Ch. 9
Enjoy x
Louis walked into one of Harry's tattoo shops , smiling at the guy behind the front desk . The guy looked up to him , checking him out from head to toe . "Hi , how can I help you , babes ?"
Louis cleared his throat and looked around to avoid eye contact , "I'm looking for Harry ."
"He's at the back in the middle of a tattoo , is there something I can help with ? I'm Toby ." The guy , Toby , flexed his biceps and leaned on the desk .
"You can help me by going to the back and telling him that I'm here and I'll be waiting for him to finish ." Louis said before turning to the wall where they had sketches of tattoos all over the wall .
Toby stayed a few more seconds to rake his eyes over Louis' body before going to the back . He stood in the entrace , "Harry mate , there's someone looking for you ."
"Alright , I'm almost done . Who is it ?"
"Don't know the lad , but fuck he's hot ." Toby smirked to himself , Harry chuckled , "Oh yeah ?"
"Yeah mate , he's kind of small but his arse just - looks edible , mate , and his prosthetic leg is turning me on ."
Harry froze when he realized who Toby was talking about . He clenched his jaw tightly to bite back an insult and nodded , "Tell him I'll be out in two ."
"Sure ." Toby nodded and left the room . He walked to the front , his eyes fixed on Louis' bum . "Harry will be out in a bit ."
"Okay , thanks ." Louis nodded and sat down at the waiting sofa , looking down at his phone . He could feel Toby's stare at him , and when he lifted his head up he saw Toby smirking at him .
He raised his eyebrows , "Can I help you ?"
"Yeah , well , you could help by giving me your number ." Toby said , Louis pursed his lips , "Well then I can't help you ."
Toby raised his eyebrows , "Your boyfriend doesn't have to find out , I promise I can keep a secret ." He whispered with a creepy smirk , making Louis shiver in disgust .
"Okay listen , I don't know who you are and I frankly don't care , but I seriously suggest you stop talking to me ." Louis stood up from his seat .
Toby chuckled humorlessly , "Okay wow , take a chill pill buddy , just trying to get laid ."
"Trying to get laid doesn't have to be sexually harrassing other people ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "So please shut the fuck up and leave me be ."
Louis sighed in relief when it got quiet , seconds later Harry walked out of the back and smiled at Louis , "Hi love ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled back , letting Harry lean in and kiss him . Harry put his hands on his waist , "You weren't waiting for long , I hope ?"
"No , barely five minutes , it's alright ." Louis assured him , Harry nodded and took his hand , "Come on ."
They walked into the kitchen room , Harry closed the door , "Did Toby talk to you ?"
"Ugh , yes , he's so disgusting ." Louis sighed , Harry frowned and clutched Louis' hand tighter , "What did he say ?"
"He was staring at me , and it was really fucking creepy , then asked for my number and said he's trying to get laid . I never felt so disgusted in my life ." Louis felt himself shivering .
Harry rubbed his back , "You won't have to see him again , I promise ."
Louis bit his lower lip , "Are you going to fire him ?"
"Yes , because he should not talk to you like that , or anyone for that matter . Imagine it were someone else , getting harrassed by a guy working here , they wouldn't want to come back here . I'm not letting that dick stick around ." Harry said , Louis rubbed his shoulder to calm him down and nodded , "Yeah , you're right . I get it ."
Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Did you pick a tattoo ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "I - yeah , I have an idea ."
"Alright , I'll introduce you to Lex , she's the best at sketching ." Harry put his arm around him , Louis nodded and went with Harry . They walked into a room , where two girls stood talking .
"Lex , sorry to pull you out of your conversation ." Harry smiled apologetically , Lex waved dismissively , "It's alright , I promise ." She turned to the other girl and kissed her quickly , "I'll see you at home later ."
The other girl nodded and shyly waved goodbye to the three before leaving .
"Yes , how can I help you ?" Lex smiled at them .
Harry squeezed Louis into his side , "Lex , this is Louis , you've heard about him . Lou this is Alexis , Lex for short , she's working here and doing really good sketches . Tell her your idea while I go take care of something ."
Louis nodded and smiled at Lex , who smiled back and took him to the table with the computer as Harry left the room .
Toby looked up when he saw Harry walking towards him , Harry crossed his arms , "What's your fucking problem ?"
"I didn't know you two were a thing , if I knew you owned him I wound't have said that ."
Harry frowned deeper , "First of all , I don't own him , he's his own person . Second , I cannot let you stick around with this attitude . Today it was my boyfriend , tomorrow it'll be a customer who wouldn't step a foot in after you harrass them . You're fired , pack up your shit and leave ."
Harry didn't wait for Toby to say anything before going to his office to start the paperwork . Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door before Louis opened it , "Hazza ?"
Harry looked up , "Hi love , you two finished ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , "Want you to see it ."
Harry smiled and saved up his work , leaving the office to follow Louis to where the sketch was . He looked at the computer , his heart skipping a beat before looking up at Louis with a soft smile , "I like it . A lot ."
It was a sketch of a surfboard with a sharkbite . Harry should've guessed it .
