Ch. 48

Enjoy x


"Hi there ." Louis looked up when Harry walked into the house , but then furrowed his eyebrows , "You okay ?" He stood up from the couch and placed his laptop on the table .

Harry kicked his shoes off and sighed , "Yeah , fine . Shit day , that's all ." He let Louis hug his middle , wrapping his arms around Louis' shoulders .

"Want to tell me about it ? I'll haunt them down ." Louis looked up at him , his chin pressed to the middle of Harry's chest .

Harry smiled and pecked the tip of his nose , "No need for that , don't worry ."

"Talk to me . Who made your forehead crinkly ?" Louis reached one of his hands up , rubbing his thumb between Harry's eyebrows .

Harry breathed out through his nose , "There was this guy , he'd been flirting with Liam throughout his whole session , then got pissed off when Liam said he wasn't interested and insisted on not paying . We almost called the cops , had to argue with him for like twenty minutes straight ."

Louis scrunched his face , "Some people are just so rude , it's pissing me off just hearing such thing ."

"In the end he payed and left , but he was such a pain to deal with ." Harry shook his head , "It happened just now before we closed , so I'm just going to get my bag from upstairs and head to the gym to blow some steam off ."

Louis nodded , "Okay ." He was about to stretch himself up to kiss Harry , when there was a knock on the door . He pouted and pulled back , "Go get your bag , I'll answer the door ."

Harry kissed his forehead and went upstairs as Louis went to answer the door , he opened it and felt his jaw hanging open .

"What the fuck ?"

"Is that how you treat all of your guests ?" Ben smirked , Louis shook his head , "Fuck off ." He tried closing the door but Ben stopped it with his foot , "Ah ah ah , I'm not leaving until I talk to Harry ."

"In your fucking dreams ." Louis shook his head , stumbling backwards when Ben shoved the door open and let himself inside , the door shutting behind him .

"I told you - I'm not leaving ." Ben shook his head , then held up the bouquet of flowers he brought , "Where can I put these ?"

"Shove them up your arse for all I care , I'm calling the police ." Louis shook his head , then realized his phone was in the living room - and he didn't want to leave Ben alone to wander around the house .

"Like you did last time ?" Ben raised an eyebrow , "Sounds like a plan , call them ." He said and walked into the kitchen , placing the bouquet on the counter , "Where are your glasses ?"

"I'm asking you one last time to get out of my house , or I'm calline the police ." Louis glared , when Harry walked down the stairs , "Lou , who was at the door ?" He walked into the kitchen , stopping in the entrace when he saw Ben . "What the fuck ?"

Louis turned to Harry , "Keep an eye on him , I'm calling the police . Make sure his filthy hands don't touch anything ." He said and marched back to the living room .

Harry glared at Ben , "What the fuck are you doing in my house ?"

"Your boy toy let me in ." Ben shrugged his shoulders , Harry shook his head , "Don't call him that . He knows I fucking hate you , he would never let you in ."

"Hate me ? But we're so good together ." Ben leaned his forearms on the counter , giving Harry a smile . 

"After all the bullshit you put me through , there's no one I hate more than you ." Harry shook his head slowly , "Need a reminder ? Should I remind you what you fucking did ?"

"All I remember was taking care of you . I treated you like a king --"

"You used me for my money ! You took every bill and every penny I had in my wallet and spent it on alcohol and fucking other people !"

Louis froze in his spot behind Harry ; he never knew the story behind their failed relationship , and to think that Ben betrayed Harry's trust like this made him sick .

He slowly made himself known , standing by Harry's side . "Cops are on their way ."

"Good , let's wait for them to join the party while we catch up ." Ben made himself comfortable sitting ontop of the counter , making Louis squirm in his spot . 

"What more could you want from me ?" Harry asked , "What can I do to make you go the fuck away and leave me alone ?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that , I love you too much ." Ben placed a hand on his chest .

Louis shook his head , "You don't love him . You're obssessed with him ."

"And you aren't ?" Ben raised an eyebrow .

"No , I actually love Harry and care about him ." Louis stepped forward , but Harry moved his arm in front of him so he wouldn't go any further . "And in anything were to happen between us , god forbid , and he asked me to stay out of his life , I would fucking respect him ."

"When you love someone , you fight for them ." Ben glared at Louis , "You don't let them slip away . You fight and get them back ."

"When you love someone , you don't fucking rob them and cheat on them ." Louis bit back , "Get your priorities checked , lad ."

