Ch. 52
Enjoy x
Louis walked into Harry's parlor in the evening ; he was done with his shift at the flower shop and decided to stop by , knowing Harry had to stay extra to finish work things while he went grocery shopping .
Liam smiled at him from behind the desk and waved , his phone pressed to his ear . Louis waved back and was about to go to the office , when he heard Harry from the kitchen room .
He looked inside and saw that Harry was talking to a guy he didn't know , so he walked in , "Hello ."
Harry looked up and grinned , "Hi love , want some tea ?" He held his arm open , Louis fit himself under his arm , "No thanks , just stopped by to see you ." He smiled as Harry kissed his forehead .
"My sweet baby ." Harry squeezed him gently , before turning to the guy , "This is Louis my boyfriend I was telling you about . Lou , this is Nate , he started working here two days ago ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled nicely and shook Nate's hand , who shook his hand back , "Hi , heard a lot about you . Harry and the other lads seem to really like you ."
Louis smiled and nodded , then turned to Harry , "Well I still need to go grocery shopping , so I'll see you at home later ."
"Okay ." Harry nodded , "I'm cooking tonight ." He smiled , Louis poked his dimple , "You cook every night , because you say I'm a disaster in the kitchen ."
"Please explain to me why is it so hard to cut a tomato and I'll stop saying that ." Harry smirked , chuckling when Louis smacked his chest lightly , "It just is ! It's the knife's fault ."
"Sure , baby ." He brought him into his chest , "I'll go back to the office now , see you home ."
"See you ." Louis smiled and kissed him , he followed him out of the kitchen room and waved goodbye to Liam , before leaving the parlor .
Harry pulled Louis closer to his chest as they kept kissing , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and let out a giggle when Harry pushed him to lay on his back on the couch .
They both pulled back when Harry's phone wouldn't stop beeping with new text messages , Harry dropped his head down to Louis' neck , "Sorry about that ."
"Who's texting you so much ? Is it something important ?" Louis asked , Harry sat up a bit and reached for his phone , "No , it's Nate ." He put his phone down , "I'll talk to him tomorrow ."
"Is it work related stuff ?" Louis asked , moving Harry's hair from his face . Harry shook his head and snuggled into Louis' neck , "Probably not ."
Louis pinched his eyebrows when Harry's phone started ringing , Harry sat up and reached for it , sighing when he saw Nate's contact name . "Sorry baby ." He told Louis before taking the call .
"Hey , is everything okay ? ... Oh . ... Well , listen - Nate - listen . ... No it's just - I'm with my boyfriend right now , so if it's nothing important , or work related , and you just want to talk - now is not the time . ... Yes . ... Bye ." He put his phone down on the table , Louis sat up and crossed his arms over his chest , "That's a bit odd ."
"That he's calling ?"
"Yeah . I mean ... you're kind of his boss , even though you two are friends ." Louis said , "It's weird to call your boss at nine p.m because you just want to talk to them ."
"I'm Liam and Zayn's boss , too , you do realize that ?" Harry asked with a smile , Louis nodded , "Yeah , but you were close friends before you opened the parlor so it's different ."
"Yeah , no , I get what you mean ." Harry nodded , "I'll talk to him about it ."
"Can we make out again , now ?" Louis opened his arms , laughing when Harry jumped ontop of him .
"Nate , come here for a minute ." Harry gestured his head to the kitchen room and walked in , Nate followed him in with a smile , "What's the occasion ?"
"About last night ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , "That was inappropriate , okay ? We're friends , but I'm your boss and there's a limit you shouldn't be crossing ."
"Yeah , I know , I'm really sorry about it . You're just - really cool and nice , but I understand . Won't happen again , I promise ." Nate nodded quickly , Harry nodded , "Good . Get back to work ."
Nate nodded and walked out of the kitchen room , brushing past Zayn who just walked in . "What was that about ?"
"Not a big deal , don't worry ." Harry shook his head and turned to make himself some coffee , "It's all good now ."
"Are you sure ?" Zayn walked closer , "Had he done something ?"
Harry put his hands on the counter and leaned a bit forward . "He was texting me nonstop last night , while I was with Louis . Called too , at like past nine p.m . So I told him to lay off ."
"Weird ." Zayn crooked his mouth , "Did Louis say something about it ?"
"He said it was weird to call your boss so late at night ." Harry nodded as he finished making his coffee .
"Well , he's got a point ." Zayn crossed his arms , Harry picked up his mug , "I know . Don't worry , it's all good now ."
"Was everything okay with the new guy this week ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Mhmm . He's backed off , don't worry about him ."
