Ch. 61

Enjoy x


"Oh don't give me that look ." Harry grinned as he wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders , the two walked alongside Mitch and Sarah down the street .

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight for convincing me ." Louis elbowed him , Sarah put both her arms around him sideways , "Don't be a baby , you'll be okay ."

As Louis promised Harry , he tagged along to go get pedicure , with Mitch joining them too .

"I promise you that if I sit through that - you can , too ." She gave him a squeeze and released her hold on him , holding Mitch's hand instead .

They reached the salon and walked in , giving their names for the appointment Sarah scheduled . The woman behind the desk nodded and called one of the workers .

"Right , so , I never got a pedicure done , but hear me out ," Louis said to the woman behind the desk , "I only have one foot , so I get a discount , right ? It's a half job for you ." He joked , making everyone around him chuckle .

"I'll think about it , just because you're adorable ." The woman grinned .

The four followed the worker further into the place where the recliners were , Harry wiggled happily into his seat and patted the one next to him , "Sit down , Lou ."

Louis moved to sit in the recliner next to Harry's , Harry grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together , "This is going to be so fun , I love that you're here ."

"You're lucky I love you ." Louis glared playfully , Harry grinned widely , "I love you more ." He kissed Louis' hand a few times , pulling back when two women walked over to them .

Harry moved to take his shoes off , Louis took one shoe off , leaving his sock inside of the shoe . They dipped their feet inside the tubs , Harry relaxed back into the seat and closed his eyes . Louis rolled his eyes at him and turned to Sarah , who sat next to him , "How long does it usually take ?"

"Twenty minutes or so ." She smiled and grabbed his hand , "We'll be good ."

He sighed out and turned back to watch as the woman sitting in front of him put latex gloves on and started massaging his foot a little , before pulling it out of the water and onto a stool with a towel .

Harry opened his eyes to watch ; he knew better than anyone else that Louis' foot was ticklish , and he found his reaction to be one of the cutest things he'd seen . It started with a smile and a bit of whining , squirming around in his seat , before he was hiding his face as he laughed .

"This is so funny ." Harry grinned , laughing along when Louis yelped as the scrubbing reached the pad of his foot under his toes . He reached his hand out and grabbed Louis' hand , "You're the cutest ."

Louis held his stomach as the scrubbing eased , giggles still rolling out between his lips . He slowly relaxed when his foot was massaged with a bit of lotion , he turned to look at Harry , "You are one hundred percent sleeping on the couch ."



It was a week later , and Louis was wiggling nervously in the passenger's seat as Harry drove them . 

Harry reached his hand out and put it on his knee , "Lou , calm down . It'll be okay ."

"I know , I - ugh ." Louis pouted , "I'm nervous , it's like - it's a huge step closer to getting back on the surfboard ."

One of Harry's anniversary presents to Louis was an appointment to get Louis a waterproof prosthetic leg , so he could try surfing again .

"It is , and I truly believe you're ready to try . I'll be right there with you , love , I'm not going anywhere ." Harry squeezed his knee , Louis grabbed his hand to hold with both his smaller ones . 

"I want to do it , I really do - I'm just so nervous ." Louis pouted , Harry smiled gently , "It'll be okay ."

They reached the place , going through the automatic barrier to the parking lot , where Harry parked the car . They got out , Harry reached to hold Louis' hand as he walked them into the building .

They stood behind two people who were talking to the receptionist , before it was their turn . 

"Hi , I filled an application about four months ago for a waterproof prosthetic leg ." Harry handed over the papers , moving his free arm to wrap around Louis' waist .

The woman nodded and looked through the papers , then looked at the computer and clicked the mouse a few times . "Which one of you is applying ."

"Me ." Louis moved a bit closer , giving her his information . She nodded and typed it into the computer , printing out a paper and handing it over to him , "Sit right here , it'll take a bit so I'm sorry in advance . One of the orthopeds will call your name soon ."

The two thanked her and moved to the waiting area , Harry pulled a chair out for Louis to sit on next to a small table , "I'll go get up drinks . Vanilla coffee of hot chocolate ?"

"Hot chocolate , thanks Haribo ."

"Anything to eat ?"

"Brownies , if they have them . If not , chocolate cake can do aswell ."

