Ch. 69
Enjoy x
It was a few days into the new year that Louis got the e-mail he was waiting for .
He opened his laptop as he sat at the kitchen island , while Harry was cooking their dinner . He logged into his account and let out an audible gasp , covering his mouth .
Harry spinned around in lightening time , eyes wide with worry , "What happened ? Are you okay ?" He walked over to him , Louis turned the screen towards Harry , "Look ! Look !"
It was an e-mail from the prosthetics company , saying his brand new surfing prosthetic was fully ready for him .
Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around him , kissing his cheek repeatedly , "Isn't it incredible ?"
"It's all becoming so real ." Louis leaned into him , Harry squeezed him and kissed his temple , "I can feel your heart racing love ." He looked over to the stove to make sure the food wasn't burning , before taking a seat next to Louis and holding his hand , "Are you having second thoughts ?"
"No . Not at all ." Louis shook his head as he read through the e-mail once more , "I'm just really nervous . A good kind of nervous , I'm - I'm excited for it , but I'm so so nervous to try ."
Harry nodded and wrapped his smaller hand with both his large hands , "It's more than alright that you feel that way . You haven't tried any of it in about five or so years , and going back to it is going to be hard at the beginning - but it will be worth it ."
Louis wrapped both his arms around Harry's shoulders , Harry hugged back just as tightly , "Everything will be okay baby , I'll be right there with you ."
"Louis Tomlinson ."
Louis and Harry stood up from their seats and followed the nurse down the corridor to one of the rooms . Harry opened the door and let Louis in first , walking in right behind him .
"Hi , good to see you again ." Dr. Higgins , Paul , smiled at the two , who smiled back as they sat down at the chairs .
"Good to see you too ." Louis nodded , hands folded nervously in his lap . Harry laid his arm on the back of Louis' chair for comfort , to which Louis leaned into .
Paul clicked his computer mouse a few times and typed in his keyboard , before turning to Louis with a smile , "You got our e-mail , right ?"
"I did ." Louis nodded , Paul pointed to the curtain where the bed is , "You can go change into shorter pants there while I finish a few more things on the computer ."
Louis nodded again and took the small bag from Harry ; since it was still Winter , Louis brought gym shorts to change into so he wouldn't have to get out of the house in the short pants . Also Harry gave him one of his own gym tights , because the gym shorts were 'a bit too short for his liking' , to which Louis rolled his eyes at but took the tights - he didn't want anyone to see anything , either .
He went to the bed and closed the curtain , changing into the tights and gym shorts before pulling back the curtains to notify he was ready . Harry gave him a smile , Louis smiled back and sat on the bed just as Paul stood up from his chair and went to grab a suitcase .
Harry joined Paul as he walked over to Louis , Paul opened the suitcase and pulled out the prosthetic , giving Louis a smile , "Say hello to your new baby ."
Louis chuckled a bit , before turning to pull his regular prosthetic off .
"You're going to need to take the fabrics off aswell , since this prosthetic has it's own ." Paul told him , Harry put the regular prosthetic aside as he kept his eyes on Louis ; he knew how Louis felt about being without his prosthetic around people - especially strangers - and wanted to make sure he was okay .
Louis pulled the fabrics off his thigh and put them on the bed , giving Harry a reassuring smile that he was alright . Harry smiled back and then turned his attention to Paul .
"This is going on your thigh first ." Paul handed him a fabric , Louis rolled it on his thigh and smiled a bit , "Feels better than that one ." He nodded towards the fabric laying on the bed .
Paul smiled and handed him the liner , "Now the liner . It connects a bit differently to the prosthetic ."
Louis took the liner , lined the umbrella at the bottom of his thigh and rolled it over his thigh , fixing it a bit before looking at the pin at the bottom of the umbrella .
"And now the prosthetic ." Paul placed the prosthetic's foot on the floor in front of Louis , Louis put his thigh in and stood up holding Harry's hands for support , leaning his weight on his leg until he felt the click of the prosthetic .
Paul smiled , "How are you feeling ?"
"Well - it feels a bit weird , I won't lie . It's just new , so that's probably why ." Louis looked down at his new prosthetic , Paul nodded , "Try walking with it for a bit ."
Louis scrunched his nose when he realised it was a bit weird ; almost like a new shoe you had to get used to . He walked back and forth in the room , holding Harry's hand for support as he wobbled a bit .
"It's going to take a bit of getting used to , but you'll ace it ." Paul smiled , "You're a natural ; most people can't make their first two steps with a new one . Now try to squat your knees a bit , bend them to see if you can hold your balance ."
Louis walked over to the chair and squatted down slowly , though flopped down on it almost too quickly . He chuckled , "I'll work on that , need to surf properly ."
"It's all about patience and exercise ." Paul nodded , "You've got this ."
Harry held Louis' hand with one hand , the other one holding the suitcase with Louis' new prosthetic .
"It's getting so close and I'm so fucking excited ." Louis grinned and moved his hand to wrap around Harry's bicep , "Just one more month ."
"One more month ." Harry smiled back , "Can't wait to see you in the wetsuit ."
"Oi , be excited I'm going back in the ocean instead of thinking about my arse ."
"It's a package deal , baby ." Harry wrapped his arm around his waist , "I'm excited to see your arse on the surfboard ."
"Oh , dear lord ." Louis pushed away from him , though returned to his side when he got cold .
