Ch. 59

Enjoy x


After getting Louis' prosthetic leg fixed , the two returned to their house , where Jay , Felicite and Phoebe just finished making breakfast .

"Oh mumma . You didn't have to ." Louis looked at the full table , Jay squeezed his shoulder , "Nonsense , now sit your bums down and eat ."

"No no , sit , I'll go get Doris and Ernie ." Louis nudged her towards the closest chair and left quickly before she could argue . He smiled at the two toddlers sitting on the couch , "Breakfast is ready , come eat so we can start getting ready for the pool ."

Doris jumped off the couch and held Louis' hand as Ernest followed them to the table , they joined the rest and Louis started filling the little twins' plates for them .

"Harry , is your family coming over for dinner ?" Jay asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , my mum will be here at around four to help cook , my step dad Robin and sister Gemma will join us later , as they're both busy ."

"Can Fiz and I go to the shopping centre today ?" Lottie asked , "We won't be there for long , but we want to do a bit of shopping ."

"Maybe later , don't forget we're having a pool day today ." Jay said , "How about you take Daisy and Phoebe with you aswell ?"

Lottie and Felicite shared a look , then turned back to Jay , "Fine , sure ."

After breakfast Louis and Harry took care of the dishes , while the rest of the family got ready for the pool .

"You excited to show off ?" Harry bumped his hip with Louis' , Louis chuckled , "What is there to show off ?"

"You know very well what I'm talking about ." Harry smiled , "You being in the pool , going in the water ."

"Well ... I can't call it 'showing off' , to be honest . I just , I don't know ? It is kind of exciting because none of my family saw me in a pool or anything of that sort since I was eighteen ."

"Go get ready , I'll finish these and be right there ." Harry said , Louis pecked his cheek and went upstairs to put on his swim trunks .

He went back downstairs and prepared snacks with Jay , Harry got ready upstairs quickly and went outside with Dan , Doris and Ernest .

"I've got these , mum , go see if the girls are ready ." Louis said and took two bowls outside , smiling when he saw Harry helping the twins into their arm floaties , while Dan was covering them with sunscreen .

"You going in with us ?" Dan asked when he saw that Louis was wearing swim trunks , Louis smiled , "Yeah , but I'll probably sit off to the side though . Haven't exactly tried swimming with one leg so I'm not sure about that ."

"That's fine . Just having you out here with us is enough to ask of you ." Dan smiled , catching Ernest mid-run as he was about to jump in the pool , "Not happening , little guy . Not yet ."

Harry chuckled and went to Louis , "I'll be right back ." He squeezed his hip gently as he walked past him , going into the house to grab bottles of water and chocolate milk cartons for the little ones (and maybe even one for Louis) , along with some glasses .

"Let me help ." Jay grabbed some of the glasses , Harry smiled and followed her out of the house , along with the four girls .

"Harry ! Go in with us ." Doris ran up to him , Harry placed everything on the table and smiled , "I'll be right there , alright ?" He went back inside and grabbed the last snacks bowl , going outside and putting it on the table , before letting Doris take his hand and pull him towards the pool .

Louis smiled watching Harry going into the pool first , holding his hands out for Doris as she grabbed his shoulders and jumped into the water .

Jay put her head on his shoulder , "Still can't get over how good he is with the little ones ."

"Me neither , to be honest ." Louis shook his head , "I mean , I know he's great with kids , but actually seeing him with kids and babies , it's just - ..."

"Husband material ?"

Louis chuckled , "I think it's too early for that , mum ."

"Not necessarily ." Jay shrugged and went to sit down , "Go on , get in the pool ."

Louis brought one of the poolside chairs close to the edge of the pool and sat down , he pulled his prosthetic off along with the fabrics , leaving them on the chair before lowering himself down to the edge of the pool , his leg in the water as he watched Harry with Doris .

Ernest sat next to him as he waited for Dan to go in the pool with him , Louis pushed his hair back from his forehead , "Excited for summer break ?"

"Yeah . But I'm going to miss my friends , and the teacher ." Ernest nodded , Louis smiled and jumped in surprise when Daisy draped herself over his back , hugging his shoulders , "I'm so happy you're in the pool with us ."