"Where do you think I should have it ? I was thinking maybe my ankle , inner bicep or the back of my arm above my elbow ."
"You won't be able to do your inner bicep because you're ticklish ." Harry smirked , Louis scrunched his nose , "True ."
"I think - I think your ankle . It's more symbollic . Because of your leg ." Harry said , Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "Alright ."
Ten minutes later , Louis was sitting on the high chair with the tattoo printed on his skin after Harry cleaned the area . Harry looked up at him , "Ready ?"
Louis nodded with a smile , Harry dabbed the needle in the black colour , "Feel free to squeeze my shoulder if it hurts too much , also tell me if you need a break ."
"Just - I don't know , talk to me to distract me ." Louis said , biting his lower lip when he felt the needle in his skin .
"Alright , then . Tell me about your friends from back home ."
Louis smiled , "They're proper nice . There's Olly , he's been my friend since forever . We do the stupidest shit together . There's Stan , he's a bestie to me , knows literally everything about me . There's Calvin , and Calvin is a special case because he's annoying but I love him anyways . And there's Luke , the ladies' man , really attractive but not my type ."
Harry smirked , "What's your type then ?"
Louis bit back a giggle as his cheeks grew red , "My type is gentle giants who have tattoos and muscles but also have dimples and own stuffies ."
Harry pulled the tattoo gun back as he laughed , shaking his head fondly . "You're the cutest ."
Louis grinned , "You'll have to meet my friends sometime , though I'm afraid of you getting along with Calvin and teaming up against me ."
"Oh I would love to meet the guy ." Harry chuckled , Louis rolled his eyes , "Of course you would , you just love annoying me ."
"That I do ." Harry nodded , "And don't act so innocent , you find it absolutely joyful annoying me too ."
"Who , me ??" Louis faked innocence , Harry pulled the tattoo gun back to glare at him playfully until Louis cracked up and laughed .
"You slap my phone off my hands , pour water down my back under my shirt , hide my shoes when I need to leave , and the worst - kiss my cheek when I want to make out ."
Louis threw his head back laughing , covering his face in his hands , "I do ! It's so funny ."
Harry couldn't help but laugh along before going back to the tattoo , "Now sit still or I'll ruin your tattoo ."
"You wouldn't dare ." Louis giggled , Harry bit his lower lip and focused back on the tattoo , "I'm almost done , so stay still ."
Louis bit his lower lip as he watched Harry , his lips were pursed inside with his dimples poking out , eyes fixated on the tattoo . One large hand on his ankle with tissue paper , the other holding the tattoo gun .
Harry sighed softly when he was done , he cleaned the tattoo with the tissue paper and looked up at Louis with a smile , "I'll clean and wrap it , then we're done ."
Louis nodded , watching Harry cleaning it with a bit of soap before wrapping it with plastic wrapping . Louis sat up and grabbed Harry's face , kissing his cheek , "I love it ."
Harry grinned and kissed him , "I'm glad . Looks good on you ."
Louis looked down to his ankle and smiled as he looked over the tattoo . Harry helped him off the table , "Want to go out for lunch ?"
"Yeah , sure . I was thinking about asking Niall and Liam to join us , they're both off aswell ." Louis nodded and walked to the front with Harry , Harry smiled , "I'll go talk to them ." He gave his hip a soft pat and took his phone out .
Louis saw him walking away , then turned to Alexis who was behind the front desk . "Lex , what's the tattoo's price ?"
Lex chuckled , "I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let you pay ."
"That's why I'm doing it without him knowing ." Louis said , "We don't have much time left so please tell me ?"
She smiled apologetically , "I'm sorry , Harry will kill me if I let you pay ."
Louis pouted , "Please ? You have to help me out here ."
"What help do you need ?" Harry asked as he walked back , Louis sighed and shook his head , "Nothing ."
Harry looked between Louis and Alexis , "One of you is going to tell me anyway ."
Alexis sighed , "He's trying to pay for the tattoo ."
"Lex ." Louis whined , Harry playfully pinched between his eyes with a sigh before grabbing Louis around the waist and picking him up , "Thanks for letting me know Lex , you're getting a raise . We're off to lunch ." Harry said and walked out of the place .
"Put me down ! Ugh I hate when you do that ." Louis kicked his leg as he tried squirming off , Harry held him tightly as he walked towards his car . When they reached the car Harry placed him on the hood of the car , Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "That was mean ."
"Why did you think I would let you pay for the tattoo ?"
"I knew you wouldn't so I asked Lex , but she didn't let me either ." Louis pouted , Harry cupped his cheeks , "Stop worrying about paying for stuff , love ."
"But you always pay . Literally , always , you constantly have an excuse on why you should pay . Why can't I pay ?" Louis put his hands on the sides of Harry's torso and and leaned his head forward to lean his forehead on Harry's .
Harry smiled , "What's so bad about spoiling you ?"
Louis blushed , "It makes me feel both good and bad ."
"Well then let's focus on the good ." Harry kissed him , Louis sighed into the kiss .
"Also I'm paying for lunch ."
"Heh , no ."
"Harreh !"
Hope you liked it x
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