Ch. 54

Enjoy x


"It's been a while since we had a group hangout , I'm excited ." Louis smiled as he sat himself down in Harry's lap , Harry wrapped one arm around his waist to keep him close and balanced , his other hand on the computer mouse , as they were in his parlor office .

"Yeah , definitely . We're going to Liam's place this time , staying the night too ." Harry typed on the keyboard , "Already gave him the money for both of us to buy everything ."

Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , "I don't like when you pay for me ."

"Tough luck , baby ." Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss his shoulder , "Funny you didn't get used to it already ."

"I don't ever want to get used to being paid for , you know that ." Louis turned sideways to look at him , Harry only smiled softly and kissed his cheek , "I know . I still love spoiling you ."

Louis squished his cheeks together with one hand , "I'm cuddling the Nemo stuffie tonight ."

"No you're not ." Harry frowned in fake sadness , "Only me ."

"Watch me ." Louis challenged and stood up from his lap , Harry grabbed onto the belt loops of his jeans , "I swear , if you don't cuddle me to sleep tonight I'll bite off your other leg ."


"Lou baby , we need to leave ." Harry finished packing a small bag of clothes and necessities for their overnight stay , Louis finished tying his shoes and stood up from the couch , "I'm ready ."

Harry joined him downstairs and made sure the entire house was locked up properly , before grabbing the car keys from the entrace , "We're picking up Niall , too ."

"Aw , missed my irish prince ." Louis smiled as he walked out of the house with Harry , he locked the door and the two got into Harry's car .

"Text the irish prince we'll be at his place in ten minutes ." Harry said as he pulled out of the parking spot , Louis quickly texted Niall and their groupchat , letting them know they were on their way to Liam's .

"Haribo ."

"Baby ."

"Our anniversary is in three weeks ." Louis blushed softly , turning to smile at Harry , "And I - I have a surprise ."

"Oh ?" Harry smiled , "What's the surprise ?"

"Well - I wasn't really planning on telling you like this , but ehm , it's - I just need to tell you , need to let it out because this might not work out and I'm going to need you there ."

Harry looked at him for a split second before pulling over at the side of the road . "You're scaring me a bit ."

"It's nothing scary , it's just - just something ." Louis sighed , he turned a bit in his seat and let Harry grab his hand in both his large ones , "Tell me ."

Louis pursed his lips together , smiling gently , "I - I got us tickets to a four-days cruise ."

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise . "A cruise ."

"Yes ."

"A cruise , on a ship , in the ocean ."

"No , a cruise on a bike in a meadow ." Louis sassed , then let out a laugh when Harry dug his fingers into his belly .

"Don't sass me ." Harry pulled his hand back , "Now for real - are you sure , love ?"

"Yeah . I-I've been wanting it for a while , and I thought - having an anniversary getaway would be nice ." Louis squeezed Harry's hand , "It's in four weeks , and it'll be four days , three nights . It's a really nice and fancy ship , heard a lot of good feedback , and I really want to go ."

Harry nodded , "We will , baby . We'll go . I'm so fucking proud of you for taking that step ." He grinned , leaning in to kiss him , "Love you ."

"Love you ." Louis smiled and kissed him again quickly , "Now let's go so Niall wouldn't behead us ."

"Don't worry about him , he's our biggest shipper and he'll forgive us ." Harry leaned in and kissed him , Louis chuckled and cupped his cheek , "Idiot ."

Harry left one more kiss on his lips and pulled back , pulling back to the road . They reached Niall's house , Louis texted him they were outside . He smiled when he saw Niall skipping out of the house , Niall got in the backseat and leaned towards them , leaving kisses on both their cheeks .

"Buckle up , irish prince ." Harry smiled , Niall chuckled , "I like that name ."

"It's my idea ." Louis grinned back at him , Niall cooed and reached his hand out to touch his shoulder , "I love you even more for it ."

The three drove to Liam's place , Harry parked the car and the three jumped out . They walked in without knocking , Harry placed their bag in the entrace and followed Louis and Niall to the living room .

"We're here , the party can start ." Niall threw his arms out , everyone chuckled and made more room on the couch .

Louis greeted everyone and flopped down next to Zayn , Zayn wrapped his arm around his shoulders , "How's your week been ?"

"I should be asking you that ." Louis smiled , "How was yours and Liam's anniversary ?"

"Really good . Proper good time ." Zayn smiled bashfully , "If we drink enough I'll tell you ."

"Oh come on ." Louis whined through a chuckle , Zayn rolled his eyes , "All I can say while I'm still sober is that we spent the last day just chilling in bed , because neither of us could get up properly ."

Louis giggled at his words and poked his cheek , "Cute ."