"You don't scare me . In the end , Harry will realize who he belongs to ." Ben said , and just as he finished talking there was a knock on the door .

Louis quickly turned around to get the door , he opened it and sighed in relief , "He's in the kitchen ." He held the door open wider to let the two cops in .

The two walked inside and saw Ben sitting on the counter , Harry crossed his arms over his chest as he explained why they needed him out of the house .

The officers escorted Ben out of the house and told Harry to stop by the police station if he wanted to get a permit for a restraining order . Harry thanked them and closed the door behind them , breathing out through his nose .

"Thank god he left ." Louis pushed his fringe back from his forehead and walked over to Harry , he put his hand on his back but Harry took a step away , "Why didn't you stay out of it ?"

"What ? What do you mean ?" Louis asked .

"Why didn't you just let me deal with it ? Why did you talk to him ?" 

"Are you being serious ? Did you really think I'd let him talk to you like that in our home ?" Louis frowned .

"And why the fuck would you let him in ?" Harry turned to face him , a hard look on his face .

Louis' shoulders slumped , "Did you really think I would let him in ?"

"Then how did he get in ?"

"He shoved the door open , threw me off ." 

"And you're not strong enough to hold a door ?" Harry raised his eyebrows and turned to grab his shoes from next to the door .

Louis shook his head , "Listen , I know you're pissed off right now but be rational , I would never let that fucking loser into our home willingly ." He followed Harry to the living room , watching as he sat down on the couch and slipped his feet into his shoes .

"I tried closing the door , then he stuck his foot in and shoved the door open and let himself into the kitchen ." Louis explained as he followed Harry back to the front door .

"Well you weren't trying hard enough ."

"Don't - don't say that ." Louis frowned , Harry grabbed his gym back , "I'm leaving ."

"No , we need to talk about this ." Louis blocked the door , Harry shook his head and moved Louis out of the way , as gently as he could . "Whatever ."

"Harry --" Louis watched sadly as Harry opened the door , shutting it behind him .


Harry finished a two and a half hours session at the gym , he was sitting in the lockers room - his anger faded out , and now he was just pissed at himself for the way he treated Louis .

He grabbed his things and left the building , it was almost ten p.m and he and Louis didn't even get to have dinner together like they planned .

On the way home he stopped at Louis' favourite chinese place to grab some takeout , before making his way back home . 

He parked in the driveway , grabbed his gym bag and the food from the passenger's seat and walked into the house - it was quiet , too quiet for his liking .

He put the food in the oven to keep it warm and made his way upstairs to his and Louis' bedroom , seeing that Louis was in bed , laying on his side as he scrolled through his phone .

"Hey ." Harry said softly as he dropped his gym back to the floor ; he wanted to kiss and hug his smaller boyfriend , but he was all sweaty and stinking from the gym .

Louis glanced sideways , before looking back at his phone . "Hi ." He said in a quiet voice , almost a whisper .

Harry pulled his shirt off as he walked into the bathroom , closing the door halfway as he undressed and got into the shower , trying to get it done as quickly as he could .

Once out he dried himself and walked out drying his hair , getting in the walk-in closet . He pulled on a pair of boxers , sweatpants and a jumper before going to Louis in bed . 

He sat on the edge next to him and leaned down , letting his upper body press Louis down into the bed as he snuggled his face into his neck . He breathed in and gave him a gentle squeeze , "I'm sorry , baby ."

Louis locked his phone and put it down , shifting under Harry's weight to lay on his back . He rubbed his shoulder , "I really didn't let him in ."

"I know , love , I was pissed at him and wasn't thinking straight ." Harry pulled back , leaning on one hand as his other hand caressed Louis' cheek , "Thank you for standing up for me and talking back to him ."

"Don't thank me for something like this ." Louis shook his head , holding Harry's hand against his cheek .

Harry leaned back down and pressed his lips to Louis' , taking his time kissing him until Louis pushed him back just a bit , "Bedtime ?"

"I uh , I actually brought dinner . Unless you already ate something ." Harry sat up , Louis shook his head , "No . Well - I had cereal , but that was a while ago ." He said as he sat up , reaching out to grab his prosthetic and fabrics from the small chair next to his side of the bed . "What did you bring ?"

"Chinese ." Harry said and stood up from the bed , Louis quickly fixed on his prosthetic and stood up , following Harry down the stairs .

