Ch. 74

Enjoy x


Three weeks went by in the blink of an eye .

Harry smiled as he watched Louis stepping out of the water , his surfboard under his arm and hair wet and pushed back ; Harry loved the sight , couldn't get enough of it .

Louis pouted as he walked over to him , "Can't believe we're leaving tomorrow ."

"I know ." Harry pouted back , "These three weeks were so good ."

"They were the best ones ever ." Louis bit his lower lip , "Do I have time for one more round ?"

"Go , baby , I'll start making dinner ." Harry leaned in to kiss him , Louis smiled and walked back into the water . Harry watched as he walked in , placed his surfboard on the surface and laid down on it .

He whistled playfully , laughing when Louis held up a middle finger before he started rowing deeper in .

Louis rowed deeper into the water , breaking through waves until he was deep enough . He stopped to sit upwards , straddling the board as he stared ahead into the deep water , where the sun was slowly going down .

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes , breathing in the scent of the ocean . He caught a few more waves before going back to the shore and up to the beach house , leaving the surfboard on their balcony .

"Ooh , what are you making ? Smells good ." Louis stepped into the living room through the open sliding glass doors , Harry looked up from the stove and smiled , "Go shower and I'll tell you ."

Louis hurried upstairs to shower , he washed his surfing suit properly and showered himself , scrubbing to get rid of the sand all over his body . He had a love-hate relationship with sand .

He finished his shower , dried , pulled on his regular prosthetic and getting dressed , returning downstairs . His stomach rumbled , making him whine a bit , "Haribo . Hubby . I'm hungry ." He walked up to Harry and hugged him from behind , "When's dinner ready ?"

"Not too long now . Also someone called you earlier , didn't check ." Harry took Louis' hand and kissed his engagement ring .

Louis pressed a kiss to his bare back between his shoulders before going to grab his phone from the living room table , smiling when he saw it was his mum that called . He flopped on the couch as he pressed the 'call' button , pressing the phone to his ear .

Harry looked over to the living room , smiling when he saw Louis with a soft smile on his lips , his phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder , twisting his engagement ring as he spoke into the phone .

Louis looked up at him and smiled back , he stood up from the couch and put the phone on speaker as he walked over , "You're on speaker mum , Harry can hear you too ."

"Hi Jay , how are you ?" Harry asked as he finished mashing the potatoes .

"I'm doing good dear , what are you two up to ?"

"I'm making us dinner , about to be done soon ."

"Good to hear you're feeding my boy , lord help me he's useless in the kitchen ."

"Oi ! Mum ." Louis laughed .

"I know , but it's fine , I'll cook for him anytime ." Harry chuckled along , "Will cook for you forever , wouldn't I ?" He turned to Louis , Louis grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek .

"When are you flying back ?"

"Tomorrow afternoon , our flight leaves at three foutry five p.m ." Harry said , "So we need to be there after lunch ."

"We're going to be in flights for like a full day , we fly from here to LA , then to Miami , then back to London . Dreading it already ." Louis pouted and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder .

"You'll be fine , sweet , you went through this the first time , you'll make your way back ."

"I know , it's just the prosthetic . Gets uncomfortable after too long with it on ."

"Find you times inbetween to let yourself rest , take it off and put it back on when you're better ."

"That's what I said , he's a bit shy to do that in public ."

"Well , yeah , it's weird to pull your leg off in the middle of an airport ."

"Which is why I got us a private room in Miami ." Harry said with a smile , "We have a few hours to spend there anyway , like four hours before the flight . So I got us a private room , you can take it off when we're there ."

"Haribo these rooms cost money ." Louis put the phone down on the counter and wrapped his arms around his middle from the side , "We're broke now after this trip , you do realize that ."

"Worth it ." Harry fit his arm around his shoulders and kissed his forehead , then his lips .

"I'm still here with you two , my loves ."

"Ooh , sorry mum ." Louis laughed with pink cheeks and lifted the phone up from the counter , going back to the living room .

Harry finished making their dinner just when Louis finished his call , he helped Harry make the table for them and smiled , "I'm sad it's our last night here but it's been such a perfect trip that I can't even complain ."

"I know , it's been so great ." Harry smiled , "We're getting tattoos tomorrow , right ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded and brought his fork up to his mouth , "We'll go out for breakfast , then get our tattoos , then drive to the airport ."

"Need to return the rented car too ." Harry said , "Which tattoo did you think about ?"

"Still thinking about it , to be honest ." Louis leaned his head on his palm , elbow on the table , "I have a few options that I thought would be nice ."

"What options ?"