"Good ." Louis ran his fingers through his hair , Harry's head on his lap . Harry opened his eyes and smiled , "Are you jealous ?"
"No . Just - looking out for you ."
Harry pouted his lips , "My sweet baby . You don't have to ."
"I always do ." Louis booped his nose , then squished his cheeks , "Can't let you out of my sight because you're too good ."
Harry chuckled and grabbed his hand , pressing a kiss to his knuckles , "Don't worry about anything , okay ?"
"Oh , please , you can't ask me not to worry about you ." Louis intertwined their fingers together , "You have everyone falling for your charm , it's a warzone for me ."
"Don't say that ." Harry pinched his eyebrows , "I don't want anyone else and you know that ."
"Yeah , well . Still ." Louis shrugged , Harry sat up and turned to face him , grabbing his face , "I fucking love you , I will tell you this every single day until you believe me ."
"I do believe you , it's just - hard , sometimes ." Louis bit the inside of his cheek .
Harry leaned in and kissed him , "I love you ."
"I love you ." Louis nodded , letting Harry pull him into his lap .
Louis walked into the parlor , smiling and leaning over the desk to kiss Zayn's cheek , "Is Haribo busy ?"
"Yes , actually , uhm - he's in the room on the right in the middle of a tattoo ." Zayn nodded , Louis pouted , "Okay . I'll be back in a bit ." He said and left the front desk .
He walked down the hallway and peeked into the room , smiling when he saw Harry . He knocked softly on the door , "Hi , is it okay if I come in ?"
Harry pulled the gun away from the guy's skin and looked up , smiling , "Sure love , come here ."
Louis walked in and kissed Harry's cheek , "Just dropped by to say hi , and also catch up with Zayn ."
"Okay love . I might take a while to finish though ." Harry gave him an apologetic smile , Louis shook his head , "Don't worry , I knew you'd be busy . I'll come see you before I leave ."
"Alright ." Harry stretched up , Louis leaned down and let Harry kiss his cheek , before walking out of the room .
He went to the kitchen room and started making himself some tea , when he heard someone walking in .
"Coffee or tea , Zee ?" Louis asked without turning around .
"Neither ."
Louis turned his head , seeing it was Nate , who just closed the door behind him . He gave him a smile , "Oh , hi . How can I help you ? Want anything to drink ?"
"No , I need you to fucking listen ." Nate shook his head , making Louis raise his eyebrows , "I'm sorry , what ?"
"You fucking listen to me ." Nate pointed a finger at him as he stepped closer , "I don't care how long you and Harry have been dating , you're clearly not good enough for him ."
"What is your prob --"
"I mean , look at you , you don't have a fucking leg ." Nate chuckled humorlessly , "So how about you just let him go before he realizes what he's gotten himself into ?"
Louis raised an eyebrow , "You think you're scaring me ?"
"You'd better be ."
"Well then , tough luck . Just because you said some words that don't mean anything , doesn't mean I'll break up with Harry . You're pathetic ."
"Can't you see he's out of your league ? He deserves someone better ."
"Like who , you ?" Louis challenged .
Nate smirked , "Glad we're on the same page on that ."
"Fuck off ." Louis shook his head and turned back to the counter to finish making himself tea .
"Suit yourself ." Nate shrugged and walked out of the room .
Louis placed both his hands on the counter and closed his eyes , taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down . "Arsehole ." He mumbled as he shook his head ; he actually thought Nate would end up being a good guy .
He blew on his tea and sipped on it to calm down , when Zayn walked into the kitchen room , "Sorry , had a customer ."
"It's fine . Coffee or tea ?" Louis asked , placing his mug down - a bit too harshly than he intended to . Zayn raised his eyebrows and walked closer , "What is it ?"
Louis sighed and started making Zayn his coffee , assuming he would tell him to make tea if he didn't want it . "That Nate guy was being a bitch ."
"What did he say ?" Zayn put his arm around his shoulders .
"Walked in and said Harry should be with him , and that I'm not good enough . So I told him to fuck off ." Louis rolled his eyes , "I knew something wasn't right about him ."
Zayn gave his shoulder a light squeeze , "To be honest , he was kind of trying to flirt with Harry , as if to woo him , but Harry wasn't really paying muh attention to it . He was nice to him , yes , but never did anything to show Nate he was interested back . And he talks about you quite a lot , so Nate is just delusional ."
"What pisses me off more , is the fact that I can't ask Harry to fire him ." Louis shook his head , "I'm the one having a problem with him , not Harry , that's not right . And god , that pisses me off so much to know he'd continue working here ."
Zayn took the coffee mug when it was ready , watching as Louis picked up his own tea mug .
