Ch. 47

Enjoy x


The following few days were slow ; Harry and Louis went to the medical centre to get his prosthetic checked and fixed , while also having his regular check-up and blood test . 

Harry spent his mornings at his parlors , and around lunch-time he would go back home to cook for him and Louis .

Louis took his time to calm himself down , taking two days off work so allow himself to rest properly and pull himself together . He wanted so badly to get over his fear , but it was harder than he wanted it to be .


"Have a good day ." Harry smiled and kissed Louis , "What time are you having lunch ?"

"Probably one thirty . Are you joining me ?" Louis opened his car door and got in the driver's seat , Harry nodded , "Nialler and Claire will join us , too ."

"Okay . See you ." Louis stretched up a bit towards Harry , Harry leaned down and kissed him once more before getting in his own car to drive to his parlor .

Louis arrived at the flower shop and parked outside , hurrying inside to shield from the cold . He smiled at Liv , "Hi , good morning ."

"Morning , Lou ." She smiled back , "Go put your stuff in the back , I need your help here ."

"I'm making myself some tea , want one too ?" Louis asked as he walked to the room in the back , Liv nodded , "Sure , thanks ."

Louis returned shortly after with two cups of tea , placing them on the front desk , "What have we got today ?"

"Here's the order ." She handed him a piece of paper , "I only started so we really need to get this done , we have a deadline to half past noon ."

"What's it for ?" Louis took a sip of his tea before rolling his sleeves up , Liv added a few more flowers to the bouquet she was working on , "Some photoshoot , not sure what , though ."



"Talk to me ." Harry sat on the couch in front of Louis , "What's on your mind ?"

Louis turned himself sideways and leaned against Harry's chest , "Nothing , really ."

"Then why were you staring at the TV for fifteen minutes ? You don't even like this show ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , hands laced on his waist .

"Well - ... I just thought back to two days ago . I mean , I know I panicked , but - I think it was because I wasn't ready . It wasn't like getting in the pool , that I had time to prepare myself for it . I want to keep trying . --Maybe not as soon , but little steps ." Louis traced the letters on Harry's hoodie .

Harry nodded and gave him a light squeeze , "What were you thinking of trying ?"

"The bathtub ? Want it to be something small , and like , more controlled ." Louis looked up at Harry through his lashes , Harry smiled and kissed his forehead , "Okay . When ?"

"Ehm . Now ? Is it a good time ?"

"Always a good time for bath time ." Harry smiled wider and squeezed him closer to kiss him properly , "Go get it ready for us ."


Louis slowly and carefully maneouvered himself over the edge of the tub to sit inside the hot water coloured light purple from the bath-bomb he put inside . 

Harry walked into the bathroom and smiled at Louis , "Make room for me ." He slid his boxers off as Louis scooted forward , leaving room for Harry to sit behind him . Harry slowly lowered himself down and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , kissing his shoulder a few times .

"Haribo ." Louis turned his head to the side , Harry hummed and pressed one more kiss before leaning his chin on his shoulder . Louis smushed their cheeks together , "I have a question ."

"Ask anything ."

"I have a serious question . Like , I really want you to help me think about it ." Louis leaned himself backwards against Harry's chest , Harry kissed his cheek , "I'm listening ."

"W-Will - will I be able to surf ?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows . "What do you mean ? Of course you will ."

"I-I'm not talking about sitting or standing on a surfboard , I mean actually surfing like I used to . I don't think it's possible ." Louis shook his head , throat tightening just a bit . "I don't think I can surf anymore ."

"Are you asking this because you need a waterproof prosthetic ?"

Louis shook his head again . "No . I mean that - because I don't have a leg , I can't actually move the board around through the waves . It's more than just balance , you need to use both legs to control the board ."

Harry bit his lower lip . "I would love to give you a solid answer , but I don't think I can . I don't know much about surfing , definitely not as much as you . You're the professional here . I can give you an opinion , but it might not be as good of an answer as you'd want it to be ."

"Tell me ." Louis nodded .

"You might not be able to control the surfboard like you used to , but you'd learn to work with it again once you have the waterproof prosthetic . Slowly but surely , like when you first started to surf ." Harry rubbed his hand up and down Louis' side , feeling him twitching just a bit away when his fingers brushed over his ribs . "It's like learning how to write , I guess . Some use their right hand , some use their left . Once they know how to write every letter , all they need to know is spelling , and they can write . Same with you - only you know how to surf , but you need to adjust to the changes of the prosthetic and how to work with it ."