"I googled tattoos and saw one of a figure holding a surfboard , saw one of waves - even though I already have that one . Thought about getting a seashell . Even thought about getting a really small one of a shark on the thigh with the prosthetic ."

Harry smiled , "The shark one sounds pretty cool , but remember that putting pressure on the tattoo for that long wouldn't be good . I can get you that tattoo when we're back home ."

"What about the other options ?"

"The seashell one sounds cute . Figure holding a surfboard is cool . You do already have one of waves , with the shark fin ."

"I also already have one of a surfboard , with a sharkbite , these two are the only ones related to the incident . The gummy bear is for you ." Louis smiled . "What tattoos did you think about ?"

"Going to tatto your arse in the wetsuit --"

"Harreh !" Louis kicked him under the table , cheeks red with blush as Harry laughed . "Don't even joke about it , you bastard ."

"Was thinking about getting a coloured one of waves , blue like your eyes ." Harry smiled at him , "Either that or a surfboard aswell ." He then bit his lower lip , "How about we pick for each other ?"

Louis raised his eyebrows , "Really ?"

"Yeah , could be nice ." Harry nodded , "You pick mine , I pick yours ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled .



Louis watched as his prosthetic and surfboard were handled by the shipping company guy , that it was put carefully into the vehicle . He tipped him and walked back into the beach house , Harry carried their luggages from upstairs to the door .

"We didn't forget anything , right ?" Louis asked as Harry placed the two large suitcases by the door , Harry shook his head , "Looked everywhere in the room and bathroom , everything is packed ."

Louis nodded , "I checked the living room and balcony outside , nothing either . Going through the kitchen now just to make sure ."

"The owner should be here soon to take the keys to the beach house so I'll load tha car ." Harry went upstairs to retrieve their small luggages and backpacks , Louis checked the kitchen for possible things they might've left and sighed when he didn't find anything .

He helped Harry with their things to the car , pouting a bit as he looked back to the beach house . Harry smiled at him and walked over , wrapping his arms around him from behind , "Best getaway we've had so far ."

"So far ." Louis dropped the pout and smiled instead , leaning his head back a bit when Harry started kissing his cheek . He let out a laugh and wiggled away when Harry bit his cheek playfully , "Idiot ."

A car pulled up next to theirs , Harry pulled back from their cuddle and turned to smile at the man who got out of the driver's seat . The two shook his hand and Harry handed him the keys , before the couple got into their rented car .

"Breakkie now ?" Louis asked as he buckled himself , Harry smiled , "Breakkie time ."


After breakfast the two asked around for a good tattoo parlor , driving to the one people most talked about .

They walked into the parlor hand in hand , Harry leaned his arm on the front desk , "Hi , what are the chances we can get tattoos ? Without appointments ."

"Let me ask the guys in the back , see who's free ." The girl got up from the stool and went to one of the room , coming back out with another girl , full of tattoos . She smiled when she saw the couple , "Hi , I'm Pam , I'm the owner ."

"I'm Harry , this is Louis my Fiance' ." Harry said , a smile on his lips ; he loved calling Louis his fiance , and Louis grinned every time they introduced each other with that title .

"Do you have tattoo ideas or you'd like to see some options ?" Pam asked , Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's , "We have ideas , just need sketches ."

"Follow me ." She walked into one of the rooms , a young guy was sitting in front of a computer with a tablet , "This is Dylan , he'll sketch your ideas and I'll get you tattooed . You're both getting tattoos or just one of you ?"

"Both of us ." Louis nodded , Pam smiled , "Great . I'll go prepare the room for you two ." She left , leaving the couple with Dylan .

Louis showed Dylan a picture from google of the idea for Harry's tattoo , Harry smiled as he watched the sketch being pieced together . Louis looked up at him , "Do you like it ?"

"Love it ." Harry nodded , then told Dylan his idea for Louis' tattoo . Louis grinned , "It's cute , I love it ."

Dylan printed the two sketches and walked with the couple to the room next to them , where Pam was sitting . She took the two sketches and smiled , "Enough time for you two to tell me the stories behind the sketches , aye ? Who's going first ?"

"I am ." Louis sat in the chair , telling her which sketch is for him ; Harry picked a simple doodle of a circle with waves crashing around for him .

"Where are we tattooing you ?" Pam asked , Louis patted the back of his bicep above his elbow .

Harry smiled as he watched Pam working , telling her about being a tattoo artist and owning two parlors himself . Louis then told her the story behind the tattoo she was getting , and his other ones .

"Brave of you to go back in there , to be honest . Not easy at all ." Pam shook her head , "I'm happy for you that you did it , really , takes a lot of courage ."