"Don't worry too much , I'll let Liam know we need to keep an eye on Nate and everything will be okay ." Zayn rubbed his back , "Just because of a twenty year old guy working at the cash register and supply storage , doesn't mean Harry will like him more than he loves you . Besides , your arse is much better ." He bumped their hips together , Louis cracked a smile , "Thanks Zee ."
It's been two weeks since the day Nate first confronted Louis ; now , Louis regularly visited the parlor twice a week , three times if his week was free - but ever since , he'd been visiting every day . He needed to see with his own eyes that Nate knew to back off .
But as he was there every day , he would get snapped on by Nate ; mostly by secret . He would pass him by and mumble words at him , or corner him in the kitchen room when everyone else were busy . Louis did his best to be civilised and bite his tongue , because he knew that fighting back with people like Nate was like talking to a wall .
He also started recording him on his phone ; he wasn't sure who he was going to tell this to , but just incase someone didn't believe him . He hoped Harry would believe him , and he wouldn't have to show him these videos of curses and talking down on him from Nate's side .
Louis walked into the parlor , as he did every day for the past two weeks , Harry looked up from where Nate was showing him something on his phone and smiled , "Hi baby ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled back at him , completely ignoring Nate as he walked over and pecked Harry's cheek , "How was your day ?"
"It was good . Better now that I'm seeing your pretty face ." Harry winked , Louis gave him a light shove , "We've been dating almost a year and you're still flirting like it's the first date ."
"I'll always flirt with you ." Harry tucked him into his side , Louis smiled and reached his hand up to poke his dimple , "You're lucky you're cute ."
Harry's phone started ringing from his office , he scrunched his nose but pulled away from Louis , "I'll be back in a second ." He said and walked away , going into his office .
Louis knew that being left alone with Nate wasn't ideal for him , so he pulled his phone out and started recording a video , using the front camera .
Nate crossed his arms ove his chest , "I'm doing my hardest to understand what Harry sees in you , but I just can't ."
Louis ignored , knowing it would only egg him on .
"No , seriously , you're fucking crippled ." Nate chuckled , "I bet you only like him because he's hot ."
"Can you not talk to me please ? I don't want to talk to you ." Louis shook his head .
"Is everything okay ?"
The two snapped their heads over to where Harry was standing , a frown on his face .
Nate shrugged , "I was trying to talk to him and he snapped ." He gave Harry shy , innocent eyes , making Louis scoff .
Harry looked between the two of them for a few more seconds , but before he could talk Louis shook his head , "I'm leaving ."
"Lou --"
"I don't care , I'm done ." Louis pushed the door open and walked out of the parlor .
Harry came back home an hour later , finding Louis in the living room . He walked closer and sat next to Louis , placing his hand on his knee , but frowned when Louis gently moved his hand away .
"Hey , talk to me ." Harry grabbed the TV remote and muted the show Louis was watching , Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "I don't want to talk right now ."
"We need to , though . Why didn't you want to talk to Nate ?" Harry asked , Louis sighed and rubbed his face with his hands , "He's just - ugh ."
"Lou ."
"He's been a bitch to me these past two weeks . Always saying shit the bring me down . I did snap at him a few times but I mostly kept quiet ." Louis explained , "I've been coming in every day to check on him and make sure he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be doing ."
"Is that really the reason you visited every day ?" Harry's shoulders fell , "Why don't you trust me ?"
"I do - I do trust you , okay ? I trust you with everything ." Louis stood up from his seat , feeling too jumpy to be sitting down , "I just - I just ..."
"Just what ? This is borderline toxic ." Harry stood up aswell , "Checking in on your boyfriend every day to calm yourself down ?"
"I know , okay ? I know , I just - because of my exes , okay ? I feel fucked up ." Louis tried explaining , tears gathering behind his eyes . "I am not comparing you to them , because you are so so much better than all three of them combined - you're better than everyone in the entire world , --"
"But you still came over to check on me every day ." Harry shook his head , "I have a bad past with my ex too , you know that very well , and not once did I do something to show you that I don't trust you ."
"I know , I'm s-sorry , please - try to understand me , just a bit , okay ?" Louis' vision blurred from tears as he sniffled , "Nate wants you , and you two became really good friends , and I know you don't want him back but I got defensive a-and I didn't want him to think he could have his way with you ."
"You should've told me , and let me handle it on my own ." Harry shook his head , "Instead you spied on me for two weeks ."
Louis stood there sniffling , tears rolling down his cheeks .
"I'm going to stay the night at Niall's . We'll talk more tomorrow ." Harry said and went upstairs to pack an overnight bag , heart squeezing painfully at the sound of Louis' sobbing .
Sorry for the drama .
Hope you still liked it x
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