"Go sit in the living room , I'll bring it there ." Harry said and placed his hand on Louis' lower back , giving him a gentle nudge towards the living room .

Louis settled down on the couch with a blanket over his lap , reaching for the TV remote from the table . He put on a random channel and smiled when Harry walked into the living room with their food .

Harry put the boxes down on the living room table and turned to Louis , "Kiss me for a bit before we start eating ." He grabbed Louis' legs and brought them to rest over his lap , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him . Harry hummed and rubbed his thigh gently , slowly sliding his hand to rest on his arse , keeping it there without getting any further .

Louis pulled back after a bit , licking his lips . "Haribo ."

"Yes ?"

"I - I never asked about you and , and him , but I overheard what you said today ." Louis put his hand on Harry's cheek , thumb rubbing softly . "I'm just a bit curious . We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to ."

"No , it's - it's alright . I'll just tell you the short version of it , because there isn't much to tell ." Harry nodded . "We started dating when I was twenty and broke up when I was twenty two , so about two years . At first things were good , but a few months in he would always tell me my friends talk shit about him , which wasn't true at all . Then I would notice that my money would go missing , and he'd actually help me look for it as if he weren't the one to take it from my wallet - even the change bowl I had in my old room back when I used to live with mum ."

Louis nodded along , running his fingers through Harry's hair to keep him calm .

"So I started suspecting , about six months before we broke up . I had a bad feeling . We would always fight , things just didn't work anymore . I wanted to hire a private investigator , but couldn't because I had no money - because he took it all . So my friends and I started following him everywhere , I put cameras in my room . He was seen at liqure stores , buying a lot of alcohol , then he would either go to some guy or girl's house and stay there all night - all different people , all one-night stands ."

Louis frowned and pouted , leaning in to peck his cheek comfortingly .

"So then I told him to fuck off and broke up with him , and he's been after me since then . Keeps on coming back and thinks he'd get another chance ."

"Like hell he would ." Louis mumbled , Harry gave him a soft smile , "Never ever ever ."

"Because you're mine ." Louis leaned closer and rubbed his nose with Harry's , Harry smiled wide and kissed him , "All yours , baby . I love you ."

"I love you more ." Louis kissed him again before shifting backwards , "Sorry but we'll kiss more later , I want my noodles ."

After being done with their food , they stayed on the couch cuddling , Louis' legs on Harry's lap .

"I was thinking about getting my toenails done aswell ." Harry said , Louis smiled , "Go for it ."

"Wouldn't it be too much ?"

"Why ? You want to , so just do it ."

"Will you go with me ?" Harry pushed his bottom lip out .

"I don't want to paint my toenails , though ."

"So just come and get pedicure with me , it's so relaxing ." 

"I've never had it done before ." Louis shook his head .

"I'll show you ." He grabbed Louis' foot , "First they put your foot in warm water with a bit of soap , and they wash it properly ." He rubbed his hands along Louis' foot , "Then they scrub , scrub , scrub ." He wiggled his fingers all across the bottom of his foot and his heel .

Louis squealed through laughter , trying to pull his foot away , "Stop ! Stop it ! Harreh !" He squirmed around .

"The best part is when they get your toes too , -"

Louis laughed hysterically as Harry tickled his toes too , reaching his hands out to try and stop him . He tried grabbing Harry's hands but was weak from laughing a lot , making Harry grin wider with fondness .

Eventually he stopped , Louis moved his foot away as he panted , weakly punching Harry's arm , "Y-You're a monster ."

"Will you come with me , then ?" Harry asked , laughing when Louis punched his arm again , "Like hell I would . You can't seriouly think I'd willingly have someone tickle my foot like this ."

"But then they give you a really good massage with lotion and it makes your foot so soft ." Harry pouted , Louis shook his head , "Don't try to sugarcoat it , it's still torture ."

"I always torture you with tickles and you're still willing to allow me near your tummy ." Harry smirked , Louis huffed , "It's not the same , Haribooo ."

"Please ? Pretty please ?"

Louis pouted , "Don't ."

"I'll cook you your favourite dinner when we're done . And get ice cream for dessert ." Harry held onto Louis' hand , peppering kisses to his knuckles .

It only took a few seconds before Louis rolled his eyes . "Fine , okay , but --"

"Yes ! I say yes to anything you want ." Harry grinned and grabbed his cheeks , kissing him sweetly , "Thank you , baby ."


Hope you liked it x


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