Harry put the suitcase in the backseat and got into the driver's seat , Louis shivered in his spot in the passenger's seat as he reached for the heater , "It's fucking freezing ."
"Next month in Australia won't be so cold ." Harry smiled , Louis buckled himself as Harry started driving , "Yeah , and until then I'll freeze myself to death here ."
"I won't let this happen . I'll keep you warm ." Harry put his hand on his thigh , "I'll roll you up in a blanket like a burrito , or like sushi ."
"Ugh , sushi is such a trendy food ." Louis shook his head , "It's like avocados . Avocado is the trendiest food and it tastes like spray painted grass ."
"No it doesn't ." Harry laughed , "I'll make you avocado on toast and --"
"You do that and see what happens to your pretty face . Don't try me ." Louis slapped his arm , Harry cooed , "Aw , you think my face is pretty ?"
"It won't stay pretty if you try to get me to eat an avocado ." Louis poked his cheek , "Think twice ."
Harry only smiled and bit his lower lip , "Remember a long time ago , we made a bet and if you lost you had to eat an avocado ?"
Louis chuckled , "Yeah , and I won and I straightened your hair ."
"Losing that bet got me to tell you I love you for the first time ." Harry turned his palm up towards Louis , Louis laced their fingers together and squeezed his hand , "I remember ."
"Maybe avocados aren't too bad after all ." Harry smirked , Louis pursed his lips together , making Harry grin wider , "Just this once ."
"Just this once ." Louis gave in . "I won't eat one , though ."
"Aw , but Louuu !"
Louis laid in bed as he waited for Harry to join him ; he looked to the corner of the room , where the suitcase with his new prosthetic was , along with the new surfboard .
He jumped startled when the bed dipped behind him , Harry hovered above him and kissed his cheek , "What got you in deep thoughts ?"
"I'll give you one guess ."
"Me ?"
"Two guesses ." Louis smiled , curling up and rolling away when Harry crawled his fingers up his side , "How dare you ." He grinned at Louis' giggles before he stopped , "Is it about Australia ?"
"Yeah . And surfing , and being there , and actually doing everything I avoided for like , four years ." Louis sighed , "When we just met and started dating , I couldn't even think about it , let alone go anywhere near a swimming pool . And fuck , Haribo , I went in the ocean a few months ago - that's a big thing for me ."
Harry nodded along , pressing soft kisses to his cheek .
"I can't wait to get there and just dive right into it - I don't want to think too much because overthinking makes me question the entire thing . I want to jump head first and just go for it . And - and waiting right now makes me anxious , both in a good a bad way ." Louis turned to lay on his back , looking up at Harry , "I can't stop thinking about it all ."
Harry ran his fingers through his fringe , pushing it a bit off his forehead , "When we get there I'll rent a surfboard for myself too , and buy myself a wetsuit . I'm going in right with you baby , unless you'd rather do it alone for your first time back in , which is perfectly fine and I'll be on the shore taking billions of pictures ." He kissed him , then decided to turn the heavy conversation ligher as he smirked , "We should recreate the pictures Stan took of you , the ones I framed on the wall ."
"Oh my god ." Louis covered his face with his hands , Harry laughed and grabbed his wrists to pull them off , "Nooo come on , we have to . I can't stare at seventeen year old you , I need more recent ones so I don't look like a perverted creep ."
Louis laughed , "I mean ... it's a good point . We'll see about that ."
"I'll be taking pictures either way so you just have to go along with it ." Harry leaned in and kissed him , Louis scrunched his nose , "I'll take the camera with me into the ocean ."
"You would never ." Harry gasped playfully , Louis pushed at his shoulders , "I will , don't try me ." He giggled when Harry grabbed his wrists and tried pinning them to the bed , he pushed against him but Harry was stronger and managed to overtake him .
Harry smiled down at him and leaned down to kiss him , chasing his lips as Louis turned his head away side to side and giggled even more .
"Get off or - or I'm calling the police !" Louis managed to say through laughter .
"I am the police ." Harry bit his neck gently , Louis kicked at him with his leg , "Y-You're an animal !"
Harry pulled back and let go of his wrists , letting Louis push him off as he kept grinning . He turned his head to look at Louis and reached his hand up to trace his cheek , though Louis grabbed his wrist with both hands , "Touch me again , I dare you ."
"Do you ?" Harry reached his free hand and tickled him again , bringing his other hand in aswell when Louis let go of it to try and push Harry's fingers off his sensitive skin .
"I h-hate you so much right now !" Louis called through laughter as he turned to lay on his front to protect his stomach , Harry stopped his attack and just grinned at him , "I absolutely adore your laugh ."
Louis pouted and whined into the pillow , "This is a form of torture , Haribo ."
Harry pouted back and opened his arms , "Come here , let's snuggle ."
Louis shifted closer until he fit into Harry's arms , face against his neck and arms around his middle . Harry wrapped him tightly and brought the covers up higher to keep him warm , melting in a split second right into their cuddle .
He felt Louis' lashes against his neck , his soft breath on his collarbones , his arms around his middle and their chests pressed together . He couldn't picture himself anywhere else , couldn't picture himself with anyone else - he fleetingly looked over to where he'd been hiding the ring for the past few months ; it was really a miracle Louis hadn't found it yet .
Hope you liked it x
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