Ch. 60

Enjoy x


"Hey Lou ." Liam smiled at Louis as he walked into the tattoo parlor , Louis smiled back and rounded the desk to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek , "Hey Li , how's the planning going ?"

"Going alright , I decided on a theme finally ." Liam grinned , Louis pulled back from the hug , "Cool , what is it ?"

"White . Everyone in white clothes , and a surprise from me ." Liam smiled widely ; his birthday was coming up the following week and he was planning a birthday party , with Zayn's help .

Louis gave him a high five , "Sounds great , what's the surprise ?"

"Can't tell you that , otherwise it wouldn't --"

"Wouldn't be a surprise , yeah , heard that bull-crap quite a few times ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , chuckling when Liam dug into his side . He moved away and went to the back room , where Harry was tattooing a customer .

"Haribo , I'm here ." Louis waved from the entrace of the room , Harry lifted his head up from the guy's shoulder and smiled , "Hi love , come on in . I'm only halfway through ."

Louis walked closer and leaned in to peck Harry's cheek , Harry smiled and turned back to the guy , "This is my boyfriend , Louis ."

The guy looked up at Louis , his eyebrows raised . "Louis ?" He squinted his eyes , "Louis Tomlinson ?"

"Uh - yeah ?" Louis looked at him in surprise , Harry pulled back from the tattoo with his eyebrows furrowed , "What's going on here ?"

The guy laughed a bit , "Louis - I'm Will ! Will Clarke ."

Louis' jaw dropped , "No way . Will ??" He grinned , "I haven't seen you since seventh grade , that's crazy !" He took a chair and sat next to Harry , Will smiled widely , "Yeah , really is crazy . How are you ?"

"I'm doing great , and you ?" Louis asked , Will's eyes dropped to his prosthetic . "How -- ehm , how did that happen ?" He asked and nodded towards his prosthetic leg , Louis smiled gently , "Long story , kind of ."

"Well , I've got time . Not planning on going anywhere ." He nodded towards Harry , who went back to working on the tattoo .

Louis chuckled , "Right . So ehm , I used to surf , but when I was eighteen a shark attacked me , in Australia . They had to remove my leg to save me ." He shrugged his shoulders a bit , "And now I'm here ."

"How's the rest of the guys ?" Will asked , Louis smiled , "They're great . Most of them still live in Donny , but Calvin and Oli moved a few months after I moved . We see each other when we can , honestly ."

"Cool , that's great ." Will nodded .

"And you ? How've you been ?" Louis asked , Will smiled wider and held his fist towards Louis , "Got married last month ." He showed him the ring , Louis gasped , "No way ! Congratulations ."

"Thanks lad . Love her to death , honestly , don't know how to get through my day without her ." Will nodded , "The tattoo Harry here is working on is the Gazebo , where we got married ."

Louis looked at the tattoo Harry was working on , a gentle smile on his lips , "That's amazing , I'm so happy for you ."

"What about you ? Is marriage on the way ?" Will wiggled his eyebrows , Louis blushed soft pink and side-looked at Harry , before looking back to Will . "I-I mean , I don't know ." He shifted nervously , Harry pulled the tattoo gun back and turned to him , "If I were to propose to you in the future , would you say yes or no ?"

"Obviously I would say yes ." Louis answered , when his heart skipped a beat , "Have you - have you thought about it already ?"

Harry let a smile stretch on his lips , he gave Louis a wink before turning back to the tattoo .

Louis' jaw dropped , "Don't - don't do this to me , you - you bastard !" Louis wanted to punch his pretty face , but Harry was holding a tattoo gun - which could end very poorly .

Will grinned at the couple , "He's still small and fiesty ." He told Harry , who chuckled a bit , "You have no idea ."

"I'm out of here ." He stood up from the chair and went to the kitchen room to make himself some tea . He took the mug with him to the front desk , where Liam was still sitting . Zayn joined them , wrapping each arm around the two's shoulders as they chatted .

Later on Harry walked out of the back room with Will , the tattoo was finished and wrapped . Louis grinned , "Show me ."

Will turned his wrapped bicep towards him , Louis aww'ed , "So beautiful . She's going to love it . Can I see a picture of her ? It's only fair , since you saw my boyfriend , I get to see your wife ."

