Ch. 53

Enjoy x


Louis barely slept at night . He kept tossing and turning , the lump in his throat never going down . At five a.m he gave up and pulled himself out of bed , going to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea .

He hated how quiet the house was . He knew it was wrong of him to spend two hours every day at the parlor just to make it clear to Nate that Harry was with him , but he was so scared of Harry leaving him that he was willing to risk his own sanity for it .

He hoped Harry had a good night's sleep at Niall's place , that it was peaceful and that his day would be nice .

The thing was - Harry was just as restless . He stayed up until four a.m , thinking back to the past three weeks Nate had been working at his parlor . Nate was nice , at least to him - he could barely believe Nate would be rude to Louis , but then again , he would take Louis' word over Nate's .

He managed to sleep for two hours before waking up again , thinking about his and Louis' pasts ; They were both cheated on behind their backs , betrayed by people they trusted . So no , Hary couldn't put the blame on Louis - if it were the other way around , and a guy at Louis' work was getting close to Louis while throwing nasty comments at him ,  he wouldn't stay silent either .

He decided to open the parlor earlier than usual , arriving there at seven thirty a.m . He finished preparing everything for the day and went to his office to work on his computer .

At nine thirty Zayn and Liam arrived , greeting Harry with 'good morning' but frowning when their friend only nodded with a sour look on his face .

Liam put his hand on Zayn's back , "I'll go talk to him , mind taking care of the coffee ?"

"Sure ."

They parted ways , Liam leaned on Harry's desk , "What is it ?"

Harry pushed back from the computer and rubbed his hands on his face , "Lou and I had a fight last night ."

"Oh ?" Liam raised his eyebrows , Harry sighed and crossed his arms over his chest , "Well it was more of an arguement , and I was being a bit of an ass ."

Zayn slowly walked into the office holding three mugs , carefully setting them down on the table . "Did you try talking to him this morning ?"

"Not yet ." Harry quirked his mouth , "I need to do this face to face , this can't happen over the phone ."

"Is it about what I think it is ?" Zayn sat at the chair in front of the desk , watching as Liam walked out of the office when the front door of the parlor opened .

"What do you think it is about ?"

"Nate ."

Harry bit his lower lip , "Was I the only oblivious one ?"

"We all saw Nate wants you , H . Lou got scared and defensive ."

"Yeah I realize that ."

Zayn stood up from his seat and grabbed his coffee mug , "I won't get in your business , but just know that I care about your happiness just as much as I care about Louis' . You two are fucking in love , and you're the happiest with each other . Make it work ."

Harry nodded , "Thanks Zee ."

"Love you , mate ." Zayn smiled and walked out of the office .


Louis had fifteen minutes left for his shift , so he started working on the bouquet of flowers for Harry . He picked the prettiest ones and organized them into a lovely little bouquet , adding a small card .

"Breathe , okay ? Everything will be okay ." Liv gave him a gentle smile as she squeezed his shoulders , "Harry loves you , he'd be dumb to give it up for whatever reason it is ."

"I know , I know he loves me , but I did kind of fuck up a bit ." Louis traced the flowers , "Want him to know I'm really sorry ."

"He will . Now go get your man ." She gave him a light push towards the door , Louis smiled at her and left the flower shop , getting in his car .

He drove to the parlor , replaying the small speech he had ready in his head for the entire day . He parked outside of the parlor and grabbed the flowers , taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car .

He walked into the parlor , seeing no one was at the front desk . He could hear Liam talking from one of the rooms , probably in the middle of a tattoo . He walked to Harry's office , the door was closed and he could hear voices inside .

He stayed silent for a few seconds to listen , trying to hear if Harry was in the middle of a meeting . His heart dropped when he realized he was there with Nate , but stayed silent as he kept listening .

"Are you sure you're okay , though ?"

"Yes , I promise . You can go back to work ."

"I feel bad just leaving you here like this , you know , you're my friend and I care about you ."

"I appreciate that , but I really am okay . Now go back to work ."

"Please tell me how to cheer you up ?"

"Nate , I --"

"I'm serious . I want to help you feel better ."

"I am okay . Thank you for worrying , now please --"

Then it was silent .

"Stop . Nate , I have a boyfriend and I love him ."

"Come on , Harry - he's --"

"Hey , I said stop . I don't like you like that , accept it ."

"Harry ..."