Louis smiled and rubbed her arms , "Took a while , but we got there in the end ."

She let go of his shoulders and got into the pool , holding onto the edge , "Does this mean you're going to surf again ?"

"It's a bit complicated , but yeah I'm going to try ." Louis nodded , watching as Harry moved closer to them , holding Doris with one arm , his other arm open , "Ernie , want to get in with us ?"

Ernest nodded , Louis helped him carefully into the water , watching as Harry wrapped his arm around Ernest and walked a bit deeper into the pool .

Phoebe joined Louis and Daisy , "It's been so long since you went in a pool with us ."

"I know . Working on it ." Louis smiled at her , "Where are Lott's and Fizz ?"

"Tanning over there ." She nodded her head back , "Looks like you got enough tan for the rest of summer ."

"Yeah , we had a lot of time out in the sun . It was great ." Louis nodded , "We even went in the ocean , for like a few minutes ."

"Wait , really ? And you weren't scared ?" Daisy asked .

"Well , I was . Kind of . But I tried , and I was okay , and Harry was there ." Louis smiled when Jay joined them , sitting on the poolside chair behind him .

"But you didn't swim , did you ? No offense , but I have no idea how you could swim with one leg ."

"Trust me - me neither ." Louis laughed , "I didn't swim , we stayed close to the deck and Harry was holding me . Wouldn't have gone in there on my own . An ocean is not a pool ."

"We're still proud of you , Lou ." Jay smiled , "You've come so far , it's truly amazing ."

Dan joined Harry in the water , grabbing Doris when she held her arms out towards him . Ernest told Harry to let him out , Harry put him back out of the pool and watched as he went to grab a carton of chocolate milk from the table .

He went over to Louis , "Hey there ."

"Hey , yourself ." Louis pushed his hair behind his ear , "Love how cute you are with the little ones ."

"They're the cute ones . " Harry smiled , before swiftly grabbing Daisy and tossing her into the pool , making her squeal . She resurfaced and started splashing at him , "That was mean !"

Harry laughed and splashed back , Phoebe joined Daisy and splashed at Harry too . Harry grabbed her and tossed her into the water aswell , letting the two climb on his shoulders and hang off him .

"Dais , let's go get a snack ." Phoebe said , Harry walked closer to the edge of the pool and let the two release their hold around him , Jay joined the two as they went to the table .

Harry put his arms on each side of Louis' , Louis cupped his cheeks , "I don't think I'll ever get over how amazing you are with my family . They're the most important people in my life , and so are you , and seeing you all so great together really makes my heart melt ."

"Aw ." Harry leaned closer to kiss him shortly , "You have an amazing family , they're just great , each one ." He rubbed his hands up and down his sides , "I also love how my mum literally adores you , Gemma too . They both love you , and they always ask about you . Even before asking about me ."

Louis laughed , "They're both truly amazing . Love them both ."

Harry bit his lower lip as he kept staring at him ; he is definitely marrying him .

"Earth to Haribo ." Louis poked both his dimples , Harry turned his head and pretended to bite his finger . Louis gasped half-heartedly , "Cannibal ."


After spending their morning in the pool , everyone took turns showering and getting in comfortable clothes , while Lottie , Felicite , Daisy and Phoebe decided to go to the shopping centre .

Harry drove the four and went to the grocery store to buy more ingredients to make their dinner , before going back home .

Dan helped him unpack everything , Jay was napping in the room with Doris and Ernest , and Louis was waiting for Harry to have a nap with him .

"Go to Louis , I'll be up to pick up the girls when they're done ." Dan dismissed Harry , Harry smiled and patted his back before going upstairs to his and Louis' bedroom .

Louis smiled when he walked in , "Come cuddle ." He moved the covers on the other side of the bed , Harry threw his shirt off and joined him .

"Were the girls okay on the ride ? Didn't fight too much ?" Louis asked as he wrapped his arms around Harry's middle and cuddled into his chest , Harry kissed the top of his head , "They argued a bit over who would sit in the middle seat , but that was it ." He chuckled , "Typical sibling arguements ."

"I'm the oldest so I never sat in the middle seat ." Louis grinned , Harry scrunched his nose , "I did , because I was always the youngest cousin . Gemma would sit shotgun and I'd be stuck in the middle between my two cousins ."

