Ch. 56
Enjoy x
Harry woke up to fingers running up and down his back , then down to his side and up his ribs , tracing his tattoos and muscles . He was laying on his front with Louis pressed to his side , the sheets covering their middle .
"Mm .. morning ." Harry smiled sleepily , letting his eyes flutter open . Louis smiled back and lifted himself up a bit to peck his cheek , "Good morning ."
"God , my mouth is so dry ." Harry slowly lifted his upper half on his elbows , Louis rolled a bit away , face scrunching at the slight pain in his backside . "We really need to shower ."
"And change the sheets . And eat ." Harry rubbed his eyes , "What time is it ?"
"I think we missed breakfast ." Louis pouted , "We can buy something at the pool bar ."
"Mm , okay ." Harry sighed and laid back down , "Come cuddle for a bit longer ." He lifted his arm up , Louis fit himself under his arm and sniffled , "God , you stink ."
Harry chuckled and pressed Louis' face to his sticky skin , making him groan , "Ugh , Haribo ! Gross ."
"Gross ? As if you don't stink , yourself ." Harry rolled them over , shoving his nose in his underarm .
Louis barked out a laugh , "Ew ! Ew , get away ! So gross !" He pushed him away giggling , Harry lifted himself up grinning and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Harry anniversary ."
"Happy anniversary ." Louis cupped his cheeks and kissed him again , "I'm going to shower , I'm really gross ."
Harry whined and kissed him again and again , Louis chuckled , "If you don't shower with me I won't kiss you or cuddle you ."
"You little shit ." Harry leaned in and bit his shoulder , Louis laughed , "Move away , let me up ."
Once the two were showered and dressed , they decided to share their anniversary presents .
"You go first ." Harry nodded , Louis bit his lower lip and moved to his suitcase , "Close your eyes ."
Harry sat on the small couch near the window with his eyes closed , hearing Louis shuffling through the suitcase .
"Okay , there are two presents , and .. yeah . Open your eyes ."
Harry opened his eyes , Louis stood in front of him with one small wrapped box and another small bag . He smiled and took the two presents , placing them on the couch next to him before pulling Louis closer to kiss him .
Louis smiled and pulled back , "Open them ." He pecked him once more and sat on the couch next to him .
Harry took the small box , he tore the wrapping paper and grinned when he saw that Louis got him a polaroid camera . "Aw , baby - I was about to get one for myself ."
"That's why I kept telling you to hold on with it , because I already got it for you and I couldn't just say ." Louis poked his dimple , "We can start taking pictures today ."
"We defnitely will ." Harry grinned and leaned in to kiss him , "Thank you love ."
Louis smiled and moved his hair from his forehead , "Go on , one more present ."
Harry took the small bag and reached inside , pulling out a kit full of nail polish bottles , making him smile . Louis blushed soft-pink , "I - I hope you like this one , because I put most of my thought into the other two but I still felt like I wanted to get you something cute ."
"I love it baby , thank you . So sweet of you ." Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , going through the colours . He picked up a bottle of blue nail polish , holding it near Louis' face .
"What are you doing ?"
"Trying to see if the colou matches your eyes ."
Louis blushed deeper and lowered his hand , leaning in to kiss him , "Love you ."
"Love you ." Harry kissed him again before placing the bottles back into the kit . He out his presents aside and stood up from the couch , "Now you close your eyes ."
Louis bit his lower lip and closed his eyes , knee jumping in excitement . Harry went through his suitcase and took out his presents to Louis , going back to him . Seeing as Louis still had his eyes closed , he leaned in and gave him a surprise kiss , chuckling at his small gasp .
"Open your eyes ." Harry said as he handed Louis the first present , which was an envelope . Louis smiled at him and took the envelope , "It's the tattoo sketch , right ?" He asked as he opened it and took out the folded paper , furrowing his eyebrow when he saw two small drawings .
"These are cute . Are you asking me to choose ?" He asked ; one small drawing was of an ice cream cone , and the other was of a gummy bear .
"Well , not really ." Harry smiled , "The ice cream cone is a tattoo sketch for me ."