Louis had had enough hearing . He opened the door with tears in his eyes , seeing Harry forcefully shoving Nate off as Nate kissed him . The two turned their heads to the door , Harry wiped his lips with the back of his hand , "Nate , leave . Now ."

Nate slowly walked out of the office , throwing a smirk at Louis as he walked past him .

Louis didn't move from his spot , his hand trembling around the bouquet . "I j-just wanted to stop by and say that I'm s-sorry ."

Harry frowned at the single tear running down Louis' cheek , which Louis didn't bother wiping . "Lou , --"

"I know it was wrong of me to spend every day here , I was just being insecure and I never meant to doubt you ." Louis shook his head , "I love you s-so much , I hope you know that ." He placed the bouquet on Harry's desk and turned to leave .

"Baby - baby stop ." Harry chased him out of the parlor , managing to grab his arm right before he opened the door of his car . He turned Louis to face him and cupped his cheeks , "Baby I did not kiss him . I didn't ."

"I know . I heard through the door ." Louis nodded and sniffled , more tears running down his cheeks , "I'm sorry ."

"Don't . Don't apologize ." Harry brought him into a tight hug , letting Louis hide his face in his chest . "I love you more , I will always love you baby . You did what you did out of fear , and I completely understand . I'm sorry I was an ass to you last night ."

"I never meant to spy , I swear , I just --"

"I know , I know what you meant to do . I probably would've done the same if it were the other way around ." Harry reassured him ,  pressing gentle kisses to the top of his head , "It's okay , we're okay ."

Louis tightened his arms around Harry as his tears dried , he pulled back a bit to look up at him , "I love you ."

"I love you baby ." Harry kissed his forehead , trailing the kisses down his nose to his lips . Louis brought one hand to the back of Harry's head , his other hand remained digging into his back muscles .

Harry pulled back first , keeping their noses pressed together , "Want to come inside , or you're going home ?"

"Going home . No way I'm stepping one foot in there while that bitch is still there ." Louis shook his head , Harry nodded , "Okay . I'll text you when I'm done here , I'll do my best to finish early ."

Louis nodded , letting Harry pull him into another long kiss . They pulled back , Harry kissed his cheek a few times and opened the car door for him , Louis got into the car and turned the engine on , watching as Harry walked back to the parlor .

Before driving off , Louis took a minute to send Harry all of the videos he had of Nate insulting him - as if Harry needed any more reasons to fire him .


Harry walked into the house at five thirty p.m , as he were able to finish early and close the parlors for the rest of the day . He placed his bag down and kicked his shoes off , going to the living room where he heard the TV on .

He saw Louis on the couch , an empty crisps bag on the table . "Hi love ."

"Hi ." Louis sat up , Harry sat next to him and leaned in to kiss him , "How was work today at the shop ?"

"Was okay . Accidntally pricked myself on a thorn ." Louis showed him his bandaided fourth finger , Harry took his hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the bandaid , "All better now ." He kissed his palm too , making Louis smile .

He leaned in to kiss him once more , "I'll go shower ."

"Can we shower together ? I - I was waiting for you ." Louis asked as Harry stood up from the couch , Harry smiled and grabbed his hands , "Come on , then ." He pulled Louis up from the couch , "I'll lock the door for us ."

Louis smiled and made his way upstais to their bathroom , he turned the faucet on while preparing two towels . He took his shirt and jeans off as Harry walked into the bathroom , Harry smiled as he quickly threw his shirt off along with his tight pants .

He prepared the shower for Louis to be able to stand while showering , while Louis worked on pulling off his prosthetic and fabrics .

"Ready ?" Harry asked as he pushed his boxers off , Louis nodded and carefully stood up leaning against the counter , pushing his boxers off , "Yeah , ready ."

Harry helped him into the shower under the stream , Louis grabbed the wall handle with one hand , his thigh supported on a stool so his entire body weight wasn't on one leg . He and Harry washed their hair with shampoo , he reached for his soap bottle but Harry grabbed it before him , "Let me ."

Harry took the sponge and poured soap on it , washing Louis' arms , chest and stomach , moving around him to wash his shoulders and back . He smiled to himself as Louis twitched a bit away from the touch as he washed up his sides .

When he finished he washed the sponge , letting Louis grab it from his hands , "Hand over your soap ." He held the sponge towards Harry , who grabbed his soap bottle and poured some onto the sponge .

"Come closer ." Louis poked his chest , Harry stepped closer and let Louis wash his chest , down his stomach and abs , around his sides and his arms .

