracking. And as that happened, the souls went completely panicked and nuts as they tried to protect and prevent his soul from shattering. Sans tries to assure to them that it is okay, but the souls know better, as they realize that it is not okay, as they tried to do whatever it takes to save him. All of the souls tried whether they could to keep his soul from shattering, with Perseverance advising someone to do something, anything. Integrity remembered Seraphim Sans' teleporting power, and used it, and Sans panicked, telling Integrity not to do it, but it was too late, as Seraphim Sans and the souls teleported out from their plain of existence, with Alphys and Undyne and Papyrus, having believed that Seraphim Sans had died, with Alphys blaming herself, and Papyrus feeling saddened and crying, as Undyne apologized to Papyrus. But in reality, Seraphim Sans didn't die, and is instead still alive, as he is than sent to another area, and on where he'll meet the other 2 Sanses coming here.
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