"Yours and Harry's anniversary is coming up too , let's see if you still feel cute ." Zayn teased , laughing when Louis smacked his leg , "Shut it , I'm already fragile enough . Look , he tickled me and now there's probably a bruise ." He lifted his shirt up a bit to show his stomach , trying to look for any trace but not finding anything .

Zayn poked his belly and chuckled when Louis twitched away , "Yeah yeah , sure thing ."

"I'm serious ." Louis pouted , Harry sat down next to them , "Why are you showing Zayn your belly ?" He asked amusedly .

"Was trying to prove to him that I'm fragile and delicate ." Louis lowered his shirt , Harry smiled , "Oh yeah , you definitely are ."

"See ?" Louis turned to Zayn , Zayn patted his shoulder , "I believe you , Lou ."

"We're taking shots , lads ." Mitch grabbed one of the alcohol bottles , Louis reached out to quickly munch on a bit of snacks from the table so he wouldn't drink on an empty stomach .

Shot glasses were handed around , everyone cheered and drank their shots , almost slamming their glasses down on the table .

Harry started making everyone cups of drinks , Niall , Mitch and Liam quickly set up the Karaoke on the living room TV , and Zayn and Adam got up to get the pizza when the delivery guy knocked on the door .

Sarah took a seat next to Louis , "H said you're coming with us for pedicure ."

"Ugh , yes , can't believe I agreed to it ." Louis groaned , leaning his head on her shoulder .

"Why so pouty ? Mitch is coming , too . Managed to convince him aswell ." Sarah chuckled and patted his arm .

"I never had pedicure done before , and Haribo showed me what it's like , and it's basically paying someone to tickle your feet . How do people do that ."

"Oh yeah , it does tickle a bit . But after that is the best feeling ever ." She said with a smile , Louis still pouted as he lifted his head up , "Still , it's just torture ."

"Don't be a baby about it ." She poked his cheek , "Besides , you only have one foot so it's not like you have to go through that twice ."

"Don't sugarcoat it ." He dropped his head back on her shoulder , reaching out to take the cup of drink Harry prepared for him .

"Done ! Who wants to pick a song first ?" Liam turned from the TV and took the drink Harry made him , reaching for a slice of pizza .

"Just pick a random one , we'll be drunk soon it doesn't matter ." Niall said before taking a large bite of his pizza , Claire took the remote and picked a song , knowing everyone would sing along .

As the first notes played everyone cheered , Louis shifted on the couch to make space for Harry to sit next to him . He put his arm around his massive back and grinned as he watched Harry singing along goofily , making exaggerated hand motions .

Soon the song ended , Harry gulped down the rest of his drink and turned to Louis , he leaned into him and put his head on his shoulder , "Why aren't you singing with us ?"

"Need to drink a bit more to let myself sing ." Louis chuckled and lifted his cup up , Harry carefully brought it to Louis' lips , "Chug , chug , chug , chug ."

Louis laughed and turned his head away , "Stop , let me drink peacefully ."

"Want you to sing with us ." Harry pressed a few kisses to his neck , Louis wrapped his arm around his neck , "So pushy ." He let Harry go when another song started , watching him singing along .

He finished his drink and accepted another shot , feeling himself loosening up . Harry moved to kneel in front of him as he serenaded him the song , barely keeping his posture as he was growing more and more drunk .

Louis laughed as he tried steadying him , Harry ended up flopping back on his bum and rolling to lay on his back .

"You're such a Humpty Dumpty when you're drunk ." Louis giggled and held his hands out for Harry to take and pull himself up , Harry grabbed his hands and sat up , "Now you're going to sing with us ."

Louis was about to shake his head no , but Harry wobbly stood up from the floor and sat between Louis' knees , leaning back against his chest and completely crushing his tiny body into the couch . Louis gasped a bit but laughed as he wrapped his arms around Harry's middle , "H-How can I sing when you're crushing me to death here ?"

"Of course you can ." Harry leaned his head back on his shoulder and smiled as the next song started . He held onto Louis' arms that were around him as he sang along and rocked them side to side , Louis laughed but joined him , making Harry grin .

"Louder ! Sing louder !" Harry patted his arms , Louis buried his face in his neck , "Haribo , stop , I'm already shy about it . Don't make it worse ."

"Nooo , sing with me ." Harry gave his small hands a squeeze , Louis pulled his face up from his neck , "Hand me another slice of pizza and I'll sing ."

Harry sat up and reached for a slice , handing it to Louis . Louis thanked him and munched on his pizza , his free hand tracing up and down Harry's massive back as he kept singing along . Once done with his pizza he asked Harry for a napkin , wiped his fingers and mouth with it and cuddled back against Harry's back .