"Why ice cream cone ?"
"You tasted like ice cream when we had our first kiss ."
Louis grinned with blush on his cheeks , "That's cute , Haribo ." Then he giggled , "And I'm guessing the gummy bear is because I call you Haribo ?"
"Yeah ." Harry grinned , Louis reached his hand out and put his hand on Harry's cheek , bringing him closer to kiss him , "I love it ."
Harry pecked him quickly and handed him the second present , Louis put the paper back in the envelope and took the present from Harry , reaching into the bag , freezing when his hand made contact with the fabric .
He looked up at Harry , "Is that - ..."
Harry sat quietly with his lower lip between his teeth , watching as Louis pulled out his brand new surfing suit - black with green lines at the arms , long sleeves , short at the thighs .
He unfolded it and another envelope fell from the folded fabric , he put the suit down on his lap and took the envelope , opening it . Inside there was an application for a waterproof prosthetic leg .
He let out a soft noise as he read through the papers quickly , then looked back down at the surfing suit .
"H-Haribo ... I - thank you ." Louis traced the fabric , then looked up at Harry , who let out a relieved sigh and pecked his cheek , "I was hoping you'd like it , wasn't sure how you would react ."
"I love it - I just - I really love it , and I want to try surfing again - but I'm scared of not being able to . N-Not just mentally , but actually not be able to surf ."
"You will , baby , I'll be there through every step ." Harry caressed his cheek , Louis leaned in and kissed him .
Harry smiled and pulled back a bit , "Up up , want you to model that suit for me ."
Louis smiled softly and took the suit , standing up from the couch . He took his shirt off , staying only in boxers as he slowly pulled on his new surfing suit . He grinned when he fit his arms into the sleeves and zipped it up his chest , Harry grinned at him , "You look amazing ."
"Fits like a glove ." Louis looked down at the suit , smoothing his hands over the fabric . He turned to look in the mirror , hearing Harry groaning , "Shit , Lou , your arse looks so good ."
Louis giggled and put both his hands on his bum , giving it a light squeeze , "You think so ?"
"Jesus Christ , come here ." Harry held his arms open , Louis walked over and sat on his lap , legs on each side of his him and arms around his neck as they kissed .
"Mm , no - Haribo ." Louis laughed as Harry kissed down his neck , "Get off , I'm starving and we have to eat . Also get ready for the pool ." He pushed at his shoulders .
"God , okay , fine ." Harry nodded and slowly let go , Louis took the suit off , "Get in your swimsuit , we also need to ask for room service ."
After getting in their swimsuits and making a stop at the reception , Harry sent Louis to save two seats for them at the pool while he bought them something to eat .
Louis smiled when he saw the spot he claimed the day before was free , he placed two towels on two poolside chairs , he sat down on one of them and took his shirt off , sighing at the feeling of the sun against his skin . He leaned back on his elbows and dropped his head back , closing his eyes as he relaxed .
A few minutes later a mother and her little daughter sat two chairs from him , he smiled nicely and closed his eyes again , when he heard the little girl talking to her mother .
"Why is his leg like that ?"
"Daphne baby , don't be rude . I will explain later , okay ?"
"But is he okay ?"
Louis smiled at the girl's innocense and opened his eyes , turning to the two .
The mother smiled apologetically and reached to pick up her daughter , "Sorry about her ."
"No no it's alright , I don't mind questions ." He sat up and placed his feet down on the deck , hand held out , "I'm Louis ."
"Anna . This is my daughter Daphne ." The mother smiled and shook his hand , Louis turned to smile at the little girl , "Hi Daphne ."
Daphne shook his hand aswell , "Hi mister ."
Louis chuckled , "Do you want to ask me questions ? About my leg ?"
Daphne turned to her mother , who glanced at Louis once more before nodding . Daphne moved to sit on a chair in front of Louis , "What happened to your leg ?"
"A few years ago I had an accident , and the doctors had to remove a part of my leg in order to save my life ." Louis explained , "This is made of metal , look ." He knocked on his metal knee with his knuckle .
"So you're like a robot ?"