"Turn around ."

Harry obeyed , relaxing into the gentle scrubbing of the soap against his shoulders and back .

Louis bit his lower lip , he finished washing Harry and put the sponge down , wrapping his free arm around Harry's middle to bring him under the stream . He waited for the soap to wash down before pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades , resting his forehead against his back .

Harry placed his hand over Louis' small one , carefully turning around to face him . Louis looked up and smiled as Harry kissed him , bringing his hand up to run through his hair .

"Let's get out ." Louis pulled back from the kiss , Harry nodded and reached for the handle to turn the stream off , he reached out of the shower and grabbed a towel , wrapping it around Louis to keep him warm before helping him out of the shower .

Louis sat down on the closed toilet seat and dried himself , watching as Harry worked on drying himself too . Harry tucked the towel around his waist , wrapping his arms around Louis as he picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom .

He slowly placed Louis down on their bed , though Louis didn't let go on his neck and brought him into a kiss , letting his towel slowly fall off as he reached to untuck Harry's towel .

Harry hummed and grabbed his hips , he crawled into bed and helped Louis lay back against the pillows , "Love you ."

"Love you ." Louis caressed his dimpled cheek .


Louis sat on the counter as he watched Harry working on their dinner ; he was still sore and growing tired , but wanted to stay close to Harry so he asked Harry to carry him to the kitchen so he can be with him while he cooked .

Harry took small breaks every short while , going up to Louis and kissing him , caressing his waist , kissing the lovebites he left on his skin ; the neck , the collarbones , the shoulders , the chest . He had quite a few lovebites himself , which Louis kept looking at proudly .

"How much longer ?" Louis pouted , his arms resting around Harry's shoulders , "I'm hungry . And tired ."

"Almost ready , a few more minutes ." Harry pecked the tip of his nose , "Go pick a movie ."

"I'll fall asleep the minute I finish eating , though ." Louis pouted deeper as Harry helped him off the counter , Harry gave his hips a soft squeeze , "Go pick something for us to watch and get comfy on the couch , I'll bring our dinner ."

"Don't take too long or I'll fall asleep ." Louis caressed his arm and walked to the living room . 

Harry finished their dinner and put it into two bowls , he put a spoon in each bowl and brought it to the living room , where Louis was sitting with a soft blanket over his lap . Louis lifted the blanket up for Harry to sit next to him , covering him once he was seated and taking one of the bowls from him .

They ate quietly for two or three minutes , watching the animated movie Louis picked , when Harry spoke up .

"I fired him , by the way ."

Louis slowly put the spoon in his bowl and finished his bite , turning to look at him .

Harry nudged his knee gently , "Wasn't going to let him stick around anyway . It was either moving him to work in the other parlor , or firing him . Yesterday I thought about just moving him , but today was bad enough ."

Louis nodded silently , he wasn't sure what to say . Harry slowly grabbed his hand and brought it to his lips , kissing the back of it a few times . "No one is going to come between us ."

"I know . I trust you . I trust us ." Louis nodded again , Harry smiled against his hand and pressed one more kiss , "Finish eating so we can cuddle ."

Once down with their dinner , Harry brought Louis to rest against his chest . He tucked his hand under Louis' shirt and ran his fingers up and down his back , feeling Louis slowly falling asleep against him .

"Baby ." Harry looked down at Louis , who nodded off on his chest , "Let's get in bed , get some proper sleep ."

Louis whined as Harry pushed him to sit up , Harry smiled and turned the TV off , "Come here , grumpy ." He scooped Louis bridal style in his arms and carried him up to their room , making short stops to turn the lights off on the first floor before making his way up the stairs to their bedroom .

He placed Louis down on the bed and moved to help him out of his prosthetic , but Louis stopped him , "Wait , need t'brush my teeth ."

"Okay ." Harry cooed and helped him to the bathroom , they brushed their teeth quickly and got back in bed . Harry pulled Louis' prosthetic and fabrics off , tucking him under the covers before getting in next to him .

"Haribo , cuddle ." Louis squirmed closer , Harry gathered him into his body and kissed his forehead and cheek , "Good night . I love you ."

"I love you ."

"I love you ."

"I love you ."

"I love you ."

"Haribo , --"

"Wrong answer ." Harry smiled and tickled at his side softly , getting Louis to giggle , "I l-love you !"

"I love you more ." Harry stopped and kissed his smiley lips .


Hope you liked it x


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