"Will you sing now ?" Harry turned his head sideways to look at Louis from the corner of his eye , Louis looked around the living room as he watched everyone singing , making hand gestures to the lyrics , Niall , Liam and Adam even started dancing a bit .

Harry leaned back against him and held onto his arms , "Come on , baby , sing for me ."

Louis pouted , "One song ."

"One song ." Harry agreed with a wide smile , the current song ended and a new one started . Harry looked at Louis expectantly , Louis leaned closer to peck his cheek before starting to sing .

Harry hummed along as he listened to Louis singing softly , Louis smiled as he watched him resing his head back and closing his eyes , which was dangerous because Harry can fall asleep too easily when he was drunk .

He leaned down and bit his neck , Harry twitched away , "Oww , Lou ."

"Shh , it's our love language ." Louis giggled and bit him again , a bit harder . Harry pulled back from their cuddle and turned to face him , pinning him to the couch with his body weight and biting on his neck .

Louis laughed , letting out a squeal when Harry nibbled behind his ear - where he knew it tickled , pulling attention .

"Harry what are you doing to the poor boy , you vampire ." Mitch slapped his back , Harry pulled his head back and grinned , "Biting ."

"Biting is a very legitimate way of showing love ." Louis nodded , he pushed Harry off and turned to Zayn , wrapping his arms around his shoulders and biting his neck . Zayn gasped as he tried leaning away , though Louis was holding onto him and ended up laying ontop of him still biting .

Liam grabbed Louis by the waist and effortlessly picking him up and off of Zayn , making Louis giggle , "Don't drop me ."

"Don't worry , I'd rather not have Harry behead me ." Liam chuckled and flopped down on the couch with Louis still in his arms , Louis laughed when Liam bit his shoulder , "Aww , Li , you love me !"

Harry grinned at them and leaned closer to Liam , leaving a bite on his shoulder .

"God , you three are ridiculous ." Zayn breathed out a laugh , Liam and Louis looked at each other knowingly before the two lunged at Zayn , biting his neck , shoulders and jaw until he was breathless of laughter .

"Okay enough , I want my boy back ." Harry put his hands on Louis' hips and tugged , Louis giggled and let Harry pull him away until he was tucked into his side . He leaned in and bit Harry's chest peck , "Love you ."

"Love you ." Harry smiled down at him .

"I'm a bit offended no one bit me , but okay ." Niall pretended to be offended , Louis pouted and opened his arms , "Come here baby , I'll bite you ." He giggled as Niall skipped over and sat himself on Louis' and Harry's laps .


By the end of the night the entire friend group had red teeth marks from constant biting , it was past three a.m when they decided to end their night . Adam and Claire returned home , since they lived close . Mitch and Sarah got a taxi back to their place . Niall , Louis and Harry stayed overnight , with Niall crashing long ago on the couch , leaving the guest room for Louis and Harry .

Louis tucked a blanket around Niall , leaving a water bottle on the table next to him for when he wakes up and making sure his phone was in the charger .

Harry was undressed to his boxers when he stepped into the room , making Louis smile and close the door behind him . "Oh hey , didn't know I entered the gun show by accident ."

Harry made exaggerated poses as he flexed his muscles , making Louis laugh . He grabbed his clothes from the bag they brought and changed , grabbing his and Harry's toothbrushes with one hand and Harry's hand with his free hand .

They brushed their teeth quickly and returned to the guest room , Harry laid Louis in bed and helped him out of his prosthetic and fabrics .

"Haribo ."

Harry looked over from where he was placing Louis' prosthetic and fabrics neatly by his side of the bed . Louis rolled to lay on his side leaned on his elbow , "I'm drunk and sleepy , but I want to kiss you ." He pouted .

"Aw , sweet baby ." Harry grinned and crawled into bed next to him , bringing Louis to his chest as he pressed their lips together . Louis grinned as he cupped his cheeks , feeling himself fighting sleep as he kept kissing Harry sloppily .

Harry could feel the tiredness radiating off Louis , he pressed one more kiss to his lips and pulled back , chuckling when Louis whined a bit , "You're falling asleep on me , love ."

"One more kiss ." Louis pouted , Harry kissed him once more , making the kiss longer than he intended . He pulled back and tucked them under the blankets , holding Louis close to him . He kept pressing gentle kisses around Louis' face as he lulled him to sleep , which didn't take very long , just as he assumed .

On the verge of sleep , as he stared at Louis' peaceful face , he leaned in and left the softest kiss on his lips , "I am so going to marry you one day ."


A little filler , felt like it's a bit boring . Next ones will be better .

Hope you still liked it x


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