Harry smiled and nodded , before going to the small cafeteria . It was no secret to him that when Louis was nervous , anxious or just lost in his own head , he liked soothing himself with sweets . He ordered a vanilla latte for himself and hot chocolate for Louis , with two pieces of chocolate cake , handing over his money .

His order was ready in no time and he made his way back to Louis , sitting next to him at the table . Louis thanked him and wrapped his hands around the paper cup , sighing as Harry handed him a small plastic spoon for the cake .

"Talk to me ." Harry twisted to face Louis , "What's on your mind ?"

"It just - it feels so real all of a sudden ." Louis scooped up a bit of the cake , bringing the spoon to his lips , "I have a suit , I'm on my way to having a waterproof prosthetic - I just need a surfboard and I'm all good to go ."

"Is it exciting , though ? Or is it scary ?" Harry put his elbow on the table , head leaning on his palm .

"A bit of both , really ." Louis sipped on his hot chocolate , "I'm so excited to actually try , but I'm also scared as fuck . Haribo , I - I haven't gone surfing in the last five years , what if I forgot how to ?"

"I don't think you forgot . It's like riding a bike , it'll take a bit of adjustment but you sure know how to ." Harry took a bite of the cake , "We'll go in there , hear what the orthoped has to say , and hopefully it'll be ready by your birthday ."

"It's only September , these things take time ." Louis smiled , "I mean , it'll be nice , but maybe it'll take longer . We have Nialler's birthday this weekend , don't forget ."

"How can I forget , he hadn't shut up about it since the day after Liam's birthday ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully , "But honestly , he throws really good parties so I'm really waiting for it ."

"Oh yeah , last year was a lot of fun . Overwhelming , but fun ." Louis chuckled , Harry pinched his eyebrows with a smile , "Why overwhelming ?"

"Because , I was still a bit new to the group and all that , so having that party going on was really fun , I guess I just wasn't expecting everything that went down there ."

"Understandable ." Harry bowed his head a bit as he laughed , sipping on his latte , "But now that you're a vital part of us , I expect you to end the night not being able to walk straight ."

"I never walk straight , Haribo . Too gay for that ." Louis hid his smile behind the cup as he sipped on his drink , Harry smirked , "Oh I know exactly just how gay you are , my love ."

They waited for twenty more minutes , before Louis' name was called . They stood up from the table , Louis held onto the papers as the two followed the man through the corridor to one of the rooms .

They walked into the room , Harry closed the door behind them as the man moved to sit behind the desk , the couple sat on the chairs in front of him .

"Before we start , let me introduce myself ." The man smiled kindly , "I'm Dr. Paul Higgins , been an amputation orthopede for the paft thirteen years , specialized in prosthetics in the last four years ."

"I'm Louis , this is my boyfriend Harry ." Louis smiled back , reaching to hold Harry's hand .

"How long have you two been dating ?"

"Over a year now . A year and three months ." Louis smiled wider when Harry squeezed his hand .

"Nice ." Paul smiled at the two , "Let me ask you some questions , Louis , if there's anything over the line please let me know ."

Louis nodded , straightening in his seat .

"I see that your amputation isn't from birth ."

"Yeah , I had my leg amputated five years ago , just above the knee ."

"What was the cause of the amputation ?"

"A shark attack , in Australia ."

"Do you remember if your leg was fully bitten off or was it still attached ?"

Louis pursed his lips , "I - I don't really remember ."

"That's fine , let's move on to other questions ."

Paul asked Louis more questions , Harry laced his fingers with Louis' as he listened to the two going back and forth .

"So you want the prosthetic so you can surf again ." Paul smiled , Louis nodded , "I'm really hoping I'll be able to ."

"You're a young man , and your whole life is ahead of you . I have no doubt you will ." Paul nodded , "May I see the prosthetic and amputation ?"

Louis nodded and moved to the examination table , he wore jean shorts so it wasn't problematic for him to either undress or pull the pant leg up . He sat on the table and pulled the prosthetic off , then his fabrics . He felt bare without the prothetic , and as if Harry read his thoughts he stood behind the table , rubbing his back comfortingly .

Paul measured his thigh , then examined the prosthetic itself , writing things down on his clipboard .

"Alright , you can put your prosthetic back on and join me at the desk ." Paul took the clipboard and moved back to his seat , Harry was quickly in front of Louis to help him .