"Sure ." Will handed Liam his credit card while pulling his phone out of his pocket , showing Louis his lockscreen .

Louis smiled , "She's pretty ."

"Love her with my everything ." Will put his phone back in his pocket , taking his card from Liam . "Got to go now , it was great seeing you ."

"You too ." Louis nodded and circled the desk to give him a hug , "Give me your number , the next time we meet up I'll let you know ."

"Oh , sure that's great ." Will nodded , Louis pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed in the number Will told him . He smiled and put his phone in his pocket , "Tell your wife about me , eh ?"

"You bet ." Will chuckled , then turned to Harry and holding his hand out , "Thanks for the tattoo , mate , looks really good . Keep this one close to you , he's the best out there ."

Harry shook his hand and smiled , "Trust me , I know ."

"Bye , see you ." Will waved and left , Louis waved , "Bye ."

"How do you know the guy ?" Zayn asked , Louis sipped on his tea , "We were close friends in middle school , then he moved away . Was part of our friend group . We haven't seen each other since ."

"Oh that's nice ." Zayn nodded , forcing back a chuckle at Harry's expression , one he knew all too well - Harry was jealous .

Harry walked into the kitchen room , Louis followed him , "Did Li tell you about the party ?"

"Yeah , earlier today ." Harry nodded as he worked on making himself a cup of coffee . "You bringing your new friend too ?"

Louis chuckled , "Why would I do that ?"

"Don't know , you seemed cozy around him ." Harry picked up his mug and went to his office , Louis followed him into the room and closed the door , a grin on his lips , "Well yeah , he's a friend I haven't seen in years , Haribo ."

Harry sat down in his chair and put the mug down , logging into his computer . Louis giggled quietly and went around the desk , he sat down in Harry's lap sideways and wrapped his arm around his neck , "You're cute when you're jealous . You make this really cute face ."

"I wasn't jealous ." Harry shook his head , Louis wrapped his other arm around Harry aswell and leaned in to kiss his cheek a few times , "My cute jealous Haribo ." He turned Harry's head so he could kiss him properly , Harry sighed softly and pulled Louis closer , "You want to get your tattoo now or make fun of me some more ?"

Louis chuckled , "Tough question , I do like teasing you ." He squished his cheeks and pecked his pouty lips , "Will you get your tattoo now aswell ?"

"Yeah , Li will do it for me ." Harry nodded , Louis smiled and stood up from his lap , "Let's go ."

(Reminder : For their anniversary Harry designed a gummy bear tattoo for Louis , and and ice cream cone for himself)



The following week was Liam's birthday party , this time Niall told his friends he would be the one picking them up .

Louis and Harry dressed in their white clothes , both in a pair of short jeans , while Harry wore a loose button up and Louis wore a low collar white shirt .

"Lou , Niall is here ." Harry opened the door , Louis walked out of the kitchen and took the house keys , locking the door behind him and Harry .

"Shotgun ." Louis nudged Harry's shoulder and quickly made his way to Niall's passenger seat , Harry gaped , "I thought you were sitting in the back with me !"

"Nope , I want to be at the front with Nialler here ." Louis grinned and closed the door behind him , turning to greet Niall , "Hey Nialler ."

"Hey Lou , hi Haz ." Niall smiled as Harry sat in the seat behind Louis , closing the door and buckling himself up . Niall chuckled , "Why the sour face ?"

"Lou is being mean ." Harry pouted playfully , Louis rolled his eyes , "You'll get over it , you big baby . You have me all the time ."

Niall pulled out of his parking spot , "We'll pick up Mitch and Sarah and then drive to the place ."

"You usually never drive , because you drink ." Louis said , "What makes tonight special ?"

"Well nothing , really , I'm planning on leaving my car there and catching a taxi back home ." Niall chuckled , "Wanted to be a nice friend and drive this time ."

"Aw , aren't you sweet ." Louis reached over and poked his cheek a few times , Niall winked at him , "Only for you ."

"Can you stop flirting with my boyfriend , that would be great , thank you very much ." Harry slapped Niall's shoulder playfully , Niall chuckled as he parked in front of Mitch and Sarah's house , taking his phone from the holder and texting Mitch to let him know they were outside .