"Well think about it like that ; with those muscles and shoulders no one would let you squish in the middle seat anymore ." Louis grabbed his bicep and squeezed , Hary chuckled and grabbed the back of his head , pushing Louis' face into his neck , "Go nap already ."

"I think I'm having more fun groping you ." Louis ran his hands from his shoulders to his back , hands wandering over his muscles . Just as he reached down to his bum and squeezed , he barked out a laugh as Harry dug his fingers into his ribs , "Knew you were aiming for my arse !"

"I give I give !" Louis laughed as he tried squirming away , Harry stopped the tickling and pulled him back closer , "Naptime ."


Louis opened the door with a grin on his lips , "You didn't need to knock , could've just walked right in ." Louis let Robin , Gemma and Michal into the house , letting Gemma embrace him . "You're lucky I even heard the knocking with all the noise in the house ."

"So good seeing you , been a while ." Gemma smiled as she pulled back from their hug , Louis nodded , "Yeah , you should come visit more often . Need a partner to embarrass Harry with ."

"You're on ." Gemma grinned and walked further into the house , Louis hugged Robin and Michal aswell before following them to the kitchen area , where Jay , Anne and Harry were finishing their dinner .

"Lou , is the table set ?" Jay asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , just finished . Want me to go get the girls ?"

"Please , thank you , dear ."

Louis walked out of the kitchen to get the girls , Harry washed his hands and greeted Gemma , Michal and Robin properly .

"Well ? Did you ask ?" Gemma pulled him to the side , keeping her voice low to a whisper .

Harry sighed , "No , not yet . Haven't got the chance to . I will tonight ."

Gemma smiled gently , "You do realize she loves you a lot , right ? You don't need to worry over it ."

"I know , but still - I still feel like I want to ask , just for my own peace of mind , I guess ." Harry nodded , Gemma nodded aswell , "I get it . Okay , but you have to text me after that ."

"Promise ." Harry nodded , Gemma squeezed his arm and they returned to the group .


"Dinner was lovely , thank you for having us ." Anne hugged Louis tightly , Louis hugged back as he chuckled a bit , "Dinner was great , although I did nothing to help you all so you really need to thank your son for his cooking skills ."

"Oi , these are my skill , young man ." She teased , making him laugh .

"We had a great time with you , hopefully next time won't be too far away ." Louis said as he hugged Robin , who rubbed his back , "We'll make it happen , don't worry too much ."

Louis hugged Gemma and Michal and walked them to the door , waving goodbye .

"Alright , little ones . Let's get you ready for bed ." Louis held his hands out for Doris and Ernest , taking the two upstairs .

Harry was in the kitchen with Jay , as they finished the last touches of organising everything back into it's place .

He took a deep breath , before turning to Jay . "Hey , Jay ?"

"Yes , dear ?" Jay looked up , "Everything alright ?"

"Yeah , yeah of course - I just ehm ... wanted to ask you something ." He sat down on a bar stool , pulling the one next to him out for Jay to sit .

Jay sat down , "What is it ?"

"Well I uh ... I wanted to , like - ask you if , if it's -- uh ..."

"Just spit it out , whatever it is ." Jay encouraged with a smile .

"I - I want to propose to Louis ."

Jay stared at him , eyes wide and jaw slightly hung open .

"Won't be soon , though I - I've been thinking about it a lot . And I just , I guess I wanted to ask first and like , make sure it's okay and , and --"

"Oh dear , it's more than okay ." Jay wrapped him up in a hug , "You're the best guy my son could ask for and we all adore you , you're part of the family and have been since we first met you ."

Harry sighed out in relief and hugged back , "I'm still trying to figure out how and when , I don't even have a ring yet - I just wanted to hear from you that it's okay , like , like a confirmation ."

"Of course dear , I will never say no to such question ." Jay pulled back with a grin , "He loves you with his entire heart and soul ."

"I love him just as much , if not more ." Harry nodded with a smile , Jay kissed his forehead , "Alright now , it's getting late . Go get ready for bed before my son starts complaining that I'm hogging you up and preventing him from your cuddles ."


Hope you liked it x


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