Louis laughed , "Oh I wish , wouldn't be cool if I were ?" He smiled widely , Daphne giggled along . "It looks fun to have a robot leg ."
"Yeah , it can be fun sometimes ." Louis leaned his chin on his palm , elbow supported on his thigh . "For example , I only have one foot , so I only have to put on one sock in the Winter ."
Harry returned with a tray of food and drinks , Louis smiled at him and turned back to Daphne , "This is Harry , he's my boyfriend ."
"Boyfriend ? Like in the movies ?"
"Yeah , like the movies ." Louis smiled , Harry put the tray down on the chair and moved to kneel next to the two , "Who do we have here ?"
"Harry , this is Daphne , she was curious about my leg . Daphne , meet Harry , my boyfriend ." Louis introduced the two .
"Hello , nice meeting you ." Harry held his hand out , Daphne shook his hand and giggled when Harry placed a peck on the back of her hand .
"Louis said he wanted to be a robot ." Daphne said , Louis chuckled , "Wouldn't it be cool if I had a robot leg ?" He put his arm around Harry's shoulders , Harry smiled widely , "Oh definitely cool , maybe you could shoot laser from your toes ." He grinned as he made both Louis and Daphne giggle .
"Mummy , come here ." Daphne turned to her mother , who joined the three and sat next to Daphne .
"Hi . Anna ." She shook Harry's hand , "Thank you for being so sweet to her , she can get quite nosey and curious ."
"I honestly don't mind , she's a sweet girl ." Louis shook his head , "How old is she ?"
"Four , just turned a few days ago ." Anna said and smiled down at Daphne , "We're here to celebrate her birthday ."
"Aw , happy birthday ." Louis grinned , "I have twin siblings who are four aswell . Such a cute age , I tell you ."
"It is . Though I'm preparing myself for the next few years when she starts kicking my arse ." Anna chuckled , making the coule laugh along .
"Where are daddy and Oliver ?" Daphne looked up at her mother , Anna moved her hair behind her ear , "They went to get something from the room , remember ? They should be here any minute now ."
"I want to go get ice cream ."
"We just had breakfast , love , maybe later ."
"Or maybe now ?"
The couple looked at Daphne in amusement , Anna sighed , "Maybe . We'll wait for daddy and Oliver to come back ." She gave in , "Say goodbye to the two nice guys , we'll go have ice cream and come back to the pool later ."
Daphne turned to them and gave Louis a hug , who grinned and hugged her back , "It was lovely meeting you ."
She waved goodbye at the couple and followed her mother away , Harry leaned his chin on Louis' shoulder , "What a cutie she is ."
"She's adorable ." Louis leaned his head on Harry's for a bit before pulling away , "What did you get us to eat ?"
"fried chicken , french fries and onion rings ." Harry smiled and moved to sit on the chair Louis saved for him , placing the tray on the edge of Louis' chair between them . "Did you put sunscreen on ?" Harry asked as he munched on a piece of fried chicken , Louis shook his head , "Nope , I want to tan ."
"You still need to put sunscreen on , love ." Harry reached for the small bottle , but Louis caught his wrist , "Nooo , not now , lets finish eating first ."
"Fine , okay ." Harry gave in , letting Louis feed him a french fry . "I might jump in the pool in a bit , want to join me ?"
Louis shook his head , "No , not now . Maybe tonight , or tomorrow night ."
"Right , night swim ." Harry nodded along , he looked over to Louis and reached to hold his hand , "Are you feeling okay ?"
"Yeah . I mean I'm quite hungry but we're solving that problem right now . But I'm alright . Why ?" Louis took an onion ring , Harry smiled , "Just making sure . We're still on a ship , and we're next to a pool ."
"I've already been inside of one pool , Haribo . You were there with me ." Louis smiled at him , Harry squeezed his hand , "I know , I still want to make sure you're fine ."
"I really am okay , I promise you . If anything was wrong I would've told you ." Louis intertwined their fingers together , Harry nodded , "Okay ."
The two finished eating , Louis laid on his back with his arms over his head and eyes closed , Harry copied his position and sighed at the feeling of the sun on his skin .