Louis turned in his seat to face Harry , grinning at his pouty face , "You make a cute face when you're jealous ."

"If you don't stop being a tease I swear to god , --"

"You'll do what ?" Louis chuckled , "You're already in the backseat , what more can you do ." He turned his attention to Mitch and Sarah as they opened the car door , "Hi loves , been a while since we saw you two ."

"You little shit ." Harry mumbled under his breath , Niall waited for Mitch and Sarah to buckle up before pulling to the road and driving towards the place Liam gave them the address of .

Mitch draped his arm across Sarah's shoulders , as she sat in the middle seat , and poked Harry's cheek , "Why the long face ?"

"Lou is being a little shit to me ."

"Oi !" Louis reached his hand backwards and slapped his knee , "Idiot ."

Harry tsked and tried grabbing his hand but wasn't quick enough , so he reached his hand out to the passenger's seat , digging his fingers into Louis' ribs . Louis gasped and broke into a smile , the car filling with his laughter as he grabbed Harry's hand with both his smaller ones .

"No no no , Harreh !" He couldn't move away from him , as he was buckled to his seat , Harry grinned as he kept going , with Sarah taking a video of their play fight .

"Not so sassy anymore , eh ? It's like I found the button to turn it off ." Harry laughed as he kept tickling Louis some more , only stopping when Louis tried leaning down to bite his hand .

Louis took a few deep breaths as his arms wrapped around himself , "Jesus Christ , Haribo , that was -- Niall pull over and call the police I want to report him for attempted murder ."

Everyone in the car laughed , Niall patted Louis' knee , "I'll be your witness ."


They reached the place of the party , Harry kept his arm wrapped around Louis' waist as the five of them walked further in . Adam and Claire joined them , telling them where the drinks are , the food and the couches .

"Yeah , great , but where's Liam ? We're here for him ." Louis chuckled , Adam looked around , "He's kind of everywhere , really , moving around to greet everyone . Last time I saw him was by the buffet tables ."

Louis took Harry's hand and walked with him through the place , trying to look over people's shoulders . Harry chuckled a bit and tugged him closer , "Do you see him ?"

"Shut it ." Louis elbowed him lightly , they reached the buffet table and grabbed something small to eat , before going to the bar to buy drinks . They saw Liam there , his arm around Zayn as they talked to a group of three guys and two girls .

Zayn spotted them first , he smiled and patted Liam's shoulder to get his attention . Liam turned his head , immediately grinning when he saw the two . He pulled back from Zayn , taking two steps towards them before Louis threw his arms around his neck in a tight hug .

Liam squeezed him back , "So happy you're here ."

"Happy birthday Li ." Louis pulled back , moving to greet Zayn with a tight hug and a peck on the cheek .

Harry squeezed Liam in a tight hug aswell , "Happy birthday mate , love you ."

"Love you more . Grab yourselves a drink , get the night started ." Liam pulled back , Harry nodded and looked over to Louis , seeing he was busy talking to Zayn , so he went to the bar a few steps away to buy him and Louis shots .

He told the bartender what he wanted and watched as the two shots were fixed quickly , when there was a presence next to him - though it wasn't Louis . He turned his head and saw one of the girls that Liam was talking to , she smiled at him , "Mind if I buy your drinks ?"

"Thanks , but they're already paid for ." Harry said and took the two shots , when the girl grabbed one of them , "I'm Luna ."

"And I'm Louis ," Louis popped out of nowhere , taking the shot from her hand , "And this is my boyfriend you're flirting with ." He stood between the two , his back towards Harry as he raised an eyebrow at Luna .

Luna shook her head at him , "He could do much better than a rude person like you , you know ."

"The only thing I know is that I'm not interested in you ." Harry wrapped his free arm around Louis' middle , palm pressing to his stomach . Louis shrugged his shoulders at her , "You heard him ."

Luna rolled her eyes and went to her friend , grabbing her arm and walking away .

Louis watched her until she disappeared from his sight , Harry chuckled quietly and pressed a warm kiss to his neck , "I absolutely love it when you're jealous ."

"Course you do ." Louis brought the glass to his lips and swallowed the shot , placing the glass on the desk of the bar . Harry did the same , grabbing Louis' waist before he could walk away and pulling him into a deep kiss .