Harry had a proud smile on his lips , holding Louis' free hand for Louis to squeeze at the pain of the needle .

Pam finished the tattoo , cleaned it and wrapped it . She took a picture and showed it to Louis , who grinned , "I love it ."

Harry took his seat , Pam grabbed the second sketch , "Where ?" She asked , Harry patted the back of his calf under his knee crease , turning to lay on his front with his arms under his chin ; Louis picked for him a sketch of waves that would be coloured blue .

Pam started working on the tattoo , Louis sat next to Harry running his fingers through his hair , "You don't seem too bothered ."

"I could fall asleep like this ." Harry smiled and closed his eyes , Louis shook his head , "You're weird ."

"Do I need to remind you that I'm seventy percent tattoos ?" Harry opened his eyes , "The pain isn't a bother anymore ."

"Shh , tattoos hurt even though they look good ." Louis pouted a bit , looking at the tattoo as Pam continued working on it .

"How does it look ?" Harry asked , Louis smiled , "Looks so good , the colour looks really cool ."

"Is it the same colour of your eyes ?"

"I don't know ." Louis chuckled , "I mean it's blue , so I guess it is ."

"Your eyes are a specific shade of blue , I call it Louis Blue ."

"I'm honestly not surprised , you cheesy giant ." Louis blushed soft pink .

Pam finished the tattoo , she cleaned and wrapped it , asking the two if she could take pictures of their tattoos for her social media accounts . The two nodded and let her take pictures , giving her their Instagram accounts names to tag them .

They went to the front desk to pay , thanking Pam again before leaving .

"I'm happy to go back home , but I'm going to miss Australia ." Louis hooked his arm with Harry's as they walked back to the rented car , Harry smiled , "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say this ."

"Because of what I went through ."

"That aswell . Also because you made this huge progress of not going anywhere near water - not even bathtubs or pools - to surfing again . That's a huge deal and you have no idea how happy it makes me to be part of your progress ."

"You're the one who walked me through it , you do realize that ?" Louis squeezed his arm , "I didn't even try on my own , and with you it was - it was easier , I guess . You were there through the freakouts and ups and downs , no one else ever was . I owe all of this to you ."

"You owe me nothing ." Harry shook his head .

"Nothing ?"

"Except for your hand in marriage ."



The couple landed back in London after over a day of traveling back . They were exhausted and in desperate need of a shower and proper sleep .

It was all pushed aside , however , as they walked towards the exit of the airport - where they saw their friends with balloons and signs , the group was cheering as soon as they saw them making the couple laugh and grin right back at them .

The two were pulled into hugs one after another , their cheeks were kissed multiple times they lost count . They let their friends have their moment as people around them watched , though none of them cared one bit .

Louis grinned as he let everyone look at his ring , Niall was attached to his side with his arms around his middle , "I will literally cry at your wedding , no joke ."

"If you cry I cry , Nialler . Package deal ." Louis leaned his head on Niall's .

"Let's get you two home to shower and sleep ." Liam took Harry's luggage for him , Mitch took Harry's backpack and small suitcase . Zayn helped Louis with his luggage while Sarah took his small luggage , and Niall carrying Louis' backpack .

The group made their way out of the airport , they loaded Liam's car and got inside ; Liam driving with Harry sitting next to him , Louis in the backseat in the middle with Zayn and Niall on each side .

"You can pull your prosthetic off Lou , we'll be home in an hour and a half ." Harry said as he buckled himself .

"Yeah , get comfy , it's just us in the car ." Zayn encouraged , Louis twisted his mouth to the side , "Are you guys sure ? You can tell me if --"

"Either you pull it off or I do it ." Niall grabbed the prosthetic from it's knee , Louis chuckled and caught his hands , "Okay , don't , you're doing it wrong ." He struggled a bit in the tight space but managed to pull it off , he let out a sigh , "I feel like a woman taking her bra off after a long day ." He said , making everyone in the car laugh .

Harry and Liam engaged in a conversation , until they realized the car was too quiet . Harry looked to the backseat and smiled when he saw the three slumped over each other asleep ; Louis had his backpack on Niall's lap as he leaned on it , Zayn was draped over Louis , and Niall was leaned against the door with his arm on Louis' shoulder , hand on Zayn's head .

"They're actually so cute like this ." Harry grabbed his phone and took pictures of the three , sending them to the groupchat .

He looked around him as he smiled to himself ; he was surrounded by good friends , basically a second family , he was engaged to the man he loved . He couldn't have asked for anything else .


Hope you liked it x


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