Louis flipped to lay on his front , arms over his head and cheek leaning on the towel underneath him . Harry opened his eyes to look at him , trailing down his body with a smile on his lips .
They spent two hours by the poolside before returning to their room , Louis washed himself in the shower and moved to organize their things while Harry washed himself aswell .
"Want to go to lunch ? It started about fifteen minutes ago ." Harry stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers , Louis nodded , "Yeah sure . I'm not that hungry , but let's go ."
They got dressed and went to the dining hall , picking a table as they sat down to eat .
"What do you want to do after lunch ?" Louis asked , "I'm not so tired so a nap is a maybe ."
"Baby , it's our anniversary today - we're either making out in the lounge area , or we're making out in our room , or we're making out ontop of the reception desk ."
Louis laughed , covering his mouth with his hand to stifle the giggles . "Oh my god , you're an idiot sometimes ."
Harry grinned and took his hand off his mouth , "Finish eating , we have a lot of making out to do ."
Harry laid in bed , watching Louis changing out of his clothes and putting on one of Harry's loose shirts that was a few sizes too large for him .
"Come here ." Harry held his arms open , Louis smiled and moved to walk closer when his phone started ringing .
"No , don't answer ." Harry pouted , Louis poked his dimple , "I just want to see who it is , if it's no one important I'm all yours ." He reached for his phone , a smile spreading on his lips , "It's your mum ."
"No , Lou , let's make out ." Harry pouted deeper .
"Harry ! That's your mum , I can't not answer ." Louis pushed his hands away as he answered the call . "Hi Anne ."
"Hi Louis , I'm so sorry to call during your getaway ."
"Oh no don't worry , you're fine ." Louis assured her , trying not to make any noise as Harry pulled him into his lap , arms secured around his waist .
"I haven't heard from Harry in two days , and I know you two are together , I just wanted to know that everyting is okay ."
"Yeah , Harry is okay , we're b-both okay ." Louis squirmed as Harry pressed soft kisses to his neck , fluttering his eyelashes against his skin to tickle him .
"Good good , I was worried . Tried calling and texting him but he didn't answer for some reason - is everything okay ?"
Louis couldn't stop his giggles as Harry pushed him onto his back , kissing his cheeks and neck as he tickled his waist .
"I-I'm so sorry Anne , I- Harry stop , I'm literally talking to your mum !" Louis laughed , letting go of his phone to push Harry's hands away .
Harry picked the phone up and pressed it to his ear , "Hi mum ."
"Harry , darling , I was worried ."
"I'm all good I promise ." Harry smiled down at Louis , chuckling when Louis smacked his chest a few times while whispering "idiot" .
"Good , that's all I wanted to know . Answer my texts please , don't leave me in the dark like that again ."
"I will , sorry mum ."
"And take good care of Louis , sounded like you were being mean earlier ."
"There's nothing mean about tickles !"
"There's a lot mean about tickles !" Louis fought back and tried pushing him off .
"Alright I'll leave you to it , love you both ."
"Love you mum ."
"Love you , Anne !" Louis grabbed the phone from Harry and finished the call , he put the phone down and grabbed a pillow , smacking Harry with it , "I can't fucking believe you !"
"What did I do ??" Harry laughed as he tried grabbing the pillow from Louis' hands .
"What do you mean , what did you do ? You just embarrassed me in front of your mother ." Louis took the pillow and smacked him with it again , Harry managed to get the pillow away and put his hands on either side of Louis' head , "I can make it up to you ."
"Please do ." Louis pouted , Harry kissed him and reached for the hem of his shirt , lifting it up to show his stomach as he fit himself between Louis' thighs .
Harry kissed up and down Louis' thigh gently to calm down his trembling muscles , he looked up and smiled , "You alright there ?"
"Shut up for a bit longer ."
"So polite ." Harry chuckled , "It's not the first time I licked you up ."
"But it was the best so far ." Louis took another deep breath , Harry moved up a bit and pressed kisses to his tummy to make Louis giggle a bit , before lowering the shirt and crawling up to kiss around his face .