Louis nodded along , "I get it . I - I'm hopeful , but I don't want to get too hopeful and get disappointed when I find out I can't ."

"Hope for the best , expect the worst ." Harry smiled softly , "I believe in you . You're strong , and your will power amazes me every time . You will get back on the surfboard ."

Louis turned in his arms a bit , Harry helped him move around until he was facing him and smiled when Louis cupped his cheeks and kissed him .

"I love you . Thank you ." Louis kissed him for a bit longer , Harry ran his hands from his hips all the way up to his shoulders , then back down , "Love you baby ."

Louis pulled back for a second , his cheeks pink with blush . "W-Want you ."

Harry's hands stilled on his waist , before grasping the dip above his hips , "Don't have to tell me twice ." He smiled and lifted Louis into his lap .


"Such a clingy baby ." Harry smiled as he carried Louis from the bathroom to their bed , after they finished their bathtime and dried themselves .

"Don't act like you hate it ." Louis pecked behind his ear , whining when he was placed on the bed , "Careful , Harreh . It still hurts a bit ."

"Sorry , love ." Harry shifted him to lay on his back , head on the pillows , "I'll go get our food , okay ?"

"Don't fill my plate too much , don't want to eat a lot . I'm already feeling sleepy ." Louis tugged the soft covers around his naked body , Harry slid on a pair of boxers and went downstairs to the kitchen to where their dinner was waiting .

He heated it up and made two plates , carrying it up to their room .

"Sit up ." Harry closed the door with his foot , Louis pouted , "I need help ."

Harry forced back a smirk as he set the two plates down on the beside table , before going to help Louis sit up . "Comfy ?"

Louis nodded and grabbed his plate from Harry's hands with a smile , Harry sat next to him and turned the TV on , "What are we watching ?"

"Don't really mind , I'll be asleep soon so it doesn't matter to me ." Louis shook his head as he took another forkful of his dinner .

Harry played reruns of Friends , placing his and Louis' plates away when they were done eating . 

"Come cuddle ." Harry lifted his arm up , Louis settled against his side with his head on his chest , "I'm a bit cold ."

"Want more blankets or your boxers ?"

"Boxers . And one of your shirts ." Louis said , smiling as Harry stood up from the bed . He fetched a pair of clean boxers , and one of his long-sleeve shirts he knew Louis liked . He got back in bed next to Louis and moved the covers back , sliding the boxers up Louis' leg , then carefully fit his thigh through and tucked him in .

Once the elastic was wrapped around Louis' hips , Harry leaned down and pressed kisses around his belly button . Louis laughed and giggled , grabbing the sides of Harry's head , "Y-Your stubble tickles so much ."

"You shouldn't have told me that ." Harry smirked mischievously and returned to kissing his tummy , grinning at the sound of Louis' adorable laugh .

"St--Stop ! Harreh !" Louis barely managed through fits of giggles and laughter , his hands trying to push Harry away .

"I'm having dessert , leave me be ." Harry teased , moving his head to kiss the dip of Louis' waist . Louis threw his fists at Harry's shoulder weakly , "I h-hate you !"

"Ow , oww , Lou ." Harry moved away from his waist and grabbed his hands , laughing softly as Louis gasped for air , the last giggles escaping his lips .

He let go of Louis' wrists and took the shirt he brought for him to wear , Louis kicked at his thigh , "You're fookin mental , I almost died ."

"Death of tickles ? Never heard of it before ." Harry laughed as he unfolded the shirt and fit Louis' head through the top hole . Louis slid his arms through the sleeves , "There's a first to everything ."

Harry laid on his side and lifted his arm up , "I'll make it up to you with kisses and cuddles ."

Louis pouted , "These better be real kisses and not tickle-kisses , or I'll actually kick you out of bed ." He said as he scooted closer , making Harry laugh , "Real kisses , I promise you ." He wrapped his arms around him and pressed their lips together . "You're so fucking adorable , I can't resist you ."

"Lucky me ." Louis smiled sweetly and leaned in to kiss Harry again .


Hope you liked it x


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