"You're the only one for me , baby ."

"I know that ." Louis toyed with the collar of Harry's button up , "She just pissed me off ."

Harry smiled and kissed him again , "What drink do you want ?"

"Don't mind , anything you order for yourself I'll have too ." Louis looked up at him through his lashes , Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , pecking him once more before turning back to the bartender and ordering two more drinks .

Harry handed Louis his glass , Louis took it and wrapped his free hand around Harry's bicep , "Let's go see who else is here ."

They walked around the place a little bit , and soon enough the alcohol kicked in enough for them to loosen up and go dancing . Harry's hands were glued to Louis' hips , playfully , reaching one hand down to squeeze his bum .

Louis squealed but giggled as Harry nibbled on his neck , he pushed him away and grabbed his jaw with both his hands , "Save that for later tonight ."

Harry scrunched his nose and kissed him quickly , when he felt something light hitting his back . He turned and saw Liam holding a few small balloons , grinning , "Surprise ."

When Harry looked down at his shirt he saw it was covered in blue powder , he looked back up at Liam and chuckled , "Where can I get some of these ?"

"There you go ." Liam threw another one at his chest , covering him in red powder . Harry turned to Louis , who was laughing lightly . "Oh it's funny , isn't it ?"

"It really is , I want painted powder too ." Louis nodded , then squeaked when he was hit by Liam , seeing he was covered in yellow powder . He giggled and looked around , finding a bucket on the ground and quickly making his way towards it . He grabbed a few balloons and turned to face Harry again , but Harry beat him to it and threw a balloon at him , covering his back with blue powder .

Louis threw a few balloons at Harry and Liam , giggling when they threw a few more at him . When he ran out of balloons the bucket was already empty , he walked back to Harry and wrapped his arms around his middle , "You look hot ."

"You look hotter ." Harry leaned in and kissed him , Louis smiled and looked down to his prosthetic , seeing it was also covered with powder . "I hope it washes off ."

"It does , don't worry . Liam isn't too mean that he'll do that with powder that doesn't wash off ."

"You make sense when you talk , and it means you haven't drank enough . We're going back to the bar right now ." Louis grabbed Harry's hands and pulled him along , making Harry laugh .

Niall and Claire joined the two , the four ordered shots and cheered for Liam . As soon as Liam said into the microphone that the cake arrived Niall darted off in the direction of the buffet , Louis giggled and took Harry and Claire's hands and pulled them along .

They each got a piece on a paper plate , Harry chuckled when Louis managed to get some on the tip of his nose . He leaned in and licked it off , Louis laughed and pushed him away , rubbing his nose , "Idiot ."

The party started dying down , Harry and Louis were sitting in the corner of one of the couches , Louis sideways on Harry's lap as they kissed .

Harry pulled back a bit , "We should grab a taxi back home ."

Louis nodded , pecking Harry once more before standing up from his lap , "Let's go say bye to Liam ."

They found Liam quickly , both hugged him and wished him a happy birthday one more time before making a beeline to the exit . Harry kept Louis pressed close to him as they waited for a taxi with a few more people .

Soon enough they got into a taxi , Louis told the driver their address and buckled himself , chuckling when he had to help Harry with his seatbelt . Harry had his hand on his thigh , Louis put his hand ontop of Harry's , "Please wait until we get home ."

Harry pouted but nodded , his hand sliding towards his knee and resting there on his bare skin , "We need to shower ."

"We can do that after ." Louis laced their fingers together , Harry smiled and leaned his head on his shoulder , "I like that plan ."

"You like anything that has to do with me ." Louis squeezed his hand , Harry nodded and brought Louis' hand to his lips to kiss the back of his hand a few times , pulling back to look at his hand for a few seconds .

A ring would look so good on him

"What are you thinking about ?" Louis nudged him softly , Harry smiled , "Just how much I love you ."

"I love you too ." Louis grinned and kissed his head , "Don't fall asleep on me ."

"I don't plan on going to sleep before I get to have you , and shower with you ." Harry lifted his head up , Louis' cheeks turned slightly pink , "Sounds promising ."

"Oh it's very much a promise ."


Hope you liked it x


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