Louis grabbed his cheeks and brought him into a kiss , then wrapped his arms around his shoulders to cuddle him , "Give me a bit to breathe properly and I'll be good to go ."
"You take your time , baby ." Harry smiled against his neck and pressed a soft kiss to the skin , "Want to nap for a bit ?"
"Mm , yeah , sounds great ." Louis nodded and moved his arms off Harry's shoulders .
Harry sat up on his knees and helped Louis pull his prosthetic and fabrics off , then helped him get under the covers and tucked himself in next to him .
"I love you so much ." Louis snuggled close , Harry wrapped him up in his arms and kissed the top of his head , "I love you more ."
It was the evening , after the couple had dinner .
"Haribo ." Louis pulled at Harry's hand , Harry turned to look at him .
"Can we try the pool now ?"
Harry smiled and pulled him closer , moving his arm to wrap around his waist , "Of course . Let's go change ."
They made a quick stop at their room to change into swimsuits , before returning to the pool . Louis sat down on one of the chairs and took his prosthetic and fabrics off , letting Harry help him until he was sat on the edge of the pool , his leg in the water .
Harry slipped into the pool and moved to stand in front of Louis , hands on either side of him . "Is it okay so far ?"
"Yeah . Less scary than I convinced myself it would be ." Louis nodded , Harry moved his hands to his hips , "Want to try to get in ?"
Louis put his hands on Harry's shoulders , Harry lifted him up and pulled him into the water , keeping his arms wrapped tightly around him . Louis held tightly onto Harry's shoulders , "Feels nice ."
"Being in the water ?"
"Being in your arms ."
Harry smiled and pressed his lips to Louis' shoulder , moving the kisses up to his neck . "It's been the best year of my life ."
"Mine , too . Can't believe it's been only a year though , feels like so much longer ." Louis nodded and lifted his head up , pressing a kiss to Harry's lips .
Harry moved them around the pool slowly as they kissed , keeping his arms tightly around Louis . Louis cuddled closer and closed his eyes , pressing his face to Harry's neck .
"Haribo ."
"Mm ?"
"I have a question ."
"Ask anything ."
Louis lifted his head up to look at him , a soft smile on his lips , "Will you ever let me tattoo you ?"
Harry smiled , "You want to try ?"
"I'm kind of scared to , but yeah I want to try ."
"What are you scared of ?"
"Hurting you , I don't know how to use a tattoo gun ."
"Well you do realize I'll be right there with you , won't let you to mistakes ."
"I know , but still ." Louis pouted a bit , Harry kissed his pouty lips , "Nothing to be scared of , love , if you want to try we can try . Or you can take Liam or Zayn to be your test dummy ."
"Maybe ." Louis chuckled , "Could be fun to try to tattoo Liam ."
"Zayn takes tattoos easier than Liam , he's more relaxed . Liam blabbers to distract himself from the needle and it can be so funny , because it depends on where he gets tattooed - some hurt more than others . I tattooed his ribs like two years ago and he wouldn't shut the fuck up about some 3D game he's been playing , I was honestly not paying any attention to even tell you what he was talking about ."
Louis laughed along with Harry , pressing his face back to his neck .
"No don't , look up , want to kiss you more ." Harry nudged him , Louis looked up and tangled his fingers in Harry's hair as he kissed him .
"Can you believe it's going to be the third time we're showering today ?" Harry asked , making Louis chuckle , "Yeah , never showered this many times in one day ."
"We should justify that third shower ." Harry smirked , Louis bit back a giggle , "Really ? How would you suggest we do that ?"
"Mm , well , you know ... we can go back to our room , you could ride me in the balcony ..."
Louis laughed against his neck , cheeks turning pink with blush , "I rode you yesterday , let's do something else ."
"On the balcony ?"
"What's with you and doing stuff on the balcony ?" Louis couldn't stop laughing and giggling .
"Want the ocean to be in perfect view ." Harry brought them back to the edge of the pool , where their things were by the poolside chairs .
Louis bit his lower lip , a wide smile on his lips , "Sounds like a plan ."
Hope you liked it x
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