"You feeling alright ?" He asked quietly , Louis nodded with a smile , "I'm good ."

Harry fit the prosthetic back on his thigh and helped Louis off the table , Louis grabbed onto his arms as he adjusted his thigh and made sure it was even before the two sat back down .

Paul clicked his computer mouse and keyboard , filling in what he wrote down on the paper . 

"Right , so ." Paul looked over to Louis , "Congratulations , you'll be getting a brand new waterproof prosthetic for surfing purposes ." He smiled .

Louis' jaw dropped as he gasped , not even trying to bite back his wide grin . Harry smiled just as wide , his hand squeezed Louis' thigh as Paul continued talking .

"It won't take too long , but it sure won't be ready in two weeks . It'll take between three to four months , I'd say , possibly some time after New Years ." Paul mirrored their smiles , "Congrats again , make sure before you leave to make another appointment to January , I'd say around the middle of the month ."

The two nodded and thanked him , walking out of the room . Once out after Harry closed the door behind them , he wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and scooped him up , squeezing him in a tight hug .

Louis grinned as he squeezed him back just as tightly , barely containing his happy laughter . "This is real , Haribo , it's really happening ."

"It is , I knew it will be good ." Harry pulled back a bit to kiss him , Louis kissed back eagerly before pulling back , "Let's get out of here so we can celebrate properly ."

Harry bit his lower lip in excitement , he put Louis back down as the two made their way back to the repection .

"We'd like to schedule another appointment to January ." Louis said , smiling as Harry's hands never left his waist .

The woman nodded and gave them a few optional dates , and the two scheduled the appointment to January eighteenth .

"Also , about the payment for everything , how --"

"Oh no need to worry , the payment was taken care of ." The woman smiled , Louis' eyebrows raised and he whipped his head to glare at Harry . "Excuse me ?"

Harry only smiled and kissed his temple , turning to the woman , "Thank you , have a good day ." He pulled Louis along out of the building , Louis grabbed his arms , "Harry ."

"I know what you're going to say , baby , but I didn't pay for it all by myself ." Harry smiled , hands cupping Louis' cheeks . "Everyone helped , because we all love you . And by everyone I mean our friends , your home friends ,my family , your family - even Daisy and Phoebe insisted on helping a little bit ."

Louis' eyes filled with tears , Harry pouted a bit and kissed his forehead a few times , then the tip of his nose before kissing him softly on the lips . "Happy tears ?"

"No I'm sad because I was hoping that payment would make you go bankrupt ." Louis sassed , though giggled as Harry laughed loudly .

"Thank yo , I just - Haribo , I would never ask that of anyone ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , Harry wrapped his arms around him and cuddled him closer , "You don't have to ask , we're all offering . We're doing this because we love you very much - but I love you more - and we want you to be happy ."

Louis pressed his face to Harry's chest , Harry held him for longer and kissed his head .

"As much as I love cuddles , I'd like to take us back home so we can celebrate ." Harry spoke into his ear , smiling when Louis giggled and shied away from the ticklish breath .


Louis curled up under the covers , too sleepy to notice when Harry walked into the room . He jumped startled when Harry moved the covers back to get in , Harry smiled , "Did I tire you out ?"

"I tired me out . And you ." Louis poked his dimple with a sleepy smile , Harry leaned in and kissed him gently , "Are you feeling alright ? I can get you more water , or something to eat ."

"I just want a cuddle . And back rubs ." Louis shifted closer , Harry pulled him in and put his hand on his bare back , "Anything else , baby ?"

"No . It's perfect ." Louis whispered , his eyes closed as he melted into Harry .

Harry kissed the top of his head and smiled , "Aren't you forgetting something ?" He tickled up his side lightly , Louis giggled and squirmed away , "N-No ." He squealed when Harry dug his fingers gently into that spot under his ribs , "Okay o-okay !"

"Go on ." Harry stopped , Louis covered his side with his hands , "Good night ."

"Good night baby ."

"I love you ."

"I love you baby ." Harry brought him closer and pecked his lips , Louis snuggled into him and fell asleep not too long after .

Harry fell asleep with a smile , content , and yet impatient .

I know how to propose to him , but how do I wait ?


Hope you liked it x


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